Exercises (161)

Sunday, 30 August 2020 08:08

On being “Mr. Handstand pushup” and more!

I had an idea recently in the shower, and just had to write to you about it.

Not the idea itself, but the “concept” behind it.

And my idea was getting my daughter to do supported handstands while I hold her ankles, and have her walk around in that position.

That’s a FANTASTIC exercise by the way, and the only reason it ain’t included in either Battletank Shoulders or Shoulders like Boulders is because you pretty much need someone to hold on to your legs for that, unless you’re at elite status and can do it on your own.

(And you can, if you work up to it, but most of YOU reading the books wouldn’t be able to at the start, and therefore . . . ?).

Now, that reminded me of a dinner (lunch, actually) I was having with a couple of students of mine once a few years ago.

I gobbled up my food, while they kept picking at it for a while.

And Carol (remember her??) told me a couple of days later about this once.

“You’re Mr. Fast”, she giggled. “You do everything fast!”

“Talk fast, type fast, read fast, EAT fast” (for background, she was an English student first, and fitness student later, so . . . )

(Talk about killing two “birds” with one stone, pun NOT intended) . . .

Anyway, we gave her a nickname as well.

And I’ve been called worse things of course! ?

And there are worse things TO BE than be this way, and as I recently told my daughter.

“Honey, you should be a speed demon at most things!”

Anyway, my wife a couple of years ago saw me doing handstand pushups.

And that night in bed with my daughter they were discussing a name for me.

And while my daughter came up with several hilarious names, my wife hit the nail on the head when she said “nah”.

“He’s Mr. Handstand pushup!”

And so I am my friend.

So I am, and there are WORSE things to be! ?

Has there ever been a name YOU were called and that just “stuck”?

Write back – and let me know!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS: As I wrote about recently, handstand pushups done right are one of the best exercises out there that you can do, and everyone should get damn good at them. But the basics are always key and HERE is the System that will get you firmly ground in the basics (and truth be told, this is a fitness system you could follow your entire life without doing nothing else and still make gains) – https://0excusesfitness.com/0excusesfitnessystem/

PS #2 – Check out our other products as well while you’re at it!

Saturday, 29 August 2020 08:53

The kind of CRUSHING grip strength you can build with PULL-UPS!

And pull-ups alone!

I’ll never forget the time when my little girl asked me for help a couple of years back.

I think it was in 2017, but I’m not entirely sure. Anyway, her pencil box had gotten stuck to the table.

“Dad! Someone glued my pencil box to the table, and I can’t get it off, and neither can Mommy!”

(Mommy tried, but couldn’t apparently)

“Well, who glued it”, I asked.

“Not me!!!” she replied, with that look in her eye which said clearly that she HAD, of course! ?

Young kids, hehe.

Anyway, it’s no secret that my daughter has been exercising with me since she was born pretty much. I still remember her when she was a baby, all of six months of age with her little feet on my chest doing monkey bars swings out in the park, or trying to!

And as I looked at the pencil box, yes. It was stuck solid.

“That’s OK, honey”, I told my daughter. “Remember, us gorillas can do it! Pull harder!”

(She did and does pull-ups with me only so she can become a gorilla, for those of you that did not know, hehe).

She pulled, but it didn’t come off. It was solidly stuck.

I tried.

Couldn’t budge it on first try.

Moved the desk around to a different angle, pulled again, and presto.

The thing came off, far easier than I expected.

“Second problem, Dad”, my little girl said. “Now we can’t open the pencil box”.

Apparently she had glued that too.

OK, no problem.

I prised it open with two fingers, positioning my fingers much like I would in a fingertip pushup . . .

And that, my friend, is the sort of strength that PULL-UPS done right on THICK BARS that I keep carping about can give you.

Sure, it’s good to do ‘em on pull-up bars at home.

Sure, it’s GREAT to do ‘em on the regular pull-up stands, but nothing, I repeat, nothing beats the STRENGTH, the sheer, crushing APE like strength you get from pull-ups . . .

. . . and add in fingertip pushups to the mix, and OH MY!

The above TWO are TWO tips I’ve often given people that want to improve their grip strength beyond belief, and sadly, these tips are oft IGNORED.

Oh well.

Can lead a horse to water, but can’t make it drink!

On a side note, years ago, I think in 2004 or something (or maybe later, I don’t know), a massive silverback gorilla was caged in an Orlando Zoo.

And escaped.


The guys that made the enclosure had made the enclosure gorilla proof in that the gorilla had NOTHING to grab onto to hoist himself up and escape.

But they accidentally left one small, TINY crack in the wall of his enclosure.

He found it.

Put one knuckle in it - - and used THAT to hoist his ENTIRE massive body up and over the enclosure!

THAT is real strength my friend. Not sitting down and curling weights, or lying flat on your back and pushing a moronic weight until “you can’t strain no more”.

THAT IS A REAL STORY TOO! Hehe. I said in caps because it deserves to be said in caps.

That’s real strength – animal strength, and if you saw King kong and wondered if it was all make believe – well – the strength part wasn’t!

And that’s why I put out the book on Animal Kingdom Conditioning my friend.

Lots of you can’t do pull-ups in high numbers.

But you CAN do floor exercise to begin with!

And a lot of what I teach you in Animal Kingdom Conditioning is done on the floor and WILL Build that primal, ape like strength – or set a damn good foundation – or both!!

And once you’re done with that, get cranking on pull-ups my friend. Truly one of the best damned exercises you can do!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Make sure to do ‘em on the THICKEST bars you can find!

PS #2 – In terms of courses, HERE is the first course you need – Pull-ups – from DUD To STUD within a matter of weeks! (and no, the title ain’t just marketing as you can see from the testimonials).

P.P.S – Grab the ADVANCED course as well right HERE – Pull-ups from STUD to SUPER STUD within WEEKS!

P.P.S #1 – Or, for a value added grab, grab the COMPILATION (yes, value for money! ?) right HERE.

Thursday, 27 August 2020 08:25

Are handstand pushups the best bodyweight exercise to build the traps?

I just did up a post on CRUSHING grip strength and was going to post it here. But, as I was going to do so I saw an email from Charles Mitchell, a long term customer that I just HAD to reply to! Hehe.

Here is what he asked –

I own both your books, Shoulders like boulders, and Battle Tank Shoulders.  Would you say that Handstand Pushups are the best bodyweight exercises to develop the traps?

 (for reference, this was in response to an email I sent you a day or so ago about  giving the impression of being much bigger than you normally ARE!).

And here is what my response was :

Hi Charles

Thanks for the email! Yes, if you can do ‘em right and in high reps (I once got to a point where I was pumping out a 100 handstand pushups in proper FORM per workout, but that ain’t easy I’ll tell you! ?) then YES, they are one of the best exercises out there to develop the traps.

Ideally, I’d do them with pull-ups if you can do pull-ups (one exercise helps the other as you know) but to answer your question definitively – YES – they are – but pull-ups are a close, close “trailer” in that regard as well!

Both exercises are super for building the grip and forearms as well (which naturally leads to better performance on exercises, and obviously bigger/stronger trapezius/upper back muscles).



And it’s true, my friend.

Handstand pushups are not only the best exercise to build that “massive upper body” and “barndoor lats/delts” you’ve always wanted, but YES, they ARE probably the best exercise out there for traps as well - - IF, and this is a big IF, you do ‘em right!

Some of the guys I coach one on one have had the same, or similar questions, and I told them the same thing.

Handstand pushups are one of the most difficult exercises you can do my friend, and it takes a while for people to work up to them.

That’s why I have the books out there, of course, but in and as of itself, this one exercise will build a chest that looks like it’s made of granite as well (that “packed chest” look if you get my drift).

And, NO, it isn’t just about looks. Looks to me were but a by product when I worked up to doing 100 HSPU’s (and pull-ups, and hill climbs!) per workout.

The sheer feeling of being “on top of the world” and STRONG - - really STRONG - - from the inside out (yes, they’re a fantastic core movement too my friend!) is really what makes it all worth it.

And last, but not least – remember that pull-ups, as I said, are but a close outlier.

Another solid exercise, and if you do 100 pull-ups and 100 handstand pushups per workout, let me just tell you you’ll be headed to “Strongman” status very soon.

As my friend from the Marines once famously said . . .

“You’re goddamned right!” (when I told him that 100 pull-ups per workout was EASY (for me, at least!) but try doing 100 handstand pushups per workout! ?).

For background on that, check out the 0 Excuses Fitness blog, but the gist is that he was saying 100 pull-ups per workout is tough for anyone.

IS it?

Not if you work up to it the right way!

I’m currently NOT doing handstand pushups as part of my routine, but I’m doing “extra thick” bar pullups.

I mean REALLY thick!

And that’s what I’m going to write to you about in the next email (I was going to send it to you NOW, but this question from Charles deserves more attention), so here goes!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – If you’re interested in building a cast iron grip, then check out the “Evergreen” best seller (along with the 0 Excuses Fitness System) at 0 Excuses Fitness – Gorilla Grip! A course that when I first put out I had NO idea if it would even sell, and now, years later . . . !!!! Amen, as they say! ?

PS #2 – Questions such as these from folks that truly do GET it make my day! Thanks Charles; you truly are an INSPIRATION to everyone out there!

PPS – YES, YOU TOO can send me your questions. My one on one coaching services can be applied for right here if you so choose, but if you have a training related question you’d like answered - - send it my way, and we’ll see what we can do!

Monday, 20 July 2020 12:14

My eyes closed workout today!

I’ve written about it before, havent I?

The sheer meditative effect some of these workouts have, specifically Hindu pushups and pushup workouts . . . if done right, that is.

And today I’ll take it to another level. Or I did, I should say And I can barely STANd at the time of writing this!

(before writing it!)

And what did I do?

Well, the majority of my 2000 jump rope workout today was accomplished with eyes closed today.

I divided it up into two halves.

1000 each, eyes closed for the majority of it.

If you don’t think that’s a big deal (the eyes closed part), well, a) think again and b) TRY it before you say it!

It might not be a bad idea to do this on a padded surface (not cell, hehe). Don’t worry. I’m not implying you’ve become a lunatic or will upon doing this, and I certainly haven’t (not any more than people think I am anyway?).

But believe me, I fell over while doing this. And you will too.

You’ll likely bump into things.

You’ll likely twist towards your dominant side or weaker side. And more . . .

Sayeth the person who today started to “torque” towards whats my naturally (but no longer) weaker side, the right, and then funnily enough during set #2, the opposite.

And sayeth me, who ended up getting a nasty bruise on the chin the first time he did this sets of 10 pull-ups . . .

(granted, that was towards the end of the 100 pull-up workout. But still!)

And I did the first set in 12 minutes. The second in 10.

And for those wondering why I did the second quicker, well, I have this to say.

The FOUR minute break that I took in between was part of the reason, or most of it.

And this four minute break was taken in a sitting position, but not sitting down, at least not what you’d associate with those words.

I sat “down” in a position most people couldn’t get into, and breathed in and out deeply with eyes closed for the count of 120. REAL slow breaths, in and out.

240 seconds. Four minutes in the Asian squat position which most people cannot get into today, let alone HOLD. (and this includes “modern Asians” too!).

I once put out a series of emails on fitness tests, and while the “table” position was it, this wasn’t, I think.

But it should be!

And the benefits of this position?

Well, they go way beyond “active recovery”

Those of you that have trouble “going” (the vast majority reading this I bet) better do this next to a commode. Hehe.

I know I had to go, and I don’t have said problems!

And this position stretches out your hips and joints of the lower body in a way you can’t imagine when held for time. Not to mention you won’t need any calf stretches at all if you hold THIS position, as opposed to the regular one I teach (the Hindu squat on your toes).

And for those of you with tight hamstrings, this will solve that problem too. Believe me!

And while I ain’t prepared to say this position (or squats done in this position ) are better than the good ole Hindu squat I teach, I do ALL my squats this way these days, for a very good reason!

Anyway, can almost hear my daughter “goading” me on.

Come on Dad, you can only do 70! I can do 200!

And she can.

She’s a little champ, not just at this position but at ALL positions and exercises that emanate from this one position, stuff I’ve covered in Animal Kingdom Workouts. If you’ve got even a sliver of fat on your body, these workouts will get rid of it, and fast!

(She isn’t that good at HW, but hey . . . ?).

Anyway, where were we you ask.

I did . .  .

Eyes closed.


So, this sort of thing will not only be RELAXING once you start getting into it, but you’ll also build spatial awareness like never before, especially if you do advanced stuff like one arm pushups or jumps. Or squats. Or jump squats.

And I do not recommend doing anything you’re not entirely comfortable with this way.

If you can do 100 pull-ups per workout, give these a shot towards the start and work into it.

Ditto for 2000 jumps. Or 20 pushups. Or 5, if that’s all you can do (as many currently can).

And not only that, you’ll build strength in a way you never thought you could.

And most importantly, you’ll automatically visualizing you and your body moving through space while you’re working out with eyes closed, whether you consciously try or not.

Mental workout x 10, and while you CAN visualize with eyes open, and although I recommend doing so with eyes closed when you start you CAN do ‘em with eyes open – but doing it this way?

Whole different ball game my friend!

Try these sort of workouts, and let me know how you do!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Here is where you can grab the 0 Excuses Fitness System. You’ll see me doing all my exercise barefoot in there, and that by itself is another tip for you – barefoot exercise is a whole different ball of wax I’ll write about soon that WILL give you a better workout!

Sunday, 12 July 2020 17:15

THIS is real hill climbing!

I recently remembered something a “friend” (I should actually say student of mine) told me once after my nth climb up the hill.

“They’re not really climbing”, she said, pointing to some other folks ascending them steep, steep slopes on a Saturday afternoon in May (and it was HOT my friend. Oh YES!).

It wasn’t just hot. It was one of those hot muggy days where it would occasionally rain for a bit throughout the day.

Hot rain.

It would NOT cool down at all after that.

If anything, it would get even more oppressively hotter, and on an “exposed” mountain like I climb, well, trust me - - you’d feel it.

Especially if you climb five times during the day as my “crazy” ass used to, hehe.

I later reduced this to 4 times a day in the morning, but I still felt it, but anyway . . .

This was one of those times I saw Kelly (her name) climbing when I was on my (I think) fourth slog up the hill.

Being she was only halfway up when I finished round #4 and started #5, I figured I’d climb WITH her.

And as we finally reached the top of that hill, I was almost DEAD.

Almost GONE.

The sweat was pouring off me like nothing before.

I was literally DRIPPING sweat every time I moved  - - a shower of sweat as it were.

PUDDLES were forming under me every time I moved. Quite literally, and my shoes were “squelching”.

I don’t know if I mentioned this in “16 inspirational fitness recollections”, but it certainly IS one of them.

And there are a lot more mentioned in that book . . .

And why do I tell you this?

Well, because THOSE are the sort of workouts (and the sort of commitment) that really get you in TOP shape.

That really get the WAIST whittled down.

And that really BURN fat off you like nothing else.

A close alternative, though not quite the same (but pretty damned good anyway) is the rope sprints I do, closely followed by another movement right after.

And the animal like movement workouts I do, mentioned in my latest book Animal Kingdom Workouts.

And so on and so forth.

It’s about workouts that burn fat, and BLAST that pesky FAT off your body quicker than anything else, and those workouts, my friend are the type of workouts I give you in all my books.

Go get ‘em here!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. -Back from workout #2 (late, late night workout, and I feel GREAT!).

Friday, 10 July 2020 06:32

What exactly is PM Modi thinking?

So I must admit it.

I’m confounded.

Can’t figure it out.

Don’t understand just what the heck the leader of India, an Asian giant and an economic powerhouse at that is thinking . . .

You on the list no doubt know about the Chinese aggression (completely unwarranted and brutal at that) that took place in the Galwan Valley between India and China last month, and (unless you’ve been living under a rock) are well aware of the Chinese atrocities committed at home (Ughur Muslims, dissidents, just about anyone that “She the pooh” doesn’t agree with) and the aggression against ALL it’s neighbors.

It doesn’t matter if we’re talking a rogue nation that capsized a Vietnam fishing boat recently. (Perhaps that’s what prompted the Russians to quietly step in into Vietnam’s waters and make sure that the oil rich waters around there aren’t used exclusively by the PRC!).

It doesn’t matter if we’re talking border disputes with all it’s neighbors.

Audacious land grabs in Nepal and Bhutan (two tiny Himalayan states without the muscle to stand up to the big bully). Disputes with Japan and the Phillipines. And of course, the eternal Taiwan issue.

And most recently, the brazenly audacious law passed in HK that pretty much criminalizes even yours truly sitting here writing about it (actually, if any of the reporters that wrote the pieces that you read about all this passed through HK right about now, they’d probably be hauled in too!).

Things are just getting more and more unbelievable in 2020, my friend. Truly the year of the survivor as I predicted way back in March . . .

Anyway, as far as PM Modi is concerned, the most shocking decision was apparently reached by both the Indian and Chinese yesterday (or thereabouts). A decision that (as usual) blatantly favors the rogues and aggressors, and (as usual) leaves India at a massive, glaring, disadvantage.

What the Chinese have been doing for AGES in India is salami slicing territory away based on vague claims that are NOT supported in any way, shape or form (other than the rubbish the PRC pulls out of his ass as “supporting documents”).

They essentially intrude, claim the land they intruded upon, and then (after a lengthy brouhaha) apparently “retreat” - - and then promptly start to claim the land AROUND which they made the initial claim.

And before you know it, in all the round table discussions, and the meaningless Chinese style of discussion that ensures that ALL discussions go round and round in circles with NO meaningful (if any at all) agreements being reached, the land somehow becomes “disputed territory claimed by the Chinese” as opposed to another sovereign country’s territory.

And they advance again. Salami slice again. And so it goes and so it HAS been going for ages with ALL neighbors; not just India.

You’d think they’d be scared of the Russians, but recently an even more audacious claim was made about the Russian city of Vladivostok I believe belonging to them! Not to mention the entire country of Kazakhstan.

I can only thank Donald Trump and Mike Pompeo for being the two world leaders bold enough to take a stance, and come out and say it, since no-one else apparently is!

And that’s pretty much Trump in my opinion is the BEST LEADER the WORLD has ever seen, hands down.

He’s sent into those two big boys into the Taiwan Straits for a reason my friend. Each of them has enough firepower to destroy a small nation, and it is NOT a coincidence that the Chinese FM issued a statement shortly thereafter saying “we were never trying to outdo the US!”

Yeah. Right!

Anyway, back to Modi.

The agreement negotiated this time is apparently that the LAC over which the skirmish occurred remains what it was before the fight broke out, but this time there will be a buffer zone of 1.5 km on BOTH SIDES OF IT, into which neither army can intrude.

This LAC, by the way is a line that has been “pushed inwards” by the Chinese over the years, and India under Modi in years gone by finally took a stance, and started to patrol right along the LAC to ensure no more salami slicing took place.

And now?

The Chinese aren’t losing in any which way. In fact they haven’t even retreated from all the positions that they took over, and have actually fortified themselves along some of them, notably the lake in that area (I forget the name, but it’s a very beautiful lake indeed!).

And the Indians?

They’re being forced to build a buffer zone on their OWN LAND.

And in all this, PM Modi is strangely silent.

You see him doing yoga in the mountains and chanting “Om”. (the chant the yogis used while meditating apparently).

All well and good mi amigo, but when someone’s got a gun to your head, all the yoga in the world ain’t gonna save your ass.

And though the Indian army has apparently been given “carte blanche” to respond to the cHinese, the ground realities do NOT reflect this fact.

Lots of people are angry.

Some claim Modi has sold out.

Some claim Modi is SCARED of China.

Some claim he’s in cahoots with them.

And ludicrious though these Bolton like claims sound, some of it might have some standing knowing how politicians in general are but I aint convinced.

Not by a long shot.

The same Modi that brazenly and RIGHTLY responded to the URI terror attacks with a surgical strike that left the rest of the world in NO doubt about the “new India”.

The same Modi that stood the Chinese down and again, rightly so in 2017 in Doklam (Bhutan) when they were attempting to bully them (of course, they ended up retreating and then grabbing territory right AROUND the “disputed area” anyway, so who was the real winner?)

And the same Modi that ordered air strikes in retaliation for the Pulwana terror attack.

And the same Modi, of course that was wayyyyy back in the day refused a visa by the U.S. for his alleged involvement (actually, it’s “alleged” on paper; the people involved know what actually happened!) in the Gujarat communal riots way back in the day.

Just what the heck is going on?

If he’s sold out - - well, that didn’t seem apparently during 2017. And for some reason, my gut tells me that he hasn’t.

There is more going on than meets the eye here my friend.

The Chinese could not beat the Indians in an all out war, else they would have done so years ago, and while this isn’t a military blog, I’ll be more than happy to tell you WHY if you’re so interested, but for now, that’s the fact for as it stands.

The last battle they fought was with Vietnam which their mini skirt wearing soldiers (sorry Xi, but that was just ludicrious last year during the National Day parade) lost, and how . . .

Economically, the virus the Chinese introduced has weakened the entire planet.

And so maybe, just maybe, Modi is buying time . . . but again, that don’t make sense.

The Chinese have been hit hard too, except they don’t admit it. And their so called giant economy is a house of cards waiting to topple. Believe me, those numbers they put out are SO far away from the truth it ain’t even funny (and hence the actions taken against their own people that CALL Them out for the liars and bullies they are).

So I don’t get it my friend. Especially not now, when the time is ripe, and there has never been a better time to take down the wannabe “Hitler” that is threatening not just country but as Pompeo (I believe) correctly said and as yours truly has been blathering on for ages about, the WHOLE WORLD!

I don’t get it.

IF you do, let me know what is happening! ?

Anyway, this applies to fitness too. And how you ask?

Well, look at what is going on RIGHT NOW.

Around you.

As the lockdowns etc quietly come back into place in many areas, people are sitting at home, scared, and getting FATTER than ever.

Many console themselves by looking at the ever expanding bulge in the mirror and saying “it’s ok. Its just for now. Times are tough! I’ll get fit later…”

Well, guess what my friend.

That weight is salami slicing your V shape off, and much like the territory the Chinese gobble up regularly, it ain’t gonna be easy getting it back.

It’s far easier to halt the fat when it’s piling on as opposed to AFTER it’s piled on.

Can it be done?


But it’s a lot easier to do it when the “iron is hot” so to speak, and when the belly fat is in it’s NASCENT Stages.

Ignoring the problem doesn’t make it go away. It just makes it worse.

Ditto for weak links in your body, my friend. Ignoring them doesn’t make them stronger. It makes them WEAKER.

And that’s precisely why I’ve come out with Animal Kingdom Workouts - - a book that will truly challenge you and take your workouts to the next level, and strengthen EVERY muscle and tendon in your body like never before.

IF you thought what I gave you in Advanced Hill Training was tough, well, you’ll be BLOWN away at what I give you here my friend.

Quite literally so!

And fat on your body will become a thing of the past so quickly that you won’t even know where said fat went.

Or how it piled on in the first place.

Anyway, this piece is getting too long. Double my normal “length”, so I’ll end it here.

But think about everything I’ve said here my friend. YES - - this sort of thing DOES impact us all and the sooner we ALL COLLECTIVELY speak up as the FREE (and HEALTHY! ?)WORLD - - the better!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Here is where you can grab Advanced Hill Training - https://0excusesfitness.com/advanced-hill-training/

P.S #2 – Kiddie Fitness is another course that has been really getting great reviews. Here is where you can grab this - -  https://0excusesfitness.com/kiddie-fitness/

P.P.S – Xi is often called “Winne the Pooh” in the mainland (albeit quietly, hehe) hence the “She” up there! ?

Thursday, 02 July 2020 13:58

One armed movements leave me in a puddle of sweat.

And I mean it. Quite literally!

As we were filming the second round of photographs for Animal Kingdom Conditioning, I got a complete workout in just WHILE taking (and re-taking) the photographs.

I was literally collapsed in a puddle of my own sweat BEFORE doing a single pushup.

Every time I bent down to get into a new position, sweat literally BEADED off me. I mean ROLLED off me.

And you know the most amazing part, or maybe not?

Two parts actually.

Both that will beggar belief.

One, the movements weren’t pushups or anything traditional you might expect. In fact my daughter took the pictures for this second round, and she had a royal BLAST doing the exercises (in some cases) better than yours truly! ?

And two and perhaps even more amazingly, STATIC holds killed me.


You guys have asked about books on isometrics, and one armed movements (more than one person).

You guys haven’t specifically asked about static holds, but isometrics are the level to static holds, and we gotta start someplace.

And you guys mostly LOVE tough workouts that leave in a state similar to what my workouts left ME in today.

Collapsed. Challenged, and in a heap of sweat, and feeling GREAT all over.

In fact, I was having soup for lunch with my daughter and she asked me just why I sweat so much.

These days I’m sweating even straight out of the shower!

“Honey, it’s because those that workout a lot literally sweat a lot more” (in most cases, fit people DO sweat more than the average Joe).

And these workouts leave you burning fat long, long after youre done with them which is another reason you’ll notice increased sweating around the core, I told her (we were sitting around the table and I had my shirt off, and so . . . ).

And being she was such a good girl, we got her a special treat. Ice cream(s) hehe. Always good, especially in the heat.

And so it goes my friend.

IF you’re looking for advanced workouts - - animal like workouts - - then you’ll be DELIGHTED with this book.

Isometrics and static holds? You’ll get them and then some. In fact you might not be able to do even the BEGINNER movements in this manner for very long  . . . THAT is how tough these exercises are!

You may actually find moving QUICKER easier than moving SLOWER on some of these.

I know.

That makes nil sense doesn’t it.

But it’s true!

And on that note its off for the final round of photo editing before I finally get this thing together. Talk soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – In the meantime don’t forget to pick up THESE two courses – Corrugated Core and Pushup Central.

P.S #2 – Oh, and if you haven’t as yet, start with the BASICS right here – The 0 Excuses Fitness System ; truly the BEST fitness system out there!

Wednesday, 01 July 2020 12:42

Things are always better . . . after a workout!

. . . or after writing to you guys, hehe.

Those that aren’t snowflakes that is. Hehe again, or maybe those that ARE as well!

(w.r.t the snowflake thing, a bunch got ticked off at my last extra long email and are STILL getting ticked off at a) the content and b) the length of the email).

How dare I, hehe.

Anyway, I’ve done up a post about that this morning, and was going to send it to you NOW.

But . . . now is not the time.

Now is to tell you this (because YOU TOO might be going through it in many ways) is that today was a hellatious day in all regards.

What do I mean?

Well, I got through a hellatious and wonderful workout for one. That’s the good news!

And the bad? Or rather irritating, or annoying?

Tried making a few payments to my hosting providers (both of them) and they BOTH failed.

It didn’t work initially at all. Apparently some issue with Paypal. Tried with card again, no dice.

And when it finally did go through, the money got debited from my bank account but never reached the host.

Sweeeeeeeetttt . . .

This has happened to me with the bank I am using right now in the past.

And while you’d think it’s an instant re-credit back to the account, that’s not what happens in most cases.

I once withdrew a not insignificant sum from the ATM once (in local currency) - - the equivalent of USD 100 or so, and the ATM never spat out the money.

Went to the bank, and they said I’d have to go to my bank.

Went to mine and they said they’d raise the issue with the other bank.

The year was 2018. Sound familiar my friend? Hehe .

And the money was NEVER refunded after that.

I once had an issue while recharging my phone online, and the money disappeared from the account, and showed up three weeks later.

Pithy amount, of course.

About double of that disappeared today in terms of the hosting . . . And when or if it’ll show up is anyone’s guess.

Chalk it down to the game huh.

And on the home front, it’s the same as usual. Headed perilously close to where things were in 2018, or worse . . .

. . . and of course, the pictures weren’t retaken. Hehe.

GREAT news?

Is that I edited, and all is well on that front. Now it’s a matter of finishing up and getting it done, but I just had to “vent” to an extent first.

Being I’ve done that, WHY am I doing it?

Well, simple.

There are NO dearer friends or family I have than my list.

You guys listen to me chat. You guys listen to me talk. You guys are THERE for FITNESS and myself every step of the way.

You guys support me. YOU guys make it worth while!

And so, it’s only natural that whatever happens in my life gets communicated to you first.

Not to take that to extreme and giddy limits, but you get my point!

And also, to tell you that . . . things are always better in a certain way after a workout.

After the hours of annoyance today, and likely more to come later on, I’m feeling somewhat calm. Somewhat relaxed . ..

And the best damn workout I had, in RECORD time contributed to that!

And it was straight out of 0 Excuses Fitness, my friend.

Trust me, these ARE the workouts that make you feel on top of the world. If you do ‘em right!

And I sure do.

And so can you, my friend.

Go right HERE to grab the program.

OK, enough of my ramble. Back to my animal kingdom workout books!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Remember this my friend. Could always be worse. My buddy Vincent is in a place he shouldn’t be for doing the RIGHT thing. In the wrong place, for doing the right thing, and I understand how it feels. Oh yes, I do. All I can say is . . . the darkest hour is always before the dawn my brother.

Or, the following quote from Napoelon Hill.

Every adversity, every misfortune, carries with it the seed of an equivalent, if not greater BENEFIT.

And so it goes!

Wednesday, 24 June 2020 16:42

Anything from here on in is a BONUS!

This afternoon I shared a tip – or two, actually on how I got my workout times down from an already good duration to even LESS.

Something which all of you should be aiming at doing.

I don’t care if it’s climbing a hill, or doing pushups, or jumping rope, or banging out plyometrics. Key is to reduce the amount of “rest” you take and the amount of time it takes you “in between sets”.

And this doesn’t go just for you guys looking to burn a ton of fat.

It goes for those of you looking to build real strength (note – lifting barbells and taking long 10 minute or more breaks may count as a certain type of strength, but it’s as far removed from FUNCTIONAL strength as can be, my friend).

And the mental tip I gave you in that email was eating a bear - - a bite at a time.

Something I’ve spoken about at length on both the sites.

Way too many people look at the overall number they have to complete.

For instance, a 100 pushups. Person gets to 10 or 15, starts panting.

20. HE’s really bushed. 25. Starts really getting winded (if he’s doing some of the patented workouts yours truly put together in Pushup Central, but really even if he is NOT, as the average lard ass CANNOT do even 10 regular pushups, or even 5 proper pushups without falling flat on their face).

Anyway, when he looks at that number. 100. Or maybe 150.

Longggggg way off, he thinks.

He dawdles some more. Will I get there? Can I?

Before he knows it, 5 minutes have passed.

10 more reps.

Can I?

And in the middle of this can I, will I, he completely loses focus on whats important; the next set and the next rep!

Eat a bear one bite at a time, my friend!

And the other tip is: Anything from here on is a BONUS.

Let’s say you’ve got 100 pushups scheduled.

But you’ve been doing 100 for a long time now, and can’t seem to break the plateau.

No matter what you do.

It’s like some people with sales. Try as hard as they might, sometimes people are unable to break a certain sales figure!

It’s a MENTAL thing for the most part.

And what I’ve got to say is what I just told you.

Anything above this is a bonus my friend.

Do the 100.

Knock out 5 more with no stress. Remember. Bonus!

10 more. Bonus! Take a bit more rest in between sets if you must (not a lot though!).

And proceed that way until you hit 50 more.

Youll be amazed at how EASY it is to do it this way as opposed to setting an initial goal of 150 and then not being able to make it.

Don’t get me wrong though.

If you’re like I am, and can set hard, hard goals and force yourself to get there no matter what then of course, more power to you.

But for most people it makes more sense to do it the way I just mentioned.

Have at - - and let me know how it goes!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Make sure to pick up the 0 Excuses Fitness System right here. Make sure too to apply this formula to the sample workouts shown at the back of the book! Get them reps UP, my friend. I’m currently at 3000 jumps for the day which ain’t bad at all. Loftier goals ahead tho - - stay tuned!

Tuesday, 23 June 2020 16:58

Muscle memory, and more!

Back in 2017, there was a period of many months where I did not climb a single hill (other than steps to my fourth floor apartment at the time, and that don’t count for me, hehe) daily, and did NOT do a single pull-up for MONTHS.


The pull-up champ didn’t do a single pull-up . .. for months!

Neither did the self proclaimed (and rightfully so) hill maniac!

All I did was pushups, squats and bridging.

Exactly the SAME workouts that I teach you in the 0 Excuses Fitness System so yes, everything I teach you and sell has been put through the grinder multiple times FIRST to make sure it WORKS!

As Charless Mitchell a long term customer recently said, “You truly are the real deal!”

Anyway, one fine afternoon I was feeling in the mood for a CHANGE. Big time, at that!

And what was the change?

Well, I wanted a bit of an outdoor workout, and the HILL . . .

And, since I was past 150 pushups, I wanted to do pull-ups.

No biggie I thought. Lets go do ‘em!

Lets go PROVE that pushups do indeed help in building up your pull-up muscles (prove it again, I should say!).

And the results?

Well, surprising in a way, and maybe not in another.

You 0 Excuses Faithful would be expecting me to bang out pull-ups by the dozen the minute I got to the park that day, eh?

Didn’t happen.

In fact, I didn’t do a single pull-up that day.

Curiously enough I gripped the bar and held on for a dead hang LONGER THAN I had before my “break” (extended break!).

Then I tested my one arm hangs.

No problem.

Monkey bars (these truly are a Rahul Mookerjee special, the way I teach you to work out on those!).

Was a bit stiff first,  but no other issues.

And yet, the pull-ups.

I figured I’d take a while to work back up to it.

And yet, within THREE days, NO MORE, I was back at ‘em - - hammering ‘em out in high reps like never before!

Despite my performance on the first day . . .

So muscle memory IS a real thing my friend.

And the hill climbs?

I barely felt it, as before. Hehe.

And while muscle memory is a real thing, it doesn’t mean it’ll all come back instantly, so if you’re in a similar situation - - don’t get frustrated!

Hang in there; if you’ve been doing ‘em before; it WILL come back.

This of course assumes you need to take a break for the first part, and most people do NOT.

I repeat. Most people need to do more - - not less.

The only reason I took a break was the obvious; to test out the System fully before it’s release, and boy did it go well.

Astoundingly well, and like a house on fire, and everything else you can think of!

And on that note, I’m out. That’s today’s tip; take it or leave it!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – A certain person on LinkedIn asked me “not to talk about politics” and “do it at home” if I wanted to. Um, sorry, but NO sorry - - I WILL Talk about politics if I want, and yes, I AM qualified to talk about more topics than just fitness. Curious though how most of the nay saying seems to come from those that do not agree with the political viewpoints I post (when I do). Folks – there is something called debate! . . . for a REASON. A very good reason at that!

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