Displaying items by tag: life
Why darling men shouldn't bother with 0 Excuses Fitness (and our products), hehe.
There's a great, great guy I followed on "Pinked-Out" if you get my drift.
(It's a social media network - the only one I still occasionally check, and only what my contacts or what not have posted at that)
(It's quickly turning into a freak-book like Morass though - speaking of which - FB - wait for me to get my account deactivation requests in for ALL my accounts - the latest stunt Bozo Zuckerfield and his apparently Chinese wife pulled about allowing ads with slave labor from Xinjiang there??? UNACCEPTABLE!).
Nike has come out and said it. H and M has said it. The WORLD has noticed it for ages, and has been saying it ever since Mike Pompeo spearheaded the effort, and here we have Freak-Book and Shitter (to an extent) doing all they can to undo that good work.
Not acceptable.
Some things just aren't.
Anyway, there's a great great guy on that network. So helpful that you cannot help but like him.
He's one of those guys you instantly put the "good guy" tag to (much like the exact opposite "barbarian" springs to mind when you look at yours "truly unruly").
Never says a word wrong, never puts a foot wrong, is helpful to the point of being fastidous, replies to ALL Messages from everyone ... Great guy in general, and so he gets certain "girly comments" directed at him from time to time, hehe.
Here's one -
Important reminders for all of us, my darling - thank you for sharing. It’s the green one, for me... ??
In response to one of his uber helpful posts.
Then he replied with "Thanks! You matter!"
Her -
And this should be enough by itself to tell you why I'm starting to avoid Shanked-In like the plague from China as well.
But anyway, I couldn't help but join the love fest.
Yours truly -
Dahhhhhhh-liinnnnnnng .... ? But really, he's a great guy!! Hehe.
And he IS, lol.
Anyway, all that aside.
I cannot remember the last time (except when in "lust" and there have been plety of those times) - ANYONE called me a Dahling.
Bozo "Darling" Schofield once sent me the comment about "a face a Mom would hate".
I dont know so much about that, hehe. The notches speak a different tale!
The Bozo was self projecting in that case. (and in most others).
But Dahhhhhllliiin?
I've never been called that, and I never WANT to be.
I'm happy with unruly ruffian, hehe.
Or "wilddddddddddddddddddddddd and untamed".
Or maniac.
Or any of the other (or wolf) names I'm so often called!
And I suspect if you asked the 0 Excuses Fitness posse, they'd say the same thing.
We dont believe in frills, fancies, and BS.
OUr workouts are brutal, and we BRUSH aside mamsy pamsy stuff like the above. (and therefore, in many ways the ladies "try to" hate us, hehe, but they dont quite succeed).
NIce guys finish last?
Maybe, maybe not.
I'll leave THAT for the other site! ;)
But he's a great dude, and I mean it, and in case you didnt notice, hehe, this whole email - or most of it was writtien in a FUN spirit.
We're certainly open to Jane Fonda types and Dah-lings too provided they DO the thing (not that dude is that type, I wouldn't think he is at least).
And that, my friend, is the entertainment for now. Golly, that book I wrote TIRED me out!
And thats another reason why the wackos that complain about price etc get the boot promptly regardless of reason.
When I put a product or book or course out, part of ME goes into the course, and a LOT OF ME, actually - given I write in the flow.
I've been known to hammer out 20000 plus words in one sitting, and that takes some doing, friend, and do it in the flow, and it'll exhaust you - and even me - for days!
(in my case, I was back to my 8K words a day the next day I believe).
But anyway, that book is on the other site.
And for here?
Well, remember that week long 30% discount we've got going on, darlings, and darling-esses, hehe.
It won't last forever.
I'm out!
BAck soon.
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - A reader from Kuwait of all places wrote back about the Bozo of all things. Golly, we sure are getting around aren't we!
"Where is Bozo" was the comment from "Adel".
Well, Sir Adel, I have NO idea. He's AWOL or up in ass or ... I dont know, probably on another bender or something. Maybe if we call "Dah-ling" loud enough he'll emerge with red spots on his cheeks on all ends, hehe.
Why (unless you're Bozo Schofield) you should send sexually charged texts to women you dont know from Eve (or men you dont know from Adam)
Now that was a long title, hehe.
At the outset, NO, I ain't promoting harassment of any nature towards any gender, I am NOT saying you should pester women with inanities as Bozo Schofield and his posse do (well, you could, but she'll just block and report you) - NO, I am not saying that its right to do to either gender or in betweens or what not.
And most of all, and again, it ain't an excuse to hit women out of the blue randomly for no reason.
Now that we've got all the disclaimers out of the way, a certain Jeff Bezos and a Miss Sanchez comes to mind, hehe.
And sexually charged texts - while Jeff was married.
The rest is , well, public domain by now!
But heres the thing.
Most would criticize Jeff saying "but he was married, so it's wrong" while secretly themselves WANTING to do something similiar, but not having the balls to, or not getting the chance, or what not.
Puranitism and "right or wrong" aside (no, I am not saying cheating is right, but what I AM saying is it happens - and I've said this in the past too! Some things "happen" - and if you look at the legion of achievers out there and THEIR lives, well ... shout at me all you like, hehe, but those facts don't change!!) . . . the real point is this.
What Napoleon Hill wrote about in Think and Grow Rich about the powers and magic of sexual transmutations, and its a chapter that is truly sage, and NOT understood by most out there.
Especially the wackjobs that message me asking to be introduced to women. UGh!
Anyway, I just congratulated someone on a work promotion.
A female someone.
Thats ALL I said.
"Congratulations - I'd congratulate you anyway!"
Is all I said ... (bozo Schofields, please dont copy this line as it ain't gonna get you anywhere).
Anyway, thats all I said.
I'm sure you'd say - well - where is the "sexual" charging behind this?
Well, it ain't obvious.
But it's very much there.
There is a reason I said it.
FEELING is what counts, not the words - the VIBE does.
And here's another spanner into the works - I don't know this lady, do NOT want services of any nature from her, do NOT intend to ask her anything from here on in, and certainly NOOOOOOOOOOOO "sexy" or hanky panky of any nature.
Maybe down the line, someday, I'll make her the heroine of one of my non fitness related "Sidney Sheldon with a twist" books ... Such as a certain Miss Chen, or Aa Chie, or ... Miyako Li!
Or others.
They are truly legion!
Anyway, Napoleon Hill wrote about all great achievers being highly sexed, and the reason for them NOT succeeding in a big way - most men - before 40 - is they tend to "dissipate" their wild oats a bit too much.
It ain't me saying that.
Read the book, and you'll know.
This don't mean you do it too often, or on a schedule, or dont do it, or abstain for months as boxers etc of yore did and probably still do.
It doesnt mean you badger women you dont know with "Madam, can I be your servant" such as Glynn-ie Schofield does, or other inanities.
It just means you TRANSMUTE it.
Well, I'll write about that later!
In a way people can understand.
But lets descend back to an earthly level, and get some inspiration.
And that being the 30% discount we've got going on NOW on our products, my friend.
And that, my friend is that.
Truly a post that will get me hammered from all directions.
So be it!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - Again, here is the link for the products.
PS #2 - I ain't responsible for any marriages that may happen from the above if you do it right, hehe. Most don't, so I don't need to worry about that. But again, and this is for the idiots, morons and jackasses out there - none of this should be taken as an invitation to harass, badger, and PESTER.
You just "do". Then you forget. And you do it "because".
And thats all I am going to say here!
Why the idea of "faking it until you make it" is the dumbest thing the so called self help "sh-urus" spout
And indeed, doing so could be fatal to your success at anything.
Life, fitness, anything . . .
I wrote about in the last email on how the girl "Chloe" (the same complainer I wrote about in an earlier email) has put something to the effect of "Billionaire by age 45" (she's 42, I believe now) on her LinkedIn profile.
Now, this is fine for those that want to do it.
Trouble is,it comes from the "fake it until you make it" bullshit the self help gurus spout.
Affirmations, and all the other crap.
You keep hearing that affirmations are the BIG dog of self help. That repeating to yourself "I am (whatever you want to be" will eventually make it happen.
For instance, if you're broke as sh**, you repeat anyway, 108 times, "I'm rich".
And variants of this.
There is one huge problem with this, my friend - it sets you up for failure.
And if I were Chloe, I'd tell her 3 things which would be all roundly ignored.
One, tell the world what you're going to do, but SHOW it first. If you tell them first, chances are excellent and second to none it will never, ever happen. (or remote chances).
Second, that sort of thing doesn't happen overnight . . .
And third, and most importantly, when you keep telling yourself "you are", then guess what - your subconscious thinks you are.
So you might actually have no money, or be deep in debt, but your mind will think you're a "billionaire".
THIS is the secret the self help gurus do NOT want you to know about.
THIS is ONE of the secrets I talk about in my coaching calls.
And THIS is something I tell you to avoid (well, I dont tell you directly, but I tell you a DIFFERENT way to go about it) in my motivational books and courses.
Zero to Hero! contains one of the REAL secrets - real drivers at the very start of the book, and Gumption Galore! contain it in each and every one of the 51 tips!
But there is NO "fake it till you make it rubbish".
Bozo Schofield sends me this sort of nonsense regularly while living in his hovel on public welfare.
'nuff said?
I'm not saying all affirmations are bad, by the way, not the least of which the great Claude Bristol' advice in terms of repeating the same chant over an over again until the subconscious GETS IT, but you have to choose the right word.
And there is a FOUR Letter word here which is much ignore, and which if used right will do the trick (no, it doesn't start with "f" or "a", lol).
Again, all a topic of constant discussion in the Ship . . .
Personally, myself, fitness wise?
I have never ONCE told myself that I "was something" I'm "not".
When I couldn't do pull-ups, I vowed to get damned good at them, and I did.
When I didnt sell online - anything - I vowed I'd do it, and I DID.
When I didnt have my own biz years back and wanted to start one, and break FREE - I said I'd do it, and I did it.
Never for a minute in any of that did I fake anything until I made it HAPPEN.
And if I did, it would probably never have happened!
Anyway, several important tips in this one. See if you can find 'em!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - Our ROCKSTAR courses are getting plenty of attention globally, my friend. As we go from one height to another, I bring to you our most exclusive course as yet - and definitely the missing link in ALL your training - oldtime strongman secrets to super strength and flexibility right here - Isometric And Flexibility Training. Along with Animal Kingdom Workouts and Pushup Central, this one is a MUST get. Get it now.
What we can ALL learn from the Texas blackout
Texas, probably my favorite state in the US of A, and (in my opinion) one of the most progressive in many ways.
Does many things right, not the least of which being gun rights and such (and therefore low crime rate for the most part). Along with Arizona, it sometimes almost feels one's entered an "autonomous" part of the nation - - especially if one is coming from places like the Socialist Republic of New York (or somewhere in the Union of "Yankee" Socialist Republics), the People's Republic of California, and so on and so forth.
Great place to be!
And over the past week they've been dealing with problems normally only seen in India, hehe (and other "third world countries, or perhaps even certain parts of China 20 years ago).
No power in freezing cold temperatures - way worse than normal, which is why the grid collapsed (so they say).
And no potable water even for days. Texans were literally boiling their water the way it's done in many parts of the world ...
Unthinkable for a state like texas.
Lesson to be learnt?
Never think, in life, business, health wise, or fitness wise "it can't happen to me".
One is NEVER too big to be taken down.
For those thinking Texas "didnt prepare" - wrong. This winter was just one of the coldest out there - and you'd think that with all the A/C's that run in summer, if they had the plants operating at that capacity/output, then there would be no problem now.
Probably not - except?
They didnt expect it.
Always expect the unexpected (but HOPE for the best) is my mantra for everything, my friend.
And for a state that does so much else RIGHT, it comes as an interesting wake up call in some regards.
Some are calling for the state's mostly independent power grid to be "hooked up more" to the national grid.
I dont agree - unless there is a convincing argument, I'd say it's far better to be independent as far as possible.
But, due planning is required .... but of course, what does one do with completely unseasonal temperatures!
(some seem to be saying that this sort of winter happens every 8 years, so why not prepare).
As always, tons of opposing viewpoints on everything.
End of the day - always remember - if it CAN happen - chances are it might - and therefore - always plan for it!
Same thing with your health and fitness my friend.
Always stay PREPARED for anything.
Because, as a customer of mine said a while "yo unever know! You just might need it one day!"
And that, my friend is that.
BAck soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - PIck up the best home based fitness system here. It'll keep you warm, thats for sure - I remember many a "freezing weather" workout in China! (in years bygone it once SNOWED where I am - record cold!).
The difference between BULLYING and being aggressive - and what HYPOCRITES and bullies all usually have in common
Well, two things I should say. Or three.
It's odd, but the biggest bullies I've observed all my life, right from childhood until the grand ole age of 40 PLUS - when more WORLDS BE opening up to me DAILY ... aren't necessarily what you might expect physically. Or even mentally in most cases.
Most, despite their outright bravado and or bluster are usually timed and "sad in their own little lives from which they have NO escape".
So, they take it out - on whoever they can.
Emphasis on "can".
If the person is a boss, he'll be an ugly mean boss and "fire" people whenever he can - not necessarily because he's physcially or mentally any better than them. By dint of his "position". And he'll then go back home to his own sorry life and wifey ordering him around ...
Or, it could be the schoolyard bully.
Big and fat. Yours truly has been on the receiving end of more than a few whacks from these wackos which is good as it taught me a lot.
Not to mention the two things that every street fighter should know (Aaron, a friend of mine back in the day called me just that).
"you're a street fighter!"
That I can be, and am ...
Two things?
ONe, always have something in reserve.
Two, never stop ATTACKING no matter what, and if attacked, attack x 10000 BACK.
Read Shantaram, the tale of the Aussie that shows up in India illegally and then stays on for more on this (well, it's mentioned somewher ein the annals of the book. Hehe. Quite a long read but a great one).
But anyway, bullies. And hypocrites.
They do the things they tell others NOT to do themselves. They attack - but ONLY when they KNOW they will win - because they have an unfair advantage.
They force (or try to force) others to live THEIR way.
And perhaps most stunningly, or not - when these bullies (and I'm talking male bullies here, but I have no doubt female ones are the same - they ARE, actually) - when confronted with MEN that ask these people to back their shit up - they fail - miserably - and often in a most humiliating manner.
I've seen it time and time again for ALL bullies I've ever encountered.
And dont get me wrong.
Yours truly has got his ass handed to him many a times.
But I was BEATEN.
I was NOT humiliated.
And I've always oddly enough managed to be in situations where the other person was bigger, or he had some sort of advantage - but NOT an unfair one.
Thats how you best yourself, my friend.
By going up AND against someone better, learning, and then eventually BETTERING.
True aggression is fighting back against these idiots.
And once you do, they piss off to their little holes and let you live "and let live".
Bozo Schofield is a prime example of this, although I've no doubt he's plotting his next "troll move" with his nicotine stained teeth baring with every thought. Hehe.
True aggression is standing up for what you believe in - what you know to be true - and doing it no matter how much opposition you might encounter or "what the buffoons out there might say".
True aggression isn't kicking a man when he's down, or appears to be.
True aggression physically is a FAIR fight - not an unfair one.
And so forth.
Anyway, point of all this is .....
.... I dont know!
Brain dump, I suppose, one of those many brain dumps, but I believe you'll find it inspirational anyway.
But anyway, I think the things in common?
Bullies and hypocrities usually have the loudest voice, flappiest man tits, and biggest bellies ...
(and are usually hunchback of Notre Dame x 10000)
(if you're a person reading this that wants to FIX this above issue - go here - and get the course - not just READ - GET IT. And then implement!).
Some may be in shape, but most are NOT.
"He who talks the most usually HAS a massive belly" (I'm talking people that give inane and unwanted advice to others on how to live their lives etc, or the bullies, and so forth).
And they accuse real men of being bullies.
Matty "Big Matt the Bat" Hayden, an Aussie cricketing legend and a guy I greatly admire was accused of being a bully often.
"He's huge!" people would remark.
That he was!
There is a reason that picture of him is there on the Battletank Shoulders page (I've no doubt that if you were to ask him, he'd list handstand pushups along with swimming as the reason behind that brawn - or one of them!)
He took on the opposition. Often three at a time.
They backed down.
And so they called him a bully.
A man who was and is as gentle and laid back off the field as could be, and certainly no "firebrand" like yours truly, hehe.
Family man. Christian. (no I'm not espousing any religion in particular here).
And so forth.
And the moronic idiots who called me that secretly looked at him and wished they could be HIM.
"nuff said.
Anyway, true aggression in life and fitness is what it's about.
Fitness wise, start here.
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - And once you pick up that course, be sure to pick this one up too. Simply a MUST have for ANY sort of trainee.
"Rok ke dikha na MAMU!"
Something I've often noticed in life, and something I often tell my little girl is this.
"Have you ever noted that the people that TALK the most - and run their mouths the most without actually having done the thing - or a shred of useful ANYTHING in their lives" have two things in common?
One, humungous bellies and massive mammoth elephant asses. (not in a good way that last one).
Unless you like 'em big, hehe.
Or, the other thing ... they have never done ANYTHING in their own life and secretly wish they HAD.
(not the chance to do it, but the GUTS to STRAY from the tried, tested, true and narrow).
Believe me, living life on your own terms kingsize takes a lot of guts bro - in many ways.
Many sacrifices etc.
Anyway, I've made no secret of my admiration for Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt.
Sanju Baba, hehe.
And while he's made many movies, the runaway standout of his career will always be the medical comdedy "Munna Bhai MBBS" where a friendly local goon attemps to "fool all and sundry" and become the prestigous "doctor" everyone thinks he is (in his family).
It like "Three Idiots" is a parody on the educational system in India which is an utter joke (like in most countries, actually).
But anyway, as the goon proceeds through college, you'll be in splits.
And he manages to get away with it all with the simple line.
"Try as hard as you can, my friend - and I'll do it anyway!"
(I should have said "try as hard as you can, you BOZO" - Mamu is Bozo in some sort of Hindi vernacular something. Mamu Schofield, hehe.)
(The Oxford Bozo. LOL!)
one simple line.
But it works miracles, if taken to heart!
Emblazon your OWN path today my friend - and keep the above in mind - you'll succeed at levels you NEVER thought possible.
Believe me, it's true!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - And if you're one of the gang with humungous bellies hanging over your pants, saggy man tits, the "Hunchback of Everyday - Dame" (LOL) - well - start rectifying NOW!
Why I often left out the "baaa" in Baba
Life's a trip, eh.
Thats some trippy ass shit, G.... (Nah, it ain't the Bozo Glyn we're referring to here, hehe).
Those two lines were more sage lines from one of the best movies ever, Training Day . . .
And it is a trip, really!
Bengali, a language I was "supposed" to be the best at, but never was. I didn't quite like it growing up!
(I was born in that part of the country, for those interested. Neighboring China of all things. Fancy that. Who'd have thunkkkkk yours truly would end up in no place other than China years later)?
Bengal, the land of the poets, Mamata "Didi" and a state which back then was supposed to be underdeveloped, and right now in many regards isn't all that bad of a place to live actually.
(though I wouldn't really want to live there either)
Poets, poetry, and even WRESTLING, though for some reason the burgeiose Bengali lot (hey, thats alliteration right there! New book?? LOL) prefer to focus more on Tagore than the wrassling ...
(and really, the Gama was the most famous in INdia, and he was a North Indian breed. North India being where yours truly grew up).
anyway ... where was I?
The language, eh.
I've mentioned "Baba" in the email before. The Bengali word for Dad.
And I've mentioned (well, years ago I think) how though I can't speak Bengali, dont "look" it etc, (actually I'm not sure WHAT I look like other than a bonafide CHAMELEON) .. some dude in HK in 2005 just stopped me ont he street and started speaking to me in rapid fire Bengali!
Some things, the logic just isnt ... and if you need further proof of why I believe in SPIRIT, this is why!
Anyway, Hindi was the local lingo where I grew up.
Much hated by Mom, hehe.
She'd rather her "cultured Bengali"
And while I'm not entirely sure that either Bengalis or those from the Northern part of the nation are more "cultured" - thats one of those "India things" you have to experience to truly understand - and being even I don't quite understand it, we'll let it go for now. Hehe.
But anyway ...
I'll give my parents kudos for ONE Thing.
They might or might not have done it for reasons other than what it turned out to be.
But their insistence on me speaking good English - and also introducing me to reading etc was the BEST DAMNED (and probably the only, hehe) thing they ever did.
So - despite all the hoo haa - and Charles Mitchell, here I am finally saying it.
THANK YOU Mom and Dad - for that!
If THAT influence along with all the other negativity wasn't there, I'd be screwed right about now.
True, I was never encouraged to write etc.
True, I got wher eI am on my OWN STEAM.
(and every I was put in Bozo jobs etc or told to, or what not which I hated - I quit rather promptly. That was back in the day when I still did jobs. Hehe. Right now they're a distant foggy memory if even that!)
But that communication I'm so famed for - well - it has to start somewhere.
For me, it started via READING.
something I still do, albeit not fiction.
Anyway, back to "Baba".
I used to call my Dad ... "Baaaaa" for some reason.
The second "Ba" never came out.
So it sounded like a sheep, almost ...
And it was quite the joke, even for yours truly!
My own daughter calls me Dad. And I'd rather that!
But you old timers reading this will recall the "Ma" and "Pa" times when YOU were growing up, especially those of you from the UK etc.
(The UK And India do have a very interesting shared history!)
Anyway ....
POint of all this is THIS.
The Sheep, my friend, is an admirable and calm animal in many regards, but (and I love eating it!) I'd rather the STALLION.
The stallion that REARS AND BUCKS - and is on the page of Barnstormer Shoulders - because guess what - a STALLION is what YOU will feel like when you get on those workouts!
The stallion you've always wanted to be!
And more - the stallion is NOT one of the animals mentioned in Animal Kingdom Workouts.
Neither is the sheep, but the CHICKEN is.
If life and workouts aren't contradictions, then I dont know what is!
And on that note, I'm out.
Have your fill right HERE.
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - Remember, an oldie but goldie you simply MUST HAVE is right HERE.
PS #2 - For those interested in Fast and Furious Fitness, a collectori's item by now, shoot me an email and we'll see what we can finangle, heh.
Yours truly, the lazy ass tennis player that "never was"
One memory I've always had growing up at home was this - on Sundays, the "day of rest" - it was always the "most hectic".
Including Saturdays. . .
India's normal chaos was magnified x 10 duing those two days, at least in our house growing up.
When "Baba" (the Bengali way of saying "Dad", I think) was there - "all hell often broke loose in many regards", hehe. Including a couple of piegons one day who raised such a ruckus that you'd think Cain himself had shown up ...
Anyway, mispellings and all that aside, yours truly is the polar opposite in that regard. Perhaps thats why?
Yours truly prefers living in a CAVE, and working with those that do so too, and he's done it.
And he workouts in a cave by himself too for the most part, unless he's in Qi Feng Park, but he can't stand crowds even there.
But there's something else ... that he COULDN'T STAND - and still can't in many regards!
The blazing heat and humidity in Southern China. The blazing HEAT when I grew up. (it wasn't that humid there, but it was even hotter in terms of temperature).
But anyway, I hated it growing up.
And one of the rules oddly enough in our house (for me, at least) growing up was to "play tennis" at the grand ole hour of 9 AM on a Sunday morning, which meant "el caveman" was required to wake up even earlier.
How we (I) rebelled and fought against it.
I still remember my Dad telling me about my frequent sips of water throughout the game.
"You need a pipe to your mouth!"
LOL. The Bozo is no doubt having several org-you know what reading this ...
And I remember the heat. Ugh, the heat!
But anyway, point of this?
Was that I was actually GOOD at tennis, but I was too damned LAZY to do it - in the heat.
It wasn't so much waking up.
And though I don't get along with my parents, my father did in his own way sometimes "try".
Especially with that infamous comment of "playing like Michael Chang" (French Open was going on around that time, I believe, and it was a particularly good day at the courts too).
What yours truly REALLY REALLY enjoyed though was the evening SWIM in the pool, albeit in a pool so crowded you could barely swim.
Ah, the White Tiger.
I could probably write book #2 on that!
But I dont want to, hehe. The less I think about India in many regards the better, and it's sad, really.
A country with so much damned potential, and yet, the end result?
We truly ARE, as a nation, or people - as we think.
And anyway, fitness wise and workout wise, my thinking is to be LAZY - and get it done.
I dont mean lazy as in "what I do".
But I mean as in "do it when I like", and as I like, and get stellar results by NOT spending all day long.
And that, my friend, reflects itself in all the brief workouts I do, and write about.
On yet another side note, the heat.
I still hate it! Can't live without A/C on all the damn time, and that cold BEER ...
But workout wise, I think y'all know I conquered both the laziness and the "heat phobia".
Oh boy.
More mentioned in the book on inspirational fitness recollections,but as I sign off ...
Another quote from Training Day.
"Life's a trip, eh"
"Thats some trippy ass shit!"
Contradiction, I'll say that - and so it SHOULD BE!
Shades of grey, my friend. Shades of grey. And on that note, I'm out. Back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - PIck up the best damned course on pushups there is out there (and yes, no need to wake up early or leave the house or bedroom even, hehe. I remember doing them in New york with my Uncle asking me "how many I could do". I even knocked out pushups in the BATHROOM if you can believe that, but no-one knew, hehe) right HERE.
What I’d happily do for one of my maternal uncles, ONCE I meet him …
He “passed on” a while ago, years ago, I believe in 2013. I’m not sure, but I think thats when.
Curiously enough, at a time when yours truly moved back (again!) to China due to reasons mentioned in emails prior, and curiously enough … well?
Was it a case of passing the BATON along – again – unconsciously?
He often appeared in dreams in very vivid form, often giving me advice and such which I sometimes followed, when I could decipher it!
And this just increased after the age of 36 or 37 …
Anyway he was a man that ENJOYED his life.
Drank. Smoked. Probably other things I don’t know about either, hehe.
And I still remember him standing on our balcony when yours truly was “ye small”, smoke billowing out of his nostrils.
Curiously enough, despite the almost Purantical and very strident opposition my immediate family has to me drinking, smoking etc (I Do it anyway, hehe) -my grand mother – that PATNERAL grandmother was of a different bent of mind.
Her son came home from school (college) and smoked at home.
It was allowed.
Do it in the open, she probably told them (which is what I tell my daughter NOW).
The same thing my Dad’s friend told my Mom at age of 17, hehe.
I still remember it.
“…. what will you do when you can’t stop him anymore!”
And to me?
Half drunk, jolly ole fellow, and he raised a glass, got me a beer (or opened the fridge) and said the following
“Even if you get a girl pregnant, tell your family!”
Maybe if I was part of the George Bush style family I would, but mine?
Hell, I couldn’t even tell them about my marriage – they found about it in the news paper (when I could finally tell ‘em!).
Ah, my stories.
But anyway, back to my Uncle.
And the paternal grandmother I’ve written so much about.
Both people I didn’t really know for various reasons, but both pretty much the only people (along with the guy who called me a wolf, and very rightly so, hehe) that saw something in me.
Napoleon Hill writes about his family often thought of him as a rank outcast, loser, and much more unprintable here until the day he died pretty much.
Yet, the stepmother who he first met at a young age was the one that encouraged him to take up a typewriter rather than the gun.
She SAW something in him.
“If you beat this boy again, I will never speak to you!”
Was what she told his Dad, notorious for handing out hidings that in Hills words would have brought down the SPCA on him if he did that to a horse!
(all for not going to church. Hence, the “Outwitting the Devil” book years later).
But anyway, my Uncle.
Despite what others in the family thought, despite what my Mom said about him “needing to be more responsible because he had two kids” and less carefree or what not, despite what others may or may not have said or thought, I still remember him ENJOYING life.
With a glass in hand, hehe.
I STILL Remember him telling me I had a good voice.
(and he didnt see it as a rank nuisance as my Mom did, hehe. Bathroom singers and all that, and my songs were "movie" songs where guys were openly "hitting on sexy gals". How dare I, hehe)
Well, he told his wife. A kindly aunt whose never really done much wrong to me, and who I don’t know much either really, but she’s “all right” I’d say.
A man that never had much for most of his life, but could care less (but he finally hit it big in his final years).
Curiously enough, or maybe not, both my paternal grandma and him (I knew the former even less) passed away with 3 years of each other. Or 4. Both wayyy before I ever became as attuned to the Spirit as I am now.
But they are the ones, the ONLY ones that show up in dreams in a positive manner.
A helpful manner.
And back to the good ole Uncle?
Well, we’ll meet. And I’ll pour a whiskey for him someday.
Too much to do, too many years to LIVE on this here “earthly plane”, hehe, before I build my wolf house or harem or what not “in the beyond”.
Too much!
And I’ll write more on this later!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Life life kingsize, bro. It truly is the only way. VIM, VIGOR, GUMPTION AND GUSTO!
PS #2 – HERE is where you can pick up the best damn fitness system ever – the 0 Excuses Fitness System. Quit dicking around, and do it NOW, bro. Really! The time IS NOW.
The story of my life that was never written … but it MIGHT SOON!
Many have commented on my very “storied” and indeed COLORFUL life thus far.
And rightly so. I’ve done things most wouldn’t in several lifetimes, and I don’t mean just training wise.
I mean the combo – the medley – the “all in one” package.
(who charges a PACKET and a half too, hehe)
Training wise. Writing wise. And doing what I do with all my other businesses (some of them you’d be hard pressed to believe it’s actually ME doing it, hehe).
And yet, I do.
I continue to do the unexpected, pull Houdinis when I need it (if I do), pull rabbits out of hats, and … do pretty well while doing all of that I’d sa
Other than the mosquitoes that sometimes buzz near me. Ugh.
Like the trolls, kinda of, I swat ‘em away.
But trolls, my friend, are an indicator of your success.
The more you have, and the more they’re “jealous” of that one crab leaving the bucket (believe me, to me, I haven’t left – Ive got so much more I gotta accomplish! SO MUCH!) - the more YOU succeed, bro.
Trust me on this one.
It’s been proven time and time again.
I don’t quite do what Dan Kennedy taught everyone to do .. that being to raise your arms and scream HURRAH! The first time you receive a trollish review.
I DID do it for the Gorilla Grip “price shopper” review in 2017 tho right after I revamped the course with some blazing hot tips and stuff.
And I’ve never looked back since then, because trolls = WINNING for me.
And yours truly has never lost the WAR. I may seem to lose a battle temporarily.
But trust me, I don’t lose the WAR.
And some of what I do, but by NO means the entire shebang has been detailed in “Zero to Hero”.
Saleswise, in the 10 Commandments of Successful Sales.
And I Could write second and third volumes for BOTH those books right NOW if I wanted to.
Because trust me, there is so much more.
But anyway, Zero to Hero initially was intended as the story of MY LIFE!
It was intended to have a tagline “From 120-60kgs – from FAILURE to SUCCESS – CONCEIVE – BELIEVE – ACHIEVE!”
For some odd reason, after I put the book on for sale in 2017, I removed it almost as quickly.
I don’t know why.
Within a few days, 0 Excuses Fitness came to LIFE. Everything else did. And of course, the other site was alive and kicking for a LONG, LONG time prior to that … Ten years and counting!
Why didn’t I simply morph all I do into one site?
Well, I thought about it a LOT!
And Bozo Schofield had nothing to do with my thinking, trust me. Hehe.
Neither did the trolling etc.
But I thought about it a lot.
Then I did what I Do best, make an “on the spur of the moment” decision.
Just do it, said my mind after a loong walk on a lovely CALM afternoon in Southern China.
That lovely walk by the pond nearby, "talking to the golden fishes" ...
I did it!
Anyway, so the story of my life.
It’s sitting on a hard drive SOMEWHERE.
Except with all the crashes, I don’t know WHICH ONE.
I might re-write it someday if there is demand, and actually there is.
But it will be a BEHEMOTH! Trust me on this one.
A 2000 plus page behemoth if anything … sort of like Gregory David Robert’s Shantaram that I so enjoyed reading.
(Curiously enough, his book was torn apart by prison guards not once, twice, but THRICE. Great minds go through similar experiences, hehe).
That was almost a 1000 pages, and he wrote two more I believe after that.
Lots of folks told me “he had a photographic memory”.
Which I agree with.
But of course in the same breath these people told me yours truly was useless, and I didn’t.
Proof, my friend, is truly IN THE PUDDING NOW!
And Greg – if you’re even in Colaba again, be sure and enjoy some of that Kingfisher beer, and do some boxing, hehe.
Anyway, thats it for now. That book won’t be coming out anytime soon as I’ve got too many projects on my hands I need to get done fitness wise.
But for now, it’s back to relaxing, green tea, and RUMINATING.
The thinking that this man does, and that YOU do can truly CATAPULT you to places and levels you never DREAMED OF, my friend. IN ways you never ever imagined possible.
Too many different things! You wouldn't even believe ... as I said on the other site!
Trust me, bro.
Rahul Mookerjee aka Mi … ah, but I didn’t reveal all on one of the other sites, so I wont do so NOW HERE. Not the right time, but it’s “Coming”, pun NOT Intended. Hehe.
PS – Pick up our Grip Compilation right here -truly the best and greatest compilation of grip tips out there. Yes, I know. I need to do up Vol #2, but my lazy ass hasn’t gotten around to it as yet, hehe.
PS #2 - Spanish versions for Gorilla Grip and Gorilla Grip (Advanced) available too - contact me, and I'll direct you to the right pages etc!
PPS - Bozo Blowfield once told me in his trolling to "get a gorilla grip". LOL. 'nuff said!