Saturday, 21 November 2020 11:35

“Stretch thy calves, stretch thy hamstrings!”

As I finished up the latter part of that workout in my park, I stretched out.

In many ways.

Stretched myentire BACK. Hamstrings.

And of course my calves, and a s I did that patented calf/hamstring stretch so many people have asked me about, I just had to “oooh and aah” a little as the tension left my body, and the BLISS soared.


A man sitting next to the pull-up stand looked at me curiously as if WTF is he doing.

And truth be told, to most people, what I do are sort of different exercises to say the least. At least a lot of the nutzos that show up in the park on weekends with nothing to do but ogle the babes and make silly comments (behind their backs) about those working out ...

Case in point being the missionary joker who once told me to work my mind and not my body.

While Iwas doing pull-ups.

And who, of course, made off like a rocket as soon as my back was turned, and as I finished my set of 8 pull-ups, there he was, gone with the wind.

Must be something to the “twist of my back”, hehe, which told him I was serious, and he'd probably get a sockful of something on the ole geezer if he kept up his BS.

But anyway ...

Most people store a LOT of tension in the traps and shoulders my friend.

And thats commonly known, but did you know the HAMSTRINGS and CALVES are another area where major stress is stored, almost about as much as in the traps, and in many cases more?

And this is not good my friend.

Excess stress in all areas of your body blocks the flow, but most notably these three areas, and amongst them the hamstrings and calves.

Loosen thy hamstrings right (hint – most people do it WRONG) and you will not only experience a sense of bliss that you ain't in ages, but ALL excess tension will flow out of your body.

You'll be loose and limber, and yet strong.

A cornerstone result you'll get from the 0 Excuses Fitnes ssystem.

You'll be less cranky. Less stressed. Less prone to worrying about rot you can't control.

Less prone to get into fights. Meaningless ones.

MORE prone to getting work done, and real work. MORE prone to getting a LOT of goals acocmplished. And so forth.

And even if all that wasn't enough for you, physically my friend, loosening these areas of your body will improve performance in EVERY other exercise you do.

This afternoon, my pull-up numbers improved when I loosened my calves, for one.

May sound hard to believe eh.

But it' true.

Pull-ups, like many other exercises are done by people in the WRONG manner, with too much STRESS without knowing it.

One of the key reasons, for one, a lot of people can't get into a handstand against the wall is excess “stress” - either mental or physical.

Get rid of that and the kick up either way becomes ... EASY, my friend.

Easy Peasy! 

The Chinese (those that get it) know this. In fact, I learned that patented stretch from the old man in China, but he isn't the only one that does it by far.

The lady I've written about at the top of the hill does it. Many more people do it.

And as for the final question i.e. Why I didn't put out a course on stretching alone?

Well ... I might.

But it would be an amalgamation of what I have already taught with a few twists, and truth be told, if you're on my fitness programs, you're likely already DOING IT.

But other hand, always things to learn. New things!

And for now, I cover those in my coaching sessions – for those interested, apply here.

For all the rest, take a gander at our other products right here. And then take action, and pick up a few!

You'll forever be glad you did!


Rahul Mookerjee