Rahul Mookerjee
A true WARRIOR breaks down the GAYEST description of WARRIOR I've seen thus far.
From well,it comes as no surprise...
Ben Gay of course whose only war is deciding if to pop open another can of beer while mournfully thinking about "I'll look even worse for Tik Tok tomorrow"..
From a bird, no pun, that doesn't understand what satire means, that interprets the word gay literally in conversation - doesn't come as a surprise.
Here it is - long and nonsensical as usual. But we shall break it down. Some salient points here need to be made.
Some guys like to call themselves warriors....think they know the true battles that rage on. Hate to break it to you but if you brag about being a warrior, chances are you're either impersonating one or love being in the spotlight you think it's ok to parade around it. Real warriors have seen chaos, they have seen, smelled and looked into the eyes of death. They live with psychological trauma and many never get help in order to live a decent life which in and of itself is extremely difficult for many soldiers. I know some of these warriors and just the ability to not only survive but thrive in this crazy world is a triumph they never truly get recognition for. Two of these men....Matti Marzel & Mike The Machine Bruce are those REAL WARRIORS!!! Mike is one of the best pure wrestlers in the world, trained as a marine who fought in Desert Storm. He became the man with the world's strongest Neck. He is brass, tough as shit and one of the most nonsensical men on this planet. Matti is a soldier that has been in recent wars and has had near death experiences many of us can't possibly fathom. This is the man with such pure unadulterated strength it's unbelievable, the things he can do at his size look like something out of an anime cartoon. His fingers are so freakishly strong only can he do pullups with fewer fingers than most but has bent steel with his bare hands that is seen to be believed like bending wrenches and spikes as long as 10 inches. His ability to hold himself up on those fingers is just incredible. He may have a mouth on him, but it's part of his character. When it comes to pullups, very few if any can match his numbers when it comes to reps with 1-2-3 fingers of each hand. Shredded, intense and he'll put you through hell if you train with him. Next time you brag about being a "warrior", you're not only insulting those that are the real deal but you're making yourself look like a foolish prick with a death wish. Show respect.
Whew, if you could get through that without a huge YAWN it's commendable. You deserve the purple heart equivalent of online just for that hehe.
Like this is the problem with Ben Bird. I don't so much mind the fact he's closet gay. That's funny, but also the only interesting thing about him.
Otherwise what I don't like - he's a grade A pathological liar, reality denier and BORING!!
Liberal to a T basically.
But anyway.
My buddy from the Marines who is a 6'1" WRECKING machine - literally - bull neck etc - skilled in martial arts, knife use etc once had this to say about me -
Rahul you're literally by far one of the toughest hombres I know bro!
(He even got me the cow boy hat once for Christmas haha).
And ...
The leader rises from the Ashes. Or maybe he used Phoenix. Not sure.
Then there's Marc the African Silverback Gorilla. High level boxer, Muai Thai guy...
"You'd literally rip them apart".
And then Ben Bird himself of course, lol.
"He goes straight for the JUGULAR!".
Hmm. That this TIGER has always done. Its what tigers do. Not gay birds that identify as chickens as Ben Bird does, lol.
Let's start from the end of this blather..
Death wish?
I'll never die, you fool. Spirit is immortal. That's how a WARRIOR thinks. Only a cuckold like you is scared of death. Warriors FIGHT regardless.
The truest warrior out there.
Andrew Tate.
And a lot of other lesser well known men like me.
For men like us EVERYTHING is war. Life is war. Even the smallest battle MUST be won if it's worth it.
That's why we have all the money and girls.
War isn't always physical.
In fact even the most war hardened soldier will tell you the mental part, PTSD etc is the real tough part.
Firing a gun bang bang is easy by comparison.
Of course given little Ben has never fired one, he wouldn't know what recoil feels on his fat little grubby fingers.
Ah yes.
His latest rants are about some guy that looks like Twiggy basically who supposedly has the world strongest fingers according to Little Ben.
Like, who said so? In what world?
Only Little Ben with his "infinite" fitness knowledge said so and his opinion does not count because he's a sneaky gay hypocrite and a RANK LIAR!!
I've never even heard of this guy.
Being well known or not doesnt necessarily mean anything in terms of accomplishments. Even donald trump wasnt that well known until well after 50, truly the years between 40-60 are the most productive for a man as Napoleon Hill rightly wrote about in Think and Grow Rich.
Matt Furey, the guy who brought Hindu pushups to the world is roundly accused of ripping folks off , Karl Gotch especially and selling overpriced products with SO CALLED no value by losers.
Sour grapes.
Because he WON.
You didn't. So you're whining.
Same thing with me. Anyone remotely succesful at any level. Same thing.
All the facts we have on this one are that Ben Bird wants to suck him off, but he wants to do that with most guys he sees. He's a flamin FAG for Chrissake!!
Doesn't really prove anything.
Plus and anyway - we all know Rahul Mookerjee has the toughest fingers on the planet. Noone does fingertip pushups like I do. Proven FACT.
Even customers are in awe "our martial arts instructor made us do them on fists but these are far harder!".
Pushup Central teaches you how...truly IRON claws for fingers and an UNDEFEATABLE human being is what it will FORGE anyone into if they're brave enough to DO what it tells you to. Few are. Most aren't. They're losers. Plain and simple.
He's the guy with the strongest fingers on Earth.
Not some rank nobody Ben Bird is simping to. Lol.
And I'm not dumping on the guys size. I have said it forever and I'm proof of it - slim guys can not just be incredibly sexy but STRONG as well. That's why women like us. No woman wants an idiot pumping and preening to hide their man tits and fat stomachs - it's about the X shape myself and my fitness routines rightfully promote, my own Greek God shape - and if with the worst possible physical genetics can get it so can you if you're not a lazy turd like Ben is.
It ain't about the size of the dog. Its about the size of the FIGHT in the dog, you fool. Can't believe I'm having to explain this again. Some people are just so damn STUPID!
Its actually Bird who says the opposite when it comes to my size ie my size means I'm "weak" according to him though I'm the one that can DO far more than him.
But this nobody apparently that lack of logic doesn't apply.
Birdie claims it's ok for him to have a mouth but not me or Trump or anyone else he disagrees with- until he calls Birdie out which I'm sure he will someday.
Typical hypocrital LIBERAL! Freedom is fine but just for THEM! For the rest of us they want SLAVERY!!!!!!!!!
Back to Trump.
THAT is the true warrior spirit.
Any true non LGBTQ military man will tell you this. Thank God DEI is gone!
Yours truly is a warrior incarnate too - things I've faced all my life - 10,0000 Ben Birds together couldn't even start to handle 1 percent of it.
Like really. An idiot that identifies as a chicken and formerly walrus of all things. At least be a fucking hawk. That's a killer! Chickens get SLAUGHTERED and have no choice about it, fool. Much like YOU.
Death wish my rear end. For someone who made a death threat against me for a video on 4B and now saying "but that's not war". Rank Hypocrisy as always!
I've written about this before. Research on the site, you'll find it.
But to end, I have nothing but utmost respect for those on the battlefield regardless of the side they're on. That's real - a hard job..
I don't call Marines "one of the most nonsensical" men on the planet. Like little Ben will whine about it being a typo I'm sure - trying to, unsuccessfully as always I might add, copy MY playbook on it.
But it wasn't a typo. He meant it.
THAT is disrespect right there.
But again, I have nothing but respect for soldiers and police officers - they do a tough job most of us aren't willing to do.
But real life my friend always ultimately hits hardest. Nothing will hit you as hard as life itself, especially when you're down.
And that's why I put together Gumption Galore, for those down times when you need PRACTICAL motivation.
16 Inspirational Fitness Recollections..
And all my work, really.
Back on point if your own life is so closeted and cossetted that the only war you can think of is that on the battlefield, then some would call you lucky to have such an easy life.
I've had the opposite.
I continue to.
And I'd just call you a gay fat loser with no money, no girls, and under the control of a woman who respects you less than she would a slave under her.
And me, well, Habib Porn Star.
Been to countries where terrorism, death etc is unfortunately a daily part of life as opposed to Ben jerking his little pee pee to my feet (ugh) in the "warriors" state of Idaho. Nothing against the state but ...Idaho ...well, lol...
Fat, can't do a single pull-up or even high rep squats etc in any decent form and promotes so called fat boy fitness and blocks anyone that calls his gay ass out LOGICALLY.
Just proves what I said on Twitter. Fat people are just stupid and a drag on the rest of us ultimately. They must be eliminated.
Need I say any more?
I don't think so.
Every day is a WAR..
It continues!
Rahul Mookerjee
The WARRIOR mentality
In the WARRIORS mind, there truly is NO SURRENDER.
None at all.
Period. This truism has been brought HOME, pun intended given what I'm fixing to write about to me so many times.
I still remember the annoying pink Chinese poodle that took that very exact moment to lick my chin when doing handstand pushups the right - yet more dangerous in some ways - but I'm the guy that does dangerous stuff because I'm a warrior and CAN - and me continuing with the rest of the workout with blood dripping down my chin. Bloodstained shirt. Haha.
Its the same location you see on the front page of my youtube that I put up this morning. Except then it was Chinese new year. Crowds around.
Advanced Hill Training was filmed there.
Dangerous? Its certainly far tougher which is why I do them that way. Folks that can pop them off back to the wall CANNOT the way I can. Nobody in the universe can. Only the Bodyweight exercise Guru ..
But dangerous?
As my trolls say - one recently said it -
They use dirty tactics to showcase their dominance when it isn't dominance at all, it's the fear they have that makes them do things a sane person wouldn't.
This actually holds significance given what I'm shoot to tell ya.
About To.
Maybe shoot sounds better. More Southern!
Make Tai pos great again. I always have haha.
Climbing my stairs today something happened.
That happens every so often.
Right calf cramped so painfully I was literally dragging my leg downstairs to just fix it.
Took me AGES to fix it.
Finally disappeared five climbs in. . .
Now remember I'm the guy that runs long distances with no cartilage in his right knee - does plenty of bodyweight squats daily - all ala the great David Goggins. I've done it all my life before I even heard of him.
But this shit was so painful that ...my!
But, I had a choice.
Quit or continue.
I chose the latter.
If the maid was there I'd have asked her to not just pummell the calf but WALK on it. Haha. Yes that sounds strange but girls that know how to do it so a wonderful job walking on you.
The female FOOT can be a very wonderful thing. I'm not even going to go further there. Wink,for those in the know. Wink, for those WANTING to know. Its out there in the open for birds that want to know. Find it. Use it. I challenge you. You'll lose. Hehe.
Would I tho?
I'd just limp up.
And down. Believe it or not, it's far more painful going DOWN stairs with that kind of injury than up.
Reminded me of this.
If Graeme Smith did it, why not me haha.
Flashback to old times, when men were real men and women were real women - not the fat feminists most are today.
I think I was 23.
Watching a Champions Trophy qualifier between the Poms and Springboks.
Graeme Smith, SA captain was doing a fine job chasing down England's 280 odd on his lonesome.
But then fate hit.
The big man cramped..
Asked for a runner.
Strauss, the opposing captain denied it. All well within the rules.
He eventually got out.
But those iconic images of the wounded LION refusing treatment as he walked up the stairs literally on one legs after scoring 139 not out in searing humidity.
Something to behold.
England won.
I don't blame Strauss. You gotta FINISH your enemy off. He did.
But Smith didn't lose. He personally WON.
Ultimately Graeme Smith is a far greater great than Strauss. Far more highly regarded. Strauss will be the first to tell you that himself.
And that's the key message here.
A warrior, or anyone - can only truly lose if you allow yourself to.
I was thinking about what if my worst enemies attacked me right then.
I wouldn't care.
I'd win even if the damn muscle was torn off my leg.
That's me.
You cant win because I simply don't give up.
I never have in my life.
Andrew Tate sagely once said this one thing amongst many I've followed ALL my life on auto pilot.
I write about in various shapes and forms.
Have been even before I heard of Tate.
In Gumption Galore.
But, Tate gets credit here because HE was the one that brought true masculinity - always toxic - the only kind that works and women really CRAVE to the world!
Toxic masculinity concepts right there. Any true warrior is a toxic male that burps and belches loudly as his females make a face. Hehe.
And stamping with shoes right after she mops. Wink
Posting gleefully on social media as she does dishes piled up for years she has been too lazy to do for YEARS!
Serves her right for wanking on about me cheating with the maid. Hehe.
Back to flash back...
Those were the days by the way, Michael Bevan running down tall totals - literally!
True FITNESS, though smithy was somewhat lacking there in SOME regards.
Truly big guy though, another one along the lines of the great Matty Hayden..not for nothing was he called "Biff" . Hehe. And he was damn effective too like Haydos!
Dirty tactics was what everyone was whining about on Strausss part. But, he was well within the rules which is why the umpires - referees for y'all Yanks lol - allowed it.
The rules would have allowed it if he had picked up the injury in the match. I think that's what the rule was back then.
But cramping isn't an injury. And that's why Strauss, the CANNY campaigner he is triumphed there. I still remember a comment my then wife made about him being sneaky. She was spot on. But you have to be a pyscho to WIN. Simple.
And I would have done the same damn thing if I were Strauss. So would Smith in his position.
Its called WIN. By any and ALL means possible. Gamesmanship.
Noone, not one single soul in the Universe gives ONE single flying solitary fuck about nice losers.
We all remember WINNERS. Period.
Its what matters ultimately.
Its also why I keep telling men, real men at least and not the cucks pandering to feminists - DONT be nice.
Don't be humble.
Don't be nice.
BRAG. SHOW off; twist the fucking knife DEEP in!!
No mercy!!
Tom Tom. PREEN!!! Even a male peacock does. Its natural for real men and WARRIORS!!
Only cucks are nice. They finish last as we know haha.
This is why I keep saying what I do in my world class, very well received manuals on isometrics done differently.
None of the gay yoga or Jane Fonda crap. Anyone promoting that gay yoga shit is simply attempting to make money via politically correct simping to india.
But with Trump back and tarrifs galore, that's long gone pal.
Yoga is just gay.
Normal stretching is even gayer.
Warm ups are truly for rank FAGGOTS!
But that's why I call my books on isometrics not just that,but .
Isometric and Flexibility Training.
Advanced, PROFOUND isometric and Flexibility Training.
Because the two go together.
People whine about the quality of pictures in these courses.
I reduce it further haha. If you're looking for a supermodel me in person is the man to find. Not my books although the first one mentioned here - hell ya. Hordes of females,much to Bozo Schofield s chagrin wanted my number as I walked up that hill. I never even had my phone with me!
But the exercises, one of the two simple ones i mention for calves that people complain about being "too easy" is what I used.
To SOLVE the issue.
And no I am not going to tell you what it is. No, not on Google.
But I will tell you this - it's a godsend for those of you into heavy training that deal with this sorta thing all the time.
And that's that. Back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
Iron Pants, the Cuck mentality and pissed off taxpayers and more....
Geez, where do we even start. I had 463 words typed out on this one before the goddamn thing crashed and here I am, typing it all out again.
Might have to do a few saves through the process...
First off, this site hasn't been updated in a while yes. But I've been wanting to do it for a long time but haven't gotten around to it. We got the email lists etc migrated over to the other site - lots going on there! - so this hasn't been updated for a while. But today , as I heard a Bird chirping outside my window after my.companion of the night - the lovely maid I was with - left - turned on the coffee first though - I figured this would be the day.
Where do we start, even.
So much to say!
First off, the pissed off taxpayer thing ...
A lot of you people know about Dongguan Expat - Major General Michael, Rahul and Uncle Bob - and another guy I won't name here. The last two didn't really do much so it was basically us first two.
Visionaries and pioneers we were even back then before the age of dumbphones.
Ann Lee showed up. The stories!
Anyway, site went from him to me to back to him and then finally the last guy who probably did the very least to deserve it. That's how it goes though. Sometimes you just gotta stick things out. He did!
I remember making a fiery comment on the Israel Gaza situation back then and Uncle Bob responding even more furiously or equally. Hehe.
Now for what it's worth I don't support Hamas. But then , even considering the fact that YES you must STAMP out the enemy, give them no chance to recover, given that's how to deal with terrorists (but who branded them as such - plus with the 1914 Balfour chaos - one mens terrorist is another man's freedom fighter like with the Indian independence struggle) but whats happening and was even back then is a genocide. Simple.
Gaza has been leveled. Was even back then.
The scale of Israel's response was way disproportionate and targeted civilians over all practically speaking. My question - with all their advanced intelligence - couldn't they simply root Hamas out "precision"?
Noone likes to ask that question.
I do.
I get attacked for it.
But it's true if you think about it.
Major General Michael later explained the Bob response to me (not that I needed explaining haha) by saying "he's just a pissed off taxpayer and so am I".
Michael like myself never paid any taxes, hehe. Bob did though ?.
Back to the present ...
Standing out there last night smoking - chain smoking - yes, and I'm in supremely 100 x better shape than all you fat masked retards, lol - one meal a day, caffienated - nicotine - the ticket! ... This lady with a cucked husband walking BEHIND her shows up.
Lady was a smoking hot middle aged cougar. I could tell the dynamic between them instantly. I mean, why the hell would a man walk behind a woman?
Its one thing to do the "ladies first ' thing. I'm such a gentleman I do it with my maids too but they still tell me to go first. Hehe.
Watch Trump and Melania go somewhere.
You'll always see the Trumpinator STRIDING ahead in front of her.
Lady wanted to talk to me. The excuse being to ask directions. Happens so often. I did too.
But I kept walking away. . .
. . . She kept unconsciously following me.
Women. Hehe. Especially the hot frustrated feminists.
They ALL want the real men. Vibe!
Reminds me of Venus a couple of years ago who despite me literally forgetting about her as I was drinking beer made her cucked policeman husband drive her to my apartment.
I didn't even know it, lol.
She tells me the next day when I wake up...
Anyway. What's all this got to do with Iron pants and cuck?
Well, they go together.
So do liberals.
And birds. Hehe.
Ben Bird Especially.
Let's do a very quick logical breakdown of this idiot. I'll put in all the other links later.
(I have now)
1. He joined us in 2022. His application actually ended up in spam initially before I found it 6 months later.
2. Seemed ok, was very happy with everything I did and how I did it, writing style, sense of humor , all of it. I didn't really know the guy and his site isn't even a real site but I thought I'd give it a chance.
3. He wanted free copies of my books. Got the hackles up. No way pal.
4. Couldn't sell anything. Sent me a long rant "out of the blue" which made me think he was on the rag basically "like wtf???"
5. Got fired. I did a post on him and then forgot about him.
6. Ah, but noone forgets about ME. I'm the guy, like with Trump etc they all love to publicly hate and privately obsess over. They'll never admit this of course but the facts speak.
7. He spread lies like a lot of others tried to about my books despite never reading , beyond free previews, one single one of them. I ignored it. Blocked him on all social media etc.
He is basically extremely pissed I make a lot of money. He doesn't. If I simply made all this free he'd never say what he is.
But then I ain't exactly running no charities here, boy.
8. But after Elon changed the block rule on X to where people can see what you're posting and even participate in discussions you're a part of - he took full advantage. He knows fully well I am at a level.he can never ascend to. His station in life is truly, as detailed on the site "beneath my feet". But he tries to show he can anyway.
So like with celebs etc. I don't know why but I attract this disproportionate amount of attention in real life, online anywhere. Ben Bird knows this. Everyone does. All my family does. Despite publicly claiming the opposite I'm the one ALWAYS on everyone's minds. Especially the feminist women. Hehe. My family is extremely matriarchal. All the men bowed down to it. Except yours truly haha.
So he jumps into every thread I do, not so much to whine about me but to get more Free ATTENTION and "eyeballs" off which he unfortunately cannot do elsewhere. Ultimately meaningless. I said it when noone else would - these large accounts on Twitter etc. They get no engagement. My account gets more engagement, which is the real metric - not follower counts which are mostly meaningless except if those accounts get any actual engagement.
4 quarters over the 100 pennies.
Ben is still broke, lives on a woman that controls him to the T and is extremely frustrated at not being man enough to lose weight and do pull-ups.
Promotes fitness yet is fat = hypocrital stance "I have a different body type" - no, you idiot. Fat is fat. And the mirror confirms it. Fancy camera angles, chin tilted upwards etc don't prove otherwise. Neither does pulling your stomach in. Clearly evident.
Everyone can ultimately see through his Hypocrisy. Meaningless harmful supplements that have literally put folks in the hospital.
So he makes zero money and is desperate.
You know what - i taught him everything he knows.
And this is what, like I said on the other site, pisses me off the most. These ass wipes learn for FREE. All my insights,.my brilliant mind etc - they want to pick it for free, giving me NOTHING in return.
At least acknowledge where the info came from.
I wrote about this the other day.
A cuck needs Iron Pants to "lead".
But she can't earn.
She just takes the cucks money.
And runs around with guys like me on it.
When there's a logical point to be discussed, Iron Pants will make nasty meaningless comments to the men "because she's a woman".
Cuck will jump in when she can't debate logically. But they will never cross a line. They know they'll get whacked.
But like Charles, a friend once said about women "they know you won't smack them"
So they run their mouths even more and the cucks enable it.
These women would be less than zero without the men enabling their feminist venom.
And to deal with them, you have to deal in a Hannibal Lecter like manner.
I call them all Clarisse. Heh. They're all mine anyway ultimately and they know it.
So essentially you're, like Trump recently said, not debating one person. You're debating a fucking gang.
And liberals in general are just that.
And that's exactly what Ben Birds current status is.
He's literally jumping on every thread I comment , posting his fat picture and claiming "I'm here to take the heat for his bullshit".
He doesn't need to.
But he does it anyway.
Ask him WHY.
You know what.
He won't be able to answer beyond lies and being a white knight that makes no money.
Neither will Iron Pants but they'll do everything to deflect from the facts.
You know why it's pointless debating with liberals?
Since Hyena Kamala lost despite a rigged election, their tactics are simple - simply COPY what people like us say. Right down to our words.
And mix those in with lies.
So fact - Ben is clearly gay.
Iron pants can't get none.
Wants me.
Can't get me.
Cuck Bird can't get it up anyway so is frustrated
So the cope - "you're gay".
Or, "you're obsessing about him"
When even Ben Bird himself knows the real facts. The polar opposite.
Cope central.
But there's no logic behind the cope. None.
Ask them - they will block you online.
Only cowards that can't answer what I like to call the most beautiful word "why" in the English language (Trump likes tarriff, hehe) do that.
I prove everything I say. Its all in plain sight.
I double dog dare challenge anyone to prove me wrong.
You cant.
These idiots simply respond with non sequiturs like "who hurt you"?
Or when you point facts out they just say the opposite.
But the suns not blue. The sky is.
His current Iron Pants mother, some liberal idiot atheist - all her followers, all of the birds - I could DESTROY you - together - in a logical debate.
Like Marc the African Silverback Gorilla rightly said.
"You'd tear them apart!"
And like slave Bird said
"He goes straight for the jugular "
And I do, my friend,I do.
I'll finish this off here.
But wait, how could I without selling something haha.
The two best sells I could offer you at this point?
And my world class course, the only one of its kind out there - How to not just combat, but benefit, PROFIT from the Nazi feminist PLAGUE afflicting society today - responsible for the current decay of society.
The combo will turn you into a he man stud that every woman will publicly complain about.
Every man will want your sexy X shape and women will lust over it. But you'll be roundly hated for your extreme fitness by the current GAY "it's ok to be fat" fitness philosophies out there.
Hint - it's not. It never was.
And you'll get them all in bed. ?
And that's that. Time to put in the links now, geez ..
Adopt a prisoner mentality my friend.
This, my friend, applies as much to life as it does fitness. This morning I woke up. Cracked out 25 pushups (27 actually with 2 warm ups) and 6 pull-ups to start the day.
You might say that's nothing for me.
It isn't.
But I make it a point to start every day (after a good dump, hehe - note - this isn't TMI so much as a reminder to be clean INTERNALLY) with some physical activity - even if it's just stretching.
My mind is always at work. Always grinding.
How do prisoners stay in such great shape despite a crap diet?
We have spoken about this before. Some argue "because that's all they do, train, they don't need to worry about bills etc".
I call BS on that.
Perhaps Andrew Tate didn't because of his financial stature.
But the vast majority of prisoners locked up inside - family - mounting bills - is there food on the table - a real world business noone is there to handle etc etc.
You can bet those folks have a hell of a lot going on in their minds. Sitting in a jail cell with "nothing to take their mind off it" - you got two choices.
Deal with it.
Or go insane.
Solve the problem.
Or don't
Simple as that.
Focus on what you CAN control.
I wrote about the importance of the grind yesterday and that is really the main reason behind prisoners being in such great shape - and for men, being in an environment where it's usually top dog wins all and you either fight or submit.
Much like our ancestors.
Neither category had fancy gyms or idiotic trainers massaging their shoulders after each rep, telling them what to eat, how to resolve so called high cholesterol, not to eat meat and all this other crap (especially the three meals a day bullcrap) we are fed - no pun - daily.
The latter category didn't have food brought to them either. They went days without eating - all the while walking long distances through forests, uphill - carrying heavy unwieldy loads on their back - like tigers and other animals dp. They are like kings when they could, otherwise, it was a constant grind for just survival.
But they're in far better shape physically than the vast majority of folks. They're far tougher mentally too.
It's simple.
Stress plus the DAILY - this is important - DAILY - need to win or perish (almost like you must breathe daily) plus focusing on what you can control - and you can always drop down and do a set of pushups my friend.
People complain and whine about being stressed out. You need to realise stress can be your friend. Our ancestors had to make it theirs and did. They did not have any other option. Simple. And the results, well - enough said?
I am certainly not starving - or lacking for cash.
Yet, i deliberately, right down to my Spartan living conditions put myself in situation i myself describe as - and "complain" about - as a prison. Maybe an open air one, but prison nonetheless.
Some of my living conditions would shock you. I don't even have a functional shower. It's like a bloody pipe out of which a trickle of water comes out - maybe more if I'm lucky. Read Shantaram and his time in an Indian Jail, how they fought over the water tons of men had to use, the maggots crawling around at the bottom of the tank etc. You'll understand. No maggots in my case, but with the ex being as nasty as she is, plenty of roaches around (though not in my room).
I could cure a lot of this.
I just haven't because like my cold water showers I truly don't "like" in the cold of winter, it keeps me sharp. On my toes at all times. Ready to fight. T levels so jacked up it's insane. Is it any wonder I attract females without even thinking about it? Not bragging , just telling you...
No, I'm not telling you not to buy nice things, get rid of creature comforts, become a monk etc. I'd be a hypocrite if I did so.
But you gotta , especially as a man - keep your EDGE.
You have to realise it can all be taken away from you at some point.
What you gonna do at that point without the edge and INDEFATIGABLE drive that got you there in the first fucking place?
Keep that edge.
Keep fucking sharpening it like a fine knife...
That you can only do if you're not what the world calls "civilized". From Rocky 3 to Jannat 2 to scores of other movies where this shows up- this true, my friend. Tis very true.
I know people around me get sick of hearing it.
But you gotta be brutal in all regards as a man. Simple. Caveman like. Even what I wrote about "grab her like the BEAST you are, worship her like the Goddess she is" on you tube. Women love that from a man . They want it!
Unpopular words I know ...
But it's how I, the bodyweight exercise Guru and a hell of a lot more-keep improving. Staying in great shape with all my women and vices (ok, sometimes I get out of jail- hehe). Crank out all the work I do regularly. Always get my workout in. And so forth.
As a man, you function best as a hunter. A beast. That naturally jacks your testosterone levels up and when you add the mental and physical in- my.
You have to keep, as David Goggins says - putting yourself, looking for - stress filled situations even if you don't need to.
Be a prisoner always looking to break free of the shackles.
Once you do?
Find them shackles again. Heavier ones.
And break free again.
That's what it's all about.
More such decidedly non guru motivational advice that really works - straight from the trenches in my books Zero to Hero and Gumption Galore.
Links -
Fitness wise, the 0 Excuses Fitness System (https://www.0excusesfitness.com/0excusesfitnessystem/) and Pushup Central (https://www.0excusesfitness.com/pushup-central/) are must grabs in the above regard. Pushups in jail. Nothing makes you tougher my friend. Nothing.
Rahul Mookerjee
We are BACK!
For the dickens of a time I've been trying to solve a tech issues which was preventing me from posting here. Finally done now thanks to some "angels" I cannot, as always, thank enough!
Be back with more shortly.
Stay hard!
Rahul Mookerjee
More on clarified butter.
Man, we truly live - and LEARN - dont we!
I certainly do, have been all my life, still do even in areas where people rightly call me an "expert".
Like pull-ups, for instance, last night I popped off a set of one arm pull-ups which amazed even me - I haven't done these in a while!
Then again, with my monkey bar work etc being as "pristine" as it was months back when I last did it - oh, and I seem to have been finally upgraded to the data plan I wanted which ran out on Thursday - so expect a lot more videos, heat notwithstanding, hehe outdoors ... and thick bar work etc, it just goes to show you, pushups and squats - and pull-ups at HOME - do a fine job of keeping you in shape and you literally need nothing else at all.
Cut out the beer, the carbs, eat well - and healthy - and thats all you really need.
Growing up, a lot of fuss was made over eating with things like "butter", or - especially - clarified butter, which gets a bad rap in India, if just because of the less than sleek physiques a lot of the Indian wrestlers present.
Admittedly the traditional "pehelwans" that consume liters upon liters of this magnificent potion I learned about way too late in life - better late than never though - dont exactly have corrugated core.
The Olympic wrestlers in India, now them men and women - man, they're in shape !!
But they're both in shape - the traditional wrestlers aren't "fat" in the traditional sense of the word. Much like sumos are amazingly healthy "inside" - and need that fat to knock opponents off base, a little weight helps these Indian -and Iranian wrestlers as well.
Thats not to say a corrugated core is not required.
It is.
And later on in life, a lot of these same wrasslers suffer from debilitating injuries etc that stay away till they keep training hard and intense, but with that excess weight, it "tells" on you down the line. Ask any pehelwan that, they'll tell you the importance of core conditioning - even the modern day "traditional" Indian wrestlers are no longer what you might expect "core wise".
Anyway - growing up "ghee" was a no no. Thick flatbread like parathas smothered in the stuff was a no- no.
When I got married (ugh) I remember mom cattily telling me "she cooks way better parathas than me, shes from North India!"
(Mom's from the East).
Whatever. I love good food everywhere!
But anyway, I often saw these wrasslers, and indeed, to this date they do it (see the movie "Milka Singh" - heh) literally DRINKING vats of clarified butter - and milk - and I often went "ewwww".
People told me it would add the calories on.
Well my friend, like so much of the bullshit the so called experts spread, they were WRONG.
Even women aren't always right - such as my ex - who kept telling me "dont cook with anything other than olive oil in the oven".
I've been cooking with layers upon layers of clarified butter as of late when roasting stuff - medley of vegetables, or whatever I roast, and man, the way it sizzles, and the RESIDUE it leaves on the bottom of the pan - I was literally drinking it up last night.
Fills you up.
Gives you energy.
And it's HEALTHY, unlike the "yellow butter" most people seem to prefer.
If you cannot find that around you, try cottage cheese. Or, "white" butter.
But really clarified butter is highly underrated, and as the old time Indian wrestlers used to do - YOU can take you a mortar and pestle and hammer in some cashewnuts, almonds etc into ghee and make a delicious healthy paste which you can store - eat - and build plenty of muscle on a diet like that.
Lots of folks think "grilled meats" are the only way to get your protein.
Those are great yes. I plan on showing you a lot with meat down the line, but ... in the meantime?
All of these are GREAT my friend, and cooked in enough quantity in the oven or however you choose - I've literally not (other than two cheat days this month - one was a pasta lunch, the other sphagetti - well, three cheat days) - had a single bit of "grain" (ok, the last thing was half a pack of white bread which messed me up for two days, and I swore off it instantly).
I had meat at the start of the month.
But I'm here to tell you something most people will ignore as usual - one, reducing carb intake or eliminating almost entirely is key to losing weight right.
Two, the SPLITS. Get good at them, damn good at 'em. Stretch out the hamstrings, stretch the entire body, the insides, all of it ...
And three - well, embrace the difference. The non "normal" often works the best my friend, and here's living proof of it - yours truly.
Thats that.
Remember to place the -pre-order for Lumberjack Lodestone Fitness while it's still at the price it is...
Rahul Mookerjee
Always a reason,my friend. Always a reason, and usually a damn good one at that!
There is always a reason for everything once you get in touch with the FORCE, the Spirit, the Universe.
And I often step out of the house - to walk - and get more ideas than I already have in my already very fertile mind.
I get them all the time. These walks, by the way. have got nothing at all to do with fitness - except when I get an idea like I did today - that has to be done NOW.
I mean NOW.
The way I was dwadling, although I Did not waste my time - I was doing isometrics which would kick most folk's ass from here to Timbuktu and then some - but once I got that idea, man!
I literally HARED to the park I hadn't been to for ages, like 5 months. Too damn hot, too many damned mosquitoes, but I had to test myself on two things I aint done for a long time - that time frame.
Dont even ask me why the cat crossed from left to right, why my LEFT calf been twitching before I even worked out today and such.
Always a reason.
If you think positive, you'll attract that x 1000 anyway - so there it was, thick bar pull-ups, you ask?
Felt so damn easy I could do 300 of them instead of the 3 I videod.
Then monkey bars, which most gym goers and so called fit adults cannot even BEGIN to do right let alone at the advanced level I do 'em at.
I was amazed at just how EASILY I slipped into them damn positions!
And it's all on youtube, I'm not even going to link 'em here.
I ran out of data, or I'd live stream yet again. Mental note, get the unlimited I had before, I canceled that because I rarely step out, so I have 4GB per day now, thought that would be more than enough, it aint either on 5g plus connections. Hehe.
Other updates?
Selfie stick long delayed, soon to come, not so I can show you my pretty little face, but so I can FILM myself working out better, angles and such.
And that, my friend is that.
Always a reason for it ALL.
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - INcluding why I did not post on this site for like freaking forever.
"But thats all you need!"
Aaron, a friend of mine that helped me ... well, that was Vincent I believe - move into an apartment - I did not have a vehicle at that point in ... what was it, 1998? Came to my apartment, and I told him it was a studio apartment - small, tiny - but I was happy with it.
As a struggling college student at that point, though I never viewed myself as struggling, and probably therefore never really did, but thats a different story.
I mentioned how I "rigged" curtains - so no-one could peer in through the window (you'd be surprised at the number of jackasses that have tried to peer in through the blinds).
Basically a velvet sheet I had lying around that I taped - with celltape - to the window on top of the A/C - hehe.
Aaron looked around, and nodded approvingly - while I was a bit ... not embarassed, but trying to explain things, and he made this comment.
"But thats all you need!"
And true, in relation to my goals right then and there which was to have a space I could cook all the food I liked (not just in the microwave - hehe) and drink all the damn beer I wanted - it was what I needed.
That goal hasn't changed until today.
Now, I still remember Maria a girl I know until today telling me how "your apartment looks like a 5 star hotel" in 2004 I believe (in China).
To her it probably did.
But, it served much of the same purpose then (with the hill) that it would today.
Hey, I'm a simple guy at heart, and to all these people that keep asking why I dont have a fancy office setup, refuse to make fancy videos etc (I don't even like videos that much, I finally caved into demand a couple of years back, but I'd rather WRITE) ...
... Hey, all of that is great.
Having a Sidney Sheldon like house on a remote deserted island with nothing but the sea to keep you company is fuckin paradise to me.
Other hand, you have Jeff Bezos who was using used doors for desk well into Amazon's journey of becoming a success, refused to trade in his beat up Honda for something better until 10 or so year after, I believe 20 - he founded Amazon ...
It's about priorities.
Its about me spending money on what I want.
Indulgences make you feel good, too many of them make you WEAK.
If you're already sitting in the lap of luxury, why would you aim for more, to keep making yourself better?
That ain't me saying those with non spartan surroundings are idiots, or it's a non worthy goal.
None of that.
But for me, this is what works, and I've been on all ends of the spectrum, and will continue to be as long as I exist.
I dont need nothing fancy to help yall, my friend.
My mind is more than enough.
And thats truly, as Steve Austin would say - the bottom line.
And no there ain't nothing wrong with wanting more and getting more as I have either...
OK, enough spanners in the works.
But to a lot of you asking about the office setup from the bedroom, thats why (main reasons).
More later, I'm sure.
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - Hard hitting real life advice available via my coaching sessions. Apply NOW if you're interested.
Why I ain't made a million dollars ... as YET.
The three letter - not four - word at the end is KEY. Like I keep saying in Gumption Galore, and people are picking up on that thankfully - it isn't what it is. It is what it is - for NOW.
That applies to every area of your life, now this question I keep getting "you're doing well, you've been around for so long" "yet you haven't made a million bucks as yet" - that I keep getting from folks - both struggling and not ... I thought it was time to address it, and I have via a video on youtube - after doing that, I thought I'd put some words down in writing - which has always been my preferred means of communication.
Napoleon Hill's book Outwitting the Devil is a great answer to the question, if you can read between the lines.
Guy made tons of money in his life, but just when things were going swimmingly well, something "happened" - and - he was back to square zero or worse.
I remember my own father's comment about ME - what I spoke about in some of my videos the other day "it all always goes so well, then it messes up - there must be something in your mind that causes it!"
They even - back in the day - wanted me to go to counseling for this, which was the stupidest thing ever - I ended up counseling the counselor (Basic Instinct Two - she wasn't that sexyyyyyy though, but cute tho) - and they flat out said I did not need any sort of "counseling" which I already knew, try reasoning with Mom though ...
(even Dad was like, just get it over with once and forget about it - haha)
Anyway - Napoleon Hill speaks of this.
SOMETHING made him quit the job where he was making history - and bank.
SOMETHING happened that made him STOP making the loads of $$ he was, and brought him back down to EARTH.
And a lot more, what was that something?
As he writes about an inner voice telling him, until and unless you truly DEVOTE - not just DO - DEVOTE - yourself to what it is you were truly MEANT TO DO IN THIS LIFE - and we all have a purpose we were put on the planet for - you're going to keep experiencing this.
It's not about money, my friend.
THe money is a means to an end and energy that comes, ebbs, flows ...
Most people dont get it.
You have to be happy FIRST - and find out what it is that makes you HAPPY - and then DO what it is that makes YOU unique.
Your USP is something only you know, if you're HONEST about it. Sometimes it might not "sound good", even to you - but like Colonel Trautman said in Rambo III, "thats too bad" - you're stuck wth it!
Focus on the USP, go through the ups, downs, trials, travails, it is only then you will discover true happiness - and that isn't linked to money - or a million dollars.
Back to that - I realized that a long time ago.
It was never a goal for me.
Charles Mitchell once made the comment about me not having as much money "the only reason you dont have as much money as" Jeff Bezos, because my books and products dont cater to whiners and pansies looking for the easy way out and feel good crap that doesnt work.
"Never turn into a pussy trainer to sell more books!"
"just so you can sell more books" ...
And I never have, never will - to me, staying tru to myself is what counts.
Giving you advice that works, whether you like it or not is immaterial, whether you pay big bucks for it is also, to an extent, irrelevant (many do) is whats always been numero uno priority for me, all else falls into place itself.
A million?
Why not a buck more?
Or a buck less?
Does it make a goddamn bit of difference?
I Dont know, its great if thats a goal for you, most would claim it is (while having no inkling of their true goals that would get them there) ...
But again, it's never been one for me.
Then, the "yet" part.
I started THIS website in 2010. Yet, I was working a job at the time, I wasn't doing this full time or even near it - I still remember being thrilled with my first $6 sale - I was doing digital back then too although no-one else was.
I had three products for years.
Fast and Furious Fitness, Shoulders like Boulders! - and Pull-ups - from DUD to STUD within a matter of WEEKS!
The latter two are not what you see today either - watered down versions of that. The first is, and remains, and always will remain the same, an all time great that has been hailed as such.
I quit the job - or was fired - or both.
I went to China.
I started 0 Excuses Fitness in 2017 - I Still remember Cindy and I creating those vids! Haha.
Hell, legally we weren't even around till 2018 - when 0 Excuses Fitness became a sole propreitorsheep (in India - the China plan did not materialize - ugh - so much paperwork there) ... not really, hehe (sheep).
And our current US present "Inc" only happened last year (I dont believe in legalese etc until the situation WARRANTS it, now there are those that do it the other way which is fine, but I'd rather test the idea first and see how it works and THEN go all in as it were). (for the most part, at least).
All this while, my main focus was on making MONEY.
And I made tons of it - not mainly through this biz, which was always a "side deal for me".
(On a side note, I told Carol - the chick you've heard so much about all excited and such about the new biz I started, her first question was as dumb as bricks - and what 99 percent of the populace would ask.
I'm a month into something, and she asks "well, how many customers do you have". (how much money are you making).
To me this was the dumbest, stupidest, most boring thing one could ask someone that "just started" - but it shows how most people think, why people will never understand the one percent amongst us that strive to be the best we can, the folly of announcing your goals to the world, especially those "so called close to you" and so forth - I've been guilty of that way too often!)
Yet, all that while, I kept going through the sort of tumultous ups and downs Hill mentions in his book, and it was only a few years back that I understood the wisdom of his words, which took him more than two decades to truly understand.
You gotta be in it *your life's purpose* ALL the way, or not at all.
You've got to go through the ups and downs, the latter downright mean and nasty. You, the greater your goal/calling is, have to be prepared to SUFFER - eat humble pie - all of that - in ways you never imagined possible. YOu have to PERSIST, and not look for "other ways to make easy money" (which for years I Did, and found).
I'm making money NOW.
Not a million, but I definitely outsell a lot of the bozos and complainers out there, but again - I had to learn HOW myself.
And it's an art.
A skill.
And those only get better with practice.
So no, my dear "wife" that keeps asking "when will the million dollars come" - I ain't been doing this for "years and years".
If you were to ask me full time, seriously, mind to it - I'd say 2017 onwards.
Except, I took a huge break from it - big mistake - in 2019.
Not that that impacted anything negatively, but I felt repercussions in other areas of my life as punishment.
The Universal Court of Justice sees ALL my friend.
Its always complicated - there is no "one way".
My spartan surroundings are part of me, they always will be regardless of how much money I make. Like Michael, a friend of mine once told me "I'm the guy dressed like a bum on the road".
People have compared me to that as well. Hehe.
And so be it, as I could care two figs less about what dont matter.
If that bum on the road makes more money than YOU, and helps more people than YOU - then isn't that COUNTS?
To me it is ...
For those ROOTING for us to do better and better that a lot of you silently are, well, speak up - and thank you!
You'll be the first to know when I hit the million - or billion - dollar mark.
And that, friend, is that.
Its about living life to your fullest potential. Most dont scratch the surface. You're not going to take the million with you when you pass, but you WILL take the spirits of people you've HELPED - ultimately, people remember what you did for them more than the money you made doing it.
And that, friend, is what COUNTS.
OK, I'm sure I've missed a shitton of things here. So be it.
I'm sure there's be more to come!
Zero to Hero! - and Gumption Galore - are MUST grabs. Do so now.
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - One of my original books ideas was this "From 120 - 60 kgs ... from Zero to HERO! - from LOSER in every area of life to WINNER" and so forth.
That turned into the first book mentioned above.
But, this book is in the works, my life story basically - stay tuned for it!
PS #2 - Again, it's never been a goal, it isn't for now either. You are here to make a DIFFERENCE - thats what COUNTS.
PS #3 - Learning in the trenches, getting the CONFIDENCE that goes with it - never comes easy. It came doubly hard for me. If you're struggling, and constantly thinking of "what if I had secure income", then you're not the right person to be reading this, or benefiting from my coaching.
You gotta be willing to let go FIRST.
Take the HITS first. Henry Ford took them well INTO, not ON his way - to success. So can YOU - if you choose to.
There simply is no other way. Having a backup option, a fail safe, is NOT an option.
It took me way too long to learn that.
I hope I can teach YOU these things so you get to where you want to be quicker than I did! Haha.
Life skills every Dad (or parents) must teach their sons or daughters.
Way too many parents think "paying the bills" is enough. Way too many think "ah but I sent them to the best colleges, the best universities" etc - thats enough.
It's not, my friend.
Hunter Biden is but the most glaring example of this, there are plenty more. Succeeding as a parent takes WAY more than just forking out the cash when need be ... (I still remember a friend Tim saying "my Dad doesnt give a shit about all this (college results etc) - he just pays the tuition!") ...
I said every "Dad" should teach their kids this, but you should really put "parent" in there - any responsible parents, Mom, Dad, whichever.
These are basic life skills EVERYONE must have, and are not taught in any school or college out there - not the traditional sort at least.
Napoleon Hill was tasked years and years ago with writing the Laws of Success, which surely aren't taught in them "hallowed" institutions either. . .
Anyway - without further ado (and yes, this is not gender specific - it applies whether you have a son or daughter) -
One, how to throw a decent punch - and how to defend yourself. The basics, thats all -but the basics are important.
Two, the importance of street fighting when need be.
Three, proper COMMUNICATION - and the knowledge that the MIND trumps all - and that getting physical should always be a last resort - but one that one should never back down from if need be.
Four, the importance of standing up to - and combating - BULLYING - of any nature.
Five, standing up for your OWN rights, no matter what your gender might be.
Six, changing a car tyre - and basic car repairs.
Seven, basic fitness skills, and bodyweight exercises like the basic pushup and pull-up.
Eight - the importance of PERSISTENCE, goal setting - and the fact that nothing good even comes easy, the value of practice - etc - all taught in "Think and Grow Rich" - Zero to Hero! - and so forth.
Nine, the difference between right and wrong - which never goes away, and ultimately, in the Universal Court of Justice, is all that really counts.
And ten, well, everything my own father never taught me ... perhaps because he didnt know it himself?
The worst thing you can do for a kid, my friend, is to let them remain "directionless" and justify it by saying "we paid the bills" (often times for fancy BS that doesnt deliver what it promises - believe me, I've been there, done that - on the receieving end).
I'm sure there are hundreds more things that will come to mind ... but for now, I am typing this before my meditation, my tea even.
Therefore, thats that for now. Back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - 10 - Respect, and the importance and VALUE of "goose and gander" and what goes around comes around...
Lots of fathers (and mothers) dont know the basics of fitness themselves, and thats fine - you can and should set an example yourself first. Start right HERE.
PS #2 - Folks, I know I probably missed a shitton of important things. No worries this was me "off the cuff" as always before my tea, I had to do it, but sitting here, editing, which I normally would never do, COOKING is another skill that (the basics, nothing fancy) everyone should be taught, male or female. You'd be surprised at how many folks dont know how to boil an egg!
I was never ever taught any of it, but - hey. I'm grateful in that regard, I learned in the trenches (everything) and thats always the best way, though not the most pleasant at times to say the least. Hehe.