In the WARRIORS mind, there truly is NO SURRENDER.
None at all.
Period. This truism has been brought HOME, pun intended given what I'm fixing to write about to me so many times.
I still remember the annoying pink Chinese poodle that took that very exact moment to lick my chin when doing handstand pushups the right - yet more dangerous in some ways - but I'm the guy that does dangerous stuff because I'm a warrior and CAN - and me continuing with the rest of the workout with blood dripping down my chin. Bloodstained shirt. Haha.
Its the same location you see on the front page of my youtube that I put up this morning. Except then it was Chinese new year. Crowds around.
Advanced Hill Training was filmed there.
Dangerous? Its certainly far tougher which is why I do them that way. Folks that can pop them off back to the wall CANNOT the way I can. Nobody in the universe can. Only the Bodyweight exercise Guru ..
But dangerous?
As my trolls say - one recently said it -
They use dirty tactics to showcase their dominance when it isn't dominance at all, it's the fear they have that makes them do things a sane person wouldn't.
This actually holds significance given what I'm shoot to tell ya.
About To.
Maybe shoot sounds better. More Southern!
Make Tai pos great again. I always have haha.
Climbing my stairs today something happened.
That happens every so often.
Right calf cramped so painfully I was literally dragging my leg downstairs to just fix it.
Took me AGES to fix it.
Finally disappeared five climbs in. . .
Now remember I'm the guy that runs long distances with no cartilage in his right knee - does plenty of bodyweight squats daily - all ala the great David Goggins. I've done it all my life before I even heard of him.
But this shit was so painful that!
But, I had a choice.
Quit or continue.
I chose the latter.
If the maid was there I'd have asked her to not just pummell the calf but WALK on it. Haha. Yes that sounds strange but girls that know how to do it so a wonderful job walking on you.
The female FOOT can be a very wonderful thing. I'm not even going to go further there. Wink,for those in the know. Wink, for those WANTING to know. Its out there in the open for birds that want to know. Find it. Use it. I challenge you. You'll lose. Hehe.
Would I tho?
I'd just limp up.
And down. Believe it or not, it's far more painful going DOWN stairs with that kind of injury than up.
Reminded me of this.
If Graeme Smith did it, why not me haha.
Flashback to old times, when men were real men and women were real women - not the fat feminists most are today.
I think I was 23.
Watching a Champions Trophy qualifier between the Poms and Springboks.
Graeme Smith, SA captain was doing a fine job chasing down England's 280 odd on his lonesome.
But then fate hit.
The big man cramped..
Asked for a runner.
Strauss, the opposing captain denied it. All well within the rules.
He eventually got out.
But those iconic images of the wounded LION refusing treatment as he walked up the stairs literally on one legs after scoring 139 not out in searing humidity.
Something to behold.
England won.
I don't blame Strauss. You gotta FINISH your enemy off. He did.
But Smith didn't lose. He personally WON.
Ultimately Graeme Smith is a far greater great than Strauss. Far more highly regarded. Strauss will be the first to tell you that himself.
And that's the key message here.
A warrior, or anyone - can only truly lose if you allow yourself to.
I was thinking about what if my worst enemies attacked me right then.
I wouldn't care.
I'd win even if the damn muscle was torn off my leg.
That's me.
You cant win because I simply don't give up.
I never have in my life.
Andrew Tate sagely once said this one thing amongst many I've followed ALL my life on auto pilot.
I write about in various shapes and forms.
Have been even before I heard of Tate.
In Gumption Galore.
But, Tate gets credit here because HE was the one that brought true masculinity - always toxic - the only kind that works and women really CRAVE to the world!
Toxic masculinity concepts right there. Any true warrior is a toxic male that burps and belches loudly as his females make a face. Hehe.
And stamping with shoes right after she mops. Wink
Posting gleefully on social media as she does dishes piled up for years she has been too lazy to do for YEARS!
Serves her right for wanking on about me cheating with the maid. Hehe.
Back to flash back...
Those were the days by the way, Michael Bevan running down tall totals - literally!
True FITNESS, though smithy was somewhat lacking there in SOME regards.
Truly big guy though, another one along the lines of the great Matty Hayden..not for nothing was he called "Biff" . Hehe. And he was damn effective too like Haydos!
Dirty tactics was what everyone was whining about on Strausss part. But, he was well within the rules which is why the umpires - referees for y'all Yanks lol - allowed it.
The rules would have allowed it if he had picked up the injury in the match. I think that's what the rule was back then.
But cramping isn't an injury. And that's why Strauss, the CANNY campaigner he is triumphed there. I still remember a comment my then wife made about him being sneaky. She was spot on. But you have to be a pyscho to WIN. Simple.
And I would have done the same damn thing if I were Strauss. So would Smith in his position.
Its called WIN. By any and ALL means possible. Gamesmanship.
Noone, not one single soul in the Universe gives ONE single flying solitary fuck about nice losers.
We all remember WINNERS. Period.
Its what matters ultimately.
Its also why I keep telling men, real men at least and not the cucks pandering to feminists - DONT be nice.
Don't be humble.
Don't be nice.
BRAG. SHOW off; twist the fucking knife DEEP in!!
No mercy!!
Tom Tom. PREEN!!! Even a male peacock does. Its natural for real men and WARRIORS!!
Only cucks are nice. They finish last as we know haha.
This is why I keep saying what I do in my world class, very well received manuals on isometrics done differently.
None of the gay yoga or Jane Fonda crap. Anyone promoting that gay yoga shit is simply attempting to make money via politically correct simping to india.
But with Trump back and tarrifs galore, that's long gone pal.
Yoga is just gay.
Normal stretching is even gayer.
Warm ups are truly for rank FAGGOTS!
But that's why I call my books on isometrics not just that,but .
Isometric and Flexibility Training.
Advanced, PROFOUND isometric and Flexibility Training.
Because the two go together.
People whine about the quality of pictures in these courses.
I reduce it further haha. If you're looking for a supermodel me in person is the man to find. Not my books although the first one mentioned here - hell ya. Hordes of females,much to Bozo Schofield s chagrin wanted my number as I walked up that hill. I never even had my phone with me!
But the exercises, one of the two simple ones i mention for calves that people complain about being "too easy" is what I used.
To SOLVE the issue.
And no I am not going to tell you what it is. No, not on Google.
But I will tell you this - it's a godsend for those of you into heavy training that deal with this sorta thing all the time.
And that's that. Back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee