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Monday, 27 July 2020 16:00

Mangoes to “build the legs”, the “wall chair”, and the much coveted X taper

I’ve written about this before!

Well, the X taper and V shape, at any rate. Hehe.

And while I haven’t spoken about the wall chair in a while, Ill do so NOW. An excellent, excellent exercise indeed and one I’ll include in the book on isometrics once I get it out.

Speaking of which, I had about 23 exercises penciled in on that one already.

Unfortunately, I don’t appear to have it backed up, and given the recent Windows crash . . . well, let me just say it’s history.

I wrote about Shantaram in the last email.

And his book was actually written (mostly) while he was in a jail in Germany (after his Indian escapades). And the jailers tore that mammoth manuscript up for some vague reason not once, but twice, and I think AFTER he was halfway into the book both times!

Quite different from a certain Adolf hitler who got the royal treatment at a Bavarian prison, complete with beer and sundry while he penning “Mein Kampf”.

Makes you think does it? (and also the fact that Germany is the one European nation that won’t come out and say anything against the modern day Chinazis) . . .

Anyway, he wrote it – again.

For the third time.

And as far as the book on isometrics goes, I’m gonna have to dig deep down inside and do the same thing myself! ?

Anyway, the wall chair.

Was getting the daughter to do it this afternoon, and amidst all the other sage advice this lovely almost-7 year old fitness guru gives me, there was this.

“Dad! Do you know something?”

(said as my legs were quivering!).

“Eat more mangoes! It’ll build your legs!”

Hmm! Hadn’t quite heard that one, but my daughter’s just too adorable at times!

Anyway, the wall chair is an excellent exercise my friend and a highly underrated one at that.

I mention it in Fast and Furious Fitness, but for some reason, did NOT put it in 0 Excuses Fitness. The latter book doesn’t have rope jumping either. And the former doesn’t have the plethora of pushups and pull-ups the latter does . . .

Get both, would be my advice! Hehe.

Anyway, as I leaned against the wall for support, an outline formed.

My back, waist and hips.

I was sweating up a storm, so the “why” is easy to understanding given a white background (the cemented wall).

And when the outline “came about”, it looked like the below.

A broad upper back, with plenty of “meat” towards the center and traps area.

Progressively tapering down to a narrow waist, barely even visible, and then expanding out again somewhat into hips.

And I just had to notice that my friend. I’ve written about it many a times, but I had to notice it and bring it up here again.

And while this one exercise alone won’t get you the shape I refer to here, the exercises laid out in the 0 Excuses Fitness System certainly will my friend.

Oh yes, they will, and a quick look though the other blog (for proof on what I said) will be more than plenty, hehe.

OK, that’s it for now.

HERE is where you can grab the System –


Rahul Mookerjee

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