Thursday, 26 November 2020 15:10

Feeling on top of the world when CHAINED to the keyboard!

We had a bit of an issue with one of the sites last night that was a “blink and you'll miss it” thang of sorts.

And you probably missed it. Heck, I almost did myself!

But anyway, and either way, I've been chained to the keyboard pretty much since this past Monday.

And given the rest of the world (or in th eUS, anyway) is on Thanksgiving break, it seems apt that yours truly “contradictory as usual” chose THIS time to go full bore for another writing spree.

I thought (and on that note, Happy Thanksgiving to all of you no matter where y'all BE!) that Jump Rope Mania! Would be the end of it for now.

But it wasn't.

Another NEW course on another site followed.

Followed by a compilation.

And then late last night (or early this morning) I started the book on isometrics, and Ive been chained to the keyboard ever since, not to mention I've also NOT slacked back one damn bit on any of my other writing.

Which includes these daily (I promise daily, but it is usually three times a day!) emails.

Not just for this site, but another one too.

Coaching plans etc and “staying on top” of other business (sales, accounting, the whole shebang).

And of course, new books which I've not done for a while, but I am now.

And the good news is, the book on ISOMETRICS is waiting to be released.

Pictures need to be taken, but thats it!

 (and I need to tinker around with a few "new" workouts I want to put in there!) 

And right now, we are accepting pre-orders for the book – and of course, those of you that email meabout it before release – I'll make sure yall get a discount coupon in your Inboxes for the book!

Actually, for the site I should say. I haven't had a formal Thanksgiving sale in forever, but I've had two “sales” of different natures this week including this one, so ... that shoudl suffice!

By the way unlike last time, I DO have the book backup . I'm being over scruplous now with backups of any nature, hehe.

And just so you know that when my regular customers ASK, I listen – plyometrics WILL be the next one out too! ;-)

I should have titled that as the subject of this email.

But anyway, feeling great you ask?

When most would be feeling stiff and cranky and sore?

Well, I'm a bit sore – but thats it.

I did a few minutes (nay, seconds, I believe) of the very workouts I'm going to put in the book on isometrics – workouts that aren't really workouts, yet they are.

That don't feel like you're working out. 

Yet, you are.

And you're doing IMMEASURABLE BENEFIT to your body from the inside out!

Not to mention feel like a bazillion bucks overall!

Anyway, I'm back to it after some tea, but for now, the sales page is up right here – Isometric and Flexibility Training.

Take a gander, and shoot me an email in case you are intereste din pre-ordering, and we'll go from there.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – As always, it's an ebook – yours to download upon reciept of payment. Instantly!

PS # 2- And as always, if you want paperbacks, email me and we'll see what we can finangle ..