Sunday, 01 August 2021 06:54

"Your fitness advise is useless! It doesn't help anyone! You just blather about stuff and then say do handstand pushups!"


That wasn't the exact comment Chuck made all those months ago. He literally threw a HISSY at my post on pull-ups - it struck home, because I basically said phat phocks couldn't do 'em, period, and to do 'em you have to lose weight around the midsection. 

That was a hard, hard hitting post. 


Anyway, ;let's see if I can find Chuck's (probably alcohol fueled) rant against a post NOT aimed at him - at all - he wasn't even on my mind when I wrote it. 

Here it is

And this, friend is the original post which dear Chuck ranted against - Deadlifts and grip training and my thoughts on each, and both . . . (

Of course, he later batted that away by saying "but I just said that onwechat". 


Much like the Bozo is whining about "But I just trolled you on wechat with racist memes Chuck made". .  . 


I swear, the sense of entitlement lunatics like the Bozo have - and typical Tom tom's like him. And of course, liberals like Charles. 

Of course, he claims up and down "I'm not liberal or conversative! I'm sensible!" 

Yeah. Right. The paradigm of goose and gander, eh. 

Lets see, Charles, did I even mention YOU in the post? 

No I didnt. 

Lets see, Bozo Glyn. Did I EVER say one bad word about you - troll you - refer to your race - and then you respond with what, trolling and attacking me back x 10? 

Trying to destroy me? 

You thought I wouldn't reply, eh. For a long time I decided not to. 


When it biteth though, boy, it BITES. And it doesnt sting like a scorpion. It kills. 


STREET FIGHTER, as a big dude Aaron once called me!

Go for the jugular so people watching will KNOW not to mess with you said Donald Trump. So true!

My friend Rueben once said the following. 

I dont fight fair. I fight dirty - and I WIN!

He probably would, hehe. 

But like Trump, he's really the nicest guy ever. 

Just dont make the mistake of pissing him off. 

"Them damn women....." 

I'll never forget him in traffic, his trusty 9mm by his side (not Glyn's 9mm wang, lol) ... 

It used to be hilarious!

Some chick would cut in front of me, or slam on the brakes or something, and he "done got the red ass". 

I'll kill that motha............ he'd thunder, face all red!

Great guy!

And he'd have his gun by his side for added emphasis. 

Funny part, he knew, and I knew, he'd never use it. 

But it was good to have anyway ... Good ole Rueben! We love you!

But anyway, 

This ain't about my black Mamba for one, Bozo Schofield, so you can click away. 

It's about ... I mean, what do these loonies think? 

That they can make all the comments they like, including claiming "what I teach is gay" (sometimes, and then pad it away by saying "they were just kidding") - and I can't respond at all? 

I mean, here's my response. 

Is being a dancing monkey in China - a dancin gBozo, rather, any LESS gay or faggoty

I dont think so, brah. 

Tell them that though, they're up in arms. 

But apparently THEY can tell ME anythign they like, and I'm supposed to meekly take it!

Makes me wonder, did Charles really create those racist memes? Who knows!

I stil say no. 

But sometimes, I wonder... 

 Anyway, we all know whose advice works, and whose doesn't. 

Charles Mitchell said it best HERE

John Walker has been saying it forever My buddy from the Marines has. Panourgias has. Damn near anyone with half a brain, as Charles said, has... 

But anyway, why do I mention this. 

I dont know, I just got this email about ... 

The Blitzkreig of emaisl you're sending!

This was NOT meant in a bad way. 

Tomas is a 0 Excuses Fitness and Shoulders like Boulders! customer. 

He's considering Battletank Shoudlers as the next step. Smart dude! 

He had questions, I covered those, so what he said in terms of blitzkrieg was basically ... just that one line. The email was about something else. 

But it made me think. 

The left, and loonies in general complain, but do we ever see them complain about the blitzkrieg of BAD NEWS - idiotic crap that don't help you NONE that is Tom Tommed globally daily? 

For instance, this idiotic China virus. 

Or, the damn panixines. 

Or, the economy (ever notice how even when it's up, no-one says it is?)? 

Folks love to be the bearer of doom and gloom and the harbinger of BAD NEWS, ever see anyone say things are GOOD? 

Trust me, we attract what and how we think. 

You cannot escape thi struism, friend. 


Look at the world NOW. 

But anyway, I just noticed Governor De Santis in Florida made a great decision on making masks OPTIONAL in schools.

I cannot applaud this man enough. 


They're useless beyond a point, and it's personal choice. 

Kids can't make that choice. 



Governor Santis - great job!

Of course, Twitter came alight with the left attacking him of being a murderer, and worse. 

OF course, when asked about China - the country that SPREAD this (ccp) - no answers. 



I give up. 

Goose and gander is truly an alien concept these days... 

Anyway, my advice Works, friend. 

Take it or leave it, but you cannot dispute the results... 

And it will work for you too - if you let it! 

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS - Grab the 0 Excuses Fitness System NOW. 

PPS - Charles (the former friend) isn't exactly all for freedom of speech, of course, as y'all know, and can see HERE ... 

Glad to know the other Charles -a great customer - came out strongly against that too!!!!! KUDOS!!!!!