Thursday, 19 December 2013 15:16

Getting better at pull-ups - from DUD to STUD within a matter of weeks!

As you probably already know, pull-ups (done correctly) are one of the toughest exercises you can do, bar none.

Most adults can barely hang onto the bar for more than s few seconds before "dropping like a stone" - and the reasons are varied. Being overweight is the primary cause for most folks, while lack of strength in the upper body (namely the back, shoulders and grip) is the over-riding factor for other people.

Yet others simply shy away from this exercise, automatically deeming it to be "too tough" and "something I could never do for reps".

Sound familiar?

I bet it does - and those of you that have sent me emails over the last month or so on pull-ups KNOW it does.

And so, I've put together a course that will get even the rank beginner amongst you to start repping out pull-ups like a pro - within a matter of weeks.

That's right - you CAN go from "zero to hero" within the space of a few weeks.

Will it take effort? Sure - but no pain, no gain, amigo - it's as simple as that.

Nothing in life worth having is free, and the bare minimum I can ask you for is EFFORT, plus a paltry $15.99 which is what the course retails for. And when you factor in the bucks saved on gym memberships, fancy machines and the like, this amount doesn't seem like a lot at all, does it?

This course is being offered as a PDF as of now, so you should expect to have your copy in your Inbox within 24 hours of making payment.

I'd go into further detail in this note, but I believe the best thing to do at this point is to direct you to the sales page right HERE: - ; so you can take ACTION on this pronto.

Get cracking on this NOW - I look forward to hearing about your success!

Best regards,

P.S: - That link again is

P.S #2: - In addition to Facebook, we're also on Google+ HERE: - - stop by and check it out!

P.S #3: - My special "20 percent off" offer seems to have been received quite well until now - remember this only lasts till Jan 2014, so get in while the going is GOOD!