Life (242)
Amidst the rising animosity between the US and China (and no, I’m not going to use the term “superpower” for the latter half of that equation, hehe) – something came to mind.
Something that everyone knows, and precious few people actually SAY it – mostly because they’re too SCARED of censure – or worse.
Something China related. Though I love the country for the good things it has, I have to be fair and call a spade a spade, and that’s exactly what I’m going to do today. If that ain’t your cup of tea, go elsewhere, but this needs to be said, and I’m damn well going to say it.
Every time the U.S. or any other country makes a mistake – or does something right, or does anything, for that matter, we have dozens of people yelling up and down to support either side of the “Argument” or what was done right – or wrong.
And that’s great. Such as it should be in a democracy.
But yet, when the topic comes around to CHINA, and when (for example) I as a foreigner say or post something about China that doesn’t fit in with the “bleating sheep” mentality that the Chinese have instilled in their own populace and that the current crop of expats there seem to have happily picked up – what happens?
The exact opposite of what you might expect.
Apparently its “kosher” to say anything – either positive or derogatory about ANY country – but when it comes to China, somehow we need to treat the rogue nation with kid gloves?
Let’s get this straight folks, the current mess all over the world was created by ONE country, and we all know deep down inside regardless of our political affiliations WHO created it (and if you don’t then you fit the “bozo” category to be honest).
And as Donald Trump has been saying all along (actually, people with any sense were saying it long before he did) – China has been systematically looting, copying and pillaging the world’s resources – physical, digital and otherwise in order to make gains for itself, and no-one else.
Take the current border stand off with india.
The Chinese go apeshit when the Indians build roads inside THEIR OWN territory and amass troops and make silly, bellicose claims of “humiliating India again” (newsflash – there were REASONS for the 1962 defeat of India, and it ain’t what most people think i.e. the PRC didn’t necessarily have military superiority even back THEN).
Same thing with Vietnam and their water. Or the disputed islands near the Phillipines, and ditto for Tibet, Hong Kong, Xinjiang and all the other regions they’ve forcibly or otherwise crept into.
And it’d be one thing if they did it for the common good. It’s a fact, for example, that people shy away from – is that when the U.S and West in general does well, the rest of the CIVILIZED world does well.
NOT so for the People’s Republic, my friend. Not so at all.
And the most irritating part is that when someone says something about it, the Chinese as a whole, and indeed the foreign parrots there (stooges it seems to me, some of them, the way they denigrate their OWN nations that are HELPING then and blindly tom tom the Chinese) rise “up” (I use quotes for a reason).
“How dare you say anything against China”
And funnily enough, this isn’t just Chinese people we’re referring to here.
Hey, by all means say what you like about my country or any other. Have your own thoughts and opinions, and what not.
But if you throw a hissy when the other person responds in kind – then there is ONE term for that- hypocrite – with a capital H.
OK, enough of that.
But it applies to fitness as well if you think about it.
The gym bros, for instance, see fit to strut up and down tom tomming their show muscles all day long “for the girls” (that don’t really care, hehe) and that’s fine.
But when you do the same, and go to a gym, for instance, and sieze a vacant spot and start doing your pushups, for instance, what happens?
You’ll have everyone and their Mama coming up to you offering you advice – mostly all unsolicited as I’ve written about before.
And God Forbid you talk about their gym. Their holy grail as it were (much like the PRC seems to be for most of the expats still there).
And that’s today’s rant, my friend.
Might not be a “pretty” thing to say, but it’s TRUE.
Anyway, here is where you can go to grab the best damned fitness system on the planet - - The 0 Excuses Fitness System.
Jump aboard now – and let me know how you do. I’ll share your story with the world!
Rahul Mookerjee
(I was going to send out another communication unrelated to what is beneath – but after seeing the madness going on, I felt compelled to write and send THIS).
I’ve always been a brutally outspoken guy, and have never made any apologies about BEING THAT way.
I’ve said it like it is – both to people in person and online, and the vast majority of folks out there probably (as my buddy Michael once told me, hehe) “hate my guts” for doing so.
And yet, the fact is this – there ARE people out there who YES, even in today’s politically correct sissified world believe in SAYING IT LIKE IT IS, and then some.
And so it should be, as it reduces the chances of confrontation later, and as I deal with a personal situation at home with my spouse that is getting increasingly ugly by the day, this point really hits home (as well as what I said about them “balances coming due” as Emerson said . . . and about 2020 truly being the YEAR of the survivor).
I was roundly mocked for making those comments by a certain section of people out there, but I hear crickets chirping very loudly now . . .
Anyway, what happened to George Floyd is just plain wrong . . . but here is a counter point, my friend.
All too often, the cops are roundly blamed with doing their job – a tough job as it were, and WHY certain things happen in the heat of the moment are either not looked at, or glossed over.
For instance, the surveillance videos do not appear to show the black man (can I even use that term? Hehe – it seems everything is so racially charged these day) resisting arrest, there are also several points in the video where his interactions are NOT shown.
At least, that seems to be the case from what I can tell. If I’m wrong, someone please correct me.
As many know, I went to school wayyyy back in the day in Hattiesburg, MS – and Petal is a city quite close to that.
The Petal Mayor has come out and said
“if he can say he can breathe, then he was breathing”.
A most idiotic statement ever, and I’m not sure if the man is doing his own version of “stirring the pot” (and if that IS the case, it is reprehensible to say the least) - - but he later defended his words by saying he didn’t mean what he said literally . . . and, well, what I said above.
Well, if he didn’t mean to say that – why did he?
The UNJUST death of anyone, black, white or whichever race you look at is a travesty, my friend.
And I’m fully in SUPPORT of a very through investigation into the matter, and taking ACTION against the guilty COP regardless of his COLOR.
But here’s the point.
The cop may be wrong. Agreed (or he may be exonerated later, I don’t know).
Do we simply stoop down to hooliganism and LOOTING on a grand scale to protest something like this??
Does burning down police stations and Target stores in any way bring the man back – or even honor his memory??
Donald Trump was RIGHT when he said “if there’ll be looting, we’ll start the shooting” – because INNOCENT lives and livelihoods are being destroyed in the process.
Anyway, point being, you may ask?
Well, that these sort of hidden animosities, be they racial, or community, or between PEOPLE themselves often fester beneath the surface and it takes nary but a spark to set the FLAMES off (and no, I ain’t saying the man’s death should be glossed over, and if the cop was wrong, then he was WRONG!).
Thing is though ,cops are usually under immense pressure, and . . . people think what they do for a reason, and ah, but I’m not going to open that Pandora’s box my friend.
All I’ll say is this – honest communication without any sort of bullying or strings attached (and acceptance of whoever is WRONG) is what is needed to move past any sort of disagreement on any sort of scale.
And if brutal honesty ain’t the way to go here, I don’t see what is.
The above may come across as meaningless to most reading, but it really isn’t, if you think about it.
Anyway, in typically brutally honest style – here is the BEST Damned fitness system on the planet (and yes, it gets RESULTS) –
Go right here, and engage in a workout or two to rid yourself of all the negativity around you, my friend.
It sure IS worth it.
Rahul Mookerjee
As I wake up this afternoon (my usual time of 1130 AM, hehe) I got an email saying that the first ten pages of a book I’ve been getting translated are ready.
And as I checked, the work was impeccable, and I “approved” the translation.
But something stood out. For some reason, I couldn’t figure out what the translated name of the book was.
Oh, the book I was getting translated was 0 Excuses Fitness – my FLAGSHIP product as it were (though Gorilla Grip and “Pull-ups from DUD to STUD” would probably lay serious claim to that tag, hehe).
And in Portugese, a language I don’t know a word of, it translates over to the following - - “Em forma com ZERO desculpas”.
And as I checked online using a translation tool I’ve got on my comptuer, it translates rougly into “Fitness with no apologies”. Or something like that.
No apologies fitness, as it were, and while that wouldn’t be the English name I’d give it, hey, if that is what it translates into in the local language, then guess what name I will give it.
Exactly that!
It’s funny how translation works between languages, epsecially Asian and other languages (but apparently Spanish and Portugese too).
For instance, “How are you” in English translates to “Ni hao” in Chinese (which if you were to literally translate over to English, would read “You good”).
And when you think about it it makes sense in a strange sort of way.
After all, you wouldn’t want the guy or gal in front of you to be doing “bad”, would you?
So you say he’s doing good anyway, hehe. Sort of like a “dictat” which says you better be good, or else . . .
Anyway, this brings me to my central point – that being how lucky I am to have created a business that truly SPANS THE GLOBE, and is GROWING as I type this.
My subscriber base is growing. I’m getting my books translated into different languages. My coaching programs are going GANGBUSTERS.
And so forth . . .
And as I expand the base of people that I help through my produts and coaching, one thing comes to mind, or it did last night at least.
What if I knew all this before?
What could I have done if I started all this WAY back in the day – in 2004 (which I could have, if someone had told me HOW TO!) for that matter?
Or even back in 2007 when I had a site, which I (inexplicably) gave up . . . including the content on it (it wasn’t much, but still, it was a START!).
And so forth.
If I had stuck to it back then – and knew what I do NOW – I’d have saved myself a lot of headaches in the interim in terms of knowing what I was truly cut out to do.
Napoleon Hill said it best in “Outwitting the Devil” when he spoke of leaving various jobs and businesses that he started from scratch; seemingly for “no reason”.
Jobs that he was getting paid well at.
Jobs that netted him good money.
Businesss that as his friends and family told him “he was crazy to give up”.
And while the logical side of him agreed with this, the emotional side did not.
And as I’ve written about before, I have experienced the exact same thing MYSELF in this regard.
It’s a matter of finding out “what makes us truly happy and what we were cut out to do”, my friend.
Or, “our mission in life” as it were (if I were to put in a slightly more esoteric manner).
And until you find that mission and nail it, you’ll always be struggling to come “full circle” as it were.
Anyway, the English books are all sold on my own site and elsewhere, but the Spanish and Portugese (and others, as I find new markets) translations will not be – primarily due to copyright issues and also to ensure that the translators etc get paid per sale.
And I’ll let you know the link for this one as soon as I have it, hehe. I’ve already got the Spanish version out online, so if you hombres out there are reading this, holla and I’ll send over the link!
And that’s that for now. Truly a global business with NO borders and it’s the way I’ve always wanted it!
Rahul Mookerjee
P.S. – Here is where you can pick up the English versions of our products -
Energy suckers and more on those that say “hi” and then nothing else . . .
Rahul MookerjeeSo this morning (afternoon), actually I woke up to a message from a friend with this.
“Hi Rahul”.
And nothing else . . .
A few days ago, I got this message on my WeChat (the above was on my WhatsApp).
“Rahul Rahul. Do you have a few minutes?”
And then . . . CRICKETS.
NOTHING at all after that.
If there is something that I ‘hate’ (actually I hardly use the term so I should say “is a pet peeve of mine”) it is THIS sort of “phishing” communication.
And most of the time, if not ALL the time, the person is looking for one of two things.
Freebies. Could be free advice. Free “try your product before I buy) (sorry, but as I’ve stated multiple times in the past, there are NO free trials for either Rahul Mookerjee or 0 Excuses Fitness products). Or free something.
Or, “unloading their negative energy on you”.
I have written about this a lot on the old site HERE and also a lengthy piece on Medium, but given THIS site’s move towards more “life oriented” topics and the other site more towards fitness (but we’ll see – I write about what I like as I like where I like, hehe and can’t nobody stop me – as ole Stone Cold once famously said!) I figured I’d write about it here too.
MOST of the time it’s people that want to suck up your energy on long, meaningless phone calls with rants that make no sense.
In other words, they want to find a “complaint box” and given the polarized world that this is turning into, the fact is most people have nobody to really talk to about THEIR own things.
And when they see someone that is writing on the Internet, an outwardly friendly person that HELPS others, guess what happens.
The energy leeches show up. The energy DRAINS show up. As do the freebie seekers, and energy suckers, and if you don’t watch out my friend YOU TOO will become one of this herd and lose the positive vibes that KEEP these people coming to you.
I’ve written about a person before that wanted free training from me, and who said my exercise poses looked “gay”.
And it is precisely this sort of person I try and avoid. In the beginning I’d dignify their comments by responding (at least initially) before I realized playing the nice guy wasn’t going to get me anywhere.
This also ties more into what I keep saying about NOT offering free products.
These people that take the free products and advice will NEVER EVER value it enough to actually use it, and down the road, they will turn around and bash you for being a “so called fitness guru” or whatever it is they want to say when the FACT is that they never actually got down to brass tacks and DID the thing.
And I wrote about that on the other blog the other day . . . so for those interested, head over to the 0 Excuses Fitness site and check it out.
And while there ain’t nothing with a good rant every once in a while and being the shoulder that others can cry upon, what happens when YOU NEED the SAME?
I cannot tell you the number of times I’ve tried to talk about my OWN stuff, and the person in front of me could care less about what I’m saying - - but is MORE than happy to rant on about (if we’re talking expats in China which to be honest are the category that keep contacting me the most for obvious reasons) their own life, and how everything sucks for them, and how they’re doing precisely jack squat to change it all.
Like the person that was jumping up and down about his thoughts on “red China”. Sent me a bazillion damned messages daily. And so forth.
All the while while LIVING in China.
Like dude, get a life. CHANGE your country of residence (and believe me, he had the cash to do it) if hate your current one that much.
Stop being a hypocrite – and feeding off others energy and dragging them down (or trying to) to YOUR level.
I’ll write more about this later, but for now, the point is this – if you feel “negative energy” come on as soon as you see a certain conversation – or communication or feel that it’s “useless to try and talk to this person because he just flat out ignores what you say” (or gets away with, or tries to, as a person recently told me “I read everything, but I don’t reply!” rubbish) then just don’t TAKE that conversation any further.
Yeah. Right. Reads everything but doesn’t respond, because a lot of it paint him out to be a a hypocrite . . .
Anyway, enough of this. Point is, cut negative energy and energy drains out of your life as soon as possible my friend. You’ll be all the better off for it!
And that’s that for now. Back soon.
Rahul Mookerjee
P.S. – and yes, these naysayers are just as active when it comes to FITNESS as well. Remember the case of the guy who showed up at the park one day demanding to know why I was doing pull-ups, and not “working my mind”. Uggggghhhhh.
P.S #2 – By the way, our courses on pull-up have been going GANGBUSTERS. From the initial “Pull-ups from DUD to STUD within a matter of WEEKS” (by itself immensely popular) to an ADVANCED course on pull-ups – and more . . . be sure and check it out!
P.P.S – Be sure also to check out the 0 Excuses Fitness System right here - - truly the nigh on MOST comprehensive HOME fitness system you’ll EVER need!
P.P.S #2 – If someone’s actually looking to do business, chances are they’ll SAY what it is they want and not just “Hi Rahul”. Bear that in mind as you go about your dealings with others, my friend. And it’s true – nigh on EVERY time someone’s actually wanted to do actual biz, they’ve SAID it. It’s the “Hi . . . “ and then crickets sort you want to AVOID like the bubonic plague. Trust me. Ain’t worth it by a long shot!