Monday, 15 June 2020 15:55

My ABS be a burning!

As a certain Mr. Wong from wayyyy back in the day used to often say (exclaim) –


Yes, that’s rightl He said it without the “U” – don’t ask me why, hehe.

Maybe that’s how they say the fabled four letter word in a different language, but it ain’t Chinese for sure, and neither is it any of the dialects spoken in the mainland

And as I break into the sort of “breathless” giggles – laughs – the sort you have when you’re really gasping for breath and when a six (soon to be 7) year old beats the heck out of you in kiddie movements (as she should, hehe), it reminded me of Mr. Wong’s words.

It also reminded me of how back in the day, when I was lifting weights, he used to grip my forearms and and comment on their size and strength.

And that, of course was pre-Gorilla Grip days.

Yes, that “infamous” incident when I fell out of a bus and a tennis player about 6’1” almost crushed my hand later, and acted like he didn’t mean to (sure he did, hehe) STUCK in my craw - - and ever since, I’ve worked my grip (and legs) with a passion second to NONE.

But this ain’t about grip is it.

It’s about ABS.

And my abs are SCREAMING right now with the kiddie version of a jump my daughter beat me at.

Admittedly, she cheated again, hehe, but she did better than yesterday! ?

And that’s what counts. Small, incremental improvements are how you do it, my friend – and how it’s done in terms of fitness. Biting off more than you chew rarely, if ever leads to frustrations ville and NO results.

What exactly is this sort of jump you ask?

Well, I revel all in Kiddie Fitness, so I won’t get into it here. After all, that’s what the book is for no?

But yeah, I WILL tell you one damn thing.

I didn’t just graduate to climbing that hill of mine, for instance, in 1 day. Or one week. Or even a month.


I worked up to it.

First, it was once every morning and evening thrice a week (with the morning being daily).

Then I hammered out two in the morning, and then three, and kept the one in the night . . .until it became two at night over the space of three weeks.

And beyond a certain point, I just started to FLY up the hill, and now, it barely seems like anything . .  .

And that’s how it should be for you too, my friend.

Start small. Build the momentum, keep it going. And build from THERE!

As an aside, it was interesting to see all the folks out there putting on masks as soon as they saw us approach.

. . . and through out workout outdoors (part of it, at least), they smiled on, and actually tried to join in.

All kudos, hehe.

And so much for this dumb ass, blasted COVID scare all over the globe.

Ah well. That’s that for now – I’ll be back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Be sure and grab the 0 Excuses Fitness System (if you’re truly serious about fitness, and losing that muffin top that sticks out a mile in tight clothing, hehe) right here -