Monday, 20 June 2022 09:13

Old man failure and more...

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An old, wise, and TRUE Napoleon Hill saying goes as such - 

Failure is a trickster with a keen sense of irony and cunning. It takes great delight in tripping one up when success is almost within reach.

It's so true!

In fact, the way I say "old man failure" in this post is also his writing speaking to you NOW. 

There are so many similariities between his life and mine - right down to the sexual transmutation, to the making of a business from scratch - to the "doing what I was truly meant to in one way or the other whether I consciously wanted to or not" to unsupportive family - to many, many other things including travel - and his physcial workouts i.e. walking 10 miles daily, usually UPHILL if he could, that I wonder if I'm Hill reincarnated. 

Given what people say about me and my ethnicity, despite "facts" seeming otherwise - I might well be!

But anyway - the above quote. 

So true. 

Ive seen so many times when people think they've got it made in biz - slack off - it all comes tumbling down to WORSE than what it was when they started. 

Lesson learnt? 

Sometimes, it's something people can't avoid. 

Sometimes, it's other things. 

I've had a combo of all the above, yes, including the first - happen to me not once - but multiple times. 

Remember, it's a privelege to be at the top. 

It can all be taken away, and some day, the wheel WILL Turn - in the meantime, what you can do? 

Is to keep working at it. 

Is to keep being prepared. 

Sometimes, failures are inevitable - indeed, if you're a real doer that succeeds on his own, you wont make it without 99 failures and that ONE big hit - period. 

Life, business, relationships, customers, all holds true. 

That ONE , that 10% as Sylvester Stallone likes to say about his life "90% being a mistake" - makes all the damn difference. 

And it does!

Not many get it - that is why not many truly succeed at the highest levels. 

Anyway - this isn't a life coaching class... 

But it applies to your fitness too. 

I cannot tell you the number of times I thought "I didnt need to do anything more" - or slack off - and all came tumbling down there too. 

You have to keep working at it - period. 

If someone like Bruce Lee could walk around all day with a dumbbell despite his elite status - what makes you think YOU can't - or shouldn't - do your own equivalent? 

Keep trying to break another barrier. 

Keep aiming higher. 

Keep pulling that chin up higher over the pull-up bar. 

Keep getting DEEPER stretches in on pushups, more squats ................. and the list goes on!

As Claude Bristol rightly said in the Magic of Believing

"Success is a fickle bird, the minute you rest on your laurels is the minute it takes wings and flies away". 

Amen, I should say. 

Lesson learnt for all readers, I hope. 

End of "sermon". 

Back soon (but that sermon BE true). 


Rahul Mookerjee