Displaying items by tag: weight loss
On body(phat) shaming - and more.
You hear it all the time, especially from phat phocks who coudn't hang on pull-up bars for more than quarter of a second to save their lives if they had to - and people globally that are fat and out of shape, yet get pissed at people "saying it like it is".
Back in the day, I sometimes did too.
Note this wasn't when I was "fat" or a phat phocker per se.
This was when I was in fairly decent shape, but eating and drinking way too much, and not working out enough (definitely NOT doing what I advocate in Eat More - Weigh Less) - and it showed.
A friend of mine once made the comment back in the day.
"I've never seen you like this, Rahul", he said, pointing at the core which at the time was admittedly flabby.
"You always had such a strong powerful aesthetic core - it was really nice!" (note, I didnt train for looks - but still - that was a welcome byproduct).
I was slightly surprised at the time.
"Me? Fat?", I grinned back.
"Oh, you're not fat", he replied. "But ... "
Upon reaching home, I introspected - and saw he was RIGHT.
And I made a promise myself to lose the extra (few, admittedly kgs - and I did within a couple of weeks - and how.
Or, a guy around 5 years ago when the podge was starting to pile on a bit (for a period I was not able to train normally due to extenuating circumstances).
At the beer store, he pointed to my gut - which to be honest, most wouldn't have noticed, "there was nothing there" - but there was, a little...
His trained eye caught it, and he asked WHY.
Now, most people would have got upset - offended - and me too in the past.
(I didnt - I just nodded, and next day, I was hitting it 2x as hard again, soon enough, whatever little was there WENT away).
Hell, if taken to an extreme, I probably still would too.
Not for me the idiots who touch Charles (a former friend of mine)'s stomach as he walks down the road apparently (admittedly he's obese, but shit, that sort of thing is not on!) - and ask his girlfriend "how they do it in bed.
Idiots incaranate, that pisses me off too.
But other hand, what the world needs more than anything else is a return to being tough - long overdue, along with a kick in the pants most people need.
To me, if someone says something like that, and they dont obviously NOW, its just a push to get in even better and even leaner - and stronger - or more flexible - condition.
If I see YOU contorting yourself in positions that would make an octopus envious, if I see you fighting in an arena, if I see you walking up stairs - on your hands - and then back down again - I dont just sit back, pat my tummy, cradle my beer, and marvel.
I want to be able to do that too, and I work on it, and pretty soon - I can.
Thats always how I've been
All around though, you keep hearing cries of "body shaming", and how it's supposedly a mean thng to do, bad for the person, and so forth.
My opinion?
Taken to extremes, yes, not on.
People need to be ultimately UPLIFTED - not brought down.
But there is a fine line between (molly) coddling, and giving it to folks straight.
Get down right now my friend, and give me 20 good pushups.
Or, 5 straight pull-ups.
Or, 75-100 straight squats.
Or, bridge back and forth a while.
We haven't even gone advanced as yet.
Hold a plank, do a dead hang. Whatever it is - if you can't do any of the above - then you're neither fit nor are you strong my friend.
(and, you need to get on the 0 Excuses Fitness System ASAP)!!
I hate to say it, but it's true.
That ain't body shaming either.
But if someone is a phat phocker, I've found the doers would rather be TOLD they're fat so they can work on it.
Sometimes, we all need that kick up the ass...
Enter "Iron" Mike Tyson, a legend for the ages.
From the man himself, before his bout in 2020 with Ray Junior ... (which ended in a draw I believe?) ...
"If somebody's with me, I find out he thought I was a fat motherf***er and didn't tell me, I wouldn't be his friend no more.
"You say body shaming hurts some people, it helps me. I never looked at it as fat shaming."
Tyson at the time was WAY fat and overweight - due to booze and coke use (according to him - Mike Tyson claims being fat shamed 'helped' him make incredible body transformation ahead of Roy Jones Jr fight (thesun.co.uk)).
And, along with the upcoming fight - that body shaming ultimately inspired him to drop almost 40 kgs!
Thats something, at his age.
Sure, 120-60 that I did is nothing to scoff at either. Took plenty of doing that!
But there is reason Tyson is featured on the sales pages for both Pushup Central and Jump Rope Mania, my friend - not just because the rope is an essential part of not just Iron Mike's, but ANY boxer's regimen (along with lots of pushups).
Fat Bozos like Glyn whose spindly arms couldn't support them for a nanosecond in a quarter plank troll it by saying "Rahul Tyson", while the doers BUY the book, and do - because they know very well the sales page is what it is for a damn good REASON.
Even if you look at Tyson's most recent workout when he was out of shape in 2020?
The ROPE features ... just take a look!
Not to mention, his mentality.
Iron Mike didnt sit around bitching about "I feel so bad that people are saying that!"
He took it like the man he is - and got into scorching hot shape shortly thereafter.
Now THAT, my friends, is the sign of a real man.
A man that doesn't back down from a challenge, and can hear the truth when it needs to be said!
And the workouts, the routines that will do it for YOU TOO, my friend, are in both Pushup Central - and Jump Rope Mania - and all my courses.
As we head into the New Year, if there are nigh two courses I'd recommend you to get, those are the ones.
Get them NOW, and start becoming a real man again, my friend.
Rahul Mookerjee
On lower back fat, and more . . .
Last night as I slept, I had another one of those dreams that revealed so much about myself to me, stuff I already knew, but stuff that is hammered home MORE every time I see it.
And part of that dream, or I think part of what I saw when I woke up and was between the completely unconscious and the “semi conscious” . . .
. . . It was a picture of me. Yours truly.
From the BACK.
Now I’ve often had dreams of me doing pull-ups etc succeeded by workouts where I did exactly the same.
But I’m not quite sure why I saw my BACK – specifically, my LOWER back in the dream . . . but I get it now.
Actually, it came to mind while I was brushing my teeth, and now here I am, writing to YOU about it!
(There in itself is a clue in terms of the inner workings of your REAL mind, the TRUE seat of power, and no it ain’t got nothing to do with brushing your teeth either!!).
What do I mean?
Well, simple.
It’s not always and usually not the fat you have that is VISIBLE.
I’ve said this in terms of subcutaneous and visceral fat, the latter being invisible and far more harmful, lapping around your organs . . .
And in terms of fitness, it’s really the BACK that shows you how fit and strong a person is my friend.
The ENTIRE back.
Upper, mid and lower. And the forearms and legs.
It’s NOT THE chest and six pack.
Sure, those might come about as a result of you training the right way, but they ain’t the only indicator by far.
I still remember a dude telling me the following a couple of years ago (which I did write about).
“Do you go to the gym? Your back is built!”
And this was when I was somewhat out of shape (well, not really, but by MY own high standards) and had more fat around the midsection and arse than I’ve had liked.
Yet, he could tell.
And one of the litmus tests of fitness (note – not necessarily piddly body fat levels and all that) is the SIDES of your core.
Notice how Apollo Creed’s trainer playfully gives him Rocky one to the sides before asking how fit he was.
And Apollo goes, we’ve been living MODERN, but we’re going to train OLD style now (this while standing in that dank, damp dungeon which produced CHAMPIONS!).
For me, it’s always been about my lower back which I cannot see.
I always “reach around” (when in doubt) and try and “grab” the area around the spinal erectors for one.
If there is ANY “meat” on there I can “hold”, well, I’m getting out of shape.
But in general, and usually – there is nothing.
Just smooth skin and solid MUSCLE.
And the same thing for my entire back.
And that, my friend is the real litmus test of whether or not your overweight etc.
It’s not about the front of the body. It’s about the BACK. You truly do gotta “back it up” as they say!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Pull-ups will build a back that will stay for a long, long time my friend. Years after you stop doing ‘em in some cases. Here is the definitive guide to starting and getting to ACE level at pull-ups - - https://0excusesfitness.com/pull-ups-from-dud-to-stud-within-a-matter-of-weeks/
PS #2 – And for truly advanced stuff, go right HERE.