I have been saying this forever, and a day, my friend, but most people - even on this list - dismiss it as "just spiritual stuff" - or "we dont understand these things" despite me breaking it down into bare bones form.
I say iti in ALL my books- the MENTAL is the most important - witjhout the mental, you wont get anywhere.
Actually, you'll always get SOMEWHERE - because the subconscious mind is ALWAYS WORKING!
Trust me on ths one!
Read the Magic of Believing - you might not believe ME, but believe Claude Bristol, eh?
Of course, the Tom Toms will claim "he isn't famous" so ...
Well, he should be - and Napoleon Hill - he most definitely is! He said the SAME DAMN THING!
I just went to the bathroom, and was thinkiing about "how nice it would be if a certain type of light for my room which I couldn't find online could be delivered to me anyhow".
That is all I thought, I dismissed the thought after thinking it would happen.
Lo, a couple of minutes later, someone DID deliver it.
Despite it not being available online, and the person that delivered it - you'd say she was my enemy subconsciously in most regards, and she is, yet, she did it!
I've often thought about "how nice it would be if I could have that pizza - or chicken - or what not".
Back in the day, when I could not afford it - mysteriously, friends would call me up out of the BLUE and order these things for me - or invite me out.
Now, what happens is either I do it - WITHOUT any conscioius plans to do so - it just HAPPENS!
Ever notice sometimes you "wish something would happen" - really happen -and it DOES - either by hook or by crook?
The other night, some woman I didnt know from Adam (or Eve) showed up at my doorstep.
I had NO clue who she was, perhaps a lady of the night.
But I had been oddly enough thinking about a woman with her exact features ... NOT for "sexual" purposes - and bang, there it was.
She wouldn't tell me the name of the person she was looking for, hehe.
BUT - the address was mine!
Trust me on this one, this happens ALL The time for me, my friend.
Thoughts do CREATE.
Think it's just positively?
No, thoughts DESTROY TOO!
Your DESTRUCTIVE thoughts will create just as much as CREATIVE, constructive ones will!
And if there is ONE lesson I can give you amongst all the doom and gloom being spread around, which the only reason it's being spread around is that PEOPLE dont believe in "the mind stuff" - it is this.
Fitness wise, same thing.
You have to SEE yourself do the thing - you have to see yourself positively first!
You have to keep going despite all obstacles, physical, mental or what not!
Unless you do that, nigh NOTHING will happen - no matter if you buy my books, or if you buy someone else's.
Trust me on this one!
And that, friend is the lesson.
Ponder it for a while without dismissing it as airy fairy bunkola.
It might just benefit yo umore than anything else I've ever written!
Rahul Mookerjee