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Friday, 11 September 2020 09:59

The one thing I will NEVER EVER compromise on . . .

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Whatsupppp CHUCKKOOOOO .. .

. . . or at least, that was the first thing I wanted to say to Charles aka “Chuck”, the guy (not the loyal and down to earth customer Charles, but the other guy) I’ve written about a lot . . .

. . . he used to be a fairly honest and down to earth guy, but 2020 has changed a lot of people.

Truly the year of the survivor as it were, and truly the year where the CREAM rises to the top - - and Idon’t just mean fitness wise – I mean in all regards!

Anyway, what am I talking about, you might ask.

Well, a couple of posts earlier somewhere on these on my social media I posted a “politically” charged post on WeShat.

A form of social media I normally assiduously avoid due to the Chinese CCP censorship and monitoring, but a form of social media I just have to get on sometimes to talk to people that for whatever reason won’t and haven’t switched to less intrusive forms of social media (although they all do monitor, wechat takes things to giddy limits).

And what I basically posted about was the current unofficial war going on between India and China, and the fact that the Indians are finally giving the Chinese a taste of their own medicine, and how.

A lot has been written about how the Chinese view Indians as inferior, and how their economy supposedly dwarfs the Indian economy, how “India wouldn’t stand a chance”, and other such horse manure from the CCP “troll factory” or running dogs station.

Global Times being the prime moron here, which is basically a mouthpiece for the CCP.

One fine tweet from these idiots read as such “India has forgotten who it is”

Huh?? Racism (or intended) aside, what exactly do these buffoons think India, or the rest of the world is?

YES, we slept on things for way too long, but the plague you unleashed and a certain Trumpinator that was unleashed a few years ago changed all that permanently, and right now, it’s justa matter of time.

And that’s basically what I posted to weShat, or auto posted.

And Charles piped up, as he often does.

He was moaning about “why I posted here if I was bored (he thought I was) and had nothing better to do, and what would I accomplish by posting here”.


Well, first thing, Chuck-O.

My DEAREST, and former friend Chuck-O, and truth be told, you’re still a good dude, you’ve just been brainwashed . . . or you’re running scared of “them”.

What good does it do YOU To respond to my post?


I thought so!

Look, dude.

I don’t care if you believe the CCP is the best thing since sliced bread, and if you quote Global Times as a reputable source for what sgoing on globally, or choose to stick your head in the sand on a number of issues as you have and continue to do.

I don’t care if you call me a moron that “can’t speak English” (hey, remember that convo we had? ?).

And so forth.

I don’t give a shit either way.

But what I WILL RESPOND to, and what I DO CARE about is this, my friend.

My honor and integrity, and my reputation, and DOING THE RIGHT THING.

I am NOT GOING to stand by and let bullies “be bullies” and passively encourage them by pretending to roll overand play dead.

What is right is right ,and what is wrong is wrong, BOYO. You know this as well as I do.

You know very well what is going on.

You’re just shit scared you’ll have to return back home and . . . well, I won’t get into that. Your choice, your pregorative,  but when you come out and say I can’t say what I am, while you apparently can, I got THREE WORDS for ya.

No, NOT two words as “D-X” said all those years ago (man, them were the days!!). ?

Those being . . . (mine)


And doing the right thing, again.

A long time ago, when we met in person my honor and integrity was called into question by a certain someone you know very well (someone I won’t mention).

I looked you in the EYE when that was happening.

So did YOU.

And YOU WERE the first to REFUTE that statement!

My friend from the Marines (while chatting with me) once told me the following.

“You’re a man of high moral fiber, Rahul!”

And while the reasons he told me that were different from yours, right now, if you were here, I’d stand toe to toe with you and look you in the eye.

And look DEEP into your eyes!

Much like I did all those years ago, when you looked away . . .

I don’t care whose stronger, and who can pick up who and throw him out the window.

I don’t care about doing pull-ups (I do, but not).

What I truly DO CARE ABOUT is my HONOR and integrity.

And when there’s wrong being committed, I WILL go to the ends of the earth to expose that wrong.

And I WILL POST about it, and I WILL STAND toe to toe with you, look yoi in the eye (much as “Major General Michael” did all those years ago while drinking one fine night ?) and tell you the following.


And doing the right thing.

I don’t BS in any of my books and courses. That’s how it relates to fitness, for those asking!

My products deliver results, and while I ain’t everyones cup of tea, hey, end of the day, results are what count bro.

And as you yourself said, it ain’t how you start. It’s how you FINISH!

And on that note, me be finishing this here email. How dare I write that way. But hey, I’m the guy that can’t speak English worth a damn right Charles? ?


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – And no, none of this is posturing my friend. Always stand up and be counted and do the RIGHT THING – it will pay dividends down the line!

Rahul Mookerjee

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