There has never been a better time for two things.
One, it is my belief that Depressions, or "so called" depressions are some of the best times to make money, or set the foundation for doing so.
Before you throw bricks at me, take a look at a certain Henry Ford, or Marshall Fields, or ... countless others. Yes, times have changed, and no, they haven't. The basics remain the SAME. In any economy, any "world"!
And two, it's never been a better time for the Bozos, neighsayers, moaners, pissers, whiners, and perhaps most of all the "I told you so's".
"I told you this business wouldn't succeed, you gotta get a jobbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb" go the idiots who have never done much of anything in their own life, never faced hardship THEMSELVES etc - yet, dispense advice on how to deal with willy nilly to all and sundry (usualy those who do NOT want it).
I've seen this sort of thing upfront - in the past Ive experienced it personally, these days I'm seeing more and more of it in the third person.
PIcture this, a guy running what you'd think is an "essentials" store i.e. selling utensils.
He was forced to shut down.
And whether covid had something to do with it or not is NOT the point.
The point is ... well, covid did - that was part of China's grand plan, inflation, lockdowns, they know how the sheeple globally would react, and if all else fails ,make "essentials" or the procurement of the same more expensive for the average guy, middle class, what not.
But the point is, he was getting so called "advice" from some idiot who kept telling him "I told you, Amazon is the death of us all!"
Now, Bozo is not necessarily wrong (not Schofield, he doesnt have the brains to mount any sort of argument beyond asses, both male and female and their innards - but the Bozo above).
But really, picture this - other dude has to survive. Literally.
You might not know it, or hear about it, but a lot of small business owners at some point live hand to mouth - a lot of them will never tell you about the hardships THEY face, but will listen to YOU all day.
Thats just successful business, you help others FIRST.
It's successful LIFE, more like.
Relationships 101, or should be ...
But really, with all else going on, the LAST thing that man needs to hear is "Amazon is the death of us all".
(I wonder if other dude told him about all the benefits of Amazon, most notably selling on there...)
(finding new customers, Amazon marketing products on auto pilot, Billpay's, much more!)
Like Jeff rightly once said, has anyone ever focused on how people Amazon has made and continues to make RICH - not just stocks wise?
He needs to be focusing on what he WANTS i.e how to stay afloat - rather than the panic nonsense being spread about - thats good for alcohol fueled discussions at night or rants or what not, but real life - it ain't gonna do you a SMIDGEON of good focusing ont hat rot.
He needs to focusing on making his offers, albeit in person more attractive - especially given the current situation.
Customer service.
And more ...
But the LAST thing , if at all, he needs to focus on is this inflation rot. True, he needs to be AWARE of it - but thats all!
People are just idiots, my friend - the ones dispensing this free advice.
Pretty much why I never listen to anyone anyway ...
Anyway, had to say that.
Maybe there's a message in there for YOU somewhere, I dont know.
And remember the Tuesday 50% offer I just emailed you , my friend. ONLY for yo u on my list, and no, it ain't gonna last beyond Tuesday, so get in NOW while you can.
Save big - remember, only applicable on ONE order, so get all you can i.e. "load up".
Rahul Mookerjee