Monday, 09 August 2021 09:48

A 42-year-old fitness fanatic was 'beating himself up' over his decision not to get vaccinated during his final days, his family said

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My word, my word!

The Universe BE noticing me. 

For a change I'll be the opposite of verbose, and send you here (yes, the sh-news is good for SOMETHING). 

A 42-year-old fitness fanatic was 'beating himself up' over his decision not to get vaccinated during his final days, his family said. 

A 42-year-old fitness fanatic was 'beating himself up' over his decision not to get vaccinated during his final days, his family said (

Let's quote some of the greatest and best parts. 

Right down to the name of the author of the piece, Sophia. (Gorilla Girl? Hehe). 

  • A 42-year-old British man who loved exercise and eating healthy died of COVID-19 last week.

  • John Eyers didn't get vaccinated because he "felt that he would be ok," his family said.

  • The father-of-one told doctors in his final days that he regretted his decision not to get a vaccine.

Jesus God, now I'm scared. 



·2 min read
John Eyres from Southport, Merseyside. Jenny MCann
  • A 42-year-old British man who loved exercise and eating healthy died of COVID-19 last week.

  • John Eyers didn't get vaccinated because he "felt that he would be ok," his family said.

  • The father-of-one told doctors in his final days that he regretted his decision not to get a vaccine.

An unvaccinated 42-year-old fitness fanatic who regularly climbed mountains and competed in the ironman has died of COVID-19, his family said.

John Eyers, a construction expert and bodybuilding competitor from the seaside town of Southport, England, died last week, one month after catching the virus.

The father-of-one was a "healthy" and "very active" person who was climbing mountains and camping in the wilderness just four weeks before he got sick, his twin sister, Jenny McCan

I dont know, my friend, but I smell a rat. 

Notice how theyre targeting US -YOU ? 


They KNOW WE are one of the last remaining that dont panic, so they're trying to make us. 


True, I have nothing but "sadness" for John. NO-ONE should die from this pestilence! 


But panic ain't the way!

Do we know if he had any preexisting medical conditions? 

DOES anyone notice that those with the vaccine are getting it left right and CENTER? 

DOES anyone know if he was even in contact with anyone that had it - was THAT person vaccinated? 

Cherry picking is fine. 

First thing you know, not eveyrone is a rock climber or mountain climber, Id bet he was the solitary type like me when it comes to fitness. 

Anyway, my condolences...

But really. 



Rahul Mookerjee

PS - I've said it once, I'll say it again. 

Once a vaccine fucking works, SHOW Me. 

But dont show me something that doesn't work and tell me to shove swabs up my ass. 

It ain't happening. 

until then, THIS RIGHT HERE is the best vaccine ever. 

And, likely long after too.