Misc. (342)

Friday, 03 February 2023 07:00

The one law that makes no damn sense to me.

For obvious reasons, I will and always have - held everything American and America in general - very close to my heart, and truly respected. The country has done a hell of a lot for me without knowing it - so has China, so has every place I've been to, visited - nay, LIVED - I've always maintained simply visiting dont cut it. You have to LIVE there, get into the culture, build relationships - even when I travel, I'd rather spend time in one place than run helter skelter all over the place like a chicken with its head cut off deeply in love ... hehe. Women love that tho! 

The real America - not the tom foolery the Liberals want to turn it into - just clarifying. Real old school "pull thy sleeves up America" - when American manufacturing was strong, American craftsmanship truly the best in the world. 

Anyone even remember them days??

Anyway - old timers aside, every place has some things about it that must be called out. 

And the drinking age in the US is one of them. 

I mean goddang it, you can fight wars at 18, die for your nation, join the Marines, you can vote - whatever good that does, lol - but you can't buy a damn beer? 

I remember being constantly pissed about that law, and finding inventive ways to break it. Like growing out my beard. Hehe. Age of 19, I'd look 26... 

Or, NOT being a "definite" - which was our definition of a pothead back in school. Hehe. 

Or, getting the girlfriend to buy it. No fake ID's tho, hehe. Some things I draw the line at ... I still remember up in NY, not having a driver's license initially (when I did the change over from MS to NY) - and the girlfriend who never changed hers which we didnt really need to, to be frank - the MS license was nice and plated for one, not so the NY one ... plus we weren't moving there full time ... buying 'em from me, guy in the office who'd bum cigarettes off me and apologize saying "I know your girlfriend has to buy 'em for you!" Hehe. Memories! 

Sneak in, sneak out, no lengthy convos or smiles... I still remember hoping at Jr Food Mart the guy wouldn't ask for my ID. He never did. Hahah ... (and then sneaking into the dorms with it). 


Lots to share with regard to my US travels as well - including, but not limited to icy cold Maine on Memorial day, lots of creeks down South - Biloxi - the casinos - And of course, Niagara Falls and the trip to Canada that never happened at the time. Hehe. 

New York in general and the great times we had up there. 

All of that was way before the internet took over - it was back when we had Mapquest printouts to give us directions (I still remember the ex telling me I was like her grandfather, I'd get SO pissed if someone would deviate from the set route) ... 

... and a trusty camcorder I gave away to a school in 2021, hehe (in India). 

Along with my old Toshiba... 


Tons of memories, too many to list here. 

Fitness wise, here are some ... 

And I'll have more on this later. BAck soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

Pun NOT even intended, to be honest - hehe - in fact this might well extend to "daddies" in that regard too if you get my drift. 

But before you wonder what exactly I'm on about now - though those in the know already "know" - let me preface with a bit of history with my daughter's Whatsapp school group. 

This group is one in which the most inane of issues are discussed, usually by women, and of course if you know how kids are these days, it's the polar opposite from when we were growing up, so the group is usually jampacked with mothers discussing which kid forgot which HW, which kid fought with which, and so forth. 

"In our day we simply headed off to the woods to play!" 

I remember Alan Murray saying that in a sage manner at Balboa School ... hehe. 

I agree with him. 

The unsaid part was the extreme mollycoddling these days, NOT good at all for kids - and it shows - both physically and in their mental and physical health as well. My daughter for one seems to have picked up this indigestion problem and a hacking cough from shoving too much junk down the gullet and very little real exercise unfortunately (Kiddie Fitness days seem to have been put on the backburner - more on this below!) ... 

Anyway, this group - any time there is any real issue that requires someone to speak up, of course, no-one wants to be as Uncle Bob once put it "the nail that sticks out the most also gets hammered the most". 

When my daughter was being bullied at school beyond a limit, other than telling her to smack the dude one (and she did with me standing right there and so was dudes Dad) - I also posted a brief paragraph in the whatsapp group - brief by my standards in hindsight. 

The silence in that group, it was like a Russian bomb fell on it or something. ... 

Everyone agreed with what I said. 

No-one had the balls to say it publicly or even agree in public which I thought was pathetic, but liberals these days - well - thats how they are. 

More recently, and I believe I wrote about this to the list - mothers were complaining about their kids having to do "more physical activity" in school (two extra days of dance or something, which to me was an excellent thing, the kids needed it BADLY). 

Of course, the complaints started from the kids, then in the group, and I posted I was personally HAPPY this was going on, with all the other rot in the school and the sorry excuse that passes for "education" these days - at least their health is improving, albeit temporarily. 

That was the gist of it, I was far more polite and verbose (yes, I can be very formal when I need to be!). 

(because if I wasn't some idiot teacher would no doubt find a way to take it out on my daughter). 

Pindrop silence again. 

My wife, who often says "these people's food doesnt digest without a good fight in the group" said that night "you're taking the Mickey out of them" (in Hindi). 



I was stating a fact, and an obvious one at that, and it goes to show how far society has fallen and how damned pathetic people have become in general when such facts are greeted with stoic silence and "oh my God, what did he just SAY!". 

Two ladies agreed. 

I'm sure more did too. 

One added me on whats app and then pretended "I did that by mistake". 

Right, my dear, that New Year's greeting I got was by mistake too? 

And that brings me to the central point of this. 

New Year's greetings were being passed around the group, but for some reason, all I saw repeatedly was "Happy New Year to all the mommies" and kids saying it to each other ... 

This happened thrice before I just had to chime in - I thought twice before doing it, but instinct took over. you know me!

I quoted a lady, and responded thus - 

"And the poor, much ignored daddies too" ... 

I suffixed that with several smiling emoticons, given all the females in that group. They love 'em! 

All females love emoticons. Hehe. 

And sure enough, pin drop silence again as if to say "thats truly the bottom line" has been said, and then ... 

A couple of the ladies giggled and said "good one". 

More likely agreed. 

One reason they dont talk a lot to me is the language barrier, I suppose, but more than that - its the fact I THINK Differently and they can tell. 

Its also the whole "he's from the US, who does he think he is!" nonsense people have in their minds .... 

But either way - point and why I said this - well, it's true. 

When was the last time you saw a Dad get wished on Father's Day - or on his birthday - without strings attached? 

When was the last time women actually spoke to a man without money being involved or "I need this or that". 

I could potentially die tomorrow, and my "family" would probably just shrug and say "we dont know what happened" - thats how dysfunctional it is these days - and it ain't just my family either. 

And whats most aggravating, these damned women spoil the kids's health - their mental state - all for their own petty purposes. Hell, my daughter and I used to to go the park, for Granny "thats not good" - and for Mommy "she shouldn't take videos out there to benefit YOU!"

Its utter BS, like I need someone to take videos anyway - that was done to benefit my daughter, give her some skills other than sitting in front of the blasted dumbphone all day, and as a bonus we'd do Kiddie Fitness together, she NEVER had any health issues like she does now, yet, trying to reason with these blockheaded women is like banging one's head against the vault in Fort Knox. 


Didnt you know, they are women, so they can get away with bloody murder and you can't do squat about it. 

Women, my friend, and the liberal Bozo men that enable them have literally turned men into expendable sticks of meat to be roasted, grilled, BBQ'ed and shat out later. 

Even "sugar daddies" face the same thing - lol - they wouldn't be called that without cash i.e "human ATM".

And men love it apparently - the vast majority of buffoons out there. 

No, not ALL Women are like that - but the vast majority are. 

The only ones I know that are NOT of that bent of mind are usually Republican too - just sayin ... 

It's always been this way with women, my friend. Bottom line tho - the reason society wasn't this dysfunctional before is MEN were real men back in the day, and wouldn't ever put up with a lot of the shit that men take for "reality" these days.

No, not all those women in the group are Nazi feminists, but good part - I'd benefit if they were. Hehe. 

Point is this, there are still a few real men out there like yours truly who dont believe in this crap, who believe in true equality, goose and gander and so forth ... 

And deep down inside, most of the liberal men know what I am saying is true too. 

And if YOU want to break free of the Nazi feminist shackles, and not only benefit from it - but PROFIT from it at the highest levels possible - well - crack open my course on doing so NOW. 

Whining about it wont help (no-one cares about male problems or feelings, women, of course, the slightest little thing turns into a tsunami worth of global media attention apparently), neither will fighting it directly. Society's too far gone for that. Instead if you can't beat 'em - join 'em - to WIN against them in the only manner possible - but its a GRAND manner indeed - and YOU will have the last laugh ... 

I know lots of men feel this way, but wont speak up - change that - but do so i.e. speak up in the right manner, and at the right place/time, but dont ignore how you feel. The more men that jump onto the bandwagon, the better it is not just for men, but society in general. 

Never accept second place or being relegated to little less than a human cash cow or something to that effect - if you're a real man, that is - and there's precious few of us remaining out there. 

GET the course now, implement, win, and laugh all the way to the bank (especially tip #26 in the book! - so sage it's #26...).

And thats that. 

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS - Be sure to check out the related - somewhat - in general - video I did on this at the bottom of this page. Lots more to come in this regard; stay tuned. 

Wednesday, 28 December 2022 04:02

Troll update

Well, well, well! 

As we head into 2023 - I'm thrilled with what lies ahead - and how far we've come - on all our businesses (although I have to admit, the fitness business seems to be the one attracting the most number of trolls - wankers exist everywhere, but fitness for some reason has sadly turned into a pissing contest of "who can sell what for cheaper" which is sad ... as with anything else, the real goods always come at a price - a huge price - which is life too my friend, and you get the benefits accordingly too). 

Anyway - the trolls seem to have had, for the most part, an especially rocky Christmas. One fat troll was so enthused by the the turkey this year he, if reports are to believed, even sneakily ate up most of the wifes turkey, then claimed "it was a small bird, costs are rising" or some rubbish, ate up all the bread etc, drank all the booze up in the house too - didnt get out of bed the next day - did so irritated the day after - and then promptly started his trolling which is now bordering not just on lunatic, but downright desperate. More on that later...  but it reminds of a certain Schofield who once showed up at Charles's house in Jieyang, refused to budge, I still remember the aggravation in Charles's voice when he sent me those voice notes about Glyn. 

"he sits in a room all day trolling people, eats all my food, drinks all my beer, NEVER pays me for it ; makes a royal mess, doesnt clean up after himself" (he didnt quite include the part about Glyn taking off with his girlfriend's underwear - ugh - that came out later as he was tonked out rather unceremoniously on the road, face down in underwear on a street in Jieyang - someday I'll post that famous pic here. Hehe). 

Then a lot of them have figured out their financial situation isn't about to get any better (mostly because they're so damned lazy) - so they've decided to go down the SJW route apparently, and write long rants on Amazon about "why are his books so expensive!!!!!!" (not that it's any of their business, hehe). 

Some like Schofield have realized it's becoming increasingly hard to work their scams from overseas on gullible old ladies - and have hunkered down in Mama's basement - and every time they feel aggravated about something which is daily, they write lengthy rants about yours truly. Hehe. 

As you can tell, these trolls truly come in all shapes, sizes (ahem) and forms (double ahem). 

They will ALL be mentioned in the upcoming book on profiting at the highest levels from trolls (something most people wouldn't dream of, and dont know how to do - most get angry, hate it etc - but there is a far better way of dealing with it my friend - make MOOLAH off it!) ... Profit Troll

One of these fat muttonheads is an obese (literally) troll who regularly sends me photos of his phat self along with his boyfriend (I am NOT shitting you here) - that cannot do one single squat in proper form (and is too lazy to try, so claims "step-ups are the God of fitness" or some nonsense). There;s another who cannot do a pull-up in proper form and has a long history of cosying up to fitness guys, and then being summarily booted by each and every one of them because he neither looks the part (obese) nor can he sell anything (he lives on his wife basically, we all know him) - and then trolling them (oddly enough he never realizes his trolling is paying off for them big time, hehe) - and his latest is claiming that ... "dancers dont do pull-ups" (where this Bozo got this from only he knows) and that his fat back is the epitome of fitness ... 

This ass clown does the sort of pushups where his nose touches the floor first so he doesnt have to go all the way down on a rep ... 

(some of this sort have long brown "Pinoochio" like noses from poking it in where "it dont belong" - and literally, in "orifices" as Bruce once said, to "brown nose" "where it dont belong" Ewwww!)

Just bonkers that guys like this are even around, but hey. We all need the amusement. Personally for me I normally stay away from it all and just count the sales, but for me - well - sometimes even need my amusement, I have to admit, the desperation showing through in some of the trolling, most of which is ultimately centered around MONEY - is hilarious. 

Give them the product for free, they'll promote it all day as the next best thing in fitness as phat boy used to do, when you call a spade a spade - ie in terms of their results and their own complete lack of fitness they throw a hissy fit and go the other extreme. Strange, and its sick how they keep coming back to me for my "approval" - end of the day they're pissed I didnt lead them out of their mess. 

As Sly rightly said in ... the prison movie - Lockdown?? to a guy who kept saying "but you're our leader!" 

Goddamnit, I'm not your leader!!


But true leader are followed no matter what, so they follow me, tongues out, they have to do SOMETHING in their sorry lives, so might as well troll I suppose. 

Insane, the level to which price whinging has gone up to as well, not like these trolls have products of their own to promote beyond dodgy supplements, and writing books, putting out great videos etc - forgettttttt about it. Hehe. 

There's so many of them as well - but anyway, point of all this? 

Is two fold. 

One, a lot of our great customers decide - literally - hehe - sometimes - how to choose a product. 

"If the trolls troll you the most on it, and you're so proud of it, I must have that!" 

And so he did 

Pushup Central, the very BEST and only definitive course out there on pushups like only the bodyweight exercise Guru can teach you, yours truly used to be #1 on the list for a long time ...

And here's the review he left - 

 Brutally Effective!!!

The Bodyweight Guru has done it again, 55 ways to bring on the pain, a magnum opus on how to really use what is possibly the world's oldest and "most diverse" exercise.

If you're like me, you live for that pain, the feeling of your muscles as they stretch and contract and how your body screams at you to stop but your mind will not allow you to quit, you have that target in your mind and you cannot stop until you hit that target, yes my friends this is training "brutally effective" training.

Buy this book and take up the challenge of Push Up Central.

The Bodyweight Guru is waiting for you, let him show you how with this (innocently sounding) book you can become more than you could ever have imagined, this is hard training at it's absolute best.

Now a word about the previous review, Glyn Scofield is a total moron and his reviews suck almost as much as he does, Glyn, if by chance you ever read this, do yourself a favour and just stop, nobody cares what you think.

Bozo left this review - 

Boring, poorly written... drivel. 

A whole book dedicated to... how to do pish ups. Really? Badly written too.

I'll let y'all decide which one to take into account. Hehe. 

But other than that, the other books on the hit list - 

Squat 101 - from idiots that can't squat because they're too phat. 

(or lazy, more like). 

Pull-ups - from Dud - to STUD within a matter of weeks!

(when seeing me even when fat do pull-ups willy nilly they whine about how I should be "kind to others" about their own utter lack of strength and fitness). 

As a customer rightly said about this book - 

Quite simply, if you cannot pull your own bodyweight from a dead-hang till your chin passes over the bar you are not "strong" and no amount of lat pulldowns will correct this weakness.
Buy this book and learn how to do the most important upper-body exercise correctly and you'll never look back.
Brilliant book, thank you.

And he's right... 

No chin over bar = not strong, my friend, cut it whichever way you like - emailing me pictures of your fat self chomping at the bit about "strong arms broooooooooooooo" won't cut it broooooooo... Hehe. (dont you just hate it when idiots show up at your doorstep with this "bro" bullshit? I know Marc the African Silverback Gorilla hated it..) 

Truly, as charles Mitchell once said about "Shoulders like BOULDERS!" - 

People buy your books because they want to learn how to do things from you - you can do things they cannot, but they want to! 

And the trolls troll exactly for that reason too. Hehe. 

And Jump Rope Mania with all the great stuff we've put out in the paid version is attracting trolls too (literally you'll want to get your hands on this one NOW. There is NO other course that will teach you how to get to ACE level at jumping rope than mine can. You'll want to grab it NOW). 

And so it goes, my friend. 

Advanced Plyometric Training is one slated to come out very soon, you'll want to place your pre-order for this now. 

(one troll even claimed "learning from this dude is not the way to go". but he forgot to put in WHY... Hehe. Can we say ??? 

Well, thats true, as the phat troll claimed once "he wants a few organs for the book". 

Not really, hehe. Like this guy said in a review for Grizzly Power 


 Let's Get Real.

Although I don't own this particular book, I do own two of the books in this compilation so I believe I can give an honest review.

Hopeful Evangelist points out that the authors books are reassuringly expensive and I have to agree they're not cheap, however, as I've pointed out in a previous review of the authors material, you cannot put a price on knowledge, if you want the authors knowledge you have to pay what he is asking, otherwise you'll miss out.

Interestingly, Hopeful states that the authors knowledge is nothing special??? Sorry I have to disagree with that statement, the author knows his stuff from the inside out and his training methods work but here's the "kicker" his training methods only work if you do!!! There are no magic exercises or routines and that's why most people do not get the results they expect from their training, they lack application.

It is often asked why prison inmates are so muscular and "jacked" what is their secret? Their secret if you want to call it that, is this, they train very, very hard and they do this consistently day in day out without fail.

If you apply yourself appropriately to any of the authors works you will be rewarded for your efforts but do you have what it takes? You've got to dare to sweat, dare to strain and dare the pain, most are found wanting, hope this helps.


The more they troll, the more I make. Hehe. I'm luvin it!

And thats that - truly the bottom line. 

Pity the fitness world has turned into what it has, but hey - yours truly - always the visionary, always the torch bearer, always the iconclast, and rightly so. 

Folks - step up - show your REAL MAN "vibe" (god the terms) - and get these products NOW - and if you do so before the New Year, well, plenty of other goodies awaiting you for the New Year. 

And thats that!


Rahul Mookerjee

Lots of guys get pissed about people copying their stuff - their themes - their ideas - their work - rightfully so. 

The last thing you want is for someone to shameless ape you - and lots of people will send in angry copyright notices, threaten legal action and so forth. 

Yours truly does the opposite though - and encourages them to do MORE. Hehe. Which they all gladly do, especially the trolls. 

Now, I've covered this topic so many times before I wouldn't even get into it here, but this morning, I had this thought - of a certain Major General Michael, Rahul Mookerjee, Uncle Bob - and sometimes, "Ziv". 


We (Michael and myself) started Dongguan Expat (well, he started it, but the bulk of the work in many regards was done by me) - then invited Bob and Ziv into it, then competition grew, Bob started his own competing site with me doing the programming stuff, and pretty soon, it was hilarious - downright hilarious - the "Competing" aspect of this which I never got into. 

Bob would advertise something, the General would follow suit. 

General would do something on his website - Bob would follow suit. 

Yours truly just chuckled at it all - like ole Clint in "the Dollar series". 

No, I wasn't playing both sides. 

I was being pretty honest about it all! 

But either way, I was being SMART is the best way to put it really - either way, ultimately, it was DG Expat that "won" in all regards, while Uncle Bob, bless his souls site never really took off in any regard. 

You can't ape an original, my friend. 

you can try. 

But being a shameless ape (in some cases parading your bitch tits while doing something so horrific I wouldn't even call it a toddler pull-up -ugh - believe me, there was an ape I saw last month doing such a belch - or puke worthy version of the pull-up that I didnt just block him from all my communications - I did that a while back - I even deleted cookies from my browser so I NEVER go to that page again by mistake. Ugh!) ... well, it does two things my friend. 

Unlike with most people, it makes me "giggle". Which is always good, more amusement. 

Not to mention it only proves these ape's loser status - which they themselves are parading in front of the world for all to see. 

What I find really hilarious about these bozos? 

I do something on the site, a day later - like clockwork - they attempt to do the same on their sites, or excuse for sites.

I use profanity in some of my emails, sure enough the next day some of these goggle eyed trolls eagerly haunting the site for "whats he posted next" - will use the exact same wording. same terminology ... 

I get reviews from people telling me how my products and writings have changed thousands of lives, how we continue to motivate, uplift and inspire, and Bozos will parade around the next minute saying "we both do so!". 

It's hilarious, the way people try to "learn for free" here. 

It's even more hilarious how in all cases, bar none, these nuts have been blocked off the site, communications etc - yet they haunt the sites to see "what he's posted" - like a toddler anxiously waiting for Mommy to get back with chocolates - or what not - heart pounding away nineteen to the dozen. 

Its sick in a way, they get off on the humiliation - but hey - to each his (or her, for some of these Liberal "I can't decide my gender" nutwads) own ...

Its sick how (in some cases like Glyn, fat boy, a certain "Keith" and so forth) - they will do ALL they can to get my attention - from whichever perspective. Hehe. 

And it's just hilarious how in many cases they dont even have anything to sell, and what they do have they can't sell. 

Not to mention the hypocrisy of some of the liberal sorts signing up as affiliates, tails wagging, and then claiming ... 

Well, take a look at this -

"Hi! This is <chopped> from Affiliates! Could you change the tenor of your words please? My girlfriend gets really offended at some of your writing about ... <chopped>

... <personal info chopped>


This was, believe it or not - or maybe if you're into the Brittney Griner crap going on (come to think of that - are there any depths of stupidity the Biden Admin won't plunge to?? The Russians, I can hear them cackling at the idiocy, so they should!) a 40 year old WOMAN SAYING THIS!

Look, honey, if your girlfriend dont like it, tough shit, you were well aware of what you signed up for. 

Of course, the girlfriend loves the fitness bit ... Hehe. 

And of course, these liberal sorts are hypocrites that will gladly take it up the ass if it means a few extra bucks for dinner that night. (even funnier, a lot of these guys, gals, in betweens couldn't sell a $5 fitness ebook without whining about price if they tried. Truly. these sorts are just SICKENING. The world has WAY too many losers!). 


Anyway ........................ 

These losers truly do disgust me, but in a weird way, like I mentioned before, it's just another indication of whose star is rising continuously, and whose never rose to begin with - pun not intended, especially NOT on that latter part. Hehe. 

Anyway - back to sanity - I've been receiving RAVE reviews from people already on the Pushup Central workout videos - although it's just been a day since we got it up. I've no doubt the same will happen with Squat 101 too very soon ... but MORE people have bought Pushup Central (for now) than the latter, which makes sense, the latter only came out this year - and so for all these people, I'm back to creating MORE discount codes - and remember, those of you that have bought the book - you're entitled to the video part of it - and no, you dont need to "pay again" for the book - hence the discount. 

And, remember to place the pre -order for Lumberjack Lodestone Fitness while you can at the current price, something tells me that long overdue project will be out next. 

Thats that!


Rahul Mookerjee

I've been giving out a lot of free tips these days (which I normally reserve for my books and the Ship members) to my email list. 

About how to do advanced exercises, how to get more reps, and a lot of everything in fact - you'll want to sign up for the newsletter if you ain't signed up already here

And, you'll want to subscribe to our Youtube Channel here - lots of great stuff! 

Anyway - today's tip? 

Last afternoon, we were doing a short video on pull-ups and dead hangs, and at the end of it I decided to give yall viewing a tip on increasing REP count. 

When you're fatigued, when you think you can't do any more pushups, when you can't pull - "at all" - when you're at that point, really speaking, you've only gone to about 30% of your capacity my friend. 

David Goggins said this in one of his books too - and he is right. 

But I'm not asking you to give it 100 plus percent in each workout that way - you'd probably burn out unless that is all you were focusing on (although admittedly some of us manage it) ... 

I'm simply giving you a tip on INCREMENTAL progress - which is ultimately what leads to big gains. 

At the end of that video, you will see that I tell you the exact words to use to say to yourself when you're in that situation. 

i.e. you can't get even a single more rep! 

Or half of it ... 

"Lets do 3 more, just 3 more!" 

The word in bold is KEY. 

Words, my friend, paint a PICTURE in your mind. 

When your mind sees "just" - it thinks of "oh, something easy there". 

And it prods your subconscious into doing the thing, which then calls upon your reserves, and you pump out more reps - or do the dead hang for longer as was the case in that video. 

I can easily go up to a minute in the dead hang, perfect form. 

I've done up to two minutes - and I could go for longer probably using the tip above - in an exercise most people, even a lot of fit guys - struggle to do. (dead hang, forget the pull-up, haha). 

If you say "lets do 3 more" (or 5, or whatever) - you might not get that same impact. 

Because then the mind never goes in to "easy peasy lemon squeezy" mode if you get my drift. 

That, my friend, is a very powerful technique indeed - if you care to listen and implement. 

In that video my little girl mentioned something - a riposte - about "but your name is not Justin". 

On the spur, in the flow, I wasn't sure why she said that. 

Given a guy named Justin wants to market on this site today, well, maybe thats why. Hehe. 

We'll see what happens with Justin ... but as an aside, many years ago, I was at Enterprise Rent a Car in NY (is it still around? I'll Goggle! (Freddie said Goggle, I must too!)) with the girlfriend at the time, I wasn't 21 - she was over 21, (I was a few months shy) - and despite a lot of pleading they wouldn't let me rent in my name - which means the insurance wasn't in my name - which means I couldn't drive for those few months. 


I remember telling co-workers how I had to ask my girlfriend to get smokes for me (although sometimes we got 'em online). Hehe. 

One guy for whatever reason used to buy them from me at work - maybe he wasn't allowed to smoke at home? 

Anyway .................... 

(he'd often show up at my desk "just one more", lol). 

I still remember guy at Enterprise smirking at me and doing his version of being a smart guy and telling me "Thats the KEY age" i.e.21.

Well, we reached that key age shortly thereafter, a brother (a big burly brother if you get mah drift, hehe) hooked me up with a SUV instead of the economy car we budgeted for as I showed up to the house with the girlfriend in tears "because I took so long". 

Ah, the memories, including driving the SUV on the highways as it tilted on the sharp bends up in Maine ...

Man, that water was COLD, cold, cold! I didnt do any Brooks Kubik style workouts on that damn beach, the water touched my little toe, I damn near froze. 

Hotel (motel) had a nice little heated pool though, if I was there NOW - I'd probably jump in the ocean anyway. Hah. 

Anyway, I dont know why this email showed up in reverse, memories later, info first. 

Such as it Is. 

And since this isnt a travelogue, I'll end it here. 

Back soon - but thats the key word!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS - The key word to turn around your fitness in terms of supreme conditioning workouts - that build health, strength and vitality all in one quick (or many quick) movements - is Animal Kingdom Workouts - and the key word there - BUY. 

Nothing happens until you get off your duff and do, way too many of you haven't as yet! Hehe. 

PS #2 - Along with the "Goggle" part, well, once, back in the day, I accidentally pronounced Skype as "Sky pee" in a meeting. 

OK, enough with the ridiculous memories in that regard, but it was hilarious, to me at least - in China though thats how they say it, so it wasn't even noticed. Hehe. I did though later!


Sunday, 13 November 2022 05:51

My very first piece of fitness writing...

Meditation and exercise time are when I get my best ideas - out of the blue - even when I'm not thinking of anything - (that shows you the power of the subconscious mind, or STARTS to) - and therefore, I do as much of both as possible if just for those reasons (though I do it, obviously for many other reasons too!). 

And this morning, I was "interrupted" by ideas showing up into my mind as usual. 

Now, it's different when an idea I gotta act on NOW shows up. 

When that happens, I know it - when it's "normal" ideas, they come, they go ... 

You'll see what I mean if you ever get into meditation deeply (I highly recommend it, except most people do it wrong, it's not about "finding the inner you" while meditating and other crap the gurus tell you, or to "tune out while putting music on" or so forth - all of those are many forms of what work yes. But they aren't the real thing). Maybe I'll write a book on that next. We'll see. Again, with my background in all this ... 

Anyway, that aside, my first piece of fitness writing came to mind. 

And it wasn't Fast and Furious Fitness as I have mentioned here, as this entire site is built upon. 

It was "fastandfurious" yes, but a different domain I no longer own, and wont mention here, but that was my first "blog" ... fitness wise, I believe. 

I was selling ole Fred Nicklaus's stuff - remember him, guys? 

Martial artist with two hip replacements and more, anyway, that lasted a short while. 

I got bored with it, didnt maintain the blog. 

"What could have been", of course, is an interesting story!

If I had started all this in earnest in 2004 when I first spoke to Brooks Kubik- well, what "could" have been with all the resources I had back then ... well, the question always begets!

(this particular blog I'm referring to was in 2008). 

I sometimes wish I could read what I wrote back then, if just to relive old time' sake, how I did things back then. The "waist whittling" as Brooks so often called it. Hehe. 

Anyway ....... 

I quickly figured two things out - selling other people's stuff wasn't for me, never has been. 

Nothing wrong with being an affiliate if that is your thang, plenty of people are - but for me, it's always been about building my own brand - in one way or the other. 

And other than the great relationships I built that way, being a "follower" wasn't either. 

I didnt know all that in those terms back then - I do now, but looking back, I've always blazed a trail - either with my workouts - or with my lifestyle - or with how I do things in general. 

Women, dont get me started. Hehe. 

And so, I wrote my own book two years later. 

Fitness wise, that was the start. 

I still didnt get going at the speed I should have back then, I really got to it in 2017 though - Cindy - thank you! - and have never looked back since then. 

If you were to ask me when all of this REALLY started to take off, it was when most other businesses started to die out - in 2020!

My wife was making a telling comment about malls the other day, how they're pretty much all empty now - something no-one talks about, but it's true in many parts of the globe. 

Those without stickability are already being forced out of the game. A lot have! 

Anyway - I'll see if I can dig up some internet history on the old domain. I believe I can, the posts are probably saved SOMEWHERE too. I know myself too well, I wouldn't let it go without a backup!

Anyway .... 

It all happens when it does - for a reason. 

When the time is right and ripe for it to happen. 

And fitness wise, my friend, if the time is RIPE for your own fitness to blossom, then start planting seeds today. 

Those seeds are what will really grow, nay, BURGEON into fitness machines down the road if you tend to them regularly , daily, and with proper care. 

Get on the 0 Excuses Fitness System now fitness wise - long overdue for those of you not "already" on it. 


Rahul Mookerjee

PS - We still have some of the Collector's Editions of Fast and furious Fitness - so if you want one, shoot me an email, I'll have it sent out asap. 

And yes, I am STILL autographing those, or any other paperback/hardcovers you guys might buy - just say the word, pal, and it will be DONE. 

he's just an English speaker, a dumbass one

A predictable, yet such a lovely response from Gorilla Girl who was pestering me, as usual to learn English for free - as well as her kids. 

Ugh - on the last part, not so much because I dont teach English, but because of her tendency to constantly label all expats as English teachers, and more - what we (me and her) talk about is definitely NOT for kids. I hope she hasn't shown her kid the whole conversation for one! 

"I was punishing him!" she went. 

And in typical Nazi feminist style, of course, "because he was bullying girls at school" - then I asked her what if the girls were at fault? 

And he just responded like a man should ... 

Of course, "teacher said he bullied girls and Mother knows her son" was the only answers I got. 

Reminded me of me in seventh grade when a girl was constantly irritating me and taunting me, bullying me, I had enough, all I did was to push my chair back forcefully and it hit her desk, knocking her damn lunch off the desk - but thats it. 

The beating I got at home from that - and being forced to stand outside class (with another dude, for another reason) I'll never forget, much like the brutal beatings handed down to us boys while the girls got away mostly scot free (with the male teachers trying to flirt with them if you can believe it). 

True story, my friend, if you're a fat "VD Agarwal" - "let the climate come in" Bozo, you know it as well. Many of your cohorts do too! I'd name and shame, but nah - I'll leave that for the ... but anyway, Sophia. 

(I did tell her how much that made me hate my father, like in Rocky V, the boxer that says "I just think of my Dad when I get in the ring", and all the rage just comes out, and ... well, he hit hard for one!) 

(I was slightly more descriptive, but I was being factual, but I'll spare ya'll the details, or victuals. Hehe)/

So she was punishing him, then I asked her if I was a dumbass ... well, let me copy and paste. 

you really said in that language (english) to your son? Or Chinese? 

One question for you, Sophia, for the person that learns from a dumbass, what are they? Dumbass learning from dumbass? LOL

In the midst of that, I sent her a dick picture - again. LOL. Anyway, she replied after the picture. 

I know this many years ago, she said. 

Then I asked for a direct answer, which I never got ... 

well, the stupidest thing ever, satisfied?

(and all this is all true, screenshots - and I'm happy to provide some, hehe minus the "pic") 

not me be satisfied , that is not the point

I want to know, what do YOU think. Hehe.

So, for example (since I'm a dumbass) - all these people that buy my books, leave me reviews, etc - in many cases, these guys are rich - physically, they have been in the Armed forces, Marines etc - they are martial artists, former wrestlers - these girls (and guys) that learn from my other books etc - all of those people, what are they? Hehe. The stupidest ever to pay money and learn from me, despite their many accomplishments otherwise?

Another example - one that you can understand better, all those Chinese that pay to learn English from me ... then in many cases they become my <chopped> - also all dumbasses?

I dont care if the answer satisfies me. I'd like you to think and tell me your honest opinion, that is all.

Third example, Sophia learing English (when she can ) from me. Wait, how can that be possible. SHe is so smart. but she does it anyway ...

There was more. 

And I love Gorilla Girl, I really do. HEhe. 

I never did get that direct answer, of course.. 

And thats fine. 

Gorilla Girl and I have an unwritten agreement to troll each other for reasons the average Schofield will never understand, though he'll try. 

But she's a woman after all ... HEhe. 

Anyway - it reminded me of the idiots who call me everything from "cunt" to "narcissist" to "egotist" - all because I point out clearly evident facts about them. 

In some cases, the word "obese" is enough to trigger a flood of tears, completely ignoring the rest of what I say. Hehe. 

I've been told many times my words HURT - or UPLIFT. 

To an extreme in both cases. 

They HIT HOME - and the proof on all sides of this debate - well, enough said on that one!

And thats how I like it. 

Thats how I'd rather it be. 

And thats how it shall always be. 

Then of course, you have the Bozos who get their knickers in a twist simply because "you talk about them with someone else" (Glyn Bozo was hallucinating about just that) or the fools that masturbate on Nanjing buses "angrily" from what it seems (that even possible)? 

Or the asses that troll this site while claiming not to and write long emails based upon my style, cite research studies from the very sites and same topics I do (I rarely cite research, so I know this idiot copied me, and is anxiously, despite me BLOCKING him several times from the list, all his ID's - waiting for the next update from yours truly, salivating rather) ... 

And a host of others. 

Then you have the smart bunch that can't get enough of me. Hehe. 

Ultimately they all come back, they all learn from me, which begets the question ... maybe, like so many people are clamoring for a new definition of normal (and if you were to believe the LGBTW idiots, that would be true) ... there should be a new definition of dumbass ... Hehe 

Anyway, Gorilla Girl and yours truly dumbass (she's not in the videos guys - sorry - and she wont be either) - bring you the 0 Excuses Fitness System, the best damn system - it will turn you into a fitness phenom regardless of whether currently a slob, beached whale, an already fit person, a gym goes, a dumbass, or anything, really. 

It does NOT discriminate, so long as you DO. 

LGBTQ as well, hehe. 

And thats that. 

Back soon! 


Rahul Mookerjee

PS - This started when Miss Dumbass, or Mrs, depending, was pestering me about doing video calls. Ugh. I've made no secret of how much I hate the dumbphone and calls in geenral, and bloody video calls and videos, I'd rather jump off a damn cliff (but I wouldn't break my legs, hehe - nah, kidding) ... 

More here - https://0excusesfitness.com/2021/04/25/why-rahul-mookerjee-does-not-and-never-will-do-video-calls/

I have a far more verbose version of this elsewhere, but I'll only reveal if the haters want it, hehe. 

Trade secrets, my son. 

Trade secrets! Hehe.


Thursday, 13 October 2022 14:40

On penny pinching "Bennies" and more ...

"Penny pincher drink water!" 

I still remember an angry Gorilla Girl hammering these words out at me while I attempted to calm her down. Hehe. 

(I think that was "direct translation from Chinese" as the Chinese love to say)

She looks exceedingly sexy when angry though so I didnt really try I believe. 

I still cannot remember what the fight was about, oh, now I do. 

I think it was basically when we were going to meet up, and we both knew what each other wanted, so I just told her "lets just meet up at home". 

She chose lunch initially, apparently the husband wasn't home then "you can come for dinner if you like", she giggled. 

Nah - not so much into the cuckolding scene, Sophia ... Hehe is what I told her (Bozo Glyn would wet his pants if he was allowed to watch of course), then it was agreed upon for lunch, then she started whining about "but I have to tell my husband anyway" and then I told her "please, I want NO part of that" - and ... well, it spiraled. 

Something like that at any rate, I think what I was most pissed off about was this - it was a rainy morning, I done got drenched on the hill, Gorilla Girl was giggling up a storm about it, and she completely threw my schedule off wack as well. 

Those that know me know (like a certain lawyer Jojo) I'm a creature of habit. I dislike my routines being disturbed even in the slightest, I take it to extremes yes, but for a damn good reason, it's better than having no routine. 

Still remember my ex once telling me sourly when she wanted to take long detours while we were on our way back from Crystal Springs (manatee ville) in Florida ... 

"You're just like my grandfather! Once he settles upon a route, he NEVER deviated from it!" 

(that was the famous fight due to deviating from good ole Mapquest as I drove back - remember them days?) 

Anyway ... 

With Sophia, ultimately it wasn't about penny pinching. 

Funny part?

And true story, when we met up - she chose the hill - which delighted me. Hehe. She knew Id like that the best. 

Then, apparently too many Chinese were staring on a Sunday afternoon at the foreign devil with his girl, so she wanted to go elsewhere - I asked her where. 

She had no idea. 

So I chose a coffee shop. 

We sat down inside, I ordered a beer - she a coffee and cake I believe (after I had to "push her to order it" - she didnt quite understand the menu or something). 

I paid. We left.

And then that evening the massive bitching session about ... guess what? 

"I WANT TO PAY FOR IT!!!" thundered Sophia. 


And she sent me the money on wechat, which I didnt accept, and she burst into tears eventually claiming "I was being so mean". 

Can't win for losing, hehe, eventually I accepted it, but it's funny how female brains work, from bitching about penny pinching to wanting to "pay for it all or else" ... 

Hey, Gorilla Girl is right in that AA sucks, I hate it too. 

But I'd rather pay! 

Anyway .... what does this little tidbit have to do with anything? 

Well, I dont even know, it came to mind so I told ya. Hehe, 

The main reason I was writing this? 

I call out penny pinchers and cheapskates a hell of a lot. For good reasons, but do you know just why I cannot stand these people and do everything possible to mock 'em? 

And NOT hide my contempt for this lot? 

Because - guess what - first off, whether or not you believe it, we all, to an extent penny pinch. 

I do it too. 

For instance, if confronted with a $300 toothbrush like Bozo claims he uses, and a $2 special, I'd choose the latter anyday. 

To me, a toothbrush is a toothbrush, it could come wrapped in fancy packaging or a simple "cardboard box from Amazon" - it could be electric or I could, you know, use my hands unlike Glyn whose always got his fingers in his own butt or something ... 

(admittedly he wants that $300 brush to brush his prostrate and not teeth which is a different thing altogether I guess)

Same thing with potatoes. 

They can come wrapped in fancy bags claiming "organic" - or they can be plain jane from the local farmer's market, or Walmart from all I give a shit, as long the quality is similar, I could care less what the outside looks like. 

But, a pair of jeans, for instance? 

To me - I'll almost ALWAYS buy Levi's. 

Now, why? 

I could just as easily buy other brands... 

Point is this - to me a pair of jeans is, for whatever reason (fit, unique style, whatever my requirements are) MORE important than say a bar of soap, or toothbrush ... 

And so whether I'm a trillionaire or not, I'll always look for the best deals on the latter bunch. 

I'll always "penny pinch", so to speak in that regard. 


Hell, I wouldnt think twice of buying a pair of Levis's, or Pepe, or whatever - no matter how much it cost, provided I really liked it, because to me that would be "value in terms of clothing". 

Same thing HERE. 

Lots of folks WANT - or claim they want - the books. It's obvious. 

But if you "truly want" - but are too cheap to fork over the bucks for it, then I'm sorry, but you're not being honest - you dont really want it. 

You'd rather have your Netflix or whatever, and thats fine. 

Point again, is this. 

People buy what they really WANT - no matter what the economy is like or other crap people make excuse over. 

People FIND a way to get what they REALLY, truly WANT. They dont moan about price or what not, they just do it. Thats how it works, life, fitness, any sort of product or service you might think of. Might not sound nice me saying it like that - but can you say it's not TRUE? 

So to me, it's simple - if you dont want to "truly buy" - then stop haunting this site and claiming "you'd like to buy". 

Way too many people do that, keep checking out the checkout page, adding to cart etc, but never actually take ACTION beyond that. 

Which until a point is fine, but if you never do anything, there's no point my friend. 

Be honest, first and foremost - all else after that. 

And thats the lot I cannot stand. ie HYPOCRITES and do nothing's. 

Id rather someone say "I dont want to your stuff" than vacillate until "kingdom come", so to speak ... 

Either this or that. 

Either you get it, or you dont, there is NO in between ... (and no, this doesn't apply to anyone in particular, no matter how several people might take it). 

It applies in general, and it explains my most reasonable views on all this. 

And thats that. 

Be sure and check out some world class fitness products HERE if you're truly interested in getting into top shape. 

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

This morning I received one of those weird messages the Bozo sends when totally trashed out of what is left of his "mind" (which as a couple of customers have "giggled" - I mean that in a good way, heh - about "he was kind of at the back of the line when God dispensed brains") ... 

Apparently Bozo, after reviewing some $200 toothbrush on Amazon or something in 2020 is now claiming he buys "$300 toothbrushes" and from the odd nature of his email he wants me to get one too. 

In that email there are rambles about him having "African ancestry" - apparently too many people have called the Bozo out for having a "tiny pecker" or some nonsense that he keeps parading about on social she-dia when drunk, in one of his "I want to be a woman" moods (dont even get me started, this guy is the height of lunacy) and how his teeth are discolored or some nonsense, or how he has "gaps in his teeth" (which hey, Glyn, just go to a damned orthodentist or something, I did when I was young, then I stopped. Those damned braces, ugh). 

Anyway, apparently Bozo is in his "I want to be an African woman" moods, 'nuff said on that. 

But it reminds of a rant he left on the Animal Kingdom Workouts book which began with, of course, $$... 

"Since I have so much money to burn...", the Bozo went. 

Now admittedly Bozo is trolling, admittedly in his case even if he did buy $300 toothbrushes, apparently thats because he rams it up his rear end and other 'unmentionables', and so quality is required, hehe. 


But it aint just him, look at the things him and other fools spend their money on. 

"A fool and his money are easily parted", goes a saying. 

And it's true. Much like "there's no accounting for taste". 

Now, I'm not saying dont waste your money - hell, if you want to, by all means do it (or claim to do it), but Tom Tomming such tom foolery makes you look like an utter fool my friend. Fact.

Me, I wouldn't spend $300 on a toothbrush if you begged me to. 

I balk at spending $300 - $500 on a damned bumphone - or dumbphone, hehe - except unfortunately the dictates of modern day life mean I have to ... but that dont mean I "want to". 

I'd rather my old school blue Noke with a certain Aa Ling's photo pasted on the back (dont tell the wife, hehe. She peeled it off in 2009! "You dont need this anymore!"). 

But Bozo aint the only one ... 

There's plenty of Nazi feminists and other fools spending money willy nilly on things that dont matter, then complaining they never have any money and so forth. 

Ask a certain Jeff Bezos which toothbrush and toothpaste he uses. 

He probably buys economy off Amazon. Hehe. 

for a guy that drove his battered 90's Honda until 2017 or so ... hey, I get it!

I'm not averse to spending money - even the Bozo knows that. Hehe. Bozo "searches for his ATM card" which as Charles once said he "never has" - theres always an excuse - while I just up and fuckin pay to be done with it... 

But I'd rather INVEST. 

Give me a long term solid investment, or business plan, I'd gladly invest $300, or $3000 or more... 

So would any smart businessman. 

But an idiot like Glyn who claims to use the world's most expensive toothpaste, like really, Glyn, well and truly "scraping the bottom of the barrel" there my scorpion friend. 

Anyway ... 

FItness, and your own self - some of the , if not always THE best investments you can make my friend. 

Investments that will always pay off in spades no matter what. 

And if I had to spend $300 or less, I'd do it on the 0 Excuses Fitness System - without any delay. 

Truly the best investment you can make in your life ... if you haven't already do so now and start reaping the benefits TODAY. 

And thats that. 

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

Not so much to catch a glimpse of Sly's rugged forearms again ... but because, well, it's old school, it's ACTION - REAL action, not the make believe action they show these days - real stuff I love - from the old guys - done old school style!

As a certain Vince Palko once told me back when I still got on FB - "good to know the old guys are still around!"


He's right. He's one of them!

In a world where old school values are rapidly failing, where you're either a third gender or not - (as opposed to men being men and women being women and God forbid anyone says "that is natural!") ... well, Sly is often called a dinosaur.

But he's also the "last man standing".

In cricket, in life, sports, business, movies ... the dude (or lady) who takes it to the LAST ball, the LAST over, the LAST scene, the LAST ... well, chapter if I may - he - or she - is usually the one that ends up getting the plaudits, money, success - and rightfully so - the rest fade away ultimately.

Truly great people stick it through thick and thin to get to where they want to be.

They know, like a certain "Ms Dhoni" in India - that if you take the damn match to the last over, the last ball, then ANYTHING can happen - and if you're well set by then, which you are, if you've taken it that deep yourself, then chances are you will pull off the win, a stunning one at that.

Dhoni pulled off many for India!

I know I was dreaming of a certain Sachin Tendulkar and Saurav Ganguly, another dynamic opening batting pair in India that broke, set and shattered many a record this morning ... anyway, WHERE the fuck was I.

ah yes, the Expendables.

So, I dont even know if it'll get mae. But hey, Rambo V got made - maybe this will too!

And the one guy I'd really like to see in the franchise - and I'm sure they've thought of him too?


I remember a great interview, lots of fun that Steve Austin once did (he's ALWAYS fun) - it's probably floating around on Youtube or something even NOW. And in there, he mentioned the Expendables (first movie in the series) - and how "great, now I'll be known as the guy that broke Sylvester Stallone's neck!"

Which apparently happened because sly is huge on making his stunts look real, punches "for real" (Dolph Lungdren reportedly once punched him "for real" during Rocky IV, and he had to be taken to hospital!) ...

Which is how it should be, and so, well, accidents happen, they did during that series, and many others!

Dysfunction and chaos at it's very best - producing great results. Hehe.

We'll get to dysfunction later, for now?

I'd say Iron Mike definitely deserves to be in there too with all the other old school guys!

"Your kicks vs my fists", and then that famous peekaboo style he has STILL Got ...

That was in one of the IP man movies he did - and damn, dude gave a pretty good account of himself against the top martial artist in Hong Kong.

Which is to be expected.

Give me a top level boxer that can MOVE - predict how the opponent will throw a punch, or kick and react before that - and I'll take a boxer anyday over a martial artist in a street fight.

Not always, but most of the time - all else being equal, you can't beat boxing (and wrestling).

Martial artists will be the first to tell you that as well.

Those kicks look great, but they're also great to get someone off balance - IF you can see it coming, of course!

And I dont know, maybe bring back Jean Claude Van Damme too! He did GREAT I thought in Expendables 2 as a believable villian - I love most of his work, so what can I Say (not so much Steven Seagal though, I've never really liked what he's done).

Chuck Norris, Van Damme, and Iron Mike.

And hey, in his prime, I'd bet on ole Mike ANYDAY in a fight against either one of those two (which is NO disrespect meant to either one of them, both top level sold martial artists till this day, but Mike Tyson in his prime, man, that was something else altogether! A certain Brad Pitt lived to tell about it...)

Anyway - random thoughts from me.

Some more -

If you really want to know what people think of , or maybe "associate with you" or see you as, or what not ... see what they save your name in their dumbphone as. Hehe. Or even on the flip phone

I'm different in this regard in that I've always, and still, save names of people by their first name, and thats that.

If they're there for a reason then I put something else after the name like "visa guy" or something like that.

But it's always interesting to see how others call you "Yukit" (supreme planner in Hindi) or "Ma'am's husband" (which was downright hilarious, dude that does my visas, I mean OK, "Ma'am" was the one that was doing all the co-ordination when I was in China (well, until 2016 or so), then happier times ended, I did it myself, I still do - OK, she found him at some agency, and so forth, I got her to do some business through him, so from all those angles it makes perfect business sense - and no, despite what some idiots might think, nothing else going on - but still, I was like dude, at least save my name as ME, I've been paying you for damn near seven or so years now straight...hehe).

Not that he meant bad.

He didnt.

But it's hilarious often!

Random thought numero two - or "dos" for our amigos reading this?

Well, if you ever get to know people's passwords, which obviously I dont advocate hacking into etc, you'll know what is REALLY dear to them - whether they know it or not.

Ditto for what they sing in the shower, the words they often use, and so forth. The mighty subconscious manifests itself in different ways my friend.

You just have to be agile enough to spot it.


On the Pushup Central page, Iron Mike is one of the guys I mention - a LOT.

And with damned good reason.

If there was one exercise that he did repeatedly, ONE exercise that turned him into a BEAST incarnate during his hey day - one exercise that Herschel Walker did, and still does - and MOST doers do - it is the good ole pushup.

Nothing replaces it.

Do it enough, do it daily, do it multiple times daily, do it often, you'll feel a POWER you cannot get from ANY other exercise.

Truly, the oldest exercise around probably, and for a damn good reason.

If you want to be a monster, a human BEAST - then you have to do what is mentioned in Pushup Central, period, no two ways around it.

As a certain customer once said about the book "you'll truly build INDESTRUCTIBLE humans" with this course!

So it is, my friend. So it is.

But agility - Tyson was as agile as a mother goose as well my friend.

And Jump Rope Mania - and some of the hidden tips, tricks, techniques and of course the damn WORKOUTS in the book are a great way to getting YOU there too.

Pushups and jumping rope just go together, I dont know why, but they DO.

Next, remember to pick up the 0 Excuses Fitness System too, it's a baseline for damn near everything, much like wrestling is a baseline for any other combat sport you engage in/practice.

Unless you prefer putting the cart before the horse of course...

And since this has gone on for long enough, I'm out.

But hey, I've been thinking about it since last night!

Back soon.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS - Oh yeah, dysfunction, this morning I was thinking about my family, the number of rapidly burgenoning nieces and probably nephews too, hell, I dont know - that "Uncle Rahul" has .. (I prefer Rahul, hehe) ... and never gets told about.

Not that anyone in my so called family tells anyone anything, the father's side of the family is never even mentioned, no-one knows what goes on there - mother's side, well, always mentioned, but always kept secret too - ah well, families, dysfunction, I'm sure y'all reading this can identify to an extent, but I really doubt most people have dealt with the level of dysfunction that is present in yours truly's "family".

Except the real doers, they have, and then some.

OK, enough for now.

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