Displaying items by tag: success
Fake - or "forced" visualizations.
Lots of people whine about their visualizations "not working" and such. Then, they get on Twitter which for some reason seems to be awash with even more "Desperate" bullshit than ever before - with a few "keeping a real's" shining brightly -yours truly being one of them, and I make sure to give all such posts a genuine like or such (not that it matters either way, of course).
Ever see those endless gif's, images, emojis etc saying "affirm 11111! Something WONDERFUL is about to happen today!"
Why the heck do you need to affirm that number?
True, it's a magic number - I even did a video on it here - but the magic happens in your mind FIRST, my friend.
It often happens without a single number beside it.
Then those images saying "You will be RICH TODAY!" (often accompanied by a picture of a humvee, SUV and such).
When I see this fake BS that people buy into DAILY, scrolling endlessly on social media, equate it to visualization - I almost puke.
It all feels, and IS so fake!
Those images mean "F all" - the only vibe that comes off them is folks that haven't made it pretending to have made it, and "conning" others into believing it which most do.
Zero to Hero has received rave reviews all over the world, my friend - yet, you wont find a single social media post or other email from me along the lines of the above.
Then there are those who say they visualize - but can't really "feel it".
My friend, if you can't feel what you're visualizaing with DEEP passion and emotion, you might as well not do it.
And there's a good reason behind your mind telling your subconscious that "this seems fake".
For someone thats never made a dime on their own in their lives, to visualize making a billion dollars right off the bat wont work.
If you add a "maybe" in there and let it go - that conditions your mind a lot better for the eventual "reality".
Most are so obsessed with money that all visualization centers around "money falling into my lap".
There has to be the obligatory dollar signs everywhere!
Dont get me wrong.
I use the tricks too, I've been doing it subconsciously since I was born.
But they aren't a be all and end all for me.
Take it all away from me - my mind will still do what I want, and create the reality I want.
When I visualize, I think about things I've done before that make me happy - I think about what I want in the future - that makes me SHIVER AND QUIVER with RED HOT EMOTION!
Then, I bridge between those two worlds.
Those that claim visualization doesn't work (because of what the so called social media gurus told them to and tell them "how to do it") - well, your current results in your life are in part, large part, an end result of visualization whether you know it or not.
And if you have to force yourself to visualize, or it feels forced, it aint a goal you deeply want deep down inside. It's not something that ignites a spark of RED HOT PASSION IN YOU - and its not going to work that way, simple, if you want magic to happen - you have to truly BE AND WANT the end result FIRST, my friend, in your own MIND!
Only those that have truly, truly DEEPLY wanted something will "get this".
Yes, visualization plays a vital part in everything you do in your life my friend whether you know it or not.
When you make the decision to "on the fly" - drop down and do a 100 pushups like I didd yesterday, no warmups etc - chances are you thought about it first for a fleeting instant - I did.
THAT is how you do it.
You visualize - then you LET GO.
And you let the magic happen.
And that, my friend is that.
It forms a huge part of getting better at tough exercises too - such as the pull-up.
Look, I've literally visualized people coming to my front door - the type of person - my reaction - times deliveries will occur - and so forth - and it's happened, like clockwork.
The key is to remember this.
Money isn't the end result you "want".
You want the end result that you GET from money.
This, my friend is a huge secret most miss.
Without FEELING ... nothing happens in this world, good or bad, or lukewarm for that matter...
Getting back to it - if you think of something and it feels forced, fake etc - well, then it likely is in terms of where you're at now. Chances are also excellent and second to none you dont believe you can have it - and if you dont believe, well, you're either not thinking of something you truly WANT - or ... you're taking leaps before you can walk.
More on this in future emails, but for now, I'll close off with the eternal Claude Bristol quote I always hold dear, and keep close to me.
Repetition of the same chant, the same incantations, the same affirmation leads to BELIEF. Once that belief becomes a deep seated conviction - things begin to HAPPEN.
And that, friend is that.
Back soon.
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - IF you wish to apply for life coaching, do so here.
Why you should build walls in your own mind (first).
Whenever I'm at home, which ain't often - my own area (my room/office) is always "Walled off" to a degree.
No, not physically.
But there is a shift in energy you can feel from the mundane to the MAGICAL when you step in my room - something "different" - me - which is not there in the rest of the house.
My daughter is getting to the age where she can put her own energy that way into things, hopefully she lets the dumbphone aside for a while to do it ...
Wife (who doesnt get it this till point despite all the gurus she follows "tum apni duniayo me rehte ho" (you live in your own world! sigh!)), rest of the family - I've no idea, I dont even care much to be honest. The only real family I have is ...
Anyway - back when I was growing up, at a very young age, I still remember my father complaining / commenting about something - "you've built this emotional fortress around yourself that nothing can penetrate".
I didnt realize it back then.
I didnt realize back then - indeed until a few years, what I've been subconsciously, on auto pilot - since I was born damn near is one of the GOLDEN KEYS (yes, ask Napoleon Hill - or any DOER) to success - real and lasting success.
And to being a "goddamned survivor". Hehe.
Given the crap in which I grew up, I had to do it.
Either make your own life - swim AGAINST a very powerful tide indeed - or swim with it. Most of my "family" chose the latter. I chose the former - always - with all its issues, travails and problems (see the review of Zero to Hero! On Audible - hehe - and Gumption Galore) ... always one to take the path less traveled, and ultimately the MOST glorious, rewarding and satisfying.
Less than 10% of folks out there despite being told, tutored etc have the confidence to take that first step.
Those that do, less than 0.01% really make it big as they want to, because that first step is the first step, and there's plenty of challenges ahead.
Most fail 'em.
As written in Think and Grow Rich, it's a "select few" who are admitted the gardens of Bounty.
That doesnt mean the doors aren't open for ALL.
They are.
But you have to qualify, precious few do.
Anyway - Napoleon Hill wrote about his guardian princes in "Get Rich with Peace of Mind" and how you should build MULTIPLE WALLS in your mind to keep out everything but what you WANT from reaching your subconscious mind - and the princes that get RID of what does "escape security".
Physically, same thing.
Around myself, my own room has everything that is dear to me, that I see daily.
What did Hannibal Lecter see?
We COVET that we can see everyday, but cannot get ...
Well, get you can if you employ the subconscious mind right, my friend.
And part of it is REMOVING what you dont want from your life pronto - in a manner that will shock most people - I do so before the thing I want is physically on it's way to me.
Faith, my friend, indeed moves mountains.
Think about that as you read this, go about your day ..
And thats that.
Back soon.
Rahul Mookerjee
Something the wife said I can actually AGREE with - wholeheartedly.
It's a well known fact that the lovely "S.O" and yours truly dont agree on a lot of, if any, things at all ... but she recently said something "manifestation" wise (most of which I dont agree with her on at all) which I can whole heartedly agree with.
While trying to get the daughter to do better "self care" i.e. brush hair, teeth etc more carefully and the sort of thing you gotta keep telling kids, she made this comment.
"God only gave us one body - now if you dont take care of it, he'll stop sending you other things as well. He'll say "I gave her a body, but she couldn't take care of that either, so why new things!"
Now, this is an interesting way of looking at it.
I thought about it, offhand comment, replace God with Universe - it makes perfect sense, always has all my life along with another truism "toss the old in your life to make place for the new - and toss the old FIRST while having FAITH the new will come".
All my life, my best results have come when doing the following -
When I'm in SHAPE - by that I do NOT mean bulging muscles - I mean a lean, mean look and full of energy all day.
If you look at it from a manifestation standpoint, if you're "desiring more" - but not doing anything or letting what you have to go to utter waste (most people) - then why would you "be ready" to "recieve more"? Think about it, it makes perfect sense in that regard.
More -
When I'm actively blocking the vast majority of people out of my life (including some on this email list etc) because they have energy I do NOT want in my life. That alone is a mind bender for most - how could I do that business wise?
But trust me, blocking complainers, whiners, time wasters and such is something every successful business owner does whether he/she is aware of it or not. Or, you wouldn't be a success!
I'm even more active about it the more I do business, and my results SHOW.
The minute you completely cut off something you do not want in your life from you, is the minute you free up space for the something that you DO want to come to you - often miraculously.
Getting back to fitness - it's true. Health is indeed the greatest wealth, yet, most folks ignore this truism.
And no, self care does not mean slathering on tons of lotion, deodorant, bathing with fancy soaps etc - or long sessions at spas, or saunas (though saunas are great when done right) or anything of that nature.
Martin Farmer Burns said (wrote) as much in the Lessons of Wrestling and Physical Culture handbook in the 1900's where he states that the office worker, all spic, span, smelling good (insert LGBTQ manicure for today, lol) might and probably is actually way unhealthier than the laborer sweating it out all day in the hot sun.
And he's right. It makes perfect sense. Like beauty is not "skin deep" - coming from the inside - so is true health my friend.
It means taking care of your health from the inside out.
And the numero uno thing to do DAILY in this regard is regular intense exercise - workouts - such as in the 0 Excuses Fitness System, which is truly meant for everyone - from couch potato to advanced trainees, there is something for everyone here - and you'll get in record shape fast if you just do what is outlined in the course, and stick at it (i.e. persistence).
Along with that, other things I highly recommend - regular fasting - lots of FRUITS in your diet - lots of LEAN meats - lots of COLD water therapy (especially the last) - and lots of deep rthymic breathing as a matter of practice, and a lot more, but it all comes to nought if you dont follow the basics, which boil down to, no matter how you cut it - pushups, pull-ups, squats, and bridging - done in proper FORM all of them.
And that, my friend, is what 0 Excuses Fitness is built on - the very bedrock of REAL fitness out there (unlike the fancy "circuits" or other nonsense that is doing the rounds these days, there is no need to prepare long charts, count calories, measure bodyweight, BMI etc - just drop down and DO - and the results will nigh show and astound you).
Basic is brutal, and best.
And thats that, pal.
Back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
What the copy artists and trolls wouldn't DARE to ever copy. Hehe.
If they did it would put them in the doers category, so they're probably too scared, definitely too lazy to.
I saw the dude today out there in the park - same guy who complains about me exercising all the time - and about him never being able to do pull-ups, or even pushups in proper form, because he is too much of a lazy ass to follow my instructions and do - or TRY.
He's content with 40 so called bouncy sloppy reps of the pushup and barely going down at all in the squat...
Which is fine, of course, but of course hes got to pester me about sunglasses when working out, my choice of clothing, why I do this, why I do that, bla bla bla - tho as of late hes got the pic and steers clear of me, but the copying?
Right down to the green sweatshirt and blue pants I wear, I saw him today - with a pair of sunglasses almost as "unique" as mine, but not quite - you can't ape the original, and that ones not available for sale around this neck of the woods anyway.
Which is all well and good, I've long since given up on people ogling me, women included - so directly at times you'd think they were a man doing it to a pole dancer or something - all for doing my own workouts out there in the sun, shirtless or not.
Apparently hard work and some of the movements I Do are a rarity ..... to say the least. HA!
So thats fine, but it got me thinking about what these apes dont ape.
They dont dare to ape me on the monkey bars, no matter how many times they pass snide comments ...
One of these apes got on to the monkey bars today and then declared "I'll have to soak my hands in warm water for a week".
ugh, how men can even say things like that ...
The other ape with him with a huge belly and office attire attempted to throw himself into a dip and failed, then made some wisecrack about "weights being the real deal". HA!
These nuts would never copy the hard work, long hours of slog, 500 pushup workouts, the squats, stretches, any of it.
Because thats hard as hell to copy.
And because that would of course put them into the category of doer as opposed to utter loser...
Interesting how people always look for the easy way out, yours truly is the polar opposite, looking for - the HARD way most of the time.
Because guess what - thats what ultimately brings lasting results.
Alright, thats it for now. Back soon!
To get on workouts that will have you burning fat at record speeds and folks staring like you're climbing Mount Everest barefoot and in underwear - the 0 Excuses Fitness system is your baby.
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - Off for a nap, then Zero to Hero! and 10 Commandments of Successful Sales will be LIVE shortly on audio as well.
Why taking PERSONAL Responsibility is always KEY.
I'll always remember a scene from the 1980's movie "Cliffhanger" - where four friends - well, two couples I should say - go on what I can only describe as a climbing double date high up there in the dizzying heights of the mountains - I dont know where they filmed it, but I damn near got vertigo from the visuals alone! - Stallone is nothing short of a genius in his chosen field! - or line of work - and then disaster strikes, and the better half of "Gabe" - I believe that was Sly's friend in the movie? Not sure ... falls - rather, plunges to her death "miles beneath".
The friends all break up, they move to different areas and such, try to move on with their lives, and Sly in particular can't get over it.
One day, his girlfriend corners him and tells him enough is enough.
"It was not your fault! You did all you could!"
"And what was Gabe doing out there with a girl that could barely climb anyway??"
All too often, people focus on "niceties".
Oh, the poor girl died...
Sure, she did.
But she should not have BEEN THERE in the first place and neither should her boyfriend have been stupid enough to take her there
You gotta face the consequences of your actions, my friend. It's a natural law of the Universe, you can ignore it - but that doent mean the law wont take its course.
You look at these idiots that show up with weed in countries like Russia where it's obviously and clearly banned thinking "they can get away with it" - and then whining and moaning when they're rightly put in jail for it.
Look, when you're in another country, you follow their damn rules. You were well aware of the rules before flying, you CHOSE to break 'em - even if you weren't aware of them, ignorane of the law is NEVER an excuse.
Now, read this link before proceeding -A truly INSPIRATION “Cliffhanger” story why grip training is damn near as important as BREATHING! (0excusesfitness.com)
Did you think John Walker whined and moaned about "grip training being too hard"?
Do you think he took personal responsibility - planned in advance - and so forth?
Hell YES.
And all that training, subconscious planning of what to do when (if) something goes wrong(and if it can it will) - took over, and he saved a life.
THAT is how it's done.
Fitness wise, way too people seek refuge in pathetic excuses and dont acknowlege the fact they're out of shape.
"Big not fat"
"Different body sort"
The excuses pour forth ...
Perhaps thats why I named 0 Excuses Fitness what I did - more than it being catchy, it's true!
Take personal responsibility my friend - for your life, fitness, biz, all of it.
"Blaming others" or being jealous of those doing well - fitness wise and life wise may be an easy refuge as is trolling etc- but it wont do anything to improve your OWN LIFE in that regard.
Look at yourself in the mirror, a good long hard look, ACKNOWLEDGE where you're at - life wise, fitness wise, all of it.
Then set goals - have a plan of action.
And get to work.
ANd fitness wise, remember the right tools are key to getting the job done right - as with anything.
And the best and first - not in that order - tool fitness wise you must grab NOW (if you're serious about your health and fitness) is the 0 Excuses Fitness System. Trust me, there is no other course like this out there that takes you by the hand, guides you - kicks your ass when there is a need to do so - and long story short - gets you in the best shape of your life nigh quick - NO excuses made.
Do so NOW.
Rahul Mookerjee
Why trolls troll.
They're truly an interesting bunch and a lot of them, like Glyn for instance, are quite successful at their chosen "Trade" if you get my drift.
The basic answer "Watson" to why trolls troll is this- they're dissatisfied with their lives - SOME aspect of it - if not overall, and in typical childish fashion (trolls have the mentality of a 8 year old - so does the average person deep down inside, but the average person controls it, trolls cannot) they get "jealous" and since they can't run to mommy complaining, they get on the internet "behind the safety of their computers" and troll.
I've always laughed at these idiots who hurl abuse at cricketers during games, for one.
As Australian cricketing great Justin Langer once said (when he got REALLY pissed at a spectator - unfortunately there is only so much you can say) ...
"These people guzzling beer, 50kgs overweight..."
(guy's a martial artist - black belt - and a top former cricketer, and current coach. Full marks Justin I agree!).
Look past the BS, and you'll see plenty of things that trolls have in common - all types of trolls.
They cannot hold down a job for long, and whatever job they do get, they find a way to get canned or have disagreements in it and then "quit".
They're usually NOT financially independent and depend upon significant others - or in Glyn's case scamming - or parents -or something of that nature to stay afloat.
And, like most people - they cannot STAND harsh facts being pointed out to them.
Nothing pisses them off more (or few things) than others raking it in - in supposedly tough times - by sheer dint of hard work, stickability and persistence, perserverance, all of it . . .
The human mind is great at, as Napoleon Hill said, finding 101 reasons as to why one CANNOT do the thing as opposed to find and work the one reason they CAN.
Trolls "utilize" this weakness of the human mind (though in hindsight there is a reason why it is that way) FULLY.
They'll find excuse upon excuse to avoid facts.
They'll never give you a direct answer about their own lives, instead preferring to focus on others (like with celebrities).
Another common factor - they're inherently LAZY people.
Fitness wise, an example of a troll could be someone who is fat - but wont acknowlege it, and will say hes "big" when the facts and mirror both speak otherwise.
And some of these trolls are actually quite good at trolling "logically" - they'll use ridiculous, yet "sound good" excuses of "but thats my body type" and so forth.
I've seen so many trolls in fitness try and justify their inability to either do a proper pullup or get teh chin over the bar by saying "thats wrong for my body type".
Not, my friend. You're simply too fat and unfit is the fact. The basics and nuances of any exercise dont change, and what I pointed out above is simply what everyone knows as a fact, pull-ups aren't dont properly until you get the chin over the bar at the very least from a dead hang. Anything else, you're simply not fit and strong enough, period.
(and have too much fat around the midsection most likely).
And these trolls will defend all this vociferously - which is actually funny and sad at the same time, because when you break the argument down to facts, devoid of emotion -much like Nazi feminists - they will NEVER answer direct questions with a yes or not, facts or figures. They'll find SOME excuse to avoid a direct answer.
Given all this, trolls are actually very successful a lot of times at destroying people's lives - because people in general react to them and treat them in a manner allows them to do so. (Lawd!)
Look, I get it.
The fine line between trolling and successful marketing is VERY FINE indeed - trolls exploit basic human insecurities and "feelings" very expertly indeed.
Often times, the person being trolled won't even being realize they're being played until too late.
Not that this helps the trolls improve their own lives, but it gives them a "quick jerk off" type satisfaction that they'd never get the real thing elsewhere, so they know they make do with "what they can get". Again, pitiful, but thats how this lot is.
Successful marketing pinpoints and exploits emotion too. But it does so at the end of the day with hard facts that can be backed up with RESULTS. Trolls, well, nothing doing there.
All this being said, they're actually rather sad and pathetic people with no real lives, awkward in social situations, couldnt speak extempore if they were paid to do so, list goes on. Losers bascically and funnny jealous lil kids basically...
All this said, best thing to do with trolls, you'd think and say - and indeed it is - is to IGNORE them. Block them. And so forth.
indeed it is - its what I do too pronto, BUT there is one caveat to this.
What you "run away from" chases you.
Law of attraction, period.
Now you can block it, but with trolls, they're addicted and if what you're doing is pushing their buttons, they'll find a way to keep coming back for more.
Take Glyn for example, his alter Mungo "still" keeps coming back here after everything ...
Its like poking the bear, or pulling a tiger's tail, there is no end to it anytime soon, or at all. Hehe.
So since you can't beat 'em, next best thing? Join 'em - and profit from them.
Once you needle a troll's insecurities, you literally have it made.
Thats one of the tips I include in EVERY tip of Profit Troll, a book which deals with this subject - something which is important for a LOT of people to know and understand.
Take Glyn for example.
You should actually welcome trolls if you're trying to expand your biz, they can do the best marketing that anyone ever could for you - with you doing nothing. Literally, Glyn did it on the biggest platform out there Amazon - and when I noticed the trolling (so called reviews) he left, I didnt even have to respond. My customers, some of whom I would not even have known existed out there since they bought off Amazon were doing a mighty fine job of responding to Glyn and the other trolls!
Believe me, I milked Glyn for cash like the proverbial cash cow that year in 2020, when most businesses were FAILING.
I still do.
But he's hardly the only one - there's plenty I do the same with.
And thats what I find hilarios and funny about some of these trolls that whine "he doesnt allow negative reviews".
Look, pal, for the nth time, thats up to Amazon. I can't control reviews there even if I wanted to.
And if they detect, and its easy enough that you're reviewing books you've not bought - or have excessive profanity in - or in Glyn's case, horrible paedophile like comments (he's a confirmed pedo, unfortunately I dont know how he's still running rampant - criminals like that scamming women out of thousands of pounds, and the bobbies in the UK are more concerned with face masks...) - then yes, they will remove it, for obvious reasons- it degrades their platform, no-one wants disruptive influences in their organizations like that.
Otherwise, they'll let it remain.
Proof in the pudding, Bozo Schofield's comments are all still very much up there. If enough people complain about it they'll remove 'em, but I specifically asked my list not to complain, hehe - so most people have not.
Yet, the trolls whine ... which is what is funny. Facts, my friend, speak loud and clear.
(and, if you really want to troll in a manner that wont be removed, do it semi logically. Go to Amazon, post about how you never bought the book, yet whine about price. Hey, be honest - at least. Hehe. And relax - no-one, neither me nor Amazon will particularly give a rip. They and I both realize how whining makes businesses MONEY.)
(I can just see the trolls, especially certain ones RUSHING to Amazon now. Hehe)
Bottom line - we all have this sort in our lives, and we can ALL benefit from this sort if we know how to.
No, it ain't just business benefits you get - you can benefit in LIFE Too from this trolling, hard as you might find it to believe, and my book Profit Troll (this is part of the book) covers how in very great depth "unlike anything youve ever seen before", so, if this subject interests you, place the pre-order NOW.
Price will go UP shortly.
Oh yes, back to fitness?
Since we're talking elementary Watson, no pun intended, I put out a brief video today on the most elementary version of the pull-up I talk about in "Pull-ups - from DUD to STUD within a matter of WEEKS" - one you MUST master before any other version of the pull-up. Even if this is all you did your entire life in proper form, you'd be in excellent shape!
Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dMGd5me-ZlY&t=17s
And its below at the bottom of the page as well.
Aite, I'm out.
Back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
No pain, no gain . . .
It's an age old maxim, been passed down over the ages, like most of these maxims - holds damn true.
This evening, I was vacillating before getting into the ice cold torture chamber - or shower, hehe.
I'll admit it. I'm human too, my friend - and sometimes even I want that nice warm shower (or hot shower) all of us love so!
Yet, I went ahead eventually and jumped in the cold shower anyway - and felt great as always later.
No-one is forcing me to take ice cold showers all winter. I'm doing it of my own volition - and now that spring is finally almost here, what feels ice cold still to most people is nice and pleasant to me. Trust me, if you can take ice cold showers in an unheated house in winter with windows open, cold drafts blowing in all over the place, you're on to something.
I credit my cold showers, deep breathing and fitness routines to looking less than half my age - feeling even younger - and staying hale and healthy as a horse when nigh everyone around me is either sniffling or throwing up. Granted, its that sort of in between weather, terrible pollution everywhere, but hey. I deal with it, and seem to pass with flying colors - without having even one single tiny bottle of or tablets of Paracetemol around for an "emergency".
Think, and you will!
One of the things the guy I keep talking about that claims to want to do pull-ups, but never puts in the effort (thereby pissing me off to a degree I never speak to him at all now - loser!) - is what he said when I trained him once.
And when simple pushups brought him to his knees, and I showed him the right way to do 'em (he claimed to do 40, but could barely do 3 right).
No pain, no gain, he gasped at the end of it.
And he was right there. Of course, simply nodding the head don't rock the boat - simply saying it doesnt mean a damned thing until you DO. And he doesnt, so it don't count.
I was going to do this as a video, then decided to write it.
Boy, I'm growing to love videos as much as writing! Well, maybe not as much - as YET. Hehe. Early days yet, in a couple of months we've made giant leaps on that channel, more than what people do in years - anyway - back to it - its sad what society has become.
Let me tell you, and this is a real damn story - when you're in wrestling class, and you're the coach, and you can't put any sort of basic hold like an armbar (note - I just mean putting the hold on, not hurting the other person) on your pupils - and why? Because you're too worried the parents will sue you or otherwise report you or some nonsense for "hurting your child".
True story.
Compare this to Bret Hart's childhoold, growing up, his mom talks about the screams of pain emanating from the basement for hours as Stu Hart put the kids Bret, Owen and the rest through their paces with wrestling and other training.
Is it any wonder Bret literally turned out as the "excellence of execution" - a strappjng, solid, tough - technically superb wrestler (ok, its the WWE, but even there, Bret's skills showed and shone!)
I doubt he would have been even close to that if child services or some bullshit showed up at the Hart's door demanding to know why the kids were being pushed...
Same thing in my daughter's basketball class, guy's a great coach, genuinely likes kids, yet, every time he pushes them, they wimp out, and some idiot mother shows up to argue with him about "times are different these days", its not "that time" any more.
What time?
Back when we were tough and played all day long, when scrapes, brusies, even coming home with head bleeding (yours truly) -and worse was par for the course?
I'm not saying the brutal beatings and sometimes downright sadistic punishments handed down at school are required - no, there is a line, but these days, we've crossed way too far over to the other side.
High school coach makes his kids do pushups.
And gets kicked out of his job pretty much - why? Because the kids got put in hospital ... for what? For doing 300 pushups in an hour. And remember, these kids are supposed to be high school football players!
Child protective services is investigating him apparently.
Child protection my ass.
I've written about that before, of course - 300 pushups in an hour, even in hot weather is SLACKNG. You bang out 500 an hour if you're doing it right, give or take, and pushups should be like breathing for football players, unfortunaely it isn't - most prefer to hit the weights apparently (unless its a Herschel Walker or true doer).
Boxers and wrestlers by very dint of their sport seem to be the only ones these days that appreciate the no pain, no gain maxim and GAIN from it.
Look, life, fitness, business, the real rewards only come after a lot of pain,there is no other way any sort of real growth happens.
Writing it down on a paper, twirling beads and chanting mantras aint gonna get it done.
The PAIN and going through it is what makes you grow and if you're resilient enough, you come through to the other side.
Perhaps thats yet another reason other than the immense value I provide you with in my fitness books knowledge wise, my workouts are that damn brutal.
You either sink or swim, no in between.
I've been made to do that all my life.
I've always come out on top.
I believe so can you, if you dont piss, moan, groan and whine, and get down to brass tacks - and DO.
Pushup Central, Animal Kingdom Workouts, 0 Excuses Fitness - in fact ALL My courses will make you very sore when you first start, they wont stop challenging you even when you're at advanced level.
But if you back away from "pain", you might as well not be here my friend.
Like customers have said, "my courses aren't for the faint of heart".
And thats how we prefer it around here , true doers, a very exclusive and loyal band of customers and supporters, and so we grow ...
Alright, thats it for this one. Back soon.
Rahul Mookerjee
The type of guy (or girl) I respect the MOST.
The other day - last afternoon, actually, the wife was in one of her very rare good moods - and the lunch she dished up, my!
It sure did prove the good mood, and she demanded to know where the daughter's "leads" (her way of saying headphones) were.
For some reason the chip off the old block runs through stuff pretty quick, unlike her old man who seems to reuse certain things till you cannot use them no more. "Thats a perfectly good car", as Jeff Bezos - well on his way to becoming a billionaire - once said about his beat down Honda! Hehe.
I respect guys like that - not for driving beat down cars, or being practical alone - yes, those reasons, but because .... they did it THEMSELVES.
Bootstrapped, ok, Bezos had help from his Dad initially which is more than what a lot of us get, but still - he is to me the modern day version of Henry Ford, and that takes some doing.
"I'm buying it", I went. "But I want to get a good quality one, like the one I have, not just one of those cheap ones".
When I told the wife how much it cost, after she asked - she grinned and shook her head - "I'm not spending that much".
And then.
Partly in jest.
"Buy one for me too!"
Anyway, story behind this - I want to get the daughter the same headphones I have - good quality - and the guy that advertises them or used to, at any rate - a Bollywood actor I hardly ever watch, I've barely seen any of his movies.
But, guy's in SHAPE.
Real shape.
He's a dancer.
Yes, he does tons of pull-ups!
More than his fitness though - he STRUGGLED.
His family did all but disown him for not bending to their desires. I can identify for sure, and I can identify with the old Maruti Zen he literally lived out of while struggling to make it big which he finally made it "in some regards" big.
I'm sure he remembers those days.
I'm sure he wouldn't exchange the struggles for ANYTHING. I know I wouldn't. If you ain't run from pillar to post, been at the very edge of desperation with one foot hanging well over the cliff of utter, abject failure then you aint lived in all regards, and you're not qualified to talk about any sort of success, period.
I should know. Been there, done that - in the trenches. Thats the sort of dude I respect - big time!
Anyone that makes it on their own - I respect that person.
And like I told the wife.
"Shahid Kapoor advertises it. It's a vibe. He wouldn't just sell shit..."
And I know.
It's a vibe, hard to explain, one of those things, you cannot fake GENUINE people!
Anyway ... the old Zen.
I had one of those, a golden colored Zen, and when I first got it, it might well have been "Punchy" the Dog in Rocky Balboa that the teenaged son (Lil Marie's son) did not want to get initially.
Beat down, depressed, dead, not unlike the dog that shows up next to me EVERY TIME I work out - even when I shoo it away. You've seen that dog, I've shooed it away but it keeps coming back, and I've decided to accept it for now. Hey. Some things!
That car - nothing worked except the engine. I still remember driving it up without brake fluid up the hills of India, if you can do that, now you've got some serious balls (driving on those narrow Himalayan roads - just Google if you dont believe me. Hehe). I still remember a case where I almost pissed my pants driving in the jungles in the dark, lost ... Anyway thats a tale I've covered before, but for now?
The ZEN.
And yours truly at that time, truly phat phocker. Hehe.
There's a famous photo of me on Instagram, chowing down on snacks with a beer in hand at 11 AM in the morning - from one of my favorite places to visit. Hehe.
Those of you on Instagram have seen it.
And for now, here's the trip down memory lane you must read about - - A 5 day road trip to Dalhousie/Khajjiar - Team-BHP
This will be part of the travelogues series I plan on coming out with soon - which will have details on my travels back Stateside (yes, the US is a massive country with lots to see!) - China (another massive country) - maybe Russia someday in the future too. And more - and India, of course.
For now, thats that.
And remember, for hard hitting life info that works unlike what the self help so called Gurus tell you - Zero to Hero! - and Gumption Galore are the tickets.
Thats that then - enjoy the link above!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - Notice the calves in the photo. Some might call me "strong" - indeed, many did back then- reality though, I was PHAT. Hehe. Lesson coming from someone thats been there - and done that.
Listen to me, YOU will catapult yourself from woefully unfit to the ranks of the elite too ...
Ps #2 - I was sort of forced into selling the trusty Zen when I moved to the Middle East for a short period, something I shouldn't have done, but running on the beaches, and them boxing workouts were cool!
But I still remember almost crying - literally - when I sold it off.
So many hours invested into rebuilding that car, standing around for hours in the hot sun with mechanics, learning everything I could about cars from it ..
I know the guy I sold it to, he still has the car.
Hehe. some things, OLD is truly GOLD!
Was I always this good at video?
As always, there is a long answer, and a short one.
Short answer - NO!
Much like with my workouts - much like with a lot of other things that are now second nature for me - no.
Except for a couple of skills I have which even my worst critics would be hard pressed to (or they don t, actually) say I'm "poor at" (remember, if even trolls won't troll you on it, it means something, hehe) - everything else I am good at, very good at, damn good at - was LEARNED - through EXPERIENCE, not a teacher teaching me.
Being in the trenches, life is the best teacher.
Age 19, final presentation for Dr P, a guy from Poland at USM where I went to school at, almost applied for grad school there too.
I still remember my friend coming up to me after the presentation saying "I could see your fingers shaking as you gripped the mouse".
I was so damn nervous doing it, I could barely sleep the night before (well without beer, hehe) - and I can't figure out till this date how I even talked while doing it - or wasn't laughed out of the class as I thought I would be (answer to #2 - people are usually far more forgiving if they see you TRYING).
Now, part of this was due to the fact I wasn't prepared for the presentation as well as I should have been, part because this prof paid GREAT or laid, I should say - emphasis on DRESS code - if you were dressed up in a shirt and tie, you were guaranteed to not fail at least - and I wasn't, obviously - but most of it, I was thinking "man, thats nervous, what will people think, how will I look like" and so forth.
I once called out an almost 40 year old on here for being a nervous 16 year old out on a date with her crush - well, he's worse than that, he's even being prompted by a script! - but that time, age of 19, or maybe 18 - yours truly - same boat.
All the years of teaching in China - believe me, getting in front of a class ain't that easy either - especially when and as I did it - never having done it before, picking it up on the fly - well, one reason why "crowds" and giving speeches dont bother me none no more ; in fact I look forward to it.
My mental mindset, another reason.
But a huge, huge part of it is the confidence knowing that I'm in teaching mode - or talking mode - or a combo therein ... and knowing I'm an expert on what I do choose to talk about, and results backing it up.
Of course, nothing beats practice, day in and day out, or learning in the trenches.
People take classes for years to develop these skills, and a lot never do despite that.
And when you have teachers like the one my wife has who claims "say I'm rich, and you'll be rich!" 108 times - or sticking a piece of paper on the wall with your goals (latest is she wants to be a (or rather "is" - emphasis on quotes for a reason) professional "tarot healer" and "is" (when she isn't) earning x amount per month" and a lot other gobbledook - its stuck on the wall in pain sight - I mean plain sight, hehe - for all to see) and other rot - its not surprising that most people attract the polar opposite of what the gurus say they will.
Of course, the gurus are off vacationing on some island with these shmuck's hard earned money.
Man, I can just imagine the horror on Napoleon Hill's face if he saw this tripe, the "is" crap aside, while claiming to draw from his line of philosophy (which works, is taken from Emerson and other greats, who in turn got it from the Universe and so forth) - jeez, talk about violating the cardinal principle of goal setting, or one of them - that being "tell the world what you're going to do, but SHOW 'em first".
This above was accompanied by the drawing of a doorway which is good, but again - it should be kept private, not stuck in "the corner of the house that attracts the most Vastu" (Indian for Feng Shui) and other nonsense.
The lunacy .. ah.
Really, to the people who say my stuff is expensive - I could really rake it in by growing a long beard, throwing on saffron robes and becoming a Baba. Hehe.
But I wont.
Duping people ain't my thing.
Kicking their RUMPUS into high gear - in all regards - is.
And thats that!
Thanks a TON for all the comments on the videos, live streams etc - again, for a guy who never thought he'd be doing 'em - he's thrilled to do 'em now!
And thats that.
If you're looking for some great, great down to earth books with life tips -not hacks, tips - you can use to benefit yourself, real world, practical USEABLE tips, not nonsensical hocus pocus tricks/affirmations that go nowhere - then Gumption Galore! - and Zero to ... HERO! are your babies. I'll have more on this subject out in the future as well.
Oh, years later, or two actually after that presentation, I had one with Dr Ali, but that dude was SO cool and laidback he passed everyone - including myself who had NO clue of the artificial intelligence presentation he did in class ... Hehe. And I wasn't nervous either, well, somewhat, but nowhere near as with the first guy, but the prof was so cool and laidback, so were the students... hehe.
Rahul Mookerjee
Well,since YouTube age restricted my pet fuckin peeve (one of them - no jokes please) - and no, I'm not going...
... to appeal their motherfuckin decision either. Though it would make perfect (non) sense that a liberal leaning channel like Youtube would choose to "age restrict" something which than part of the title is perfectly appropriate for all age groups and is common sense more than anything - which ain't all that common in today's fuckin world.
I swear, some of the ladies working in houses etc around India and the subcontinent, the downtrodden women who this same society doesnt even permit to sit on the same chairs or use the same bathrooms as their employers do - and this isnt just about India by the way - society in general has descended into utter tom foolery and "pander to lazy buffoons" and "white knights pandering to entitled brats" - and what not - but it's working class people everywhere - India, China, good ole TX - and so forth -t hat make the most sense these days as opposed to the so called educated moronic cunts - both male and female - out there (and in between too, if you're Schofield and his / her ilk).
They sit around in the park gossipping, complaining, not that I have ever given two or more flying fucks (or less) for either male or female oriented or origin gossip, but the language they use, these ladies, my, some of it would make a sailor blush. More to the point though, what they say makes perfect sense - after all, these people work for a living as opposed to the vast majority of government/wife teat addicted liberal nutjobs out there ...
My wife was spot on (doesn't happen too often does it) when she mentioned women cuss even more than men do.
Try getting today's addled society to acknowledge this though - and of course, men can't do it, but women can? Huh?
Maybe I should do what I wanted to the other day - there was a couple of girls doing "Instagram fitness" (ie. one min bursts of so called ab exercise while making sure their tits and tummies were on full show, and their spanking new spandex and what not) and spending more of their time searching for the right music to accompany the video as opposed to actually take the video ... i was going to invite them over with me for filming.
I'm 100 % positive they wouldn't mind - with all the corners of the eyes going on for one, if you get my drift.
But with a woman around, or she-male, or whatever goddamned definition fits today's liberal brain in terms of "acceptable" - or "he-female" - or what not -Youtube would gladly never ban even the most risque of content, let alone age restrict something that isn't even anywhere near risque.
Anyway ...
check out the video below.
And if you're not into common sense, might as well click the PHOCK away - NOW.
Basically, its about a pet peeve of mine other than white knights - that being people interrupting me with inanity during my fuckin workouts, and I gave these people a piece of my common sense addled mind, and rightly so.
Respect a person's time, folks
Just because you're lazy and choose to do F all doesn't mean EVERYONE is like that.
Dont come up to someone obviously busy with something and interrupt with inanity like "can I borrow your sunglasses" or ask dumbass questions like "still using this phone" or "when will you go to cHina".
Like fuck off, pal, none of it is your damned business, especially not when I'm working out. Live and let the fuck live ...
And thats that - more in the video.
Sign in to see it ...
And thats that.
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - Probably the best part about the 0 Excuses Fitness System, even more so than the stellar results it brings - it infuses a healthy dose of practicality and common sense into anyone with enough sense to get on the program. 'nuff said.