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Thursday, 03 June 2021 06:51

The blue FAT gripz report!

I just got it, and I have THIS to say.

Wow. JUst wow!

Whichever company made this is good!

And while I've got other interesting stuff on the way, this is about the fatgripz. I'll include a picture on Twitter!

But anyway what makes these grips different?

First, they're heavy duty grip stuff!

The last ones I had, as you can tell were barely an inch or so thick I think - plus the chinning bar. Which for a bonafide Gorilla like me wasn't enough by far, therefore the mess I made of 'em!

In Gorilla Grip, I teach you (and int he book on pull-ups, and many others) that the KEY - one of the very man keys (man? it came out right! LOL) keys (should be MAIN) to developing grip strength beyond your wildest imaginations is to train on thick bars.

Even if you're just lifting weights or pumping at the Jim, you'll get far, fat better results with THICK bar training!

Every weightlifter - real weightlifter, and strength trainees down the ages - and the old time strongmen - worth his salt - KNOWS THIS!

Thick bar training is where it's AT, bro!

And while I do my thick bar chinning on swing sets etc outside, this one felt different.

First, it's got give - and it doesn't.

Second, you can grip as hard as you like (another key) - or lesser - and it's different from doing it on a static thick metal pipe with no give.

The latter is great too isometrically, and it's an isometric training secret I mention in the pathbreaking book on it.

But these fat grips I've got are at least FOUR inches thick when done right - plus the bar. Well, I'd say three maybe, plus the bar ...

Whatever it is, I could barely hold on this morning!

And I feel great -And I'm going to be doing some heavy duty workouts with them this afternoon!

In fact, I'm gonna go do Hindu squats NOW - after I tear myself away from my recent Twitter mania on another account.

Another business, where it's really booming!

Anyway, thats the report on those.

I'll be back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS - Guys from Greece, listen up - I've got a cool little introduction planned for you if all works out - watch this space for MORE!

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