Life (242)
Life's a trip, eh.
Thats some trippy ass shit, G.... (Nah, it ain't the Bozo Glyn we're referring to here, hehe).
Those two lines were more sage lines from one of the best movies ever, Training Day . . .
And it is a trip, really!
Bengali, a language I was "supposed" to be the best at, but never was. I didn't quite like it growing up!
(I was born in that part of the country, for those interested. Neighboring China of all things. Fancy that. Who'd have thunkkkkk yours truly would end up in no place other than China years later)?
Bengal, the land of the poets, Mamata "Didi" and a state which back then was supposed to be underdeveloped, and right now in many regards isn't all that bad of a place to live actually.
(though I wouldn't really want to live there either)
Poets, poetry, and even WRESTLING, though for some reason the burgeiose Bengali lot (hey, thats alliteration right there! New book?? LOL) prefer to focus more on Tagore than the wrassling ...
(and really, the Gama was the most famous in INdia, and he was a North Indian breed. North India being where yours truly grew up).
anyway ... where was I?
The language, eh.
I've mentioned "Baba" in the email before. The Bengali word for Dad.
And I've mentioned (well, years ago I think) how though I can't speak Bengali, dont "look" it etc, (actually I'm not sure WHAT I look like other than a bonafide CHAMELEON) .. some dude in HK in 2005 just stopped me ont he street and started speaking to me in rapid fire Bengali!
Some things, the logic just isnt ... and if you need further proof of why I believe in SPIRIT, this is why!
Anyway, Hindi was the local lingo where I grew up.
Much hated by Mom, hehe.
She'd rather her "cultured Bengali"
And while I'm not entirely sure that either Bengalis or those from the Northern part of the nation are more "cultured" - thats one of those "India things" you have to experience to truly understand - and being even I don't quite understand it, we'll let it go for now. Hehe.
But anyway ...
I'll give my parents kudos for ONE Thing.
They might or might not have done it for reasons other than what it turned out to be.
But their insistence on me speaking good English - and also introducing me to reading etc was the BEST DAMNED (and probably the only, hehe) thing they ever did.
So - despite all the hoo haa - and Charles Mitchell, here I am finally saying it.
THANK YOU Mom and Dad - for that!
If THAT influence along with all the other negativity wasn't there, I'd be screwed right about now.
True, I was never encouraged to write etc.
True, I got wher eI am on my OWN STEAM.
(and every I was put in Bozo jobs etc or told to, or what not which I hated - I quit rather promptly. That was back in the day when I still did jobs. Hehe. Right now they're a distant foggy memory if even that!)
But that communication I'm so famed for - well - it has to start somewhere.
For me, it started via READING.
something I still do, albeit not fiction.
Anyway, back to "Baba".
I used to call my Dad ... "Baaaaa" for some reason.
The second "Ba" never came out.
So it sounded like a sheep, almost ...
And it was quite the joke, even for yours truly!
My own daughter calls me Dad. And I'd rather that!
But you old timers reading this will recall the "Ma" and "Pa" times when YOU were growing up, especially those of you from the UK etc.
(The UK And India do have a very interesting shared history!)
Anyway ....
POint of all this is THIS.
The Sheep, my friend, is an admirable and calm animal in many regards, but (and I love eating it!) I'd rather the STALLION.
The stallion that REARS AND BUCKS - and is on the page of Barnstormer Shoulders - because guess what - a STALLION is what YOU will feel like when you get on those workouts!
The stallion you've always wanted to be!
And more - the stallion is NOT one of the animals mentioned in Animal Kingdom Workouts.
Neither is the sheep, but the CHICKEN is.
If life and workouts aren't contradictions, then I dont know what is!
And on that note, I'm out.
Have your fill right HERE.
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - Remember, an oldie but goldie you simply MUST HAVE is right HERE.
PS #2 - For those interested in Fast and Furious Fitness, a collectori's item by now, shoot me an email and we'll see what we can finangle, heh.
Yours truly, the lazy ass tennis player that "never was"
Rahul MookerjeeOne memory I've always had growing up at home was this - on Sundays, the "day of rest" - it was always the "most hectic".
Including Saturdays. . .
India's normal chaos was magnified x 10 duing those two days, at least in our house growing up.
When "Baba" (the Bengali way of saying "Dad", I think) was there - "all hell often broke loose in many regards", hehe. Including a couple of piegons one day who raised such a ruckus that you'd think Cain himself had shown up ...
Anyway, mispellings and all that aside, yours truly is the polar opposite in that regard. Perhaps thats why?
Yours truly prefers living in a CAVE, and working with those that do so too, and he's done it.
And he workouts in a cave by himself too for the most part, unless he's in Qi Feng Park, but he can't stand crowds even there.
But there's something else ... that he COULDN'T STAND - and still can't in many regards!
The blazing heat and humidity in Southern China. The blazing HEAT when I grew up. (it wasn't that humid there, but it was even hotter in terms of temperature).
But anyway, I hated it growing up.
And one of the rules oddly enough in our house (for me, at least) growing up was to "play tennis" at the grand ole hour of 9 AM on a Sunday morning, which meant "el caveman" was required to wake up even earlier.
How we (I) rebelled and fought against it.
I still remember my Dad telling me about my frequent sips of water throughout the game.
"You need a pipe to your mouth!"
LOL. The Bozo is no doubt having several org-you know what reading this ...
And I remember the heat. Ugh, the heat!
But anyway, point of this?
Was that I was actually GOOD at tennis, but I was too damned LAZY to do it - in the heat.
It wasn't so much waking up.
And though I don't get along with my parents, my father did in his own way sometimes "try".
Especially with that infamous comment of "playing like Michael Chang" (French Open was going on around that time, I believe, and it was a particularly good day at the courts too).
What yours truly REALLY REALLY enjoyed though was the evening SWIM in the pool, albeit in a pool so crowded you could barely swim.
Ah, the White Tiger.
I could probably write book #2 on that!
But I dont want to, hehe. The less I think about India in many regards the better, and it's sad, really.
A country with so much damned potential, and yet, the end result?
We truly ARE, as a nation, or people - as we think.
And anyway, fitness wise and workout wise, my thinking is to be LAZY - and get it done.
I dont mean lazy as in "what I do".
But I mean as in "do it when I like", and as I like, and get stellar results by NOT spending all day long.
And that, my friend, reflects itself in all the brief workouts I do, and write about.
On yet another side note, the heat.
I still hate it! Can't live without A/C on all the damn time, and that cold BEER ...
But workout wise, I think y'all know I conquered both the laziness and the "heat phobia".
Oh boy.
More mentioned in the book on inspirational fitness recollections,but as I sign off ...
Another quote from Training Day.
"Life's a trip, eh"
"Thats some trippy ass shit!"
Contradiction, I'll say that - and so it SHOULD BE!
Shades of grey, my friend. Shades of grey. And on that note, I'm out. Back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - PIck up the best damned course on pushups there is out there (and yes, no need to wake up early or leave the house or bedroom even, hehe. I remember doing them in New york with my Uncle asking me "how many I could do". I even knocked out pushups in the BATHROOM if you can believe that, but no-one knew, hehe) right HERE.
This morning when I woke up, I had another of those Napoleon Hill moments.
He writes in Outwitting the Devil about how he was forced to stay in hiding for a year, maybe more due to his fear of being assasinated (for a biz associate of his callng mobsters out for what they were) and how he for more than a year "never left the house without a pistol in hand' (at night).
Every time a car stopped outside the house, I'd carefully scrutinize its occupants for a while through the basement window, and only when I thought it was safe did I ..
After a few months of this experience, my MIND began to crack.
And these are a few quotes from the book "Outwitting the Devil" you must read, my friend.
It APPLIES today.
And it applies to a lot of you living under these inane and retared lockdowns, especially in Europe etc, but also India, Asia etc.
If you're a wackjob in China reading this that claims "but China is open" (and this ain't even about CHina) - well guess what.
It may be open, but business ain't exactly booming, and neither is travel during the busiest part of the year.
'tis a FACT Jack.
Anyway ... my own experience obviously has got nothing to do with the specifics of HIll's situation.
But like I said, I've noticed, and continue to notice ALARMING (in a very good way) parallels between Hill's life and mine, hehe.
(except for the many marriages, hehe).
I might as well be a reincarnated version of him in many ways - which to me would be an absolute and complete HONOR.
There are few men I admire more.
And anyway, I woke up on the wrong side of the bed.
Big time.
Many reasons.
But I was just ... I dont know, DOWN.
Didnt feel like doing squat.
Thought "oh god, this day is going to be terrible".
And so forth.
Lets put aside the hocus pocus of feeling good daily on auto pilot the idiotic self help books teach you.
Life doesnt work like that - not real life.
And I paced around the room.
Like Hill did on the hill all those years ago!
The moon shone brightly in his case, the light did in mine.
SNAP OUT OF IT, Rahul! You gotta get your BRAIN out of this lethargy thats affecting most of the world!
You've got a job to do - motivate - inspire - continue to do what you do BEST!
It didnt happen instantly.
But a few rounds around the house, and a song or two later, I was FIRED UP.
I opened the computer.
(what beautiful English, as the Chinese say, hehe).
OK, so I turned it on.
But anyway ...
No air conditioner to "open".
And I got to it and I've cranked out some great stuff for ALL my busiensses within less than an hour.
Thats about 5000 words in all, I'd say. I think 5540, but not sure.
But anyway.
I FEEL GREAT - and buzzed.
In a short while I'm going to workout - handstands and pull-ups.
And I'll feel even better.
This, my friend is one example of how to do it.
See if you can relate!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - Be sure and pick up Gumption Galore! and Zero to HERO! which for YOU are prime reads for days "like this". No, ranting and venting on social media ain't gonna cut it bro ...
And that can never be extinguished, no matter what . . .
No, I'm not just talking a deep desire to get fit my friend. Those of you with that desire would likely already have DONE the needful.
My thoughts here are something different, but not really, and as I literally "write in the flow", this was inspired by a flame - literally - burning in the darkness - as I boiled my tea in a way I normally don't.
Now, the flame was turning BLUE.
Which is great.
Blue, by the way is one of my favorite colors!
The color of SPIRIT, or so I believe. Peace, harmony and BEING ATTUNED To the SPIRIT while having a flame burneth inside of me ALL the time.
And therein, my friend, I explained "my flame" to you.
What is YOURS?
WHAT is that ONE thing you have always wanted to do (maybe more than one) -but never HAVE?
Maybe you dont even KNOW what it is, or if you do, you're scared to acknowledge it or believe "that sort of thing is not possible for me, or can never happen".
Well, you're sadly mistaken my friend if you believe the last.
The other two are very common though.
And what is amazingly often enough the MOST common is that people dont even KNOW what they want out of life. Don't feel bad if thats you. Yours truly never really had a crystal clear vision of any of it until the age of 36 or so, and it's only really crystallized in the last couple of years.
Napoelon Hill, that VISIONARY was RIGHT about the ages of 40-50 being the most productive for a man (due to the reasons mentioned in Think and Grow Rich).
(and one main reason he mentioned was "sowing your wild oats before that", which most men do, or (more commonly) want to do).
Huge mistake, unless done right, and I believe I have done it right!
But Bozo like "chasing women" and (in his case) sticking his tongue where the sun dont shine only guarantees one thing - well - more Bozo like results like HE is getting
And thats what Schofield wants so thats fine by me, hehe.
But YOU, my friend, would be well served by figuring out WHAT that burning flame is for YOU.
I could tell you what it is for me, but it wouldn't necessrily resonate with you. We're all different.
Figure out what it is - and then BELIEVE - and then ACHIEVE.
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - In Zero to Hero, the VERY FIRST "introductory Chapter" gives you a HUGE clue into the what and "how" of what I've said above. Pick it up NOW.
PS #2 - Fitness wise, if you really, really want to do it, guess what? You'll find a way, and them obstacles will MELT away . . .
(But thats only if you REALLY want something)
What I’d happily do for one of my maternal uncles, ONCE I meet him …
Rahul MookerjeeHe “passed on” a while ago, years ago, I believe in 2013. I’m not sure, but I think thats when.
Curiously enough, at a time when yours truly moved back (again!) to China due to reasons mentioned in emails prior, and curiously enough … well?
Was it a case of passing the BATON along – again – unconsciously?
He often appeared in dreams in very vivid form, often giving me advice and such which I sometimes followed, when I could decipher it!
And this just increased after the age of 36 or 37 …
Anyway he was a man that ENJOYED his life.
Drank. Smoked. Probably other things I don’t know about either, hehe.
And I still remember him standing on our balcony when yours truly was “ye small”, smoke billowing out of his nostrils.
Curiously enough, despite the almost Purantical and very strident opposition my immediate family has to me drinking, smoking etc (I Do it anyway, hehe) -my grand mother – that PATNERAL grandmother was of a different bent of mind.
Her son came home from school (college) and smoked at home.
It was allowed.
Do it in the open, she probably told them (which is what I tell my daughter NOW).
The same thing my Dad’s friend told my Mom at age of 17, hehe.
I still remember it.
“…. what will you do when you can’t stop him anymore!”
And to me?
Half drunk, jolly ole fellow, and he raised a glass, got me a beer (or opened the fridge) and said the following
“Even if you get a girl pregnant, tell your family!”
Maybe if I was part of the George Bush style family I would, but mine?
Hell, I couldn’t even tell them about my marriage – they found about it in the news paper (when I could finally tell ‘em!).
Ah, my stories.
But anyway, back to my Uncle.
And the paternal grandmother I’ve written so much about.
Both people I didn’t really know for various reasons, but both pretty much the only people (along with the guy who called me a wolf, and very rightly so, hehe) that saw something in me.
Napoleon Hill writes about his family often thought of him as a rank outcast, loser, and much more unprintable here until the day he died pretty much.
Yet, the stepmother who he first met at a young age was the one that encouraged him to take up a typewriter rather than the gun.
She SAW something in him.
“If you beat this boy again, I will never speak to you!”
Was what she told his Dad, notorious for handing out hidings that in Hills words would have brought down the SPCA on him if he did that to a horse!
(all for not going to church. Hence, the “Outwitting the Devil” book years later).
But anyway, my Uncle.
Despite what others in the family thought, despite what my Mom said about him “needing to be more responsible because he had two kids” and less carefree or what not, despite what others may or may not have said or thought, I still remember him ENJOYING life.
With a glass in hand, hehe.
I STILL Remember him telling me I had a good voice.
(and he didnt see it as a rank nuisance as my Mom did, hehe. Bathroom singers and all that, and my songs were "movie" songs where guys were openly "hitting on sexy gals". How dare I, hehe)
Well, he told his wife. A kindly aunt whose never really done much wrong to me, and who I don’t know much either really, but she’s “all right” I’d say.
A man that never had much for most of his life, but could care less (but he finally hit it big in his final years).
Curiously enough, or maybe not, both my paternal grandma and him (I knew the former even less) passed away with 3 years of each other. Or 4. Both wayyy before I ever became as attuned to the Spirit as I am now.
But they are the ones, the ONLY ones that show up in dreams in a positive manner.
A helpful manner.
And back to the good ole Uncle?
Well, we’ll meet. And I’ll pour a whiskey for him someday.
Too much to do, too many years to LIVE on this here “earthly plane”, hehe, before I build my wolf house or harem or what not “in the beyond”.
Too much!
And I’ll write more on this later!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Life life kingsize, bro. It truly is the only way. VIM, VIGOR, GUMPTION AND GUSTO!
PS #2 – HERE is where you can pick up the best damn fitness system ever – the 0 Excuses Fitness System. Quit dicking around, and do it NOW, bro. Really! The time IS NOW.
Why I ALWAYS, I repeat, ALWAYS ‘suffix’ the phrase “It is what it is” with “for now”
Rahul MookerjeeAnd most don’t.
Which to me is a massive mistake right out of the gate.
I’ve written about this before, but the thought struck me to write to you AGAIN about it, so here I am now doing just that (and I think really, with the way the world is thinking collectively, what it needs right about now is a massive kick up the ass to do more – and think POSITIVE from the inside out as opposed to just words).
Anyway, this “it is what it is saying”. . .
Look, most people just use it when there is something they would like to change about their life, but CANNOT – and have NO idea on how to either motivate the person in front of them to change their live, or do so THEMSELVES.
Usually a combo of the two, I’ve found.
You’ll find that without exception, every time the average person is in a rut, he may “want” to, on the outside, change things, but then reality hits – hard.
“It is what it is”, he shrugs .
Maybe it is, my friend.
But I know one damn thing.
Saying just that and nothing else IRRITATES the HELL out of me.
It is also why I’ve STOPPED talking about anything important with most people, problems, nuisances, annoyances (hey, we all got ‘em), because a) I usually draw a giant blank with most people (they have not experienced half or less of what I have so they’ve got no idea HOW to respond or what to say), b) because the average nutzo out there wants to hear just that “it is what it is” and then lament about it and c) because saying just that isn’t exactly the most productive of things to do.
Adding the “for now” on makes a huge, huge difference.
Let’s say you don’t like where you’re living at the point.
Until you can change that reality (could be an apartment, country, city, whatever) – “it is what it is”.
But if that is what you think, and nothing else, chances are nothing ever WILL change.
If you, however, take that statement, and think internally, for now, but like hell it will REMAIN that way.
I will CHANGE it.
IF that is what you think, then you may or may not need to add the suffix externally.
But even those that think that way, a rare breed would be well served by SAYING the suffix too – so as to leave your subconscious in NO doubt about what you want, and how you want it.
“When” is something I’ve never paid attention to. My deadlines just “happen”. In the flow!
But all the results I’ve created and attracted in my life (wrt things I did not want, or things I was forced to change or what not – well – NONE of that would have happened if I sat on my big ole rumpus and said “it is what it is” and then nothing).
(not big rumpus now, hehe. But you understand the point!)
Take ACTION, and do so NOW BRO.
It’s those baby steps that will get you to the GOAL …
Fitness wise, fitting into those dream jeans might be a long, long way off – NOW.
Will it be that way forever?
You decide.
Doing ONE perfect pull-up may sound impossible. Right about NOW. Especially when your chinning bar at home can’t support your weight …
(it happens!)
The future, my friend, only YOU and only YOU can choose.
It is what it is – for NOW.
And that, more than anything else in my opinion is what people need to hear GLOBALLY TODAY.
Tell as many as you can!
And be sure to pick up some pathbreaking and the greatest ever fitness products right here.
I’ll be back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Check out my latest compilation of fitness tips HERE – Fitness Pioneer – Volume TWO.
The story of my life that was never written … but it MIGHT SOON!
Rahul MookerjeeMany have commented on my very “storied” and indeed COLORFUL life thus far.
And rightly so. I’ve done things most wouldn’t in several lifetimes, and I don’t mean just training wise.
I mean the combo – the medley – the “all in one” package.
(who charges a PACKET and a half too, hehe)
Training wise. Writing wise. And doing what I do with all my other businesses (some of them you’d be hard pressed to believe it’s actually ME doing it, hehe).
And yet, I do.
I continue to do the unexpected, pull Houdinis when I need it (if I do), pull rabbits out of hats, and … do pretty well while doing all of that I’d sa
Other than the mosquitoes that sometimes buzz near me. Ugh.
Like the trolls, kinda of, I swat ‘em away.
But trolls, my friend, are an indicator of your success.
The more you have, and the more they’re “jealous” of that one crab leaving the bucket (believe me, to me, I haven’t left – Ive got so much more I gotta accomplish! SO MUCH!) - the more YOU succeed, bro.
Trust me on this one.
It’s been proven time and time again.
I don’t quite do what Dan Kennedy taught everyone to do .. that being to raise your arms and scream HURRAH! The first time you receive a trollish review.
I DID do it for the Gorilla Grip “price shopper” review in 2017 tho right after I revamped the course with some blazing hot tips and stuff.
And I’ve never looked back since then, because trolls = WINNING for me.
And yours truly has never lost the WAR. I may seem to lose a battle temporarily.
But trust me, I don’t lose the WAR.
And some of what I do, but by NO means the entire shebang has been detailed in “Zero to Hero”.
Saleswise, in the 10 Commandments of Successful Sales.
And I Could write second and third volumes for BOTH those books right NOW if I wanted to.
Because trust me, there is so much more.
But anyway, Zero to Hero initially was intended as the story of MY LIFE!
It was intended to have a tagline “From 120-60kgs – from FAILURE to SUCCESS – CONCEIVE – BELIEVE – ACHIEVE!”
For some odd reason, after I put the book on for sale in 2017, I removed it almost as quickly.
I don’t know why.
Within a few days, 0 Excuses Fitness came to LIFE. Everything else did. And of course, the other site was alive and kicking for a LONG, LONG time prior to that … Ten years and counting!
Why didn’t I simply morph all I do into one site?
Well, I thought about it a LOT!
And Bozo Schofield had nothing to do with my thinking, trust me. Hehe.
Neither did the trolling etc.
But I thought about it a lot.
Then I did what I Do best, make an “on the spur of the moment” decision.
Just do it, said my mind after a loong walk on a lovely CALM afternoon in Southern China.
That lovely walk by the pond nearby, "talking to the golden fishes" ...
I did it!
Anyway, so the story of my life.
It’s sitting on a hard drive SOMEWHERE.
Except with all the crashes, I don’t know WHICH ONE.
I might re-write it someday if there is demand, and actually there is.
But it will be a BEHEMOTH! Trust me on this one.
A 2000 plus page behemoth if anything … sort of like Gregory David Robert’s Shantaram that I so enjoyed reading.
(Curiously enough, his book was torn apart by prison guards not once, twice, but THRICE. Great minds go through similar experiences, hehe).
That was almost a 1000 pages, and he wrote two more I believe after that.
Lots of folks told me “he had a photographic memory”.
Which I agree with.
But of course in the same breath these people told me yours truly was useless, and I didn’t.
Proof, my friend, is truly IN THE PUDDING NOW!
And Greg – if you’re even in Colaba again, be sure and enjoy some of that Kingfisher beer, and do some boxing, hehe.
Anyway, thats it for now. That book won’t be coming out anytime soon as I’ve got too many projects on my hands I need to get done fitness wise.
But for now, it’s back to relaxing, green tea, and RUMINATING.
The thinking that this man does, and that YOU do can truly CATAPULT you to places and levels you never DREAMED OF, my friend. IN ways you never ever imagined possible.
Too many different things! You wouldn't even believe ... as I said on the other site!
Trust me, bro.
Rahul Mookerjee aka Mi … ah, but I didn’t reveal all on one of the other sites, so I wont do so NOW HERE. Not the right time, but it’s “Coming”, pun NOT Intended. Hehe.
PS – Pick up our Grip Compilation right here -truly the best and greatest compilation of grip tips out there. Yes, I know. I need to do up Vol #2, but my lazy ass hasn’t gotten around to it as yet, hehe.
PS #2 - Spanish versions for Gorilla Grip and Gorilla Grip (Advanced) available too - contact me, and I'll direct you to the right pages etc!
PPS - Bozo Blowfield once told me in his trolling to "get a gorilla grip". LOL. 'nuff said!
I can’t remember the exact name of the book.
But it was a PG Wodehouse special, replete with Jeeves, Wooster and the inimitable Aunt Dahlia, and the rest of the gang. Heh.
(The Inimitable Jeeves, I believe is what it was…)
And we had a certain “shrinking daisy” and lily livered poltroon “Gussie Fink Nottle” who was supposedly an admirer of “newts” (I don’t know how to pronounce that rightly, LOL, so let’s say “flies”??) and little else.
He was trying to also muster up the courage to get “married” to the girl of his choice, and to tell her about it.
Well, I won’t get into the plot here.
But suffice it to say that Bertie Wooster was pulled into “presenting the prizes for “kids annual day” or something” at Market Snodsbury School or something, and that was something he absolutely did NOT want to do i.e. present prizes to gaggling schoolkids!
And he got out of it (smartly, so he said, hehe) by fobbing the job off to “Nottle”. Who didn’t want it, so he (despite his own initial reluctance) got drunk to DO it.
And got drunk in the funniest manner ever.
Wodehouse is one for the ages!
But anyone, before getting drunk, Bertie told him the story of a “headmaster” whose pants once split up the ass as he bent down to pick up a prize or something (it happened in front of the entire audience).
Or actually, Gussie in his mournful way brought that up I believe while Bertie was trying to “chuff him up”.
“How we laughed!” said Bertie. How could we forget!
Indeed, much like the plague from China, some things and some people and some characters will never be forgotten, Donald Trump being one.
Anyway, the Nottle got drunk, went on stage, and the rest is in the book. So drunk that Aunt Dahlia called him “Bottle” from there on it.
Wodehouse, I repeat, is ONE FOR THE AGES!
And I remember an instance where I was out drinking with my buddy from the Marines, wearing those tight “Straight fit” jeans I so love.
That show you off at your BEST when you’re in shape, and WORST when you’re NOT (if you can get into them at that point, hehe).
Thats always been me, of course.
When I’m fat, I’m a lard ass. When I’m fit, I’m a virtuoso at it. Never any “in betweens”, hehe – and if the Bozo Trollfield is reading this, it aint THAT in between.
Anyway, I was showing him how to do Hindu squats (my friend, not the Bozo-nator).
And stopped in the nick of time.
We don’t want these pants to split, I laughed.
He laughed back.
“No, you don’t want that!”
Curiously enough, this is the SAME thought that came to mind to me today while doing my SQUAT workout. Hehe. Even though I wouldn’t tear my pants (track pants).
And sadly, this is more reality for most people than TRUE.
Most people are at risk of TEARING their pants if they bend down to pick up a pencil – if they even can
And most people expel flatulence at the SLIGHEST hint of bending anything – knees, back, anything – again – IF They can get past a certain point.
And if there ever was a category of people that “break Chinning bars” without trying to (hey – even those poor things have a limit to the amount of tonnage they can hold – they weren’t meant for ELEPHANTS!) … THEY Are it.
Sad state of affairs.
But hey, I was once in the last category.
All good things happen for a reason tho for us true ACHIEVERS, and it only led me to do MORE pull-ups when I was FAT – on thick bars outside!
I was the exception rather than the rule, sure.
But so should you!
And good news, you don’t HAVE to be an exception if you don’t wanna be.
But, being a wannabe is NOT how you should spend your life. “Being jealous” (as the self projecting Schofield keeps accusing people of being) is NOT how you should spend your life. Looking at others that got good at pull-ups and claiming “they say just do it” when you yourself are FAT, I repeat FAT – and cannot even hang on the bar is NOT the way to go.
LOSE that weight, chump.
Be a CHIMP. Not a CHUMP, I should say! (and I might well send out an email on that too!)
It’s just that simple.
And don’t tear any more pant asses than you have to (I’m not talking to the Bozo here either. LOL).
He has to tear ‘em apart, or he goes nuts.
And on that sage note, pick up what is possibly my best damn course ever on whipping THY BUTT into the best shape ever pronto – Animal Kingdom Workouts.
Just do it, my friend. Really. Just click over, lift a butt cheek up, pull out a card or something, and then just do it!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – You know those rooms you avoid because “they just smell like farts no matter what”? Well, most bedrooms and offices are like that. Ugh. What a sorry state of affairs mi amigo, and even sadder part, it don’t need to be that way. REVERSE the “flow” (LOL) starting NOW.
Why INSULTING your list can sometimes be an excellent idea
Rahul MookerjeeI know what y’all gonna think when you get this.
That Mr. Handstand pushup did one too many, hehe. Or drank one too many. Or fell on his head. And is off his rocker finally!
High time eh. LOL.
(No, Sco-Blow, I mean NOT That high time!)
That came out as “rocket” the first time I typed it. Hehe.
But anyway, I’ve falled on my chin while doing handstand pushups so it wouldnt be a first!
But hear me out, please.
When I say insult, what I mean is ...well, NO insult to be frank.
I just sent out an email about … making love of all things on another site.
One of my numerous sites, and obviously NOT a related biz.
But it was not so much about doing the deed, as NOT doing it.
A combo therein.
No, I wasnt talking about sexual transmutation either as Napoleon Hill did in Think and Grow Rich.
Some portion of the email might be considered as graphic by some, mundane to others.
Downright BORING to some (yours truly even tho I wrote it).
But end of the email, the post script included the following. . .
“I wrote this email to weed out the NON-BUYERS, and there BE too many of them on this list. If you’re one of them, please do leave “silently” and I’l lmake sure the door does NOT bang you in the ass on your way out”
I believe I said “hit you”, not “bang”.
I also believe I BOLDED The “NOT”.
It was actually a very polite request.
Velly velly.
The result was spectacular tho …
A list no more than – get this – 61 people.
One is yours truly, so 60.
NO LESS than – I repeat – no less than 35 unsubscribed.
I haven’t checked emails as yet. Probably a ton of hate email in the Inbox, which I welcome. Hehe.
In the same breath almost, that email made me $495, some of which are recurring payments.
The amount itself might not sound large, my friend.
But when you have a list of 60, an 35 bail, it speaks Volumes to the efficacy of two things – one, saying it like it is, and two, catering to the DOERS, not the if’s, but’s, maybe, no money’s, and so forth.
I cater to Mei.
Mei’s. Hehe. (meaning women in Chinese, or little sister).
But NOT “maybe’s”.
I cater to those with a GOAL and purpose in life.
Not idiots with no aim other than to troll.
And most of the people that quit were either non buyers or Blowfield’s, or Blowfield wannabe’s.
I Say the last because Glyn “Blow everyone in sight” is truly the BEST troller – from the bottom.
Truly the best I should say.
He could give you lessons how to troll, and LOSE money …
Have an account almost always at ZERO. LOL. Or -ve.
As one of his best friends said “always a step away from being homeless”.
Perenially broke. LOL.
Hey, if he could get his head out of asses long enough to actually troll with a brain, he might make something off it …
But anyway, thats the email I wanted to send now, and have.
True story that
happened a while back.
And, why do I bring it up here of all places?
Because fitness wise, it applies brah.
People need to be TOLD like it is.
If someone is FAT and out of SHAPE and cannot hang on to the chinning bar for any length of time, guess what.
They need to hear just THAT.
It might not be an insult. It might be said nicely. But they may take as an insult, but guess what.
IF its true, it needs to be said.
You’ll see I do PLENTY of them in “what is probably my best book till date” (customer words) - - Animal Kingdom Workouts.
But again, like I Said on the page, it NEEDS TO BE SAID.
Not just this.
A lot of the other stuff I said there on the page DESPERATELY needs to be said, because people NEED To hear it.
If it pisses them off, well and good. Not the sort I want anyway.
But those that GET it – the DOERS in life – will JUMP to action, my friend.
If thats YOU on this list, get the book NOW.
(and no, this here email isn’t one designed to drive non-buyers away. Hehe. Some others are, but not this one. And truth be told, NOT every email I write is with that intention in mind, but sometimes, it needs to be done).
And that’s that for now.
The BOZO be a stewing. Hehe.
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Pick up some more products HERE.
Foreign devils in Bali forced to do pushups for not kow towing to the plague from China.
Rahul MookerjeeIt’s getting nigh on HILARIOUS.
And though I read about this last year in India, an unusual country to say the least, I never ever thought it would extend to Bali.
A tourist spot of all places.
Apparently lao wais (don’t know what the Indonesian term is, hehe) are being “punished” with 50 pushups for not wearing a mask, and apparently 15 if you wear it incorrectly
Yours truly has never been one for breaking the law, no matter how RETARDED it is. Anywhere in the world!
Wherever I live, I make sure to follow the law or I don’t go there (in terms of these bloody MASK-SHASK regulations).
People in general choose to run scared and wear ‘em.
That is their business, not mine. I don’t. And I don’t go places where masks are MANDATORY.
In China thankfully now they aren’t, but of course, we all know who spread this damn thing. And with the anti foreign devil sentiment even in China, well, tho it’s not mandatory, you’d be surprised at the ruckus people create if you’re NOT wearing a mask.
Anyway ..
From Foreigners Forced to do 50 Push-Ups for not Wearing Masks in Bali - Sentinelassam
Lest you think I’m making it up.
A Video footage circulating on social media shows tourists in T-shirts and shorts being made to do the exercise in sweltering tropical heat as masked security officials stood over them. Meanwhile, more than 70 people paid a fine of 100,000 rupiah ($7), however, about 30 foreigners said that they did not have the cash, hence they were ordered to do push-ups.
Those who were not carrying a mask had to do up to 50 while those who were wearing a mask improperly were punished with 15 push-ups.
Um …
Well, first off.
Sweltering heat.
I wonder if the good Indonesians know of the workouts yours truly accomplished daily in even more sweltering heat, and the SUPER HEALTH it got me into. Hehe.
Five climbs up that hill in weather far more sub tropical than on Bali.
Think rain at any minute. Soaked. And then you’re soaked again the next minute in the HEAT AND humidity.
Kelly was right when she told me “This is real hill climbing!”
So were the other two ladies (I know, yours truly Lothario, hehe) who said “Sir, you’re really killing it – you’re an IRONMAN!) .
But anyway, for the vast majority of people out there.
Indonesian and expats alike?
I’d say it’s a great punishment.
Except they may collapse on rep #1. LOL.
The average pot bellied “man” couldn’t do a pushup to save his life, let alone one PROPERLY.
(Asians aren't immune from this these days either. Gone are the skinny days!)
Curiously enough some of the foreign devils in that picture look all pumped and toned from the Jim Sim.
Highly doubt they’get past FIVE perfect REGULAR pushups – and five is a good number for Jim Shim maniacs!
Apparently five reps in the Jim Shim means you’re “Strong”.
So yeah, good punishment for most.
But really, for the 0 Excuses Faithful, we’d LAUGH at such stupidity and wouldn’t think TWICE about doing it.
Even with the intrusion on civil liberties and what not.
Which I HATE, but thats how a lot of Asian countries India and China included are.
Back to that ole rant about RIGHTS – and GUN RIGHTS.
When thy personal LIBERTY is threatened, thy got but one option (no, not storming the capital or not following the law, but the law shouldn’t make you do pushups in the first place!)
(Then again, giving the world is turning into Lardass Central, maybe thats a good thing in a way!)
But if it does?
Much like my friend Lilly (a guy) told me …
“If he doesn’t think you can do ‘em, drop down and show ‘em!”
End of story.
And please – stop the panic, folks!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Heard that “Hidin” Biden is going to make masks mandatory in the good ole US of A too if you’re going to federal property, or interstate travel too. Ugh. Never thought he’d be a good leader, and with his 17 HIGHLY retarded actions (reinstating the US back in the Paris accord is another MORONIC action), well, he’s proving me right on DAY ONE.
Anyone else feel this way?
(I know you do. Speak up!).
PS #2 – I don’t plan on going to Bali either, no thank you. They can keep their tourists!
PPS - Goose and Gander, anyone? I didnt see any ladies doing them pushups, hehe.
(I know, I know. How dare I! They're ladies! But really, folks! THINK. GOOSE AND GANDER!)
If there is one thing I tell my daughter almost daily, it is this.
And no, I am not saying that because the inimitable Trumpinator said it.
In fact I Didnt even know he said it until 2020!
But I’ve lived my entire life that way – and guess what. WE ALL DO!
You “sell” yourself on a daily basis my friend.
To friends. Co-workers. To your COLLEAGUES – and CUSTOMERS. To your spouse. To your …
(and believe me, all of those relationships take work and selling in some way, shape or form!).
I’m from a family where for the most part sales people are treated as pariahs, and thought of as “easy money”.
As a colleague of mine once rightly said, if that were to be true, why would CEO’s of ALL companies – REAL CEO’S do one thing – SALES?
Dont get me wrong.
Your product is damn important.
If you talk up a big game, but your execution doesn’t back it up, your and you have wasted your time (and I give you examples of this in the 10 Commandments of Successful Sales, a book which is steadily climbing up both the sales charts and the hater charts, hehe. Both happen together for a reason!)
But really, sales is what DRIVES anything – companies included.
If you don’t sell hard enough in life – fitness – business – whatever … well.
You’ll have skinny kids!
And I don’t mean FIT skinny kids either. Hehe.
On that note, do remember to pick up Kiddie Fitness – with the entire world in lockdown shockdown over this damned Chinese plague, it’s the BEST gift you can give your little one. Trust me. And if you follow along, even better!
But anyway, the other things I tell my daughter (with all the pressure she seems to be getting for those ridiculous and RETARED online classes).
That in life, makin ga DEAL is what counts.
Never stop attackin – anything!
Be physcially FIT – the RIGHT WAY!
Be good – damned good at handstand training. The extra blood flow to the head results in far more than physical benefits!
And so forth.
Along with that, I tell her to be a good COMMUNICATOR (by that I don’t just mean language).
How to NEGOTIATE your way through life.
Yes, how to SELL your way through life!
And many other things (when I can).
And deep down inside, I can feel it.
She’s tuning out the BS already .
End of the day, much like those that hate me, ultimately they all “Follow” me.
And if there is one thing I want my daughter to be?
Not a follower.
If Kamala Harris can do it, my daughter damned well can. If she wants!
But anyway, to lead you have to LEARN first.
And you have to be willing to put in the “time in the trenches”.
And a lot more, and that forms the backbone of all my courses.
My stuff’s not for those that want quick fixes.
You gotta work at it. HARD!
And if you don’t, I don’t want you ANYWHERE NEAR my stuff.
Really. I don’t.
Thats why I have a very long list of people I do NOT want on the 0 Excuses Ship sales page (most have told me not to put it there, butI did, and will. The bigger the sale, the less people I want!)
Anyway, thats the stream of consciousness for now. Be sure and pick up a product or two, oh, and some comic relief before parting.
Here is what Glyn Bozo Hannibal Schofield the one and only XXXXXV had to say about Kiddie Fitness
Awful, terribly written, horrid author (RM - yeah. How dare I. How horrid I BE, LOL)
Having a four year daughter myself I thought I would try this. A friend I first met in Seoul, Korea, a certain Charles R T Bingham the Third recommended this book (turned out he was trolling me). Ineffably bad, it seems to have been written by a small and particularly stupid child. Avoid.
(RM - That “Bingham” is the Charles that helped him more than anyone else. Need any more proof of the Bozo being a SCORPION - - well there it IS!)
(I wonder if I should send this to Charles. Nah. I’ll let it be).
In the meantime tho …
Sometimes, you can’t help but LAUGH – UPROARIOUSLY!
(much like a certain “Thomas from South Africa” ..ah, another story for another time tho).
Bozo Schofield, you’re indeed the best. Keep it up!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – The Bozo got immensely worked up about the advanced book on pull-ups as well, hehe. I wont post his review here, but check out the book right HERE. You’ll love it!
Why I have ALWAYS been a massive believer in living life “carpe diem”, have always done so – and WILL ALWAYS do so!
Rahul MookerjeeAnd with the China plague showing no signs of going away, it’s interesting – but true – to see more and more people come around to this way of thinking on a daily basis.
Por ejempelo, Madam “Dani” as she calls herself, a lovely translator for one of my “other” books. (not fitness, though those have been and are being translated into various languages as well by other folks).
(All good folks!)
(and I especially love the latest Spanish translation for Pushup Central).
But anyway, here is what she told me when I asked her how the China plague was treating her in Spain (not literally obviously).
Life in here is going good... I mean "the plague" is still here and every day getting worse but people just do not care anymore. Everybody is living their life "carpe diem"
Ah. Finally!
Finally people realize that life is meant to be lived IN THE FLOW.
The HERE and NOW matters the most!
Ricky, a friend of mine (and I think I brought this up before) once made the followign comment about yours truly “footloose”.
(He’s a college buddy, and knows me very well indeed, perhaps better than MOST).
And he’s a good man at the end of the day, though we don’t agree on EVERYTHING. Good man, biz partner, and ...well, can’t ask for more!
But anyway.
“Tu thehra mast banda! Na aage ka socha, na peeche ka!”
And in English that means “you live in the flow! You don’t particularly give a rip about plans, the future etc …”
I don’t.
Yours truly Lothario and footloose never has. But life also has and always has had a funny way of working out for me when all was said and done and it was needed the most!
Without me even trying most of the time.
My wife often refers to me sarcastically (well, this was back last year – not sure about now – it’s probably a worse name now, hehe) as “Yukit”.
Apparently tthat means something in Hindi to the effect of “careful planner”.
I gawked like the Bozo with his head up you know where the first time I saw her use the term.
Me??? PLAN???
I’m the last person you’d expect to make formal plans, stick to them, and so forth.
I truly live life kingsize - - and in the FLOW. I do what my MOOD NOW tells me to do – not what a plan drafted up years ago tells me!
But hindsight is 20/20, and that grand plan LIFE makes for us if we LET it – I can sort of understand why my wife would feel it was all carefully planned.
In the subconscious, hehe. Certainly NOT consciously!
Now, does that means I’m against plans, or those that make ‘em and swear by ‘em?
Nah. Not at all.
Napoleon Hill amongst other has stressed the importance of proper plans in terms of achieving success in any endavor. He was right.
But even he acknowledged the importance and sheer NEED for communicating with and being in harmony with Infinite Intelligence when in Outwitting the Devil and all his other courses, he stressed the importance of “going to prayer with a positive mind and letting the plan be decided by those that KNOW more about the overall planning than the person praying”.
Intentions, belief, and FAITH are the most important my friend.
The right plan will appear, if you let it!
As opposed to consciously and well meticulously “logical” plans. If I had to choose between faith and logic, and the results from each?
I’d choose #1 ANYDAY regardless of the path it took me on.
Then of course, Mike Tyson and his famous quote on plans. And he was RIGHT. SPOT ON!
Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.
So sage, so crisply said, much like a Tyson blow to the jaw. Hehe.
He’s right.
And workout wise, or life wise, or financially, does this mean you shouldn’t have a plan? Goals? And what not?
NOT at all!
Have ‘em all you like. WANT ‘em. Work upon ‘em! Make plans if you so choosE!
But end of the day, remember one thing.
All we really have is the “here and now”.
Our next breath. What we’re thinking NOW.
We can control NOW. Not the past, or the future. And if there was ever anything more logical than that, I’m yet to hear it.
Workout wise, you got a plan to do a 100 pushups daily.
Right now, you can barely do TEN.
Does this mean you stress over the ultimate goal every time you get down on the floor?
Does this mean you show up with a carefully planned itenary and “all hell breaks loose” if something doesn’t go according to plan?
Or do you show up with a “lets enjoy the workout, give it our all” attitude while bearing in mind that no plan is ever “100 percent” and numbers are just that, numbers?
I adopt the last method in ALL areas of life.
It’s paid rich dividends.
Yes, it takes time. Yes, it takes “planning” (strange as that might sound).
But living in the moment, carpe diem - - is so, so worth it!
Oh, and just to be sure I googled the meaning.
used to urge someone to make the most of the present time and give little thought to the future.
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Get cranking on a few workouts RIGHT NOW, my friend. Invest NOW. Stop thinking about if’s, but’s, maybe, and so forth. The time to invest is NOW – there has NEVER been a better time. Opportunity is usually where you see it the least, and right where you ARE, and fitness wise, you’re at the right damn place!
Short one for once, hehe.
The lady I referred to int he last post got back with this.
"Whats a Bozo".
And I was like ... lady, if I gotta explain THAT to you, then you're missing the entire point of the post to begin with!
And probably why she's stuck dealing with idiots and bozos as well. You know what they say about ATTRACTION. LOL.
Anyway, this email will likely hit your Inbox very soon after the last one, as I wanted to give you up and update on this.
But this lady aside, this is a PRIME reason I do NOT get on social media anymore.
LinkedIn being one exception, but even that I get on only VERY sparingly, and only for another lady whose posts are interesting. Actually interesting, hehe, not so much the content, but her THOUGHT is ...
(which of course precious few peope will have actually picked up upon).
Is it just me or the more I write, the more I get IRRITATED at the idiots and bozos out there?
How can people be so damn STUPID?
Or "brainless" ...
But they are
And thats why I got off social media in the first place.
I can just hear people telling me now.
"Don't say you'll do it! Just do it! "
To which my response will be this.
"I've done so on MOST social media (except occasionally Freak-o-Book but some people choose to stay in touch with me that way, so ...) (sometimes yours truly decides to be JUST that less of a hermit, hehe) ... and I'll do on this too - but on MY OWN TIME".
Actually I don't get on LinkedIn at all now, to the point of not using it.
Company page etc on there is all BLANK.
And so it SHALL BE.
Those that want my stuff can sign up for the list - or just flat out GET the stuff.
Curiously enough some of my BIGGEST and repeat customers are NOT on the list.
Which in itself speaks Volumes, hehe.
Smart guys all of them.
Not that it ain't smart to be on the list - but ah ... thats more a marketing related thing I'll get into.
And for those that have a problem wth me saying "I'll do it on my own time" - - I got this to say.
And on that note, HERE is the program that will GIVE YOU that UNSHAKEABLE, animal like CONFIDENCE SEEPING through every pore of your body when you LOOK them in the eye and say it - Animal Kingdom Workouts.
Get after IT - NOW - BRO!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - Social media, and the buffoons that populate it, UGH!
PS #2 - Just do it? To those that say I dont, ever take a look at THIS page? LOL (not to mention the products?) (or the idiots that whine about me telling them to drop the FAT and just do it when I talk pull-ups?)
PPS (Edit - and I normally dont edit) - Maybe I'll introduce "Chloe" to the one and only BOZO NUMERO UNO - Bozo Glyn Schofield! More on that later as he gnashes his teeth reading this from his padded cell with internet.
Why spoilt BRATS don't make good global ambassadors – national team players – or FITNESS people ...
Rahul MookerjeeI'm pretty sure I'll get a lot of backlash over this, but that in mind, here goes.
Here is a comment I recently read from an Indian national cricketer on being forced into lockdown shockdown in Brisbane apparently where they are playing the Aussies.
(And you on this list are well versed with my views on wearing masks, lockdowns etc. Believe me, I have not worn a mask since the so called pandemic that China spread started, and I've avoided situtions when I NEED to wear masks, because I dont believe in “panic shanic” and so forth ... and, well, we've been over this haven't we?)
but it's hilarious.
"We are locked up in our rooms, have to make our own beds, clean our own toilets. Food is coming from a nearby Indian restaurant which will be given to us on our floor," members of the travelling Indian contingent described the hotel as to The Times of India.
Now before I continue, here is what a female Aussie cricketer said on this.
(curiously enough, the dudes haven't been responding. HA! Either way, LOL)
?? - the Aus and NZ women’s teams did their quarantine in the same hotel last year. Here’s a shock - we survived....
So said a certain “Alyssa Healy”.
I haven't followed women's cricket as closely as I follow men's (I know, I know. How dare I).
So, I am not sure, but I think she's the captain of the ladies's cricket team, or something to that effect.
I DO know she's a well decorated player, and has recieved awards etc, so she's a “somebody” in that regard.
But it isn't so much the complaint itself which is funny and which I don't necessarily disagree with.
I'd be PISSED. Big time.
Seems they are too ...
But “making our own beds”.
“Cleaning toilets”.
And so forth, hehe.
I know housekeeping does all that in a hotel (perhaps at home too for some people, but yours truly hasn't any such luck in YEARS).
Yours truly “caveman” probably wouldn't WANT IT either.
Last I was in a hotel was before the plague in January.
And housekeeping literally had to pester me to (as the Chinese say) “Qing” (please) get the room cleaned, beer bottles taken out etc after three days.
And the bed made, hehe.
I still remember the giggles the girl gave me.
Maybe the purpose was different, but hey.
A few days of living alone and doing the things mentioned doesnt hurt no-one, even if you're NOT a caveman that is admittedly allergic to maids, housekeeping etc clanging doorbells and showing up JUST when you're about to write something.
And what not.
I would rather just do it myself.
So I have.
So it is in the military for one, and so would say Mr T who “lives alone and trains alone”.
SPOILT brats is the term that comes to mind here.
And I'm sure Sunil Gavaskar if he is reading this would agree to “some extent”.
So would another former India player Irfan Pathan who keeps urging players NOT to complain as Alyssa healy did – when they're getting to travel, PLAY, and be handsomely compensated for it while the whole world?
Well, you know that part of it.
But perhaps the Punteer, the one and only Ricky Ponting said it best when he said you don't see the Aussies, who are putting up with it too complain.
Neither did the Indians complain when the same thing, or close to it was done during the Indian Premier League (held in India). NO-one did, actually.
Mollycoddling and being SPOILT brats in a country with cheap labor is one thing, and they DO have the right to be that.
I wouldn't be that though. Hehe.
Fitness wise, I want NO PART of such pampering and mollycodding.
Those that expect something for nothing.
Those that expect me to “go easy on them".
The fat asses who complain about “me saying just do it” when I tell them to just lose weight ... and so forth.
Anyway, thats my take on it.
Get on with it, bro. It's just that simple. And a few days of caveman like living never hurt anyone. Who knows, you might learn to make beds like those ladies do all the time for us (not me, but you get the drift LOL).
I'm out. Back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Here is where you can find the MOST brutally honest fitness system that just flat out WORKS – the 0 Excuses Fitness System.
PS #2 – Goose and gander. But that isn't a concern for many that complain!
PPS - My living quarters, sans maid and such aren't actually so nasty (for those, and I'm sure certain women are wondering that are wondering). But, more on that on the other site, hehe.