Use it - or lose it.
As I was working out this morning, I saw a baby - or a toddler, rather, clinging on to "Mama" for dear life - much like a baby monkey does to its mother.
They were on the swing together. The way the lady was talking to her son (I think) reminded me of my own "wife" and daughter ...
Anyway, sentiments and "the look cute" factor aside (or not) - the point isn't so much that, as it is "use it or lose it".
Last night, I read a story about astronauts - or a "relation of the facts" actually.
When I write fiction of any nature, I make it so real that I call "reality mixed in with a dab of creative license" as opposed to the other way around!
But anyway, that was a set of facts about astronauts in space.
How they eat - shit - sleep - workout - all of it.
And "seperate tubes for #1 and #2 aside" (use your imagination, hehe) - Glyn Bozo would have a field day, not to mention the lack of gravity would make his lard float so much easier - how they workout was interesting to say the least - and for how LONG per day.
Like 2.5 hours a day - daily - no excuses, no breaks.
If not, they lose a ton of bone density and muscle mass - that takes up to FOUR years to rebuild.
I think it was >10% of bone density lost in six months (stay in space) and perhaps more in terms of muscle.
Kinda like premature ageing ... or oesteoperosis "early" if you get my drift.
To counteract that, they workout for 2.5 hours daily, so sometimes, these days, they end up back on terria firma fitter and stronger than before!
But it's another great example.
Use it - or lose it.
And if you lose it, you lose it QUICK. But it takes donkey's years to gain back what you lost, and not in proportion either!!
Same thing for monkeys, and their insanely strong grips. On the Animal Kingdom Workouts page, I believe, I write about how chimpanzees can kill full grown adult crocs outweighing them by almost a ton - with their bare hands.
If a baby chimp grabbed your finger - you'd SQUEAL for mercy, period.
Same thing with caimans and jaguars, grizzlies and moose - the animal kingdom rarely stops to "rest" or "recover from their sore lats" or "not walk becaus their forepaws and hindlimbs are too sore" or what not.
Look at captive animals and how MISERABLE They are, and you'll get the picture.
Miserable... we'll get to that soon!
But anyway, for human beings - in terms of fitness - CORE fitness is the first to go - and the LAST to come.
Think love handles, obliques, once you do lose 'em - make sure they STAY off.
It's very easy to Get out of shape - or spend money for that matter.
It's much harder to earn it back - both things!
Trust me on this.
Good news, if you keep using it - you won't lose it - and if you do lose some, you'll gain it back pretty quick too.
Same thing for your FREEDOM, my friend.
I was ranting about the latest Biden nonsense forcing everyone to get vaccinated or trying to (thank God for Florida and the Southern U.S. - there's still freedom left SOMEWHERE! - drop in the ocean I know with Bozos globally, b ut still! THAT is why I'm a huge supporter of the NRA, this government overreach is just intolerable, PERIOD!!!) to my Jie Jie Maria, and of course, her first comment -
"You're just like Americans, freedom is the most important".
You're miserable with all this going on!
So it is, yes.
And I wasn't aware which pundit in the Universe deemed freedom to be an uniquely American concept for one?
Freedom of speech, thought, expression, end of the day, when it's all taken away from you - a man's got his freedom, and thats all, my friend.
You can rail against this fact and say "nuts like us take things to extremes", but it's the nuts on the other side of the spectrum that take thing sto extremes. I mean gee, it's been like two years into this panicdemic, and schools aint opened in some parts of the world - travel is still all mostly closed despite people lining up to get panixated - who is being extreme here???
End of the day, freedom is what it's about.
And the more you get used to losing it, the quicker you lose it - and the LONGER IT TAKES TO GET IT BACK!
Anyway, I told Maria the following.
"America must have done something right, Maria", I laughed. She's a great girl!
Very helpful, great girl, really. I mean it.
"It's the numero uno country in the world".
Americans must have done omething right - I dont think people as a whole woke up one day, proclaimed themselves the number one country in the world and just became that.
FREEDOM at the end of the day was what allowed it to happen - along with a whole new country "for their own".
Some idiot was ranting recently about Thanksgiving (a Chinese guy who is normally quite sensible, to be honest) and how its all about slaughtering Indians that gave the white colonizers turkeys, and not "enjoyng the bounties of the harvest"- which is the real reason Thanksgiving is celebrated (this idiot also got it wrong in that the US and Canada don't celebrate it on the same day at all)(.
I mean really, the jingoistic lengths people go to, and this whole "anti white" bullshit, I dont know if I'm the only one, but isn't it really now being taken to giddy limits
I mean geez, let Jim Crow stay in the past where he belongs.
Anyway - use it - or lose it.
I'm out.
Back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - Same thing for the great offers we have going on, USE the discounts - or LOSE them. All the whining int he world ain't gonna get it back later either!
PS #2- And what Biden, liberals and sheeple in general are doing to make peoples lives more miserable - or try to - is just a DISGRACE, my friend. Period!