Tuesday, 20 July 2021 10:55

Puff, buff, tom tom BLUFF ...

I think I mentioned recently the See Xi Pee threatened to nuke Japan - "remorselessly and without stopping i.e. non stop" till they capitulated, if they even put "one soldier on the ground to defend the great nation of Taiwan" 

Which needs the worlds help, to be honest, and the world is starting to stand up - big time. 

Australia, Japan, India ... and of course, the US of A. 

And of course, the See XI Pee keeps following the Trump dictum of attack no matter what. 

Maybe that works - and indeed it does, if you're in the right. 

But when you're squarely in the wrong, each bluff in that direction - and it's bluff and bluster, nothing else, achieves the opposite impact of what is desired (by Xitler and cronies). 

Por ejemelo, if I tom tom the 0 Excuses Fitness System as the best, most results producing, and most revolutionary ever in many regards and I do it, to be honest, I'd be right. 

But if I wasnt and kept doing it, I'd look like a fool, and accomplish that "goal" - or, I'd look like I was bluffing. 

Ditto for my no refunds policy etc. 

No refunds no matter what bro. Simple fact of life. 

Very clearly stated on the refunds page as well. 

But either way ... the latest is this - 

PLA buff channel calls for breaking Japan into 4 countries if it tries to defend Taiwan

source - PLA buff channel calls for breaking Japan into 4 countries if it tries to defend Taiwan | Taiwan News | 2021-07-19 18:26:00

"buff channel". 

Duff channel? 


Puffers and buffers? 

Reminds me of buffoon Central to be honest. 

And part of the denizens there are the puff n buff morons. 

I mean, really. 

Does China really think with its army nowhere near the US - with a restive population sick of the CCP - with an artificially propped economy ready to tank anytime, and all this just off the top of my head - could actually do what its saying? 

True, it could nuke a neighbor if it really wnated to. 

But what about the neighbors with nukes ? 

Of course, talking logic to a bunch of lunatics helll bent on world domination no matter what and with their heads so firmly up their asses they can't see any light except for when they "bend over" ... 


But thats the CCP for you a bunch of retards and thugs mostly to be honest. 

Sending posses of police in to take 65 year old professor (a single man at that) captive. 

And of course, stomping down feminism. 

Bravo, CCP, Bravo. 

Even Xi would't have foretold the limits he's indeed slipped to. 

Anyway ... enough said on that one. 

But here's the thing. 

Puffing and buffing workout wise - the most useless thing ever. 

REAL fitness, strength, and health from the inside out is wehre it's at. 

And in case you're even in the least bit interested in the above, then go HERE - and grab the System now. 

And no, I wont be crawling after you on my elbows through broken glass either to get it. You either do, or you dont, and both are fine by me. 

But ifyou do, you know which side you're on! 

Alright, I'm out. 

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee