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Saturday, 09 July 2022 13:53

Yours truly "kook sitting in his basement" writing to YOU! Hehe.

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My, my, my. 

If there ever was a case of liberals not just manipulating the media, but gratitiously twisting well known FACTS around i.e. "gaslighting" (like my wife loves to do) in a manner that the other guy starts to truly doubt himself - it is this one - Replacement theories, hunting RINOs: How GOP candidates, lawmakers push 'dangerous' language (

Now, before I get into it ... 

Ever notice the news is becoming even more ILLOGICAL and stupid than ever my friend? 

You hear nonsense about how "Russa is losing the war" day by day (and no I'm not getting into the politics of it on that one)  - yet ground realities? 

A whiny Ukranian President that pretty much brought this on himself by NOT preparing in advance - by living in fantasy land i.e. how could he have not predicted this would happen (unless he did, and we dont know it!) and sadly, unfortunately, a lot of people in Ukraine who want no part of this war or the politics are suffering horribly daily. . . and the ground reality "on the ground". 

But yeah, listen to Joe Bidens nonsense on the Putin Price Hike (I mean really, inflation was rampant even before that, it has exactly F all to do with the current war, except that made the markets even more jittery) - how "Putin is losing" and so forth - all such utterly illogical crap that I have to wonder who reads all this (wait, I know, the sheeple) - and who believes this junk? Oh yeah, the sheep do ... 

Anyway, this isnt about war (despite that being according to many people "all you hear these days" along wth inflation) (if youre on my list, you hear a hell of a lot more too, hehe, including about my life changing PRODUCTS) ... 

... it's about the article referenced above. 

Apparently anything the right says these days is "dangerous" and "contributes to violence" and so forth ... 


FACTS, anyone? 

The liberal left is ready to defund the police - and then cries Wolf upon crime increasing - and arms themselves to the teeth to defend against the "proud boys" - where is the logic in that (not to mention fully supports extending this war in Ukraine by constantly supplying weaponry to the Ukranians, but not in large enough quantities) ... just enough to "keep them in the fight" - like what purpose logically does this serve? 

Only the loons know. 

Fact is, its far better to sit down and talk NOW before shit gets even worse, which it will. 

The loons claiming "rainbow pride" and all this other nonsense are fully happy to tutor kids on "how it's ok to come out at the age of 4!" or "it's OK to want to change your gender" - and other crap NOT meant for kids. 

Logic, anyone? When the right calls 'em out, it's supposedly hate speech. 

From the article - 

Ads that echo racially charged language

In cities such as Buffalo, Charlottesville and Pittsburgh where racial and ethnic tensions have led to violence, white nationalists have echoed the same language of the far right in white supremacist marches and mass shootings.

The narratives they are repeating aren't coming from "kooks in the basement writing online," Mueller said. "These are from people in positions of real power."

Now, I'm certainly not someone that condone racism - far , far from it. 

But it's much less of a problem than the left makes it out to be - oddly enough, even notice how the left NEVER call out BLM etc for all the looting and illegal acts they committed (dont get me wrong, core concept is to be admired in terms of saying no to racism, but is this how we express ourselves - I think NOT?)... 

When you talk about (as I do) Joe Biden being happy to literally lead the country to ruin in terms of what he is doing at the border - and when republicans say it - it's "dangerous and fuels violence". 

Hmm ... all those illegals and illegal votes that Biden swept into power on isn't harmful? 

And the list goes on and on and on ... 


Liberals = kooks, and a lot more, of course, a lot of nutters reading this would probably classify me as a kook writing online too, and "not in a position of real power" - not YET at any rate. 

Never say never, my friend. 

Its a truism far too many people have gleefully ignored - to their own detriment, of course. 

The Universe has a funny way of bringing TRUE the very fact the majority of people tell you "will never happen" or can never happen or what not (in this day and age - and look around you, see what is happening NOW, and you'll see PROOF right there in front of YOU). 


This kook doesnt live in a basement, he leaves those spaces for a certain Schofield and trolly sorts of his ilk. 

But he does infest a CAVE, hehe - as you can see from the latest dark video I put out! 

He does emerge from it, he has the best workouts of his life in there, he puts out products there, he talks to Sophia there, he drinks beer there - and well, he's happy to be called whatever names the left thows at him. 

Illogical will never be one of 'em! Hehe. 

And the final piece of news that stuns most liberals ... "he isn't white! how can that be!" 

Like dude, being logical extends across races. 

Last I checked Herschel Walker wasn't either, yet he's a doer, and supports what is RIGHT and logical. 

Literally, thats why the left has their panties in a wad, but I sort of suspect people are (finally, it's long overdue) starting to see past their BS - including their media nonsense which some idiotic Nazi feminist probably writes. 

Anyway, had to get that off my kooky, pyschopathic chest... and I have. 

Results, friend, are something you cannot ever argue with , and fitness wise - THIS is the system that will give you EVER lasting results beyond anything you could ever dream of in your possibly "kooky" mind , hehe - - 

The 0 Excuses Fitness System. 

Eloquent or brash, or even "in the middle" - it just plain ole (Jane and Joe) flat out WORKS. (without any Jane Fonda crap either). Hehe. 

Get after it NOW. 


Rahul Mookerjee


Rahul Mookerjee

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