Sunday, 21 June 2020 14:04

Keeping up with the Joneses

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 I don’t know if I’ve written on this before but keeping up with the Jones (or as the Brits from what I understand said it) – the “Joneses”, hehe, is a habit that the vast majority of sheeple out there have and is best AVOIDED.

I HAVE written about it before, I think.

Anyway, for whatever reason, as I watched my wife boil eggs this afternoon, something came to mind.

Wayyyyy back in the day in 2009 I believe yours truly bought a flat screen T.V. (those were apparently the rage back then).

45 inch IIRC or I think 58. I really can’t remember, even though it’s sitting right in front of me right now!

Now, you on this list know the sort of relationship yours truly has with his parents (and as for my wife, apparently ZERO relationship after we got married against her family’s wishes – boy I Could write tomes – and an entire “Bollywood” movie probably on that, hehe) . . .

But at that point, the relationship wasn’t -5 on a 1 to 10 level as it is now. It was at 1, perhaps . . . for a reason you will understand soon.

So when talking to my Dad I tell him we bought a T.V.!

“Great”, he says.

And nothing else, and then the conversation ended shortly thereafter.

A few days later, he calls me up out of the blue.

“We bought a new T.V too!” he triumphantly said as if it were a competition.

And as if it was a GOOD thing. I can tell you one damned thing the TV in my apartment right NOW is NOT working, and I have NO plans to get it repaired. Ugh, if there is something I hate more than anything it’s the inane nonsense that goes on all day long on the boob tube!

Sure, it does on mobile phones as well, but at least those have headphones (when my beloved wife actually uses them, hehe).

“Ours is 2 inches bigger than yours!” I still remember him saying

My first instinct was to tell him – Dad – who CARES?

Way back in the day when I was a kid, I was afflicted with this syndrome as well. Growing up, we had like one air conditioning unit at home, while friends had three.

Those old window A/C’s . . . hehe.

And I told my Dad once “Their house has three A/C’s! Ours only has one”.

Being I was seven years old at the time he got back with a sage response saying “It doesn’t matter how many A/C’s they have! What matters is how well you do in your studies!”

OK, fair enough. And yet, years later . . .

Back to 2011 (or 2010?? Can’t remember?), when yours truly bought a dishwasher for his wife, it was something UNHEARD of in India at the time. Literally.

It had just come out on the market at a reasonable price, and to yours truly whose been using ‘em for years (since I was 19, actually) going out and picking one up was no biggie, even with the extra expense.

My Mom showed up, of course, to tell me otherwise.

“IT’s a huge investment! Don’t buy it!” she cautioned.

“Um, why?” I asked.

And there was no reason given than the above, and a few years, later, guess who bought a new dishwasher.

And the most mind boggling part of all this?

Is not the keeping up with the Rahul’s part (I still remember the “you have more money in your bank account than I did at my age!” comment my Dad made at the age of 23 as if I didn’t deserve it, hehe).

It’s the part about when I needed help financially, they were never ever there.

And yet, when we  DO NOT need help financially, they’re throwing things at us left right and center despite being politely requested not to do so, and if we say anything?

Crickets, or angry, meaningless baritone yells of “This is how it’s gonna be!”

If there is anything more weird than this, let me know! Or if you guys have family situations like this . . . truly mind boggling.

And fitness wise, same damned thing.

When you GET fit, you’ll have the all those that previously laughed at you jump over to your side and shake your hand, and ask you to participate in their workouts.

Which I never did when it happened to me . . .

When you LOSE that weight, you’ll have the nutzos that told you about “belles hanging down ponderously beyond your nether regions (ok, my Dad didn’t say it that way, but he DID say it despite having a bigger belly on him himself!) . . . “yes, you’re the fittest you’ve ever been!”

And yet, when you needed their help back when you started where were they?

This holds true for life, fitness, or anything, and is a prime example of what Napoelon Hill once famously said about NOT telling the world about your goals.

Tell the world what you’re going to do, but show it first!

And that’s today’s tip. In terms of pushups, if you’ve got a goal to bang out a 100 without stopping – a worthy goal indeed – as many of you DO have – then go for it.

But don’t announce it just as yet - - except to yours truly if you do want to ?.

Get it done first – and watch the world follow you thereafter!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Pushup Central is a relatively new course, but judging by the feedback and sales, it looks set to surpass Gorilla Grip as the #1 0 Excuses Fitness bestseller. Grab it right here –

P.S #2 – Oh, and if you’re looking for a community to discuss your fitness goals with – or simply free access to ALL my products and courses for a certain term – then sign up for the 0 Excuses Fitness SHIP  right here –

(As a subscriber recently said, I truly AM the real deal, and as I myself say – that free access is definitely worth it, not to mention if just because I’m planning on coming out with a lot more starting July!).