I had an idea recently in the shower, and just had to write to you about it.
Not the idea itself, but the “concept” behind it.
And my idea was getting my daughter to do supported handstands while I hold her ankles, and have her walk around in that position.
That’s a FANTASTIC exercise by the way, and the only reason it ain’t included in either Battletank Shoulders or Shoulders like Boulders is because you pretty much need someone to hold on to your legs for that, unless you’re at elite status and can do it on your own.
(And you can, if you work up to it, but most of YOU reading the books wouldn’t be able to at the start, and therefore . . . ?).
Now, that reminded me of a dinner (lunch, actually) I was having with a couple of students of mine once a few years ago.
I gobbled up my food, while they kept picking at it for a while.
And Carol (remember her??) told me a couple of days later about this once.
“You’re Mr. Fast”, she giggled. “You do everything fast!”
“Talk fast, type fast, read fast, EAT fast” (for background, she was an English student first, and fitness student later, so . . . )
(Talk about killing two “birds” with one stone, pun NOT intended) . . .
Anyway, we gave her a nickname as well.
And I’ve been called worse things of course! ?
And there are worse things TO BE than be this way, and as I recently told my daughter.
“Honey, you should be a speed demon at most things!”
Anyway, my wife a couple of years ago saw me doing handstand pushups.
And that night in bed with my daughter they were discussing a name for me.
And while my daughter came up with several hilarious names, my wife hit the nail on the head when she said “nah”.
“He’s Mr. Handstand pushup!”
And so I am my friend.
So I am, and there are WORSE things to be! ?
Has there ever been a name YOU were called and that just “stuck”?
Write back – and let me know!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS: As I wrote about recently, handstand pushups done right are one of the best exercises out there that you can do, and everyone should get damn good at them. But the basics are always key and HERE is the System that will get you firmly ground in the basics (and truth be told, this is a fitness system you could follow your entire life without doing nothing else and still make gains) – https://0excusesfitness.com/0excusesfitnessystem/
PS #2 – Check out our other products as well while you’re at it!