Wednesday, 15 July 2020 13:39

On postponing the inevitable, and more . . .

While doing my pushups today it struck me that what is currently going on in the world on many fronts - - including the mess that India has currently got itself into (more on that later) with the Chinese, the overrallying cry seems to be “lets do it later”.

Let’s postpone the inevitable, though we all know it’s coming . . .

What do I mean?

Well, this Chinese virus for one.

We all know that the Chinese developed this, spread this and actively worked to not just contain info about it in the initial stages, but also make sure that the virus spread to ALL parts of the world by NOT imposing lockdown style restrictions etc on travel when it first began (when they first engineered it to begin).

And other than Donald Trump, Mike Pompeo and a few others in the current U.S. admin (though that number has increased a lot at the time of writing this) NO-ONE stated the blinding obvious (I should say “yours truly” too here, but hey, I’ll let it slide!).

I still remember the widespread panic that is now being replaced (slowly but surely) by a “resignation to the inevitable”.

Which wouldn’t be so bad if wasn’t accompanied by FEAR.

Hey, let me be very clear and state something I’ve been very clearly and stridently advocating and STATING ever since the madness started.

One, this silly virus only affects people with LOW immunity, and indeed, studies have shown its not just those people, but people with pre-existing serious medical conditions that have been mostly affected.

And out of those people, 1 in 10 people die, and the rest . . . RECOVER.

Am I saying that 1 person isn’t important?


I recently saw that a man who I have known ever since I was a teenager and a man that has always wished the best for me pass away due to the virus. I’ve seen people I know affected by it. Believe me, I’m not making light of the deaths.

But where do we stop my friend?

Panic, and FEAR are indeed the biggest killers, and I’ve written about the mind control that inevitably follows, and . . . . well, you get my drift.

And these silly lockdowns.

You can stop the tide of water behind a dam my friend. The Chinese managed to do it on their mighty Yellow River for ages with the Three Gorges Dam.

And even that dam is showing cracks now.

And when that dam is released, guess what.

The water don’t just go away.

Same thing with the virus. It will and is attacking with all that pent up ferocity now, and combined with the panic that is still spreading willy nilly, it’s doing FAR more to dent recovery of any sort than the actual illness it causes.

And no-one seems to “get it”, least of all States that seem to want shut everything down again, not thinking of livelihoods lost, jobs that may never come back, and so forth.

And in all this, of course. The India-China conflict, and the Chinese bullying.

And most gallingly, India, a nation that CAN AND SHOULD stand up to India not doing so.

PM Modi is hardly to be seen these days, except in poses of him doing yoga, and one “designer photo session” (so it seemed to me!) of him talking to the troops in the mountains and proclaiming that the “world has seen what India can do” and that “the era of expansionism is over”.

Hmmm . . .

All the while, Army senior, or those that USED To be in the Army are publicly calling the government out and rightfully so, because despite all the hoo haa about talks etc going on, the Indian government has quietly accepted the Chinese “claims” and literally given away the biggest slice of territory to China since it gave Aksai Chin away in the 60’s.

Something that could have been avoided easily then. The Indian Air Force, for one stood ready to blast the enemy positions away, but the pacifist government of the time didn’t allow them to fire a single shot!

And we all know what happened thereafter.

The government now is seen as anything but pacifist, but what is happening now is the same.

The Chinese have intruded upon Indian territory, refuse to leave, and have created a buffer zone on INDIAN territory, a fact the Indian mainstream media (mostly all bought or threatened by the Modi government) does NOT want you to hear.

And a fact that many in the Indian Army are DESPERATELY trying to get people to hear.

It’s not for nothing that senior retired Army officers of the rank of Colonel and above have come out and said they’re ASHAMED to be associated with a military as hamstrung as this, ESPECIALLY when the FACT is that India could easily defeat China in a dog fight!

The Indian Air Force is far superior in terms of technology and training, and so is the Navy. Combined, these two (think the Straits of Malacca in addition to the hills) would be more than plenty to stamp the dragon’s economic “might” (so called might) out (and indeed, THAT is why the U.S. has sent them three big and bad boys into the Taiwan Straits right now, so as to ensure the Chinese don’t gain control of it!) out once and for all.

The Army itself is battle hardened, and China’s mini skirt wearing “warriors” aren’t. As for the mini skirt part, just look at their National Day Parade back in October . . .

The most astounding fact is this.

The Chinese are well known for their salami slicing tactics.

They intrude, make some vague claims, refuse to fully retreat, and on the front of it all, they “hold talks”. Talks that last forever and go round and round in circles, and accomplish nothing (a very Chinese way indeed of negotiation) while they themselves quietly prepare for round #2 (and indeed, they have been preparing for this since April this year!).

The Indian think tank knew of it, and did nothing.

And they’re doing nothing NOW.

And lest you think it’ll end here, think again.

There is a very strong parallel, and I’ve said this before between what Nazi Germany did in the months leading up to the Second World War.

They walked into countries that weren’t theirs and took ‘em over, while world powers at the time just “watched”.

They built themselves up using the resources from those countries, and to those in India asking “why is this happening’ - - well - - that’s your answer my friend.

Believe me, the Chinese done ran out of the most important resources there are - - LAND - - and WATER a long time ago, so much so that they’re actually trying to construct “water highways” from certain water rich parts of their country to other more parched areas like the North.

And when I say their country, more than 60% of it isn’t even theirs.

Wasn’t that long ago that Tibet for one was independent and a PEACEFUL buffer state between the two giants, and ditto for Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia and the rest (oh, and Hong Kong too in most senses, but not anymore).

And much like the virus lockdowns, delaying the war with China and deluding oneself into thinking that “it’ll stop at tiny land grabs” is postponing the inevitable which is war.

And taking back what they stole . . . from EVERYONE. Not just India.

Much like Nazi Germany didn’t stop at taking over ONE country, China ain’t gonnna be satisfied with one either.

Don’t believe me?

Have you seen what is going on in Nepal, where they walked in and took a border village as theirs?

Have you seen the Bhutan mess (yet again)?

Truly imperialistic nations are NOT satisfied with pithy land grabs.

Those are done to further their overall aims of “world domination” by any means necessary. Could be imperial Britain we’re referring to or Gengis Khan if we go back further, but the point stands.

Mike Pompeo stated that the Indians “did all they could” to counter Chinese aggression.

I laud the man for saying it like it is and highly admire him, but I have to disagree.

The Indian ARMY would have to disagree too, and they are.

A LOT MORE could and should have been done. I mean, this is a country which doesn’t hesitate to order air strikes and “secret incursions” in retaliation for terror attacks on Indian soil (and don’t get me wrong; they shouldn’t!!) and yet when it comes to china doing the same thing on a much grander scale, what do you hear?

(And yes, I know. Pompeo DID say he expected India to do MORE on the open seas. Double kudos Mike!!)

Crickets, and mumbles of “they’re too strong”.

No they’re not.

And even if they were, look how they got there.

Anyone in India, including yours truly has had to LEAVE the country to truly accomplish anything of note.

The same cannot be said for China post 1980’s, where despite all the other BAD things they did, they DID at least create a “free market” of sorts in their own country where they allowed some sort of capitalism to run unfettered.

Why can’t India do the same? Why hasn’t it?

In the 80’s China was actually BEHIND India in many areas, and the economies were roughly the same size despite the Chinese land grabs and despite them having more resources, and despite their reported figures being far MORE then the reality.

Anyway . . . I don’t think I need to say any more, do I?? ?

Simply postponing the inevitable, my friend ain’t gonna work.

And as for those that ask “why do I care”, well, other than the blindingly obvious - - it is THIS.

I’d rather be speaking English going ahead, my friend.

Not Chinese.

Much like I’d rather NOT have wanted to speak German or Japanese if I was around when the World War took place, if you get my drift!

It sickens me though that there are Westerners out there that publicly decry their own nations while a) accepting MONEY from their own nation’s governments and b) utilizing the benefits that come from having said passports - - and all the time support the rogue Chinese in the hope that their little fantasy worlds teaching English (or whatever it is they’re doing there) won’t suddenly dissolve one day.

Don’t get me wrong.

If you’re there, and you’ve got a thriving business there (or other reasons to be there), by all means stay silent and don’t rock the boat if you don’t want to or otherwise don’t “need to”.

If it privately bothers you, but you don’t feel comfortable taking a stance publicly, hey. By all means don’t. To each his or her own!

But when certain sections of the people PUBLICLY decry their own nations (comments such as “The U.S. is …… and China is where it’s at! Are not just baseless, but sickening as well given these people are accepting benefits and money from the former, not the latter!) and publicly do all they can to appease the rogues, THAT is when I start calling ‘em out for who they are, which is hypocrites with a capital H.

Let me be very clear, my friends.

The threat ain’t going away, and India as the next biggest power in Asia needs to do a LOT MORE to counter China and its expansionism.

Good news is if they do, it ain’t gonna take much. Much like when you pop a bully and he runs for the hills, never to return. The Chinese are the exact same my friend.

And as for those that bring out the (and there is a fair bit of that happening in India as of today) “you’re not an Indian supporter” if you don’t toe the official B.S. lines . . . well, I’m sorry, but that ain’t how things work.

That’s how Communist China works, sure. Not a democracy, and not a vibrant, albeit highly chaotic one at that . . .

And let me ask you this.

Is wanting one’s own land back being “unpatriotic”?

Is wanting not to be bullied “unpatriotic”?

Would you rather believe the Army officers who have been there and done that, so to speak, in terms of actually trying to DO SOMETHING, or the politicians safe and isolated from it all? (or the Chinese, who don’t even publicly acknowledge their dead soldiers, and don’t allow their family to cremate them in a traditional manner, etc for fear of having to “acknowledge the uncomfortable truth” publicly?).

I didn’t think so, and I rest my case. (but I had to say it).

But postponing the inevitable, again, won’t make the problem go away.

It will just INCREASE it if anything.

And fitness is the same damn way.

People in general are getting unhealthier and FATTER by the day.

More miserable.

More frustrated at the lack of direction and apparent control over their lives (and of course, when someone says this for the fact it is, it’s far more convenient to “shoot the messenger” than do anything CONSTRUCTIVE about the real Problem which ain’t the messenger himself or herself).

And when you ask these people what they’re doing about it?

Nothing. Zilch. Zip. Nada. Zero.

“Waiting to see what happens”.

“I’ll get on the exercise tomorrow. Or perhaps day after. Or perhaps next month.

(or perhaps never) . . .

“I’m tired today”

“I deserve a break today!” (no you don’t!)

“I fought with my wife today! I’m mentally exhausted”( ok, I get it, but still . . . )

And so forth.

And all the while, as they postpone their own personal inevitable, the looming reality of the situation looms, not to mention the shirt buttons that start a-poppin and belt buckles that get loosened “on their own” if you catch my drift! ?

Postponing the inevitable never helps, my friend.

Might as well get on it now – and get it over with, or at least get started!

And that’s the most salient and indeed way too long lesson I can give you today. Im pretty sure it will cause some of the lookie lous to unsubscribe from the list, which is fine. As I wrote in another communique, which I have not sent out as yet; if you’re on the list merely for freebies, then you might as well not be there.

Youre merely postponing the . . .

. . . ah, but wait.

We went there, didn’t we?


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Stop postponing the inevitable, my friend. You KNOW you need the best damn fitness system out there. You KNOW it’s imperative you get that belly under control, and do at least a 100 pushups daily! You KNOW it’s important to be able to do at least ONE PROPER and slow pull-up if not more.

And so forth. . .

Get on the train NOW, my friend. Start right HERE!

P.S #2 – Point of a war, you ask? Well, simple. Take back Indian territory. Take back Tibet, or should I say LIBERATE the damn place. And you’ll see how quickly the Commies fall apart in other areas once that first step (and a most important one given Tibet’s natural resources!) is taken!

P.P.S. – For those that think I’m “B.S’ing”, please do your RESEARCH first and then get back to me on this. There’s no point making idiotic statements such as “China is the next superpower” with nothing to back it up. No it ain’t, and was never in a position to be so either! IF anything, it is India that has most of the characteristics you’d associated with a TRUE superpower “in the making”! Point being, of course, that India needs to (finally, at long last) get rid of the “in the making” tag and replace it with “made” . . . in India, preferably. Hehe.