Rahul Mookerjee
“Even Sachin Tendulkar gets “hit wicket” sometimes when he goes abroad”
Or perhaps it was “fails occasionally”.
I cannot quite remember.
But hark back to the days of 2011 ... I believe. When I first showed up in the Middle East on an assignment I just KNEW I was going to hate, and big time.
Don't ask. Hehe. (as to why “I took it”). Those on my list for a while will probably know why or you can guess, but I took it anyway.
And it wasn't all bad, actually. I actually liked the little stretch of beach around 20 minutes or so from where I “eventually” lived there and my nighttime runs there. . .
. . . it was also where I first started pouding the heavy bag. Big time.
Anyway ... point being this.
When I first showed up at the company that hired me, the “General Manager” called me in.
(being he was sort of “indirectly responsible” for me anyway).
“I know you've been to US”, he said, looking at me.
(for reference, this was an Indian owned company, and an Indian run company, and ... oh boy. Don't even ask. Chaotic mess, and if I told you some of the machivations these here guys got up to, you wouldn't believe it. What I cannot believe is I put up with the 8 or so months I did before I reverted to true type and got myself canned, heh.
Although my canning was NOT something that started because of something I did.
That email ... ah, but let it “be” for now, as a lady recently told me.
Apparently she wants “two beautiful initials” and saw fit to email me at 2 AM in the morning about it. It's that same jewelry seller I wrote about a while back!)
bAck to it!
And he said a lot more, but basically his gist was (and remember, it was a huge company, so he didnt know a lot about me, really, past what I told him) “you've been all over the world” and so “adapting here shouldn't be a problem”, but “sometimes even the best of us fail on foreign shores”.
For reference, “Sachin Tendulkar” was the “Master Blaster' in India I believe.
The God of cricket as they call him or used to, from what hazy memory recalls. I was never huge on cricket or baseball or any sport when growing up. All I liked was swimming to be honest.
And this Master Blaster despite having a stellar record overseas apparently “failed” overseas occasionally and people got on his case about it.
Don't ask. Again. LOL.
Anyway, I can see him (the GM, who shall stay unnamed) reclining in his chair. To say he was “massive” would be an understatment.
That of the century, actually ... (and I don't mean “muscle” here!!).
And I remember what he said.
But funnily enough I didnt agree with what he said back then (but didnt say much other than nod).
And I don't agree now.
And I never have, actually.
Yours truly is the sort of person who THRIVES and PROSPERS – big time – anywhere but what we call “home”.
I dont know why. But living “on my lonesome”, and doing my own thang, and ... well, back to China (curiously enough the good GM did all he could to ignore a country where I've spent the majority of my adult life, hehe) ...
Home is indeed where I hang my hat is what I should have told him.
But didnt.
As he went on about “how I should avoid walking outdoors after 9 PM”.
To a guy that did midnight beer bashes and got into altercations all the time.
But again, yours truly was silent.
Point of this rummy tale you ask?
Well, one that “rum” there was rationed. You had to get a permit. And that was something yours truly hated.
Yours truly does NOT like people even THINKING about imposing upon his freedom an dtelling him what he can eat and drink for one. And there were many other things there I hated.
But again, real point is what I said above.
Embrace the UNFAMILIAR my friend.
It's indeed a key to success at ANYTHING.
Ford embraced an idea that no-one ever believed was possible. So did Steve Jobs. So did anyone that created anything worthwhile, including Jeff Bezos who was told “it would never work”.
Of course, so was I.
“You'll take 10 years to get it going!” I still remember.
Hehe. How dare I. I know!
Anyway, enough rambling on my part.
Pushup Central, for one, will give you workouts of the nature you've never dreamt of before. It will strip away fat and build CORE strength and functional muscle in ways you never thought of.
So will Advanced Hill Training, 0 Excuses Fitness, and my other courses.
The unfamiliar, you say. Hehe.
EMBRACE IT, my friend. If you so choose, of course!
Rahul Mookerjee
Ps – ALL my products are written, structured and created in exactly the manner I tell YOU about – the same “just do it mentality”. And so it SHOULD BE! Take a gander right here bro.
Why I laugh at people that say “Go away!”
It's hilarious ... to me at least.
Years ago,I knew a dame named Sophia.
In the city of Shenzhen, I so believe ...
And this girl was a nice person, actually. Well, pretty nice in most ways, but of course, that ole thing about Chinese girls and money ...
(and no, for the record, I don't buy into the “all chinese girls are gold diggers” myth. What I DO and WILL say is this – Chinese girls are some of the most PRACTICAL I've ever seen. That isn't always good, but it is what it is eh)
Anyway, we knew each other for a while. And one fine day, she messaged me out of the blue wanting a quote for a web site of all things.
Apparently she wanted me to build her own website (Something I occasionally do, by the way...but IF AND ONLY IF I'm compensated well for it).
As ole Freddie rightly said all those years ago.
“You don't work cheap, do you”.
No, I don't. And not for free either, but let me continue.
So first thing I told her was “huh”??
This girl is anything but a biz woman. Practical as heck yes, but she ain't n obusinesswoman, and I could tell she just wanted a quote to take to a competitor company and she did all she could in her “sweet” manner to get a “professional” quote out of me (that she could then copy)
And I called her out on it from the word go.
“Sophia, come on”, I laughed. “Lets cut the BS. We both know that ...”
I didnt need to say more.
And I DID give her the quote for shits and grins, but mostly to get her off my case.
A month or so later, she contacts me.
Of course, she's gotten her site built by someone else on the cheap.
Great, I say. And then I talk to her about the weather, I believe.
I could care less, for those that might be asking me. That wasn't the reason I contacted her in the firt place (or she added me, or whatever).
And while I may have lost biz in that regard, she was inspiration for more than three books, so ... ah, but we'll let that go! ;-)
Anyway, she asked me to write some free reviews for her. I declined.
“Sophia, stop badgering me”, I said. I was kind of irritated at that point I do admit because of other things I was dealing with.
One thing led to another, and she deleted me.
Of course. Practical gal. No freebies, so ...
Months later, I contacted her to see if the anger had died down. Just for grins again ...
Her response?
“Go away! Just go away!”
OK ...
A few weeks prior to writing this (perhaps months), I got a similar response from a clown who voluntarily signed up to my list, and apparently didnt catch on that I email - - a LOT.
“Stop sending me emails!”
“Just go away! Please stop sending me emails!”
“Go, go away! Stop! Go away!”
'Tis hilarious, considering these bozos dont even notice the unsubscribe link in the emails they sign up for voluntarily.
Ah, the irony.
Crowning part of all this is they don't know they're getting me more biz, and if I tell them, they don't believe me, and (by their acts) give me MORE fodder.
Like a certain “Glyn Scofield” I write so much about ... Hehe.
But really, when I see these statements I think the following (in no random order).
Joker. Joke job (is that even a term, hehe).
Idiot. Bozo. And so forth.
I mean, really. How hard is to unsubscribe?
Or get the message for one that I ain't here to dole out freebies?
Pretty hard it would seem for most people, hehe.
And the vibe I get off it it this.
A “crying” vibe that says Mama's boy didnt get what he or she wants, and so ... (or, they're offended by something or the other).
And this is precisely the sort I don't market to.
And precisely the sort I do NOT want on my list, or anywhere near me.
Some folks have questioned me why I remove dthem from social media etc, making my circle even smaller.
Simple bro.
When you cut out energy drags and idiots you do NOT Want in your life, guess what replaces 'em.
What you DO WANT!
And on that note, fitness wise. If something ain't working for you, cut it out – NOW. No point doing it to appease the brahs at the gym, my friend. We all know that belly fat ain't going away for one by doing nothing other than gulp down supplement after supplement and do curls to show off those massive mammoth biceps that disappear a day or two after said supplements do, and then it's back to ...
They actually did a movie on that. “English dog in Bangkok” or something. Hilarious movie, but some of the gals were pretty hot, I will say that! ;)
And thats probably why they made the movie in the first place.
OK, enough on that front as well.
To pick up the most “unbozo like” fitness system that truly does work, and gives you results you can only DREAM about, go right here - - The 0 Excuses Fitness System.
Rahul Mookerjee
PS : - For those interested in getting rid of fat – and QUICK – follow the techniques outlined right HERE – Advanced Hill Training.
(And yes, before you ask, it works without access to hills or slopes as well. As I said in the last email, stop arguing (and asking meaningless questions) and just DO the thing, my friend. You might well be amazed!).
PS #2 - Ole Freddie was one of the BEST bosses I ever had, bar none. I did mess up leaving the way I did. Mea culpa ...
Why “one size fits” all doesnt work when it comes to training – or life in general
If you look at the results most people achieve from their lives (I mean in an overall sense), then they are ... to say a word, AVERAGE.
I don't mean the size of a person'a bank account necessarily. Or how many houses, cars and other Bozo like “to fit in with society” accrouements they pile up.
(although that is a marker for many, it never has been for me)
What I mean is overall.
How satisfied is the average person really with their lives my friend?
How FULFILED are they with their lives?
Can they really look back and say “No, I wouldn't change a thing about the way my life is” or if you look deep down within yourself, is there that little voice saying “I wish I had done things differently”.
That little thing you know you were good at.
The things you missed. The things you really wanted.
And so forth.
And while this isn't a push to “break out of the mould” and do what you really, really want (although you should!) - the fact remains.
We are all unique my friend.
We all have UNIQUE skills and talents, whether we realize it or not.
Most of all stop realizing the immense talent and potential we're ALL born with a few years post “birth”.
The subconscious mind picks up enough negative vibrations from society in general around it (unless you have parents that KNOW how to raise a child, of course, in which case it's different) and pretty soon it's the usual humdrum “do what the rest of the sheeple do” and (when you're an adult) “keep up with the Jones”
(Which was pronounced “Jonses” when I was growing up. WTF?? Why would it be pronounced that way? But then again, not all English words are pronounced the same by everyone and certainly not the way they're spelt a lot of times, hehe).
School. College. Get a job (which you may or may not want). Get a job that “pays well”. Marry. Have kids (the last two are changing in certain parts of the world, but not to the extent they should). Buy house. Buy car.
Ad infinitum.
Of course, we have the few “misfits and outcasts” such as the great author O.Henry I believe it was ... who ended up in prison before he could finally display his immense talent to the world.
Or Abraham Lincoln who was a nothing and nobody before the age of 43 before the love of a woman inspired him to the great heights we know him to be at ...
Strange indeed are the machinations of that “power” -- that “hidden force” that tests those that HAVE it via all sorts of trials, tribulations, temporary defeats and such until it decides that the person can “take it” and opens the doors to success!
The lesson above is clear enough, methinks.
And fitness wise, perhaps you don't realize it, but it's TRUE. (that the one size all approach fits all).
In my daily emails and teachings I tell you to do something DAILY.
And it's true. You should!
But I also tell you not to train to failure daily. Not to burn out daily. Not to shoot for max reps daily.
And guess what.
For years, I did just that, and still made gains.
Now, people have tol dme “I'm exceptional” and perhaps I was. But the person who said that (at the time) also said this.
“Thats all youdo! It's your life! You train!”
And for a period therein, while I was pumping out books and courses galore, it was.
It was my LIFE (well, one part of it, and the other part was the other business I shall not reveal here, hehe).
And a pretty damn good one at that.
But would I advocate this method to all and even myself today?
Another example – pushups.
I'd do at least 500 pushups a day wayyyy back in the day.
Sometimes it took me forever, but I'd do 'em anyway. Sometime sI didnt feel like doing 'em, but I'd do 'em anyway.
Would I recommend this toe veryone? NO.
YOU, my friend, have to take a fitness program and then see how YOU CAN ADAPT best to it!
“It truly is what you make of it”, and that axoim holds true- - both for LIFE - - and FITNESS!!
This is why I don't pay much attention to the clowns that show up and tell me that my (already very well) structured books should be “more structured”.
i.e. Tell them what to eat, what to drink, when to piss, when to take a dump, when to go to sleep, when to ... ah, but you get my point.
In 0 Excuses Fitness I plainly state I ain't intereste din handholding.
Workouts? Well, I provide plenty of those for you in all my books.
But even those need to be tailored to an extent for each person (at least, that is what the wise amongst us would be wise to do).
And thats just how it is my friend.
There is no one size fits all to life – and fitness.
Emblazon this in your mind, and say it to yourself daily every time you encounter any form of “doubt” w.r.t “why is this not working the way it does for him”.
We're ALL different!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Gumption Galore contains plenty more such motivational tips, for thsoe of you that love 'em! ;)
My crashing slipper, and the marketing secret yours truly always knew without knowing it ...
I was 15 years old at the time.
I was pissed off big time.
Because ... well, on a trip to Atlantic City the almighty casino and the waitresses therein (while I must admit the liqor was what drew me in – I have never ever been one for gambling of any nature! Hehe – that, and the smiling ladies of course! ;)) ENTRANCED me.
But of course, I wasn't allowed to enter.
And I got irritated. Cranky. And ... several other things that my daughter gets on a regular basis with the exact OPPOSITE reaction (even when I was her age, hehe) that I got.
My grandmother asked me to see the splendor of it all, which I did. She was right in a way when she said “have you ever seen anything like that in your whole life”?
I hadn't at that age, no!
And thats why I wanted to ...
Anyway, being I was on a trip with my parents and my good “Uncle” (him of the “caveman” comment and rightly so), I remember how irritated he got at me getting ticked off.
So did my parents but they were used to my grumbling. Yours truly “el groucho” as I often like to say, with good reason, hehe.
My wife is used to it. So much so that she doesnt even call me “her husband” anymore, and from a certain standpoint, I don't blame her.
And I don't mind at all. Being single is great! (even if “just in name”, hehe).
Anyway ... point of all this?
We'll get to that, my friend.
But I remember, that night as I returned “home” (which was Uncle's place in NY) in an irritated mood I pulled out my slippers from the bag they were in and they “crashed” on the wooden floor.
My uncle had a snarling sort of response to that to which at that age I must admit I Was somewhat “intimidated” ... (mostly because everyone acted like that one mistake was the mistake that brought the Tower of Eiffel (was it the other way, hehe) crashing down).
My son is sleeping, he yelled!
So he was, but I had no intention of waking him up.
Hey, bro.
Mistakes happen. We err! And some of us are crankier than the average person and thats just how it is ..
.. But anyway, as my slipper done crashed today while doing something similar in this here neck of the woods, I was reminded of something similar.
That being, MARKETING.
It's always been this way for me.
People eithe rhate me or love me (and the latter category is small, focused, and doesnt have a lot of people in it at all).
The former has plenty, and it is growing by the day. Hale, hearty and healthy!
But for good or bad, or whatever reason, or perhaps just naturally (yes) – I've always been that sort of person to POLARIZE.
You either love me, or you hate me.
And in a Trumpian sort of manner, that is what I PREFER too.
I'd rather take sides.
I'd rather not straddle the fence. And so forth.
And if you look at the way Trump markets himself, or Dan Kennedy, or any of the other great marketing minds of our times, you'll see that the polarization technique is something they have all used in one way or the other down the line.
Truly, my friend – there truly is VALUE IN IT.
Why do I keep calling out the bozos and freebie seekers for one?
Well, because I dont want them clogging up my list for one.
Second, and more importantly, the minute you remove what you do NOT want from your space, the minute it starts getting filled up with what you DO WANT.
And I've made plenty more sales by doing just that and selling to those who truly believe in what I do, and why I do it as opposed to “trying to convince the fence sitters” than th eother way around
And thats pretty much what I intend to do down the road as well!
Take it or leave it, bro. Thats me (as my friend said once).
He was right!
Anyway, if you're into political incorrectness, and doing things that work – then I highly recommend my fitness system right here – the 0 Excuses Fitness System.
Of course, it does require work.
No handholding, no excuses, no mama's boying around. No mamsy pamsy intro (if anything , I've got Herschel Walker in the intro).
And the stuff flat out works.
And thats all I got to say about that!
Rahu lMookerjee
PS – Check out Pushup Central while you're at it. My fingers grow raw from saying it, but I challenge you to find a better course on pushups out there! Hehe.
My visits from the SPIRITUAL world ...
Often times when I wake up in the middle of the night, I “feel something”.
Sometimes it's benign. Sometimes the feeling is “that it's there”. Something it's “he's sitting on my bedside” (this past April).
And sometimes, it's downright scary – like the “hag” who showed up next to me - - and that I “saw” right after I woke up ... an experience that still, weeks later gives me the goose bumps.
I can still remember the face so clearly, the crazy spiked hair and so forth ...
And yet, sometimes, the worst dreams are actually the best to have for reasons that are way too profound to get into in terms of this email.
But back to “visits”.
I've made no secret of the fact that my family and me are usually at loggerheads with each other over just about everything.
There isn't and never has, as far as yours truly can recall any love lost between the two sides.
My childhood days are mostly those of “you damned problem child!” and so forth, and I've written about that before, and of course, when I was old enough to “retaliate”, I did.
A “cold war” of sorts that lasts until this day. Sometimes thats how it is. Sometimes thats for the better, believe it or not!
And the signs all point towards me “having to write this” as I am, so I am! Right now ...
Anyway, there were a few people who actually understood yours truly when he was “wee little”.
In ways that were never direct, but the signs were always there.
For instance, my Uncle who once made the comment about my “voice being good enough to be a singer”
I still remember him, standing in front of the dressing table saying that (while of course most of the rest of my family ridiculed it as “being rubbish”).
Or my paternal grandmother, for instance, who did all she could to help me in ways she could ...
Goddamn it. I hear a “whistle” outside. Made by a person that does all she can to “disrupt” my flow of thought whether she knows it or not! She does, actually, but thats a different story.
And so, right now, as I gather my thoughts again ...
... My maternal grandfather, who liked pretty much everyone.
And the fourth being, but we'll get into that later.
All of the above three people had positive things to say about me for the most part.
And while obviously a balanced “appraisal” contains both negative and positive, the overwhelming vibe I got off these people was POSITIVE. As it should be.
Especially for young kids.
And curiously enough or maybe not, these were the very people that I, due to whatever reason (actually I know, but I won't get into it here) spent the LEAST amount of time with.
Funny how that works eh.
But the VIBE cannot be denied my friend. No matter what we're talking about.
Neither can gut. Or instinct.
And as these three people passed on, they're “always there with me”.
Whether it's my deceased uncle who often appears in my dreams in ways that would terrify the average person, or my paternal grandmother warning me of dangers to come (which oddly enough or not are sometimes related to one's own FAMILY – and believe me, those “dangers” DID come! Like clockwork, except I was prepared for them), I often receive “visits from them”.
Dr. Lamar is the fourth individual, a kindly “old” man I met wayyyyy back in the day at the age of 19.
Despite all our fights, arguments and everything else he did all he could to help me (and I really needed it back then!) and I will always remember him for that.
He went down to the plague from China, unfortunately ...
It's unfortunate, but true.
Us “survivors”, and the people that truly “care”, and at the end of the day, we're the one left standing, but is it truly US?
I believe it is, but we're there for a reason.
To carry on the good fight, my friend.
Those that “couldn't” or those that the eternal spirt DEEMED necessary to pass on, and probabaly re-appear in one way, shape or form will probably do so then ... but they left us with the BLESSING (no, I am NOT a religious person in any regard!) to do what we do best.
And in my case, that is to say it like it is.
To create businesses based upon GUT, often on the fly, upon a moment's notice.
Some of my other businesses right now – well, let me just say that even if I TOLD YOU what they were, you would never believe it!
Such are the ways of the Universe, my friend.
Tune in, and yer shall see.
Ok, enough of the spiritual “stuff” I hear you say. Fitness?
Well, here it is – and believe me, when you start knocking out them Hindu pushups in high numbers ...you'll KNOW why I call it the best damned fitness system ever!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – I'll have more on this later, as well as details (excluding personal details) on a call I recently went through with one of the members on my exclusive 0 Excuses Ship group – stay tuned! (and no, it isn't for the average Joe or Jane, and especially not the tyre kickers or those with a 'down' mentality. I don't train “dead people” as that line famously went in the movie, but if you've got a WILL to improve – and a pulse – and a willingness to get down to brass tacks and just DO IT – then you're my man (or woman!)).
PS #2 – Apply for one on one coaching here.
When they “don't care about your blog”
I remember getting this comment more than once on my social media (WeShat, I believe, but I'm not sure).
“I could care less about your blog”, goes the angry refrain with that “impotent” (I don't mean physcially, of course, hehe) vibe to it ...
I've never quite understood one thing.
Why people that don't care about pull-ups and diss bodyweight exercises as being useless, and the “iron being the real thing” and “nothing beats the iron” follow yours truly obsessively ...
... Why the very people that claim about “saying it like it is” go into paraxoyms of fury and can't sleep at night wondering “what he's going to say next” and “how dare he” ...
How the very people that claim being fat doenst matter are the ones that want to get that CORRUGATED CORE the MOST ...
And so forth.
Actually, I do know.
And as I conclude my latest writing SPREE, oh boy, I gotta say I do know.
It's because, well, they DO CARE.
IF they didnt, they wouldn't notice it. Simple as that (and for the life of me I really don't know why they do care when they say they do but yet they do and ...).
... I know, I know. All Useless “just talk” right?
But not really my friend.
The blog is how you most likely found me.
The “just the blog” is what drives, and has driven multiple businesses and will continue to do so in the future ...
And when you get the “I don't care” comment in terms of life, or anything you do, the best way to respond, and I've said this before is the following.
Or, say nothing at all.
Let them “not care”. I mean, really. Do YOU care?
And if you do, you shouldn't!
Yours truly made the mistake of “caring “ (a little, not a lot) years and years ago about many things ...
And now? I could care less, to be honest.
I could care less what people say, write or talk about me ... or how they troll me for instance. I actually enjoy it!
But that brings me to an interesting story.
And the reason I'm writing this.
Bozo Scofield the sociopath and myself were once part of a WeShat group I set up for a good reason - -to “keep it real in China”.
Great group, down to earth and adminstered by yours truly with an iron fist (which obviously wasn't all that “iron” as I let the Bozo in as well).
You know, you try and help certain peopel sometimes ...
Anyway, he showed his “colors” soon enough.
Being the troll he was, and i kept him in there for amusement (and the like).
And while he routinely made his brand of personal attacks against many people, put out nigh on false info about many people and much, much more, I still remember what he did to another (admittedly “willow like” guy called “Americana” (but he was a good guy, actually)).
That was his nick on the group, at least. Bozo Scofield was ... “Glyn”, I believe. Or Sir (eh??) Glyn or some nonsense of that nature.
And he trolled this guy relentlessly, all day long.
I still remember the messages coming in from the latter, and at a certain point although I was laughing, I just had to tell the Bozo to stop.
And he did, I believe, for a while, before he started sending the most idiotic and salacious texts to another girl I know who was also a part of the group (and who shall remain unmentiond here).
And more.
Why do I bring this up?
Well, it' scurious how life goes FULL CIRCLE eh.
As the Bozo himself is throwing fits and hissies at being “called out” (rightly so) for the nutzo that he is ...
Anyway, enough on that. Fitness wise, same thing. Remember that what goes around, comes around.
And if you make that choice to neglect the fat around your waist for one, well, guess what.
It WILL come back to bite ya, and then some!
And more.
And I'll be back soon. Truly another writing binge today!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS -I thank my workouts for that, and about to get #1 in NOW. Soon, at least! ;)
PS #2 – HERE is where you can pick up another bestselling course of ours – Corrugated Core.
On feeling good, and having MORE than one option in your kitty ...
I woke up today feeling GREAT.
At around 1230 in the aftenoon, after not being “able to sleep” until about 6 AM in the morning, hehe.
Actually it wasn't that I couldn't sleep.
It was that I was so worked up from my workout #2 and the awesome feeling I got from the pull-ups, that I was pacing up and down, thinking of things, and indeed my new book (which has been put on the back burner as of late, but rest assured – when the times comes, I WILL GET TO IT!).
This “morning” when I woke up, I knew something good was gonna happen.
And it did, but that isn't the point of me saying this.
I've actually written posts and emails before about “when you FEEL good, you ATTRACT good”.
And I mean really, really feel good deep down inside.
We truly attract “how we feel”.
And on that note, on to point #2.
(Although I will say, I have not come across ONE single person that “feels this good” without doing a lick of physcial activity).
Donald Trump made the famous comment about never exercising because it “depletes his batteries” but the man routintely works 20 plus hours a day at the age of 74, and moves around more than most 20 year olds do!
So you gotta take the OVERALL picture into consideration my friend. And no, Trump IS exceptional – so you can't simply take that one comment in isolation and ... make excuses for yourself!
Zero excuses my friend. Coming from yours truly who was called exceptional as well a year or so ago ... anyway, enough of my “bragging”. Hehe.
Where was I?
Ah yes. I just scrolled up and saw point #2.
That being, having more than one option in your kitty.
For the past few days, some of my customers might have noticed that one of my websites is down.
Yes, I have more than one site. I have more than two, actually! ;) And other businesses as well, mostly all online.
Years ago, in the past, these sites were all sitting on one server owned by the (by far) worst web host I've ever come across.
And my current host for the fitness websites – well – I cannot say enough good things about then. In fact, as I keep telling Peter, I try and find excuses to compliment them occasionally for no reason. They're that damned good, and they deserve it!
Ditto for the other two web hosts I use for other businesses.
Ditto for most of my other business partners.
Anyway, one of my sites is down due to a “misunderstanding” of sorts if I may call it that.
And while we're working it out, it's interesting that a customer from Google of all things noticed, and emaile dme about it.
It ain't the fitness sites, but the other busines s(one of them).
And in the past, when one site was down, they were ALL Down.
Right now, I could move the “other site” to any one of my own privately administered servers. My “own” servers really if I might say that, as that is what it is now as opposed to before ...
I have choices. I have options. And all good ones at that.
And why should that affect you, especially you the fitness guy who knows squat all about websites and such, and has no intention of “learning” (and hey, it ain't everyone's cup of tea! ;)).
Because. . .
You got it.
The SAME THING applies to fitness. Yes, I know I find a way to work that in somehow.
So shameless am I with the sales pitches that even my haters led by Bozo Scofield (even after being roundly blocked from all social media) seem to obsess about yours truly all day long and perhaps all night long as well (ugh, let's not even go there!). . .
But really.
No matter how good a fitness program or exercise is, variety is the spice of life, fitness, and is KEY.
No matter how effective a regimen, sometimes you need to change things up either due to compulsion or otherwise.
No matter how much you love pull-ups, sometimes you gotta do OTHER WORKOUTS!
And so forth. And there's the lesson of the day, or two in fact.
Enjoy! And while you're at it, be sure to pick up the pathbreaking and truly the BEST Damned fitness system out there right Here – the 0 Excuses Fitness System.
Offf I go now!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – I was going to say “OO raaaaa”! ;-)
PS #2 – Oh, make sure to pick up the Gorilla Grip compilation right here for those of you that want REAL world grippping strength that will have them all crying “Uncle” for mercy! ;-)
PPS – We'll get the other site back up too. Patience, grasshopper. Good things come to those that WAIT! ;) (not too long, but hey...)
When that SHOE is on the other FOOT!
It BE a most satisfying feeling hehe.
And I mean that in terms of life, fitness, biz, and just about everything else you can think of.
And the satisfaction comes not from the final result so much as NOT having jumped the gun and been “impulsive before” (although I do recommend this, there is a time and place for it my friend).
What exactly do I mean?
Well, consider the following for one.
As the great Deng Xiaoping, the one and only Chinese leader I do admire despite his faults (the rest aren’t even fit to be called leaders to be quite frank) once said.
“Hide your strength, bide your time”.
And no, tom tommers. He did NOT say “to get rich is glorious”. His words were taken out of context in that regard.
And neither did he support the current shenanigans going on w.r.t. the PRC, and neither WOULD he have. In fact a speech he made to the contrary in the UN years ago pretty much says it all when he said “should China turn imperialist, then the PEOPLE of China should support the ROW in fighting against it” (I am paraphrasing – but that’s the sum and substance of it).
Anyway, what do I mean. Hehe.
What I mean is this my friend.
Let me give you an example.
Years ago, Bozo Schofield, who by dint of his silly dancing monkey job in China (while on the lam from the police) thought he “had it made”.
Between bouts of drug usage, going insane, being locked up temporarily (and kicked out on the road – literally – by friends who got tired of him taking advantage of them repeatedly – trust me – he literally took advantage in the worst way possible and then some), he found time to troll yours truly.
With racist memes and stickers. Apparently according to Bozo Scofield (his thinking which is nigh obvious) “Colored people have no place in the American South”.
And this bozo over the years has been curiously following my every move, and getting his panties into a wad at just about everything I Write. Hehe.
I blocked him on social media. He gets around that block by “snooping” on my websites.
I blocked his IP. He used another. I blocked about 15 different email addresses he signe dup for when he emails me. He persists.
All this for a “one man show with no contacts”, as someone once so “adroitly” told me.
For someone “that would take 10 years to get his biz going” (as a friend told me).
For someone “with no ambition” (as another nutto once told me).
And the comment are numerous. The list of names I’ve been called is now past 900 (well past) and I look forward to hitting 1000. Not to mention I could write a BOOK on the comments themselves, and probably sell it too. Hehe.
As they say, you’re indeed defined more by your haters than those that “so called” support you while privately doing the very exact opposite …
Anyway, amidst all this, the satisfaction comes from not “living life on my own terms and enjoying it”.
Bozo Scofield’s latest claim is he’s a multimillionaire (apparently he was before he turned 40 or what not). When in actuality he doesn’t have two pennies to rub together, got kicked out of his Mama’s basement a long time, and is currently apparently in “public housing” and … ah, but need I continue?
I think NOT. LOL.
And yours truly?
I’m not a millionaire let alone multi. In fact, I’m quite far away from even selling a million books! ?
(But I’m getting there)
And to be honest, I’v never quite thought of becoming a multi-millionaire (even without the multi).
Sorry, Glyn the Bozo Scofield and all the rest who must be smacking their chops with glee at the statement above.
But it doesn’t really interest me. If it does happen, well andgood.
What interests me is my freedom, and being able to live life on my own terms as I choose.
No 50, 60, 70, or 80 hour work weeks. No silly monkey jobs. No silly jobs which you get kicked out of for stating facts as they ARE …
And certainly no mooching up to your girlfriend or SO hoping she’ll give you money for your latest beer blast (on your lonesome, if you’re Bozo Scofield) and then whining about it when she doesn’t, and getting kicked out on the road in China, and running to the cops because youre too much of a you know what to to admit you stole quite a significant sum of dough from (again) you know who…
So anyway.
The person with zero contacts, and the one that “never made it” is the one being followed, trolled and way worse.
And he’s happy about it, hehe. In fact he THRIVES on it!
And as my friend from the Marines recently told me, and he’s SPOT ON.
“Rahul, you should consider that a compliment. Obviously he feels threatened by you (they – sic)”.
And they did way back then as well. The racism only started after this Bozo Scofield got to know of ONE business of mine, hehe.
And none of this would happened if I had “tom tommed” things before they happened.
None of this would happened if I claimed to have followers before I hit the mark I’m at now (and it grows by the day – how funny eh? ?).
And so forth.
Hide your strength, bide your time.
Ignore this advice at your own peril, and YES, it applies to fitness too!
I didn’t write those books on pull-ups before I could do them myself, and how!
I didn’t write 0 Excuses Fitness before I got into the best shape of my life (and no, fat doesn’t equate to ‘strong” or “big” – sorry).
(Neither does my “strength” when I was admittedly “thick” obscure the fact I was FAT at a certain point in time – this is for a certain selective reader, or perhaps a whole bunch (I could start the name of the bunch with “L”)).
And so forth.
GET the results first, and then talk about ‘em.
As Napoleon Hill famously once said, tell the world what you’re going to do, but SHOW IT FIRST!
Actions count brah. That’s just as simple as it gets.
Take this little gem and apply it if you so choose, and watch your life start to change before your very eyes!
Last, but not least, to the person who I recently had an agreement with “not to mention” (so long as you don’t hound me) – fair enough.
But neither were your “disclosures” incidental nor were they “unintentional”.
And I’ll reveal ALL in a future email.
For now, stay tuned for the next email – contains an important tip or two about LOWER ab fat!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Apparently Bozo Scofield decided he’d copy my email style as well. How coincidental, eh. LOL.
PS #2 – If you’re truly interested in getting in the best shape of your life with NO excuses, then start by investing in and USING the System right HERE: https://0excusesfitness.com/0excusesfitnessystem/
(No it isn't cheap. No, I'ts not for free. No, I won't give it you at 10% of the price if you "just want to lose 10 kgs". Yada, nada schnada. You are either IN - or out - it's as simple as that, brah (sis)).
You have to take the long view
And it is TRUE.
I don’t care if youre thinking life, or fitness, or business, this applies. And how!
Recently, a friend of mine commented on a new business venture I started a couple of months ago.
Actually, I should say an “offshoot” of an existing business, really. To be honest. Pun intended. In more ways than ONE! ?
Maybe I just started doing things differently (and remember, I KEPT doing them the old way too).
“Hmm”, he noticed (best intentions at heart).
“Why do you want to change things up if they aren’t failing?” he asked curiously. “Why the new slant?”
Well, I didn’t change things I replied. I merely added a new twist to it, a new business offshoot as it were …
More potential, more opportunities.
Yesterday, this person asked me how much money I made from the “new way” and old.
Old? Its going great, I said.
“And the new way” he eagerly asked.
ZERO, I replied.
And I meant it.
That new business, or offshoot of an existing one has netted me a grand total of ZERO as yet, and probably won’t net me anything until next year, recession or not, Chinese plague or not.
You could have deflated a balloon, so disappointed he was …
Listen, my friend.
Some of the most successful businesses were started when the person starting them was at rock bottom, and then some – or during some of the worst recession or global depressions ever.
I don’t care what your situation is right now, but it boils down to this – when you really, really gotta do something you’ll either sink or swim (as a former boss of mine said).
Might sound harsh, but the tough times are what separate the doer from the dreamers my friend, and the achievers from the has beens.
And you gotta take the LONG view here.
If you’re starting a biz in the depression, for instance (such as now, which is easily the most turbulent time of our recent lives … and EASILY a time that could lead to another massive World War (despite what the nuts on the left think)), then profit?
Forgetttt about it, my friend.
Unless you’re already established, or selling something essential, it ain’t gonna happen and even then it’s dicey and up in the air.
Down the line though, slowly …
Thing is, most people don’t GET to that point.
People don’t understand that businesses that LAST make SACRIFICES, often times for YEARS that the average joker isn’t willing to make.
Note I said WILLING, not able. Everyone is able. Where there is a will, there is indeed a way. For everything!
Often times, way back in the day I had to choose between putting food on the table and keeping my businesses going.
Not an easy choice, is it?
But it’s a choice we all face when we START something, and often times down the road as well.
It’s a tough choice, my friend, but you have to make that business a priority (no, I don’t mean don’t put food on the table, but I mean, that biz has got to come before anything else).
It is only IF you have this mindset that you can progress, and eventually succeed – lasting success, not a fly by night and “rapid” success that most people hope for.
Fitness wise, same thing.
Often times, while the most rapid succeses come within days or weeks (and usually they do if you’re doing things right) … the LASTING successes come from YEARS of hard training done right.
Muscle memory comes from YEARS of hard training done right!
So does your overall conditioning, how quickly you bounce back from injuries down the year, how quickly you get back in the groove, and so forth.
There was a point I didn’t do pull-ups for ages.
Months, actually.
But when I started doing them again?
‘Twas like I had never stopped.
Sure, took me a few days to get back to 100 pull-ups per workout.
That’s a FEW DAYS to get back to something I hadn’t done for months, and something (a level) most people won’t reach in their entire LIFETIME.
Mostly for lack of real trying…. (and of course, hiding behind the big guy can’t do pull-ups silly excuses).
And so forth.
Take the long view, my friend. That’s how it works both in terms of life – and business – and relationships – and fitness – and damn near everything you dabble in!
Unless you’re Bozo Schofield, of course, but even he seems to have taken the long view to becoming the most useless and most ignored “troll of the century”, hehe. Or unless you aspire to him which I highly doubt!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Apply for life coaching right HERE if you so choose my friend.
Why getting into pissing contests on social media (or anywhere, really) is a massive waste of time best spent elsewhere or doing something else . . .
. . . but especially on social media I should say.
A while back I wrote that “infamous” piece about how I would not learn Chinese if you paid me to do so. And believe me, I MEANT EVERY WORD!
Perhaps that is why the article was such a resounding success in many ways i.e. came straight from the heart, and was true.
Believe me, my friend.
People can see past the BS, and while they may or may not like you (or hate you in my case) for saying it like it is, they WILL follow you to the ends of the earth to hear what you got to say if you follow that one rule above and KEEP IT REAL.
Ah, Keeping it Real in China. What a “nice” group that used to be before I gave it up. Lots of rants in there that would do just great printed out on a roll of toilet paper, as Uncle Bob once said about our communication (daily (hourly, actually, if not more) emails while bored shitless at the factories we worked at – long story).
But really.
That one article generate SO MANY comments that at one point I was literally hearing my phone beep every second. Believe me now and trust me later, yes, it did tick people off a lot.
I posted it in a China Facebook group of all things . . .
The irony. How dare I eh.
Well I did.
And the beeping is an exaggeration in that my phone is always on silent mode no matter what. But the point stands, as do the notifications I got.
And guess what, they weren’t all hate and the usual “your racist” nonsense (it still befuddles me as to how Im racist by choosing not to a learn a certain language but for the mainlanders it’s their way or the highway, much like the liberal lunatic left, so that don’t surprise me one bit().
Some of the comments actually made perfect sense including some of the responses to the “hes a racist” chants which I’ve covered before.
And I did respond to a couple of comments on that thread (no more tho).
But really, mi amigo.
Its far better in most cases to NOT get into a pissing contest on social media.
In most cases.
In that case, it was warranted to a degree, but even then, I eventually took the fight back to my own den. My own lair (which most of those people that comment up a storm are too LAZY to create or foster).
The same type of people that badger you incessantly with idiotic questions and yet when you ask THEM questions about their own life or situation, they never reply.
“Will India defeat China?”
“China’s a powerful country! Can India defeat it?”
(just a couple of replies to a recent post and the guy got on FB Messenger for them)
Look, dude. Get on Google for fuck’s sake and then Google it . . .
And when I asked him a question, of course. The question that mattered.
Resounding and ringing silence so loud it could have woken the dead.
As TEMB (who for whatever reason chooses to call himself “Eric”, hehe) said “no answer is often an answer with these nuts”.
And it is, in many ways.
I can’t stand people like that.
Nor those who say “I won’t discuss it publicly” and then pester me with 1000 voice notes for something that could be said in writing in one paragraph (usually the voice them justifying the non-existence of their point to themselves if that makes sense!).
Or those that say “my friends might see”, but I agree with you privately.
Dude (or lady) at least have the balls to say it publicly. There are extenuating circumstances on occasion, but far less than what most people make out to be, and the above two cases ain’t it for sure.
And yes, this email is mostly MARKETING, and I’ve already given you many different marketing tips, but before I cover the why, here’s something else.
Aside from fitness, I’ve made no bones about the fact that I AM a damned good marketer even if I say so myself, and CAN AND WILL Teach those interested tricks that will double, triple or even quadruple your sales in ANY Economy if I say so myself.
Believe me, if I can do it (and here’s proof) then YOU can too.
IF you’re serious.
And if so, I can help . . .
But back to it. Because . ..
It accomplishes zippo for one.
Not only are you getting nothing out of that effort (and in most cases heartfelt comments with emotion behind them) but you’re rarely if ever going to convince someone to change their POV on most things.
That emotion might be best spent doing what I am right now, or with your SO (or on him or her) or other things . . .
. . . Things that matter.
IN certain cases, yes. Perhaps getting into a bit of a fistfight online may help if the person youre attacking has a massive audience.
But even then perhaps not . . .
. . . And if you’re Bozo Schofield for one that claims . . . ah, but we’ll get there.
These are the two main reasons why other than waste of time, and one last “monkey in the wrench”?
Or was it spanner in the works, hehe.
It’s well known that a lot of people hate my very guts, and existence. Much like Major General Michael once told me years ago “Rahul you hate my guts don’t you” (I didn’t, really!) . . .
But curiously enough it is these people who can’t resist following yours truly.
“lets see what he’s got to say”
(because deep down inside they know I say what is TRUE and what I say makes perfect SENSE).
“Lets get a couple of tips for freeeeeeee!”
And so forth.
And as the liberal left no doubt latches on to this post with renewed vigor (believe me, I might as well not post it on social media as people are going to look for what Rahul Mookerjee is sayin anyway even if the social media post isn’t out there) hey – I welcome it! ?
Go for it!
Oh, and if you’re Bozo Schofield on drugs trying to convince me “I have no followers and can’t market worth a damn” with a sum total of two followwers on Twitter yourself, one being an alter ego of you, and the other being .. I don’t know, but the profile pic is so weird I won’t even go there … well, please Glyn.
Do it if you must.
But really, you’re making a massive fool out of yourself.
Which you are, anyway, so I suppose youre being honest in that regard and kudos for that! ?
And there endeth this particular rant. The haters will find reasons to hate and the DOERS that GET SOMEWHERE IN LIFE will LISTEN – and learn
If I were you, I know which Id choose!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – If you want to apply for life coaching, send in your application right here. Be aware that I’m usually dealing with several things at once, so if you’re not serious or if I get a bad vibe off your email, you’ll be blocked pronto. You can wail and moan all you like later, but sorry, I won’t be unblocking you . . .
PS #2 – Here is where you can pick up the 10 Commandments of Successful Sales (that works in ANY economy bar none).
PPS – A certain poster who specifically asked not to be named and so I wont name him wrote in to say I was a pompous ass for saying “masks aren’t necessary” and I didn’t “value human life”. Yada, nada, schnada. All I can say to that? Ho hum! Hey, pally. China spread the plague and then of course disappeared leaving the ROW to deal with it, and guess what, hiding at home ain’t gonna make it go away. Might as well man up and get rid of it the natural way which is to ignore it and eventually you’ll see it as just the flu or other common diseases. Really, my brother. All it is is a version of the super flu, and that’s it!
PPS #2 – Donald Trump is back in office (I mean, back in the White House). Yippee!! Here’s to the one and only Trumpinator!