And how you should too ...
On the other site, and recently I wrote about how to know if you’re dealing with a cauldron of NEGATIVITY.
Towards the end of that email, I wrote about how the bozos, nutjobs, wankers, pissers and moaners, Mama’s boys, Schofields (the Bozos that is), whiners, and LOSERS IN LIFE (and everything else) complain about “you’re so fit because you have good genetics”.
One of the most ridiculous things I heard recently was this.
“You have long hands so you can do pull-ups better”
Lady, (this was a lady) what frigging planet you BE living on.
First off, the size of your hands has nothing to do with anything other than (according to what some people say) whats in your PANTS.
The thumb, or whatever.
I’m not even sure thats ACCURATE.
Second, and more importantly, I have SMALL hands. I’ve often laughingly compared them to female hands and (though they said it was a “little bigger”), my hands were by no means much bigger.
Look at Sylvester Stallone for one, a guy thats achieved more of NOTE and WORTH than the Bozos and MONKEYS out there couldn’t dream of.
When you think action – who do you think ?
HE IS THE ONE that inspired Arnie, Willis and the rest! (and more recently perhaps Vin Diesel and the lot, and if you’re into Bollywood, whoever you follow there).
Sanjay Dutt for one openly admits to being influenced by Stallone!
And if you see his earlier movies, you’ll notice that he copied Stallone on many of the things he did. It aint’ just him either. Sly is a legend, and a trail blazer – nuff said!
And his hands – and shape in general?
He’s not a big guy. HE’s a SMALL GUY!
His hands are probably even tinier than mine. They did a wax something of his hands somewhere in New York, and a past girlfriend once saw it.
My hands are bigger than his, she said.
And yet ...
Ditto for yours truly.
If I’ve been able to do what I have with crappy genetics, and an even crappier and UNINSPIRING upbringing – what will YOU be able to do?
Herschel Walker, for one – you wouldn’t think it – but he wasn’t a big guy naturally, and no, “muscle doesnt stick to him like shit”. These excuses are so damned pathetic, especially when THE MAN HIMSELF has refuted this bullshit!
And back to it.
I’ve got LONG arms. Longer than the norm.
Monkey arms as it were, hehe.
And they ARE long.
And when doing pull-ups thats another natural disadvantage along with my SMALL hands.
Yet, I made up my mind to become the BEST at grip – and I did.
I made up my mind to get STRONGER than a lot of people triple my size – and in many ways I DID.
Lets see how many big dudes can even get into a handstand and hold for one!
Including you weight lifters and preeners and posers out there ...
I made up my mind to get the Corrguated Core I write so much about – and I did. Tell that to the nutwards who supposedly walk miles daily at 3 AM or some such nonsense on planet “I’m wayyyyyyyy out there, broooooooooooooooo”.
I made up my mind to get good at pull-ups.
And by God, or not, I DID!
You focus on the SOLUTION, bro.
As they say in the Seals and other elite units (including most likely SWAT teams etc).
And get her done.
And thats what it’s about – BRO.
Back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Some of you have said the advanced book on pull-ups is too expensive. Well, hey, I get it. It IS expensive, but it will stay that way (fortunately or not is another story). The solution there is to get the compilation - - and when you compare the prices ... well ‘nuff said!
(But hurry – I might re-price in the New Year).