Monday, 21 September 2020 17:49

If Mr. Clumsy can do handstand pushups, well, so can YOU!

So, it’s been an interesting day.

Wacko Glyn (remember, I wrote about him) has apparently been foaming at the mouth about something or the other and is getting his knickers in a twist that I blocked him on social media.

Along with a few other bozos.

And of course, his enablers seem to be at it, but this post isn’t about that. We’ll address that later!

For now, lets look at what Charlene, a reader from (apparently) South Africa had to say to me –

Im pretty sure I would break something if I try any of these but I do advocate strength training:) Glad you arent as clumsy as I am...hope one day I can at least achieve one handstand pushup. Good read!

(This was w.r.t my emails on handstand pushups a while back).

And then, to a recent post about hill sprints and pull-ups - -

Ah, Pushups are my nemesis! Can't even do one properly without my hubby helping me up however my hubby swears by pushups but I don't think he knows about the hill sprints before the actual pushup workout. Thank you, will def let him know or better yet, I will let him read your article:)

(now, I did write the article about doing pull-ups, but hey, pushups work as well . . . )

My responses were as follows:

Get good at regular pushups first, Charlene before moving to these. I'm a pretty clumsy guy btw, so if I can do it - anyone! Hehe. Coming from one whose wife once called him Mr Handstand pushup, hehe. Maybe I'll do a post about that soon!

And to the second . . .

Haha, keep trying Charlene! You'll get there - we all gotta start SOMEPLACE! ;-) And yes - the more you get in shape with hill sprints (but start out SLOW!) - the easier them pushups and pullups get!

Now ,key lessons and takeaways from all this (minus the wacko Schofield part , of course!) –

That one, you don’t necessarily need to be a trapeze artist or a hand balancing expert to do any of what I recommend, and even the handstand pushups.

Lots of people have asked me why I don’t include something on FREESTANDING handstand pushups in my books.

Well, I could – but Idon’t for the same reason I haven’t put out a book on doing one armed work as yet.

Because, for the vast majority of people, the BASIC stuff is what they a) need to get good at first, and b) they don’t necessarily even need anything beyond that.

Believe me, the stuff I teach you in 0 Excuses Fitness and my other BASIC courses are enough to kick even seasoned trainees in the can the first few times they try it, and enough to give you a workout that will kick your BOOTY for the rest of your life, my friend.

Big time.

And if you don’t believe me, well, just TRY some of the stuff first.

But if you really want to go advanced (and even basic handstand pushups are advanced) ?

Well, that’s why I teach you how to do ‘em against the wall, and that’s why I teach you how to do it in a completely different manner than what most of the “experts” recommend!

And second, you gotta start someplace, and with a lot of ladies, pushups are best done on your knees when you first start.

And YES, ladies, you CAN do pushups, and YES, YES, YES, you can do pull-ups – and the latter better than guys in many cases!

I ain’t kidding you my friend. I’ve seen several examples of women that you wouldn’t necessarily consider bionic pump out pull-ups like no tomorrow while the gym bros gawk on in amazement (And the wackos stare and pull their you know what’s).


Believe me – you ladies can do bodyweight stuff out there just as well as guys can, and while pushups may be a bit of an exception to that general rule, you sure CAN do ‘em!

I’ll have more on this in future.

For now, let me end by saying that yours truly was and has often been labeled “Clums” (that’s right, without the “y”) because . . . well, he can be incredibly clumsy at times!

And if he can do handstand pushups, well, so can you – if you work up to it!

And that’s that for now. Back again with more sizzlers – yee haa!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – HERE is the ONE DEFINITIVE course on handstand pushups that will get you from “clumsy zero” status to repping them out like there is NO tomorrow – Shoulders like Boulders.