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Thursday, 23 July 2020 11:24

When those that SHOULD say it like it is don’t . . .

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Over the past few weeks, or months I should say, I’ve been paring down my contact list in all regards even more dramatically.

Used to be I could count on the fingers of hand people I’d regard as being close friends.

And now, it’s more like a couple of fingers . . .

I don’t know why, but people have not just stopped (or aren’t) saying it like it is anymore out of FEAR.

Fear of being lumped into XYZ category, or perhaps offending people, or perhaps being polarizing, or perhaps (most commonly) been “seen” differently than they’d “like to be”.

Truth be told, this has been going on for donkey’s years, of course, but whats different now you ask?

Well, the few people (or almost all of them at any rate) that DID say it like is apparently aren’t any more, and not even privately, which is sad.

I don’t think it takes a rocket scientist to figure out what I’m hinting at my friend.


The China-zi issue . . .

And no for those of you that think “it’ll hopefully go away” or “it won’t escalate”, I got two words for ya.

Not necessarily what you might think either! ?

It won’t.,

Let me repeat that.

It won’t just like the Nazis never “went away” until they were MADE to.

Then there are those with businesses in mainland China or connections of other nature (family, investments, homes etc).

And they aren’t saying it like it for fear of reprisal from you know who.

Well, first thing I got to say about that is that if you’re that scared of reprisal, and don’t get me wrong, it’s very real given what China does, that probably isn’t the right place for you long term (unless gulags and forced labor are your thing).

And second, more importantly, if you think business wise it will be “all good” and the Chinese won’t take it over, think again.

Think several times.

For starters, any sort of real business in China requires a Chinese partner.

And there haven tons of cases where that partner just flat out took over the company and there was nothing the other person (or people) could do about it.

And THESE days, it’s about the CCP just grabbing it once it gets big enough.

And parroting it as “their own”.

They’ll let you do the hard work. The hard yards.

And just as you get big enough, they’ll invoke some obscure law or something (much like their obscure and meaningless territorial claims) and just GRAB it.

Or kick you out. Period.

Look at what happened to Uber, for one. It didn’t leave on it’s own.

Carrefour . . .

Plenty of other businesses, and on a smaller scale, you may want to read Mark Kitto’s piece on “you’ll never be Chinese” (Google if you need to).

And while I can understand not coming out publicly about it, privately??

Those that privately say nothing about this sort of thing are no longer on my contacts list, I’ll tell you this much.

No, the problem ain’t going away my friend.

No, the problem can’t “wait until the fight is at your doorstep”. It already IS IN MANY ways, and while it’s being pushed back vigorously, it hasn’t gone away by any means.

And other than Prez Trump, Secretary Pompeo (both of whom I applaud whole heartedly for saying things as they are), I see precious few people saying it like it is.

This includes world leaders.

Angela Merkel for one . . . Surprising that Germany isn’t saying anything, or maybe not??

And of course, PM Modi’s curious absence and silence given the Chinese aren’t just not vacating what they took from India, but will probably move in FURTHER as time passes (not a lot of it at that).

Ignoring a problem never makes it go away.

It only EXCABERATES it my friend.

And a lot of people are starting to rant about the ideological side behind this.

And how it shouldn’t be that way.


I can understand everything not being taken from that standpoint, but certain things have to be.

Let’s take a look at the racism row in the U.S. right now.

At the core of it, racism is wrong aint it?

Showl is, I hear you say.

Then isn’t China-Nazism or Nazim or any similar ideology WRONG?

Communism is fine if you’re into it and don’t try and impose yourself on others, but clearly that ain’t what is happening with the CCP!

Anyway, that’s my take on it.

And yes, I WILL Continue to take a stance.

The more people that speak up the better, and if you think your voice don’t count, think again.

Every little bit helps, and no, it doesn’t benefit me financially in case you’re wondering or hurt me.

In fact, and funnily enough certain people have “threatened” to get off my list and “not buy” for my political posts as of late.

And that’s perfectly fine. The vast majority of those people were talkers, not doers.

There WERE a couple of doers, but if my political stance offends you that much, so be it.

I’d rather do the right thing and speak up my friend. As YOU SHOULD, because believe me, this affects everyone.

That holds true for fitness as well.

Your inaction right NOW (if that’s the case) will cost you dear down the line my friend in terms of fitness too.

“Putting it off until tomorrow”?

Tomorrow usually never comes, and those that do know that very well at the core! ?

And so forth for strength training, weight loss and all that.

I WILL continue to say it like is and I WILL Continue to take a stance; not just have an opinion. The time for “just an opinion” is long gone in my opinion.

And that’s that for now.

Stay tuned for another blast on BAREFOOT training and more on what I wrote about before my goddamned computer crashed. GOtta love Winblows!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Here is where you can pick up our straight shooting, NO PUNCHES pulled fitness products:

Rahul Mookerjee

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