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Sunday, 28 June 2020 07:12

Dreams that come true in REVERSE

This one may come across as a bit of a strange thing to say, but bear with me (as usual,hehe).

I’ve often spoken about the power of dreams, both dreams you have when you’re awake, and when you’re FAST ASLEEP.

And with regard to the latter, I have often spoken about the vivid and very colorful indeed dreams I have, and how not just MOST of the time, but ALL the time, they’ve given me valuable information to use in my daily life.

Or, predicted events that would occur later.

In certain cases (a guy named Jack Lin being one prime example) showed me people and told me names in a way I couldn’t recognize from Adam at the time of the dream, people who I ended up meeting and working for weeks or months later.

In the case of Jack Lin, I actually did some work for him three weeks or so after having the dream which was set in a bar where “Charles” (and I know many people by that name!) asked me to go with him to Jack Lin’s bar.

That was the dream, and if knowing the result you have any doubts that the subconscious thinks in pictures, well, there is proof enough.

It was actually FATE that introduced me to a guy named Jack Lin and a guy named Tim who ultimately ended up recommending me . . .

Anyway, the point of me saying all this?

Is this.

Often times, I have dreams - - multiple and seemingly unconnected dreams.

First good, second bad. Or the second terrible, and the first and third awesome.

OR a combo therein.

And what happens ALL of the time is things come true per these dreams, but they do so, almost inevitably in reverse.

What I dream about the first usually happens last, sometimes even before the “fag” end of the day!

And what I dream about “last” happens FIRST.

And that’s how it’s always been for me.

Again, point of me bringing this up you ask?

Well, simple enough, pally. FITNESS is the same!

Most people think “six pack” or “muscular sides” when they think fitness (any sort of fitness – and lets face it, even the so called “I’m a big guy, not fat!” crowd wants just that).

If they didn’t, they wouldn’t . . . ah, but we went there, did we not. Hehe. In a prior email or many . . .

After that, it’s usually big arms. Or muscle on the chest.

Then the upper back.

And then “solid legs and thighs”. Perhaps the “diamond shaped calves” (most ignore that part of the body altogether!).

And guess what comes first.

If you guessed legs, you’d be right.

Guess what comes second.

IF you guessed BACK, you’d be right!

The specifics differ for each person, of course, but by and large, your body whips the most important parts of you into shape - - in that order.

And so it should be, my friend!

And that’s truly how dreams come true - - of any nature.

Get the most important things out of the way first.

Do the heavy lifting and SPADEWORK FIRST.

Set a solid base!

And once you’re past all that, focus on the smaller things you want to get done.

And this is sage advice that not just me, but anyone that’s achieved anything of note will tell you and then some!

Alright, enough talk from me. Here’s where you can grab the BEST damned fitness system first (and yes there is a reason I focus on legs and back the MOST!) –


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Pushups give you a full body workout including the legs. Yes, that’s right. The LEGS too! Pick up our MUCH VAUNTED course on pushups right HERE, and find out why!

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