Thursday, 24 December 2020 09:06

Why I walked out of the class in a “huff and puff”, hehe.

Puff and buff.

Huff, puff, and blow the house of cards down but nothing else.

I’ve seen a LOT of that throughout my life!

And I continue to see it via inane messages and Bozo like rants I get in my Inbox. I’ll get into that later, but for now, flash back from the past, and one I’ve written about before.

Back in college, I took a “physical education 101 and 102” class amongst other things.

101 was great. I loved it!

And it was EASY too.

I remember having a paper or something to turn in at the end of the semester, and the instructor’s only requirements were – workout – and tell me about it!

And to be honest.

Being I was at 60 pushups at one go there ... I wrote abotu that.

I asked Rueben, a friend of mine. 

“What if he doesnt believe me”.

His response was apt.

Said with a shrug.

“Just get down right there on the floor and show him!”

And he was right. But the instructor was a smart, smart dude and a BULL of a man who likely did a lot of bodyweight himself too.

I passed I believe. With a B or something.


Had a pretty young instructor teaching the class. 

Yours truly remembers telling “Vince”, an Italian friend of mine (I love Italy, btw!!) the following.

“She alone makes it worth it”.

But she didnt.

Her version of teaching was to get everyone in the gym.


And while I did manage to get my ass seated on one of the inane machines, I just couldn’t figure out how to use it, and even back then, when I used it, I remember saying OUT LOUD – (and I didnt mean to offend – it just happened) – what the hell are these useless things??

I mean, even back then, when I didnt have much knowledge of fitness, they just seemed like the most BOZO like contraptions ever.

Something that Bozo Scofield would use, for instance, especially the seated chest press.

Ridiculous, especially considering the last version of the class 101 and the beefy police officer like STEELY STARED MAN - REAL MAN that did the class.

(nothing against ladies, this email ,by the way. But she was a bimbo!)

And she made the following comment to me and I was irritated as hell at that point.

Came over to me, rubbed my shoulders of all things.


I’m not Jassy! Hehe (although Jassy and I wouldn’t meet until YEARS later).

And then she said it.

Comment for the ages.

Said with a tinker and giggle.

“We’ll get you puffed and buffed right away”.

(something about “pumped” as well)


No wonder I still rant about the puff and buff routines and the bozos, weight tom tommers, and puff duffs that sit on their asses and pretend to be bad asses type of thing ...

If you’re really a bad ass – do this in the gym, my friend.

Get down ont he floor – and get into a handstand – and then pump out 10 perfect HANDSTAND pushups.

Or, 10 perfect pull-ups at ONE shot.

Or something like that.

THAT is BAD ASS, and the puff duff’s know it!

And thats why they dont do it, hehe.

Anyway, to end that story Vince ran after me.

We were in the truck together, figuring out if we should grab a beer to calm yours truly down. I had an exam later, but being I often showed up for Calculus exams half drunk it wouldn’t matter.

And it was Friday.

“you can’t be better than everyone else in the gym, Rahul!”

Hmmm ....

Thats what Vince THOUGHT I was upset about. You see, he loved the gym! And probably the lady teaching the class too, heh.

But that wasn’t what it was about.

I wasn’t trying to outdo anyone. I was simply saying it was BS.

And it was.

As for outdoing others, here is what Charless Mitchell, a customer (he owns both Shoulders like Boulders! - and Battletank Shoulders! - - smart dude!) had to say about my wife calling me “Mr Handstand Pushup”.

“Thats a name to be proud of! Less than 0.01% of the population can even do a handstand pushup!”

This is NOT verbatim, of course. As always , from memory, but being I have that of an elephant, I believe it’s accurate enough, hehe.

And he’s right, my friend. He’s right.

Better? Or not?

You be the judge!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – YOU TOO – can get to super stud level at these exercises, my friend. Even if you’re a DUD right now that can barely hold on to a chinning bar (believe me, most so called men these days CANNOT) ... you CAN get to stud level – and then SUPER STUD. Just DO the thing, and you will.

Here are the two courses you need to be looking at (in that ORDER, by the way!) -

Pull-ups – from DUD to STUD within a matter of weeks!

Pull-ups – from STUD to SUPER STUD within a matter of WEEKS! Hidden secrets that have NOT been revealed until now!

And they haven’t bro, they haven’t.

Or, if you’re really smart, you might check out the compilation. Your eyes might pop upon looking at the price...