Rahul Mookerjee

Thursday, 02 December 2021 03:33

Converting defeat - to VICTORY!

Believe it or not, some of the greatest, most succesful and deepest motivators need support too. 

Oddly enough or maybe  not, the people closest to them hate them the most - closely followed by the legions of trolls eagerly hanging on to their every word, thought, action ... hehe. 

Which is fine. 

As Jeff Bezos once said, 

"You gotta be willing to be misunderstood for long periods of time to be an entrepreneur". 

Bezos put it in his own manner. 

I'd say it differently! 

I'd say "the bozos that understand all, but pretend not to". Hehe. 

But anyway ... here are a couple of quotes - old time quotes - NO videos, no inanities, just quotes - that have picked me from the depths of darkness - yes, I've been there too! - when I most needed it in the past, when no-one was there for me - when the whole world was against me - or so it felt - when NO-one had faith in me (a lot still dont, and I love it!) ... when people called me an idiot for doing ebooks instead of paperbacks, when people called me stupid for daring to start a biz, and so much more. 

Edison, with his famous quote on the problem most men have is GIVING up too soon. Most men when they reach the point of giving up do not realize just how close they are to success when they do give up - as it told in the great book "Three Feet from Gold" by Napoleon Hill, I believe. 

Or, the HIll quote. 

"No man who has achieved anything worthwhile has done so without at one time or the other, having one foot hanging WELL over the brink of failure". 

In the modern day, perhaps the Bezos quote of "never give up on your goal no matter how hard it gets". 

I know all this myself, of course. 

But sometimes, it pays - and helps - to read - the greats!

Precious few people DO though. 

Anyhow, why do I say this. 

Because last night, I watched one of those Amazon Prime movies - something about "dark side of life in Mumbai". 

A run of the mill movie, fairly so, but I love Kay Kay Menon - one of the actors in it - along with Emraan Hashmi, one of my favorite actors and one who unlike Hashmi doesn't seem to quite get the dues that should be given him. 

It's about six couples (I think) in Mumbai, all going through dire, tough times - the toughest - this was pre covid obviously - and how they handle it. 

One couple, hemmed in by financial woes all around them, contemplates suicide. They even get the pills to do it!

"Easy to find the illegal stuff", laughs the husband when asked by his wife if he "got the goods". 

Since it's their last night, they eat up, drink up - they even give the delivery boy a ton of change (like three spare meals) because he didnt have change, and told him to keep their phone too, they wouldn't need it!

They have it out with their rude landlord, they tell their old bosses to piss off, and so much more. 

All the hidden feelings - animosities - they get it all out!

End of the night, they discover living life "carefree and fear free" wasn't so bad after all. 

They never do commit suicide. 

Then, there are others that do. 

Some survive, like a young boy who was homeless in Mumbai, falls in love with a girl that takes him home, introduces him to an old "Uncle" who sort of adopts him, the story goes on and on until the girl OD's on drugs, the guy is devastated, commits suicide, survives, six months later, he's a succesful singer...

And many others. 

Including an impotent (apparently) cop - and the barbs he gets from his girlfriend on a daily basis. 

"You forgot the bullets!" 

"Your lock is permanently jammed!" 

Glyn Bozo of course would have a field day listening to all of that, but I was thinking, what if the GIRL had a problem - do we ever talk about that - and if the guy dared to say half of what the girl was?  

He'd be labled abusive in an instant, whereas the girl gets away scot free? 

"No fair". 

But anyway, cop dies heroically in the end - saving another damsel from a terror attack. 

And his woman at home is devastated and distraught, but thats a lesson unto itself. 

Words hurt and matter - whether or not people admit it or not. 

ALWAYS be careful what you tell the other person, my friend. 

As Napoleon Hill said, your words can plant the seeds of either success - or the OPPOSITE - in other people's minds - subconsciously. 

Some times, like in Glyn's case for instance, harsh words cannot be avoided, but in most cases, its best to do what HIll says ie write the words out either on the beach - right before high tide - or, on a sheet of paper which you then burn up later. 

Anyway .............

The movie, and the reasons for "ending it all" - were to me, frankly - LAUGHABLE. 

But then again, I've been through a LOT. 

Which is why people call me incaring (un) - and insensitive when I nigh on tell them that their problems are nothing in the grand scheme of things. 

Believe me, I've seen it all - and BEEN through dark times like no-one else has - or precious few have. 

And believe me, living to fight another day is what it's all about. 

As the old man in the movie said (my favorite) "even sculptures weren't made without hemming away at stone. Nothing good comes easy!" 

Those old men, people in that age group as I keep saying are really the ones that have it spot on, that I identify with - ever since I was young, for whatever reason, I've always had "older friends" and so forth. 

My Mom hated it "why can't you hang out with your own age group". 

Gee, Mom, like it matters.  

But anyway, living to fight another day, to keep the good fight going - and to convert that defeat into victory through sheer and utter persistence - THAT is what life is all about ultimately. 

I dont know why I saw fit to say this now ... but I did. 

Maybe it'll help some of you going through dark times right about now. Maybe it'll provide a spark of cheer to those that have "given up". I dont know, maybe someone will read these words, and feel uplifted!

As Emerson said, if even ONE person feels that way - I've done my job - regardless of sales or not. 


Being grateful is something we often forget. 

Often, my friend. 

And its probably the best time to tell you to be grateful - again - for what you DO have - and not focus so much on what you DON'T have. 

I know I'm grateful to all of y'all on here, and I'll keep doing all I can in this regard for as long as I live. (on the physical plane). 

Because I know lots of you LOVE my daily dispatches, it makes your day ... 

And that makes mine too!

I'm grateful, and thats what it's about! 

Chin up - shoulders BACK!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS - Fitness wise, remember, you HAVE To be in top shape to "vibrate" at the highest levels and ultimately attract GOOD to you no matter what. 

THIS is the fitness system that will DO it. 

Tuesday, 30 November 2021 05:39

Should I be a movie star?

Well, well, well! 

The "you look like a movie star" rears its not so ugly head again. Hehe.

Jesus, TV personalities, Habib - I cannot think of ONE thing I have not been compared to. Or person! Or "personality!" 

Ironman. Triathlete. All has been said about me - even "swimming champ" back in college (when I was doing breaststroke in anything BUT the "right form" (of course, being what I was doing was survival oriented, the vibe snuck through!). 

Anyway, y'al know that. 

So yesterday, dude #1 - on the phone guy, you know? 

I saw him from a distance first, he raised his hand later to "acknowledge me" (remember, he was on the video". 

"So, how's it going" I boomed, walking up to him. 

I thought it was a normal tone of voice. 

"Rahul, you should be in movies!" the guy responded with. 

I laughed, and told him of the movie star comments. 

"Maybe not a star", he went. "But your voice, perfectly suited for movies!" 

That reminded me of my what my "wife" told me when dating. 

"No Director would pass up on the opportunity to hire you!" 

She was probably right too. 

They both probably dont know the hell I'd raise on a movie set though! Hehe. 

I'd probably enjoy the ladies ... 

But it does bring up an interesting point. 

I dont know what dude's perception of "star" is. 

But I do know, for me, and this has always been a strength for me along with my "chameleon" abilities - is the knack to "treat all people equally". 

I dont care if you're a movie star, jobless guy, a cranky "Aunty" or what not - I'll talk to you the same way. 

I'm polite and deferent when need be - to ALL. 

And I rip ass - when need to be - to ALL. 

And this is one reason I can connect so well with people across all spectrums, my friend, regardless of  language, culture etc. 

Now, movies - I watch plenty (oddly enough, despite my utter dislike of videos). 

But, catch. 

I ONLY watch the sort of movies that mirror the sort of lifestyle I HAVE - or would like to have (if there is such a thing!). 

If you thought "action, plenty of beer, hot women, and PROPER workouts and bodies toned by the same" - you got it spot on. 

And I dont think "those are movie stars, wow!"

Growing up and sometimes even now, I'll imagine myself in those situations - either consciously - or not. 

I could do a damn fine job of being a movie star if I wanted to. Hehe. Or anything I wanted to. 

But for now, we'll stick to being a caveman ... 

And sending out notices about sales that a lot of you have taken action on - and some still haven't. 

To the latter category, I dont know what you are WAITING FOR?

And that, friend is that. 

Back soon. 


Rahul Mookerjee 

Tuesday, 23 November 2021 07:53

"Aamon ekta Kore!"

"Baba, aamom ekta KORE!" 

My Bengali is very weak!

That said, I could speak it in a trice if I really chose to, and leave Tom Tom's everywhere that claim they are the best at it - in the dust. 

Hell, right from the minute that guy in 2005 stopped me in front of Chung King mansion in 2005 (where a certain But(t)ler Bozo Schofield did drugs years later) and spoke to me in Bengali ... 

... Thoughts transmute, sometimes of ten times, you just KNOW!

Earlier than year,my mother had to come to visit me (my parents and sister actually - back then we were on speaking terms - SORT OF). 

They still didnt agree with my lifestyle though. Hehe. 

But a Chinese lady, one of those old school ole ladies on a boat in Hong Kong (in the villages) spoke to me in cantonese, despite me at the time not knowing a word of it, she knew it too - logically. 

yet, when in China? 

"Your skin is yellow!"

That ain't the only reason the Chinese treat me as "one of their own". 

Sophia, Gorilla Girl for one ... 

When I asked her where the niceities done to foreigners were - she never did it to me - she responded thus - 

"I treat you like Chinese man!" 


I'd rather that than the numerous insults behind back which most expats get, I never have. 

(but a lot of those dancing monkeys deserve it too). 

That ain;t saying Sophia wasn't polite to me. 

(I actually once had to REQUEST her NOT to be polite, if you get my drift. Hehe)

Hell, she did things with me she wouldn't dream of with anyone else. 

But again ... 

You just KNOW sometimes!


I remember a case when I was hollering up and down about someone pestering me at home, next day, Mom or someone showed up, well, Mom did. 

And she acted like "oh my God.... you make such a scene!" 

(British English for raise hell). 

Oddly enough she ignored I was just apeing her own behavior. Hehe. As my wife rightly said, my mom makes mountains out of molehills - quite literally. 

"Bat ka Batangar Banati hai", I believe the Hindi is 

(pardon my proununcation!)

But anyway, I had a legit gripe, I just wanted to be left alone, no-one was... 

But same thing when I go tearing away on a cycle, or SPRINT, or what not. 

The "oh my God, so fast, move OUT OF HIS WAY!" ... 

But here's the thang, friend. 

It gets a reaction, sure. 

But importantly, fitness - super fitness- real fitness- is the same. 

You have to BLOW them valves wide open, friend. 

Slow and steady wins the race, but if you want results NOW, period, you have to combine that with the "oh my god" factor

And the course that will GIVE You the oh my God factor - and burn fat off your frame like FAT off a george foreman GRILL? 

Is THIS one.

Have at, fellas! 


Rahul Mookerjee (and remember - at the time - pick up Animal kingdom Workouts too, which is level numero two, I believe there is a special on both of these NOW). 

Monday, 22 November 2021 06:31

Yours truly , the hopeless case.

"It's those hopeless cases that change the world ultimately", 

so sayeth the SEER Rahul Mookerjee - so sayeth he based upon his gut his entire life ... 

But why just me? 

Jack Ma, the billionaire - was not just unable to find a job during ROSY times - he was rejected from no less than 36 of them (until the age of 35 or so, he was branded a loser). 

Abraham Lincoln, a nothing and nobody until 43 - we all know what he did! 

Poets, authors, someone who dares to be different, even someone like Jeff Bezos - you might be surprised to hear their stories!

"If you want to do something new, then you have to be willing to be misunderstood for long periods of time". 

I'm combining two of Bezos quotes into one there. 

And, it reminds me of what Tim, a college bud of mine once told me about the same "misunderstanding" ... 

He didnt say it in those words, but he said "everyone is" - what he meant was everyone actually doing something new (which at that time was China, a relatively unexplored land).

What can I say, hehe. 

Except, your truly hopeless can provide you with quotes this entire list and the whole WORLD is familiar with. 

"You've ruined my whole live!" 

"You're a BIG MAN NOW!" (this by the way was said even at age of a spindly puny 13 - when I "dared" to shave with my Dad's razor. How dare I do what all real men do, hehe). 

"You're big man with long beards!" 

(notice the big, the "he eats all the house's food! hehe). 

"You've ruined all our lives!" 

What is really ironic? 

I dont need to tell you exactly who - or the "duo" that feels - or says this way. 

The sheer lunacy though comes thus - I agree with them. 

"yes, indeed an hopeless case", I said. 

Sometimes, certain situations, there is no LOGIC. 

When faced with Glyn Bozo, for instance, residing in the dark caverns of his basement - "House of Horros" with asses plastered all over, "what a fruit loop" would be your response - or a "complete idiot" as a customer once said. 

His latest "review" here proves it in his "mungo" avatar. 

But would you attempt to reason with him - or Nazi feminists in general? 

You could, but as a customer famously once said , "That brick wall might make more sense". 

He's spot on too. 

The crowning lunacy of course comes when said people think (because I said "hopeless" case) I actually agree with them. 


Sometimes, you can't help but chortle. 

But anyway ............. 

This hopeless case has done before the age of 40 - nay, 25 - what Bozos, Tom Tom's and the Sheep globally all WANT TO DO  - but can't because they dont have the balls to do it. 

And he continues to selleth his books, the most hopeless of all being one that will really turn into a "farm boy" sort - replete with them huge arms that no-one would want to mess with even if you're the gentlest giant walking the face of this planet. 

Check it out here

I'll be back - hopeless, I know. Hehe. 


Rahul Mookerjee

PS - Nazi feminists, and their thing with "big bad men" (that they secretly admire), hehe. Gotta give it to 'em, at least on that one (not) Hehe. 

Despite being a forever Trump supporter, and that I continue to be. Dont get me wrong here either!

The Donald is one of a kind, unique, nothing and no-one comes close to touching him. 

But as Trump himself once said in 2020, I believe - "if I lose, I'll do something else". 

Sometimes, the time comes to move on. 

Sometime, the time comes to not move on - but TRAIN others to do the job - take your spot - be that mentor, which Trump can be! 

And while we hear a lot about Ron De Santis maybe running, anyone talk about Pompeo? 

Very few, yet, he's the silent contender - the WAR HORSE, much like Mitch McConnell, always on everyone's minds!

I've made no bones of the fact I consider him to the best Secretary of State ever. 

It's fine to have bombast and pomp, but sometimes, often times, indeed, I have it - you have to back all that up with SUBSTANCE. 

Look at Jeff Bezos, look at Amazon. 

Till today, they're the one company that stuck it out for the long term, they dont flood your inboxes asking for money, they dont even push you to buy. 

They never did that even in their infancy. 

They know when people want to buy, people will naturally shop about for the best deal - the smart ones, at any rate, which you wanna keep. 

Nothing wrong with bombast in your marketing. 

I use it all the time, and it works!

But in politics, I have not found one single person other than Pompeo who just blends style with substance so well!

Lets take a look at his CV in brief (and lets forget the idiocy people spread about him, apparently he once asked an aide to walk a dog, peopel got on him for that too!) ..

Ex Army. Solid!

Ex Cia director. Solid! 

Before that, he was a businessman. With actual companies. Solid!

There's more to him, but just look at the way he speaks - ever come across anyone as erudite? Maybe me, hehe, but I dont plan on entering politics ever!

(unless it's for "Deli" independence. Nah. Inside joke that, fella! Hehe. BUt it's true... those of you on the list know it!) 

(the best laid plans, I know, I know). 

He just says it like it is. 

Trump does too. 

But Pompeo - like myself - has the knack of hammering you with facts subtly which you just cannot argue with, like him or not ... 

Most of all, that weight loss! 

i've no idea how he did it. 

But I'm sure he used some of the techniques I teach in Eat More - Weigh Less - I'm POSITIVE!

Nothing would explain that dramatic weight loss - I know it, been there done that in 2014-15! 

I dont know, I'd unabashedly support the guy if he ran. Which I'm sur ehe will! 

The SILENT, solid WARHORSE, the KNIFE that cuts deep, much like with my workouts

anyway ...

Out for now - back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS - Not to mention, Pompeo likely makes GREAT sphagetti and pizza, hehe. 

Not EVEN a Rocky Moment where Creed talks about "if he can't fight, he can cook!" - this man can fight and cook both, hehe. 

Brings to mind the inane stuff people brought up about him doing dishes or what not, I mean , Secretary of State, and people focus on the BS, I mean - COME ON - give me a break. 

(had to use the Biden Come on! there, hehe). 

Anyway .............. 

I'd highly support the man if he chose to run!

Which I'm sure he will.

Saturday, 20 November 2021 05:37

Buland Darwaza

That golden arch of VICTORY .... nah, I ain't talking "phat phocker victory" - Micky D's (though they did a fine, fine job marketing the overly priced veritable CRAP they sell, though I must admit, after a night of drinking, somtimes those cheeseburgers hit the spot!). 

Something about Mickey D's burgers and fries, although they make me feel like crap the next day. 

Krystal's - now thats perfect! 

(including a lady Krystal I once wrote a book on - a book that turned out to be FIVE books instead of the one I meant!). 

Anyway ...........

I wrote about Buland Darwaz before in a side note or so, I believe? 

Basically a huge "gate" - or monument a Mughal Emperor, I believe Akbar, one of the "fairest" so they say - built to celebrate hs victory over the Indian state of Gujarat or something. 

History is by far my favorite thing to learn, always was in schoool, but I'm saying this from memory - I might be a bit off, but thats the general idea!

Every morning, when I open my front balcony to stare out like a cat - or grizzly - doing exactly "F ALL" (so it might seem) at the expanse of garden beneath... (fourth floor apartment) - I say it. 

Buland Darwaza. 

Now, why? 

I dont know. 

Sounds good, so I say it. Hehe. 

To me, if I keep saying something, it isn't necessarily because I want victory over someone, or even that I have a goal (I do, but that different). 

It FEELS good. 

So I say it. 

If just to myself! 

(I've just given several very powerful visualization - and ACHIEVEMENT - tips above, if you can spot 'em!). 

In language that makes sure it doesnt "go over your head". 

Anyway, why do I say this - well, simple. 

And again, something I've written about before. 

My caveman like lifestyle usually means I wake up (when it's not at the crack of dawn when all is SILENT) around 1130 or so, then dive into my day ... 

And thats when the front balcony opens, albeit in a "Chainsaw" like style - hehe - everyone is off to office, work by then - so no-one will bother me!

It stays that way till until 4 or so, I dont know ... 

But my main thinking, visualization etc is done pacing up and down the living room. 

Between the hours of 11-1 - the POWER HOURS! that i've written about before. 

The ancient Taoists had it spot on - anything you do between these hours - the effect, either positive or negative is doubled. 

Train for two hours, you got FOUR hours worth of benefit. 

Think for one, you get TWO hours worth of benefit. 

And so forth. 

Of course, it works only if you BELIEVE in it. 

Belief is key, although the time itself is special i.e. 11- 1 either in the morn, or PM ... 

Most of MY own stupendous achievements, oddly enough have not come in that time. 


But the visualization that led to them - either conscious or not, has always come during those times!

The power hours those are, make what you will of it!

Last, but not least, that bit I said about Advanced Hill Training in the email prior to this one ...

question - which has befuddled me thus far. 

If you're getting this email -its' not being sent out to everyone, then TWO factors hold true - 

One, you're a DOER; one of the best. 

And two, for some INEXPLICABLE reason, you have not invested in Advanced Hill Training as yet - despite the many emails I've sent out on this. 

And SOME of you - well, the majority that are getting this email - have not invested in Animal Kingdom Workouts as yet either - or placed the pre-order for Lumberjack Lodestone Fitness (levels two and three respectively) - despite the many benefits of these courses for YOU - that I have gone hoarse screaming about, and will continue to tell you, because its TRUE!

Yet, a lot of people have not taken action. 

Friend, if that is you, and if you're getting this email it likely is - PLEASE TELL ME WHY. 

If you dont want to tell me, just up and take action. Really, as we head into Black Friday with the insanity and rising inflation everywhere, there is NO better place to get your Christmas/Thanksgiving shopping done - and give gifts that TRULY keep giving - than here!

Take action NOW, friend. I cannot emphasize enough how much these products will help YOU - especially NOW. 

That was part of a great email telling you (again) - why Advanced Hill Training is modeled on the jaguar despite the tiger being my favorite in most regards. 

Friend, take action now. 

Every bit of what I said above is true. 

So take action - pronto. 

And remember - send in reviews too!

Enjoy thy shopping - without the associated Biden inspired inflation, hehe, or the crazy gas prices, or just the general insanity everywhere. 


Rahul Mookerjee

PS - Truly no better Thanksgiving or Christmas gift if you TRULY CARE ABOUT SOMEONE - than a gift that TRULY KEEPS GIVING, an investment that never fails to SUCCEED.... 

And our paperbacks and hardcovers hit the SPOT. ⚡

Action, my friend. 


I can just hear it, my friend. 

"But Indian girls are so, so, beautiful!" 

(what a lot of these people dont say is the picture of the "curves" that are brought up when the topic of "Indian girls" comes up)... 

Which is fine, of course... 

But the eyes are what people really notice, especially for Indian girls, and for some reason, lots love the "kohl" (that black eyeliner??) on their eyes. 

Accentuates the eyes, brings them out... 

Of course, ask my wife "back in the day" when we spoke honestly to each other, you should have seen the GLEAM in her eyes when she saw OTHER girls doing that - either on TV or what not. 

She'd make the "she's cunning!" gesture with her eyes. 

And the eyes would GLEAM. 

"Chandalika Mata", she'd go, half mockingly. 

Now, Mata means "Mother" in hindi. 

"Chandalika"? I've no idea. 

I googled it, and I've found Goddesses - dancers - enchantresses - and so forth. 

I have no idea who she is, maybe one of the numerous Indian Goddesses, maybe a dancer with eyes like that, I dont know, but to me, that look was never popular, never will be. 

For women, I've always focused on the NATURAL look above all. 

And other than Carol, I Dont know any girl who could do the "look at HER!" gleam-she's so CUNNING- look better than my wife, hehe. 

look at carol do it, you'd think she was my wife. Hehe. 

anyway ... 

Maybe that was the point, or her point... 

She couldn't stand you know who, wife obviously couldn't stand you know who either. 

Anyway, yours truly "in the middle" once ended up mentioning a girlfriend (a Vietnamese American businessman's) while he was climbing up the hill with his wife. 

Quite a foot in the mouth moment that, except because I didnt speak Mandarin, and the wife wasn't that good in English, and the dude was "boudit", it did not really matter. Hehe. 

Not so much with my buddy from the MArines and HIS girl, who put HIM in the doghouse, quite literally for hanging out with me after I made the comments about "many girlfriends". 

Hey, I was just being honest, Chuck's girl had the same reaction, but Chuck to his credit did NOT get put in the doghouse, and said it upfront i.e. it's his life, who are YOU to judge him. 


Always one for giving credit when it's due, am I! 

Anyway ............ I dont know why I dont like it? 

Maybe an ex's fascination with getting my very bushy eyebrows waxed (ugh) did it. 

Women in general have loved to do two things with me, one, love my hair, and two, wax my hairy eyebrows. 


Big time. 

I dont mind the former, I love it. 

The latter,it's the opposite of I love it. 

Wild horses and thunderbolt beer couldn't drag me there, yet the ex did. 

Maybe its the fact a faggot did my eyebrows there - literally. 

Except I coldn't really tell he was that, I got a bit of a feeling, but thats all. 

So he was alright, actually... 

Maybe its the fact that actual faggotty sorts like Glyn LOVE to get it done. Ugh. 

But whatever it is. 

I've no idea why I wanted to share that bit, my friend. 

But I have now. 

Out for now, 


Rahul Mookerjee

PS - Pick up by far the most NO NONSENSE FITNESS SYSTEM - right HERE

PS #2 - A strength overextended becomes a weakness, lots of ladies and men too would do good to remember what a wise man "sitting on toilet" that old Confucious joke, hehe, once said. He was right too.

Wednesday, 17 November 2021 08:07

"You are foreigner everywhere!"

Madam Carol, yes, HER - she made that statement about me once. 

I believe it was talking about drunk driving or something in china, where it's a very serious offence (it SHOULD BE!) - and no amount of peddlng, cajoling, or under the table can get you off the hook regardless of your societal status, or financial status, or whatever, which isn't always the case in some other Asian nations. (China for the past 10 or so years has managed to eradicate most of the corruption people deal with on a day to day level, which believe me, given how it was in 80's and 90's is mammoth and real progress for any Asian nation)). 

"in your country, maybe"... she went .

She was saying MAYBE you could "sort of" get away with it in your country i.e. my country "whichever that might be". 

Then the conversation shifted to being a foreign ? in the PRC. 

Thats nothing ,I laughed. 

I have the same thing when I go to India, or Spain, or any other place! 

And it's true. 

Think its different back Stateside? 


Im most at home there, but the "ephermeal" feeling upon seeing me, and me seeing others (most commonly happens when I see men with mustaches and big pot bellies, hehe or not) .. it happens. 

Picture this, me walking down the road, without a care int he world, literally, happiness RADIATING OFF me, then THAT sort of nod, and look - and .. .smile "that insane smile, looks like God knows why he's so happy, what he's thinking!" ... often to people you dont even know!

I dont know if you understand, but it happens!

And its THAT which causes people to classify me as what Carol said above. Hehe. 

And it's happened to me with bosses I've liked that that hired me on the spot, friends, and everything .. 

First impressions, I dont know ... 

And the men with mustaches thing? 

I dont know, certainly not because of what Mom said once about a certain Indian movie star in the 90's when I was little, Jackie Shroff. 

HE's so manly!

I remember that comment till this date. 

He did not seem particularly that - or not - to me!

But then again, as Dad said. 

"One of those comments she will never live down". 



I dont know, another guy - I liked both, actually "Anil Kapoor", always had a mustache, so I asked my father curiously if he looked tough or manly or what not. 

"He's always seemed rather stupid" was his response (he meant the look). 

I dont know. 

Didnt seem that to me, I loved them both, but the epitome of manliness to me growing up, well, we've been over that plenty of times!


Till this date. 

Pity the 90's are done gone, real times, but they'll return... 

Anyway ... 

The 0 Excuses FItness Ship forum is one of the best places to share witty insights like this with your fellow trainees, ask questions (of me) and more ... 

I answer all!

And not to mention, of course, free access to every product we have ... (except physical products) ... 

Get in NOW if you aren't already. 


Rahul Mookerjee

I dont know how to explain this, maybe I do!

Carrying on from the last email I sent on this, I just looked out the window, saw a family - two, in fact, trying to figure out how to fit their cars past each other on a narrow road or something. 

Neither one of them would back up, of course. 

And their whole families showed up, with the "hot and bothered" expression on their faces, you know, the "how dare you do this to us" expression - but when you probe deeper beyond that superficial expression, it doesnt come because they dont like the entire world so much as it does their unhappiness with their own lives and dissatisfaction secretly thinking about "what might have been" (and of course, if I bring up, they'll find a perfect reason and excuse to badge me about "being an idiot") Hehe. 


"I can't see myself like that", I caught myself saying. 

I dont know why I was saying that - actually I do. I was thinking about life, and my life, and my results. 

I could NEVER see myself like that. 


And my phat phocker days, my friend - trust me - all cam after I got married. 

No, I ain't blaming my wife for it either. 

She's an excellent cook, and I'm a glutton par excellence. Hehe. 

But the fact is this, it wasn't the food that made me fat. 

The beer, yes, but remember, this is from the Eat More - Weigh Less guy!

But yes, liqor and too much rich food will do it, but it was mainly LESS of the RIGHT form of exercise (though believe it or not, I still did pull-ups and handstand pushups at that weight, my 500 pushup workout scame then! No wonder although I was and call myselfl a phat phocker those days, people call me "thick" and "not fat" when they see those pictures!). 

For my daughter, of course, Papas size or lack thereof has always been a standing, running joke. Hehe. 

But mainly, it's something most people dont notice. 

Carol did in 2015, after that trip we took where she literally gained like 5 kgs - without eating anything more than she normally does, and running around a lot. 

Doesnt just happen to women, friend, happens to men too. 

I dont know why, but every time I've been in any sort of committed relationship, usually live in, I tend to bloat - and pack on the pounds. 

That LEAN AND MEAN LOOK - I mean, a lot of actors, most notably Akshay Kumar from India in the 90's - just HAD IT!

Natural, lean, MEAN - like a jungle fighter!

He had the LOOK in his eyes!

Then he did what he had to make money, greased body, bodybuilding pecs and so forth - which is fine. I get it!

Then he got married. 

And now, despite being admirably fit at his age - fifty plus - he aint got the look. 

Dont get me wrong. 

Dude's a top class martial artist that could likely kick my ass from here to Thailand. 

He can still do the kicks etc.  

But he's not the guy who this 13 year old once (or, once upon a time 13 year old, though it seems I'll always been 13, and like Helen said, make them feel like a teenager and young again!) .. took a picture of him to the barber, wanting that sort of hairstyle. 


My daughter wants it too - my style NOW. Hehe. 

True carbon copy - truly a chip off the old block, which will stay no matter how much the Bozos around her try to get her to change. 

Can't change the person!

but anyway ... 

Its a look that I've seen actors, martial artists - yo uname it - get - then lose. 

Except Sylvester Stallone, but even then, him in the Cobra movie - my favorite Sly look - I dont know, but given Sly, I'm sure he'd get into that sort of look again if he had to, but his look now, is different. 

Still top class, the ONLY ACTOR out there whose managed to not let the relationships, or lack thereof get to him. 





more than that, the STUDLY LOOK. 

The long hair, the natural abs, all of it, there is just something to all of that that I dont know, married life takes away, or even a happy relationship. 

No, I ain't saying nothing against the latter for those who want it. 

Trust me, nothing wrong with that. 

But secretly, most guys - and you reading this know - crave that LOOK. 

That virile, handsome, studly look that makes girls think "bad boy". 

They may not want to be in a relationship with you, like a feminist once told me, but even she told me "I'd likely be the life and soul of the party". 

She said she wouldn't recommend me for marriage to anyone. 

She waited for the tears. 

They never came.

Honey, I never wanted it. Hehe. 

But anyway .............

THAT is what most guys want, period. 

You reading this know it. 

And the two courses that will get you the closest to that sort of shape regardless of the "fat and happy" status you may or may not be at are as follows - 

Advanced Hill Training 

Animal Kingdom Workouts. 

I believe we even have a special offer going on on these two, not sure ... 

As for me, given the choice? 

It wouldn't even BE a choice. 


"Dad, would you rather choose drinking beer or climbing hills". 

"Honey, some choices in life cannot be made, thats like asking me if I'd choose breathing or drinking water!" 


But yeah, if I HAD to choose... 


Above the beer, above the girls, above all, physical training is where it's at pally. 

Bottom line. 

You know it, I know, we all do. 

Come GET some. 


Rahul Mookerjee

Sunday, 14 November 2021 05:45

Life to me has always been an adventure...

And I've written tomes about why before!

Bozo Schofield once labeled himself a "fun cuckold" - which of course, you on this list are well familiar with the Bozo and his antics, surely the greatest clown of all time as many of my customers have called him - but he tried to pad it away with the "I'm fun!" moniker (which he isn't - he's a sorry troll basically "living out his fantasies vicariously through yours truly"). 

Right from the "Rahul, how many girls added your wechat today" (I mean geez dude, I dont even take the dumbphone along with me when I workout - and unless she's super hot, I wont interrupt my workout, PERIOD!) - to the numerous rants and flip flops about Charles, and stealing money from all and sundry - all the Schofield Scams he pulled, and such ... none of it was fun to anyone except in the Bozo's mind. 

Now yours truly, that is different. 

If other than down to earth and realistic - other than these two, you'd have to descibe my lifestyle, it would be - in one word - FUN. 

An adventure!

As Charles Mitchell, a great customer of mine once told me. "I wish I could have a nomadic lifestyle like yours!" 

He chose the right word too i.e. nomadic. 

And he didnt fall into the trap of "no stability = no money". 

Often times, thinkers are way ahead of their times. 

I've made no bones about the fact I am, therefore, those sort of customers are what I attract. 


And back to adventures... 

(I mean, look, nothing against stability and setting roots down and all that, but imagine a lifestyle where you could truly do what you wanted, travel as your heart desires, get paid anyway - its not the pipe dream most people claim it is - it's very workable provided you work up to it. As I keep telling my daughter "life is meant to be EASY". You grind - to get to the point it's easy! Then you aim for more... 

Ain't no shame in living a high life the easy way, friend. 

Despite what the Tom Tom's tell you about "he never sits in the office!" 

Reminds me of what my Mom once said about one of my Uncles. 

Tenured professor in Texas, obviously not a very high workload beyond a certain point. 

"What does he do all day if he doesnt work", she asked my Dad.  

"He must be helping around the house etc" responded Dad. 

My Mom's tone was censorious, as if it was "wrong" to have to "not slave away". 

For a person whose entire thinking of course is based upon "we have sooooooooooooo many problems", and a person that never herself worked a day in her life, well, what can I say. to each his - or her - own). )

Anyway ........ 

When I returned from china for a brief break. Same thing. 

"That was an adventure. Get back to real life now!" 

Was the gist. (Mom again). 


High life, the money pouring in - lots of gals - EASY life without too much hassle etc - and "its an adventure"? 

Thats how life SHOULD be, mom. 

I dont know if China found me or I found it. 

Jim Thirkill was merely the medium and my experiences over the years with people have proved that beyond a sliver of doubt - which there never was in the first place. Hell, I didnt even accept the first offer they made me!

Anyway ... 

I went to China for something NEW. 

And the money I was getting paid. 


I had NO inkling of the adventures, girls etc that awaited!  

PErhaps my Mom and Dad did, so they dissuaded me. Hehe. 

Same thing for my life. 

I asked my "then girlfriend" to live together before getting married - if we did. 

I got the staid, typical, "its not my culture to do that" excuse. 

OK, whatever I figured. 

Lets do this, see if it works out, how it works out. 

The results, or lack thereof, or combo - are well, out there for all to see ... 

Do I regret a minute of anything I've ever done in my life? 

Not in the least, my friend. 

Follow my gut has always been the way for me!

Life SHOULD be fun, interesting, an adventure, when I look at the drudgery of most married couples, and what the women in those relationships tell me - usually in bed - I shudder. 

Ugh .

Not for me. 

Never in a million years! 

Trust me, yours truly would be perfectly happy - and is - being a lone wolf like a lot of my customers are. I've been called that since the age of 17, when I finally got a chance to strike out on my own. 

I'd be perfectly happy to never even be in a relationship with a woman. 

(Note, I'm not saying "not get laid". Thats different!). 

but end of the day, I'm happiest left to my own devices and living with someone no matter how good or bad, how considerate or not - end of the day, just gets old. 

Not to mention I ain't exactly the easiest of persons to live with either ... Hehe. 

Anyway, where I am going with all this. 

Certainly not to tell you about all the women I've bedded. 

But to tell you - this same spirit is what my fitness books are based upon. 

I didnt ask anyone how to do it. 

I ignored all the so called crap advice I got, from so called docs and stuff. 

I did it my way. 

And did I succeed - or not? 

Hell, I'd say spectacularly, so can you!

I worked out a system based upon years of trial and error that just flat out works - for you, me, everyone! 

And then I went one step further - advanced, and put that in my books too! 

Trust me, these are not just the best fitness routines out there - they're FUN too if you do 'em right. 

Those that have - KNOW!

Anyway - the baseline of all is the 0 Excuses Fitness System, which you should pick up now. 

And, before we go, one LAST reminder ... (you won't see this again until next year, so if you want in, GO NOW!). 


There's something I just had to let you in on because what's about
to start will only last for a short time. I don't want you to miss
out on this. Me and several other experts in the fitness and muscle
gain industry have pooled together some high value products and
programs to help you pack on size and get ripped.


There's over $367 worth of value in this fitness and muscle gain
giveaway. However, it's all available at no cost to you.

The fitness and muscle gain giveaway is only accessible for 5 days.
I don't want you to miss out. So, please take a look and take advantage
before it's too late.




From Paul Becker, great guy as I've always said - thanks for doing this every year, Paul, much appreciated!


Rahul Mookerjee

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