Misc. (342)

Tuesday, 02 June 2020 15:39

On being trolled, and more

On another site (well, the 0 Excuses Fitness site) I wrote about being roundly trolled a few years ago – as well as of late when I posted about my fitness stuff, articles etc.

One fine gentleman on Facebook went so far as to say “You’re a narcissistic little thing!”

And while the comment was more of a hissy than anything else (another one of those that made me spit out my puh er cha as I was drinking as I pictured the tub of lard behind the computer screen writing the comments) – did I get “annoyed”?

Or disturbed? Or worried about my “reputation being slandered” (as a friendly recently wrote about)?

Not at all, my friend.

If you want to troll me, well, I ain’t a hard man to find.

And it’s been going on for YEARS to be honest, hehe. I just haven’t paid much attention it until a few years ago (and the only reason I DID pay attention then was because that happened with a guy who myself and Charles (my friend) tried to HELP – the latter on numerous occasions).

A guy who stole money numerous times from Charles (who though I disagree with on everything is a hard working man in his own right and not one of the freebie seekers I write about so often).

A guy that contacted Alan, a good man and business contact of mine and attempted to troll him with comments about my ethnicity etc . . .

A guy that showed up half drunk in Charles’s house, stole money, hit on his girlfriend (other wierd stuff you do NOT want to know about), apparently made a royal pest of himself throughout his stay (don't ask hehe) and was found apparently lying outside in his underwear or something from the picture I was sent. LOL again.

A guy that was reportedly deported from China (and knowing what I do and the proof I have, it wouldn’t be surprising if it was due to drugs, and if so, he’s damned lucky they didn’t do away with him period – with their zero drug tolerance policy and what not, and I daresay in his case it wouldn’t be an entirely bad thing, hehe).

Anyway, such is the nature of online trolls my friend, and while the lady that wrote to me was apparently very upset about being trolled (as is happening to her now, and I suspect the first time), I wrote back and advised her NOT to worry about it.

There will always be people who don’t like you, my friend.

And anytime you’re trying to break out of the herd, or have DONE so – remember the bucket of crabs analogy (and I am referring to myself here, not the lady that contacted me), you’ll be routinely trolled, castigated, have abusive comments hurled at you, and worse.

Napoleon Hill once wrote about persistence being necessary for any sort of success.

As he said, persistence is to the character of man what carbon is to steel – and to this I’d add being thick skinned. Hehe. It simply IS a pre-requisite for any sort of success, and funnily enough, as I keep getting trolled, the number of BUSINESS opportunities available to me keeps increasing.

In this economic climate, supposedly “down” and the worst in recent history, I’m getting offers for . . . no less than INVESTMENT in my products.

Yes, that’s right my friend.

And more. The sales just keep shooting through the roof, and as I wrote about before – embrace the trolls, my friend. They truly are there for a reason, hehe.

As for HOW to respond to trolls – or even IF – well, that’s a topic for another email and one MANY are interested in. Watch this space – I’l be coming out shortly with an email on that too, hehe.

In the meantime, don’t forget that the best way to banish negativity out of your life, period is by ignoring the trolls – and getting in great, great workouts on a regular basis. Pick up your copy of the 0 Excuses Fitness System right now, and get started today!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Take a gander too, for those of you that seem to be “unable to land the girl you want”, hehe at this course right here - - Advanced Hill Training



Several things are, actually.

The first being a comment from my coon ass friend Rueben (remember him, hehe) who I was once discussing being FAT with, and he made the following comment in a sage manner like only HE could . . .

You know you’re too fat when you look down and your belly is so big you can’t see your dyck!

LOL. But true, if you think about it . . .

Then of course, that old Chinese saying I’ve spoken about before.

“Ren Pang Qiu Dian”

(fat man have small penis)

And I’ve explained this one before too, hehe.

And last, but not least, an ex girlfriend of mine way back in the day

“You want . . . again??” she said, a horrified look on her face. “Third time!”

Well, not horrified - - but, you get the drift! Hehe. ‘Twas but a few hours between . . . and while I ain’t gonna go there, you know what I mean!

Anyway, where am I working up to with all this garbage you might ask?

I don’t know, my friend. Well actually I do and I’ll tell ya once I stop cackling . . .

You on this list will recall that a subscriber wrote to me asking about certifications etc, and got an answer detailing my thoughts on the matter.

And after all was said and done and the dust settled, I got a response that made my jaw literally drop with amazement (and a chuckle or two ensued).

I didn’t think it would lead to this after his comments on my “style being unique”, and me saying “as it should be, hehe”.

i need to be more man. my wife thinks im too little and i dont think she wants to sex with me anymore. i need to save my family

This response floored me. LOL. For a while I didn’t reply, and then I sent this back –

Get on a manly exercise routine then. You'll FEEL more manly straightaway, not to mention LOOK more manly . . .

Now, I can’t say if it’ll make the size of his you know what increase, and we better not go there, but the point stands!

My exercises DO increase libido my friend – and DO make you look – and FEEL a lot better.

Its all in the mind and at the end of the day, I’ve always felt vastly energized after a quick workout burst - -even if it’s just five or ten minutes during a workday, and so will YOU, my friend.

And yes, certain exercises do contribute more to blood flow to the nether regions than others . . .

Here they are, in no real order . . .

Hindu squats.

The exercises in Advanced Hill Training

The BEST darn exercise ever.

Pretty much MOST if not all of the pushups I teach you in Pushup Central

Pull-ups, and more . . .

Get good, real good at any one of a combo therein of these exercises, and it’s pretty much a given that your libido will shoot through the roof – not to mention your FAT LEVELS which will go down so drastically that youll wonder what you’ve been waiting for all this “here” while. Hehe.

And that’s that for now. I’m out!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – I can’t promise that the size of your “wang doodle” will increase on my exercise, but you WILL understand the truism of “Ren Pang Qiu dian” . . . as you see the fat melting away, you’ll naturally see more of what matters, and so will your S.O (insert gender of choice, hehe). ‘Tis but a fact. And to get on them fat blasting routines go HERE to get Advanced Hill Training – and get started – NOW!

P.S #2 – Don’t forget too, to pick up a copy of the best selling 0 Excuses Fitness System (I haven’t mentioned increased libido specifically as a side benefit of these exercises, or even a main one, but it’s very much a real benefit!).

P.P.S – Too funny, hehe.

Sunday, 24 May 2020 08:51

A mass purge

Dear Reader,

As you read this, and indeed as I write this a MASS PURGE is going on - on this particular site.

The email list has grown to be huge and bulky, and has over 30 K subscribers at the time of writing this.

Some of you guys on the list are genuine - some NOT.

And some of the email address (indeed quite a few of them) seem to have been inputted by people OTHER than the owners of the email addresses themselves. Absolutely NOT acceptable to me, my friend.

And not only that - over the past few days, I've been chatting about reviving the rahulmookerjee.com site.

I've already got my 0 Excuses Fitness site going STRONG - so it ain't about business.

It's about the heart.

THIS IS WHERE it all started (to grow and be FULL time doing this) for me, and this site has a very special place in my heart, as does the orignal Fast and Furious book.

(NB - although all my products are DIGITAL now, Fast and Furious Fitness is the ONLY product I currently offer in hardcopy format. Collector's items as it were, and again, good reason behind this!).

You always remember that first love. The first book you wrote. The very first fitness venture you embarked on, hehe (and for me it wasn't even this rahulmookerjee.com website. It was another domain and I'll have to check and see if that is still available!).

Ah, if only I had known what I do NOW - I could have made things so much "bigger" and helped SO MANY MORE people . . . but thats OK.

It all happens at the right place and right time, and for a reason.

I've had a very storied life indeed - continue to do so - no complaints, and in that vein, I'm back to deleting people.

KEY TAKEAWAY from all this, you ask?

Well, THIS.

If you're truly interested in receiving updates from yours truly (note - these updates will NOT in MOST cases be the same as you get from on a daily basis from 0 Excuses Fitness) then please resign up again using the newsletter sign up function on the main page (at the bottom).

Welcome aboard again as I "resucitate" this website (funnily enough, it still ranks very highly in Google) - and while I'm not sure what plans I have for it down the road, for now, it's going to be something DIFFERENT - that is ALL I can promise!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. - And yes, I write about topics other than fitness. If that pisses off some people, so be it - please do NOT sign up. Other hand, the 0 Excuses Fitness site will probably become more fitness related down the road, and THIS one more life - but we'll see how that goes, hehe.

P.S #2 - Last, but not least, don't forget to check out 0 Excuses Fitness products right HERE - https://0excusesfitness.com/products/

Sunday, 24 May 2020 08:38

Here today, gone tomorrow

A while I ago was chatting with my friend Dwayne about  . . . well, I can’t remember. Life in general I believe it was, and we were talking about work and success, and how things don’t often go according to plan.

And how we should always be prepared for not necessarily the best – but the WORST to happen.

Hey, don’t get me wrong.

It’s all well and good to EXPECT the best, but what if that happens in a manner and (perhaps more importantly) TIME not of your choosing?

What if the “worst” were to be something that “was slated to happen” in order for the best to happen?

And curiously enough, that is how it usually DOES work.

When you’re at the bottom of a tall, tall mountain with nowhere to go – guess what.

It’s GREAT NEWS – because you have got only one way to go.


Henry Ford famously once made the comment along the lines of “when everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplace flies AGAINST the wind, not with it”.

So true, my friend.

So true.

It is only after experiencing the nadirs of FAILURE that one can rise to the heights of success, and after studying scores of successful men and women, I cannot think of a SINGLE case to which this didn’t apply (and usually not just one failure either – several massive failures).

If you’ve never failed at anything, chances are you’re never truly succeeded at that thing either.

Point here though isn’t that failure is required in order to achieve true and lasting success.

That it is, but what Im saying is here is what WHEN the mishaps occur.

Do you sink – or find it in you to SWIM – often times against a mighty tide doing all it can to keep you DOWN – and OUT?

Simply answering yes to the above question isn’t enough.

You must DO the thing.

And the key to this, my friend lies not only in what Dwayne very correctly said – – but also what Claude Bristol said in The Magic of Believing.

Success is a matter of never ending application. The minute you pause to rest on your laurels is the minute it takes wings and FLIES away.

Paraphrased, but the gist is what I just wrote.

And if there ever was a comment that rang true with yours truly THIS IS IT!

(and that’s what Dwayne was talking about with regard to “I’m the chump that keeps working”. And if you want to listen to someone that’s BEEN there and DONE the thing, and then some, well, that’s the man.)

I cannot think of how many times in the past Ive done something successfully.

Built up the momentum. Felt great. Built up several small victories.

And then inexplicably I slacked off. For no good reason, I’d let things “slide”, thinking that the momentum I created would be enough to keep things humming.

It wasn’t, of course, and I found that out the hard way.

Right now, every time I embark on a new biz venture or even something fitness related, I think long term and do NOT let the small successes or failures alter my overall emotional state either way.

You gotta be in it for the long term, and this holds true for fitness too.

Here today, gone tomorrow holds true if you stop to “admire yourself in the mirror” and forget that WORK, solid WORK is still required – and that, my friend, is the topic for today.

Chew on it some, and let me know what you think!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – The exercises in the 0 Excuses Fitness System are NOT “one trick ponies”. In fact it is a challenge even for the baddest mofo out there to MASTER any of these exercises in its entirety – even the humble pushups. And there is a very good reason I keep working on the basics despite my “advanced” status at all this, and why YOU should too.

Find out more about the System here, and get ROCKING now – https://0excusesfitness.com/0excusesfitnessystem/

Wednesday, 22 November 2017 04:19

Huge Announcement coming up - Stay TUNED!

Dear Reader, 

Oh MY! Something huge is coming up - a new book release, to be precise, my own "Zero to Hero" book - and it will be available for sale VERY SOON indeed at the 0 Excuses Site. 

Here are but SOME of the results you can expect from following the tips I lay out in this book, my friend: – 

Overweight, rundown, “beat up” and unfit -> Full of stamina, STRENGTH and boundless ENERGY!

From “frustration at where you are in life” -> a LIFE IN FLOW – with BOUNDLESS optimism and REWARDS!

From “procrastination” – > a state of “getting her done” no matter WHAT!

From self doubt and self denial -> a state of ACCEPTANCE, DEEP CONTENTMENT and ZERO “self denial”!

From “stuck in the grind” to SELF EMPLOYMENT and FULFILLMENT – with minimal “apparent” effort!

Man oh man, I'm so excited I can barely TYPE! 

I'll end this one here - but anyway - the reason I'm sending it out to THIS website FIRST is because this is where it really all started, my friend. 

This is where I really got going first - and so it makes sense to post it here first, even though I'll be selling it on my other site soon. 

Get "thee buttocks" over to 0 Excuses Fitness now, my friend - and if you haven't already - sign up for the mailing list there! 

Do it NOW, my friend. Don't waste a SECOND LONGER! 



P.S. - Additionally - be on the lookout for a MAJOR, MAJOR announcement coming TONIGHT on the 0 Excuses site!

Tuesday, 14 November 2017 06:56

New Website - New LOOK!

Dear Reader, 

Though I've been blasting this out "ad infinitum" in my Facebook messages and my daily newsletters etc, there are a lot of you that are still loyal visitors to the orignal rahulmookerjee.com website. 

And that is FINE - that is where it all STARTED - and there is nothing wrong with the site at all. In fact, the blog posts on the site offer you valuable tips and advice on getting - and STAYING - fit, and truth be told, you'd be well served by taking a gander at some of it (being that the reason you arrived at the page is - well - fitness itself).

But things change, and I figured I'd give the site a new look first, but then I decided against that for whatever odd reason. 

Nah. I figured I'd build a new site - and so I have - and the new site is www.0excusesfitness.com - a name that bears significance if just because it points out the MAIN reason people fail to accomplish whatever goals they are that they set for themselves - not just fitness wise - but in LIFE in general. 

That's right, my friend. Excuses and smartphones are the BANE of the modern world, and I'll stand behind those words till the day I "pass on", hehe. 

Anyway, this particular blog has been discontinued for the nonce in terms of fitness - so please head on over to the NEW site - and check out the BLOG there - more great stuff for y'all to take a gander at! 

And of course - new and UPDATED products as well - http://0excusesfitness.com/products/ . 

Last, but NOT LEAST - PLEASE SIGN UP for the daily blog posts on the new site PRONTO in order NOT to miss any of the great stuff I post on a daily (or sometimes more) basis. I can't always get on Facebook etc in the nick of time, so this is the best way to stay abreast of what is going on at 0 Excuses Fitness HQ!

All for now - see you at the NEW SITE!


Rahul Mookerjee


Rahul Mookerjee

0 Excuses Fitness





Monday, 04 August 2014 00:00

Thigh cramps in the middle of the night

Well, it wasn't exactly the most of pleasant and restful of nights for me last night, to say the least. Started off well enough actually, a few brewskies, part of what seems to be a good flick - - you know - - a typical Sunday night for most folks.

And what made it better was a great workout before the evening - - done in searingly hot and humid weather as usual, and with a few new exercises to boot. I've been concentrating on hanging leg raises these days (great, great exercise, and one which I detail in Fast and Furious Fitness extensively: - http://rahulmookerjee.com/index.php/articles/4-fast-and-furious-fitness-the-book), and I did an interesting variation of this exercise yesterday.

For those that don't know (and you should!) - - the hanging leg raise is by far one of the BEST exercises you can do for your core, and the variation that I did involves pulling your legs up to your chest while you hang prone on the bar. It's supposed to be an easy variant - - in theory, that is - - in practice, do them the right way, and they're anything BUT easy.

Anyway, I went to bed a happy camper, and woke up around 5 A.M. or so, thirsty.

Ok, no big deal, happens a lot, and off I trundled off to the bedside table to grab some H20. . .

Well - - I really should say that I STARTED making my way over to said table - - and - - BAM! OUCH!

I suddenly discovered I was unable to stand on my right leg - - unable to put any pressure at all on that  leg - - and the left leg funnily enough was normal - - no problems on that leg.

But it's the pain I remember MOST vividly - - OUCH! It's not often that I scream out loud with pain, but merely standing on my right leg was causing me to do so (and if my neighbors woke up due to this - - and are reading this - - mea culpa, but at the same time, the pain was of a kind I'd never experienced before!).

It wouldn't go away no matter what I did, though it seemed to subside somewhat when I sat down in a certain position.

And finally, after much pummeling, screaming and "thumbing" deep into where the pain was coming from (the side of the inner right thigh), the pain died away - - somewhat.

I finally popped off to bed around 6:30 or so, and when I woke up, the leg seemed fairly normal - - at least compared to the night before when I could barely walk on it.

And my thoughts upon waking up were: - I CAN walk on it now - - but I CANNOT lift my leg off the floor without support - - so SOMETHING'S happened for sure.

Turns out I've got an "abductor muscle pull (or slight tear - - not sure which)" - - the muscle that runs along the SIDE of the thigh - - the inner thigh - - not the groin, but the part of the inner thighs which touch together when you bring your knees together.

Drat - - I don't need this, I thought. Lots and lots of walking to do in the next few days, and I sure don't need to be hobbling around while I do it!

Anyway, I decided to test the leg out with some simple walking on level ground and climbing a few flights of stairs, and strangely enough, I can do that without too much pain (or very little pain, actually). But try and lift the leg off the floor by itself - - and - - OUCH!

As to why this happened to an extremely active and conditioned person such as me (at least, conditioned in the things I do)?  

Well, for one, I've been exhausted for the past few weeks (hectic, hectic, you know how that goes!) - - and perhaps this is one way my body is telling me to back off a  bit?

Maybe - - but more importantly, I think the reason is the variant of the exercise I did. I know I was feeling a bit funny when I was drawing my legs up to my chest - - and holding - - the other afternoon, but I did not think much of it at the time.

Uh oh, mistake #2 right there (I'm sure you can guess #1?).  .  .

And the reason that I'm telling you this is simply to drive home the fact that you should - - ALWAYS - -  LISTEN TO YOUR BODY - - no matter how good of shape you might be in, or think you might be in. Something I keep emphasizing in all my books and writing, but something that we tend to ignore - - yours truly at times as well.

Anyway, I guess I'll be taking  a break today from my climb - - or if I do it, I'll be sure and take it easy today. Definitely no leg raises for the next week or so - - the nagging case of elbow tendonitis I'm dealing with is annoying but nothing to worry about - - but this could get a lot worse if I don't do the right things for it.

Sitting around is never the right thing to do, of course, and that isn't what I'm going to do. That is also why I went for a brisk walk on level ground this morning (along with a few stairs) just to "test" the leg out and see what sort of shape its in - - and so far, so good. I bet I'll be making a full recovery in a few days - - touchwood, of course!!

So, that's the update from here. If you work out today - - make it a great one - - and remember to listen to your body as well!

Best Regards,

P.S. : - This email isn't to encourage anyone with a thigh or elbow injury to go out and climb hills or do pull-ups - - remember, everyone is DIFFERENT - - and you should ALWAYS seek medical advice for any injury you might have! That said, some MILD activity "just to get the blood flowing" is usually always a good ideas as well.  .  .


Tuesday, 08 July 2014 00:00

Who to avoid - - and who to emulate!

Judging from the reader feedback I've gotten so far, a LOT of you seem to enjoy my posts describing my workouts (and sometimes, life in general) in Southern China, and for those of you that enjoy that sort of thing, this note will be right up your alley.

For those that don't - - well, you might want to read it anyway - - if just for yet another reminder to avoid doing "bunny curls" at the gym, and so forth, hehe.

Anyway, I've been noticing a strange guy wheedling around the park on one of those "one wheeled cycles" that seem to be the rage for some people these days (though for the life of me I can't figure out why).

This guy looks like the epitome of the "roid crazed" bodybuilder I talk so much about - - shirt stretched tight over "puffed up (to the max)" pecs, huge arms, a broad upper back and legs that. . . well, legs that look rather like chicken legs compared to the rest of his "physique".

(and given that the bulk of the work they get is holding him up on the motorized tool he so proudly struts around on, music playing to the max, that isn't surprising, is it?)

Anyway, this dude whizzes around the local park quite a bit, and I've noticed him often after returning from my daily climb, usually just before I start part #2 of my workout. And a couple of days back, this dude stopped right by the monkey bars (where I was working out) and parked himself on a bench nearby, flexing his "massive" biceps as he did so, hoping to catch the passerby's attention with every pose he struck.

And catch their attention he did - - though not for the reasons he'd want. With his sunglasses, shaved head, massive upper body and stork like legs and music that blared nonstop through his phone - - and of course, his "one wheeled cycle", he WAS the center of attraction, but again, not for the reasons he'd want.

I mean, it was one of the ONLY times where I can remember breaking down laughing during a workout - - but more on that later.

Anyway, I noticed the dude "sizing" me up from a distance, and he was soon at the monkey bars, music in tow, preparing to do a set of pull-ups.

He grabbed the bars, and hung for a second or so, or what seemed like it.

And then, he proceeded to emit a set of curious sounds.

"UGGH! GRR!! MMMPPFFF" (all this before the actual pull-ups, mind you).

And then, he "jumped" up to the monkey bars, chest flopping around as he did so, and held himself there for a minute, furiously grunting and moaning as if he was trying to lift King Kong on his back.

(and just so you know, the sunglasses stayed on while he was "exercising").

Down a few inches, and up again. Down, and up. Down, and up. And then I heard a loud thud, as the "man mountain" fell down to the ground, much like the figurative ton of bricks, and furiously started flexing his biceps, and wiping imaginary sweat off his brow.

(and that, my friend, is saying a lot considering that the humidity levels here are over 90% - - not to mention the actual temperatures themselves - - I seem to start to drip with sweat even after a mild walk - - let alone a vigorous workout!)

Actually, I'm exaggerating when I say a "few inches". Those "massive arms" could barely go up and down more than TWO inches, if that, and that was the extent of his pull-ups before he moved on to the dipping bars.

The strange grunts emanated from him again, and he jumped up to the "top" position of the dip, and furiously held himself there, contorting his face, looking every bit like a gorilla that has bitten off more than it can chew.

But he never did a single dip.
A few seconds later, the contortions were replaced by a wide grin, and the dude  starts to "pedal" on the dipping bars, moving his legs slowly around, much like a dowager slowly cycling through the neighborhood market.

No - - I'm NOT kidding you - - that was his version of the "dip", and it was at that point that I burst out laughing - - hey, some things are too much for even yours truly to ignore, and laughter is good for health anyway!

After that he looked around, grinned at all the onlookers snickering behind him, and made his way down the path again, ruffling his "hair" (though he had none), and ogling all the women as he did so.

Sanity returned to the place for a while - - or at least until  he showed up again - - but that's a different story altogether!

Anyway, now that you guys have choked on your morning coffee (or evening brew of choice, hehe), here's something else I saw. Something that might inspire you - - at least, it did me.

A couple of afternoons ago, I was completing my daily stretches at the top of the hill, when a couple of ladies came over by me, one dressed in semi-formal office wear, and the other dressed smartly in a tank top, shorts and sports shoes. Green sports shoes, if I recall correctly. . .

I was going through my daily stretches - - the sort I described a few emails ago (visit http://rahulmookerjee.com/index.php/blog/item/172-reader-q-and-as for more details on the exact stretch) - - and the lady (the one in the sports attire) started her own routine.

And it was a simple enough routine, yet the ease with which this lady did it literally FLUMMOXED me - - and I mean every word of that sentence.

She stretched the way I mention in the above link - - but she did it while throwing her leg at least five inches or so above head height, and doing so as casually as you might pop a can of beer, for example.

And the stretches she did after that - - well, let me just say that I attempted to follow along and despite my many years of experience in this field, and a fit body, I fell flat on my arse the first time I attempted to do what she did.

"Ta Hen Chuang (Mandarin Chinese for "you are very strong")", I found myself saying, as the two ladies giggled at the foreigner trying to do what they were doing, and not really succeeding, to say the least.

"Bu Shi. Yi Dian Dian", giggled the sports "girl" (Not really. Just a little).

A little, my rear end, I thought, as she then walked over to a wall nearby and every so casually walked backwards down it, ending in a perfect gymnastic bridge.

And THEN -  - she walked away from the wall - - BACKWARDS and on all fours, at that, so she was in the bridge position without any support - - and then she placed her entire weight on her forehead, much like what is done in a wrestler's bridge.

(For those that are wondering, the "bridge" is a fantastic exercise for the back, and I talk about it in Fast and Furious Fitness).

I could go on and on, but I think you get the picture here. Can we say SUPER FIT!!!?
Now, judging by this description, you might think this lady looks like the Chinese version of Jane Fonda - - and I wouldn't blame you for thinking that way - - but amazingly enough, she DOESN'T.

She was NOT one of the "toned and lean" sorts you hear about so often - - and neither did she have "rippling muscles" (or muscles that showed at all, for that matter).

Oh, that's fine, some of you might say. She's probably young and flexible, and...

Hold on, hold on. Hold "yer horses" as they say - - this lady was - - get this - - 35 years of age, and the mother of a four year old child!

And again, she looked normal - - in fact, some might even say she had a bit of extra "padding" in the wrong areas - - but the things she can do with her own body would put many a trained gymnast (and certainly our pal on the one wheeled cycle) to shame within a matter of minutes.

I got to talking to her a bit, and though my very limited Chinese prevented anything in the way of advanced communication, I did learn that she grew up working in the fields. Hard, manual labor from an young age and an interest in sports led to the inevitable, and today, she doesn't even need a warm up before jumping into a serious stretch (well, not much of a warmup, at any rate).

So that's the other "story" - - always best to showcase both sides of the coin, hehe. I'm sure those of you that work out in gyms have similar stories to share - - and if you do - - well - - send 'em over, and I'll try and publish as many of them here as I can.

As for who to emulate - - well, I don't think that one needs to be addressed, to be honest!

All for now - - Stay tuned for more "blasts from the present" (if I might use the term, hehe) in terms of the madness (as well as some amazingly GOOD stuff) I see going on around me as I slog through my daily workout routine.

Hasta la vista - - and if you work out today  - - make it the BEST one - - and avoid "them" one wheeled motorized cycles while exercising, hehe.

Best regards,

P.S.: - Our facebook page is a wonderful way to stay up to date with "what is going on at Fast and Furious HQ's" - - https://www.facebook.com/fastandfuriousfitness


Sunday, 22 June 2014 12:54

You gotta start SOMEPLACE

More of the usual foolishness at the local park today as I prepared to commence my daily slog up the hill. I was already sweating before I started - - it's THAT hot and humid here. Sort of like a blanket of "heat and humidity" (and of course the ever present smog/pollution, hehe) wrapped around you as you exercise intensely. . .

Anyway, I passed the chinning bar on the way to the hill, and I saw a fine young (not) gentleman literally "frogging" his way up to multiple reps on the pull-up bar.

What do I mean?

Well, this fellow was LITERALLY doing a "frog kick" with his legs to get his chin up  above the bar, and uttering strange noises as he did so, as if he was working his entire upper body really hard.

And when he was done, he barely broke a sweat - - not surprising, me thinks.

Anyway, I've written enough about the nuts who seem to think the "rep" is all that counts, and form be "damned", and as promised, I'm going to write about a welcome surprise that I've been getting over the last few evenings in the park.

This middle aged Chinese gentleman usually shows up in the park around the same time that I do, and can be seen valiantly working his pull-ups in the same area as I do. As in, the monkey bars - - with THICK bars!

He can't get a single rep in as of now. In fact, it's all he can do to even pull himself up halfway, after which he falls from the bar like a sack of bricks.

This is mostly because he is overweight and out of shape - something which is clearly evident, and YET, I rate HIS attempts on a FAR, FAR higher scale than the other clowns who "frog out" repetitions.

Yes, even though he can  barely hold onto the bar for any length of time.


Well, because he TRIES - - and does so in a genuine manner. No preening, no posing, just a STRUGGLE to get that first rep in - - as it SHOULD be.

And more importantly, he tries to do the exercise in proper form. He starts out with a dead hang and THEN tries to pull himself up from there, and isn't concerned about the fact that he isn't succeeding in his efforts - as yet.

And he shouldn't be - - if he keeps this up, and incorporates some hill climbs into the mix to lose the flab around his midsection, he'll soon be  pumping out GENUINE reps like nobody's business.

This dude isn't worried about "impressing" the girls, and he isn't worried about "how he looks" upon not being able to complete a single rep.

Not for him the nonsense of "I did a 100 reps, I'm better than you!".

Just silent, hard work - - and THAT, my friend, ties in nicely with the topic of today's e-mail, which is basically that you have to start SOMEPLACE.

Hey, we've ALL been there - - no-one is born looking like a human Hercules, and it's a fact of life that some of us have to work way harder at this than others that may be a tad bit more genetically gifted.

That's a fact of life that we can't change, and quite frankly, I've never bothered wasting brain cells over it - - and this is coming from someone who is a hard gainer in the true sense of the word - - ME.

I mean, my forearms have ALWAYS been weak, ultra weak in fact from what I'd say - - and yet today, I've got a stronger grip and better upper body development/strength than a lot of "naturally" gifted folks.

And it doesn't matter what your current strength levels are, or how you "look in front of the girls", or "how many reps you can do  NOW", or whether or not you have a family connection to the Pope (ok, I made that one up).

What matters is that you WANT - and TRY - and TRY in the right manner.

What matters is that you know you have to start someplace. I did - we all did at some point.

And most of all, what matters is the will to SUCCEED, and IMPROVE, despite seemingly insurmountable odds in your way. I talk about will power a LOT in Fast and Furious Fitness - - in fact, it's one of the "commandments" that are an absolute must to read even before you start on the exercises and workouts outlined in the book.

Fast and Furious Fitness: - http://rahulmookerjee.com/index.php/articles/83-fast-and-furious-fitness-the-book

And that, my friend, is why I bring up the middle aged Chinese gentleman who I'm sure will improve within a few weeks, faster perhaps if he takes my advice on incorporating some cardio into his routine.

I also gave this gentleman a tip or two on HOW to grip the bar when doing his exercises - - advice he was more than happy to accept, and advice that has him firmly on the path to a rock solid grip and super forearm strength down the line.

So remember - it doesn't matter what your current fitness or strength levels are. In other words, you have to start SOMEPLACE - and so long as you have the right attitude and the gumption to forge ahead no matter what - well - NOTHING can stop you from achieving your desired goals!

And just so you know, this philosophy is applicable to all areas of life - - NOT just fitness.

All for now! If you workout today, make it an excellent one - - and write in and tell me about it!

Best regards,

P.S.: - Working on grip and forearm strength is a great place to start, and I've put a course out there that tells you exactly what and how to do to get started: - http://rahulmookerjee.com/index.php/products/89-gorilla-grip/

Friday, 02 May 2014 14:55

Eat a bear - - ONE bite at a time!

That was the exact thought that came to my mind this afternoon as I hustled up the steps, determined to beat my previous best time on this route.

I was sweating like a racehorse, puffing like a locomotive and panting like I'd just swam an ocean (or darn near close to it) - but after passing about ten people that had started the climb before I did, I finally had to pause for some much needed breath.

I breathed in deeply, making sure to breathe "into the stomach" as opposed to the shallow breaths that it's so easy to get suckered into when one is out of breath. And soon enough, I was fine, and ready to continue again.

(That's a tip for you right there - breathe the right way, and you'll find your performance in most physical activities improves without you even actively trying. I've written about the importance of proper deep breathing before, so I'm not going to get into it here - - just know it's something well worth keeping in mind at all times.)

But while I was gasping for air, I knew I still had a GOAL to attain - that goal being bettering my last climb time, and that meant resuming the climb ASAP.

I look up above me, and all I see is the sun shining down angrily, and a vast imposing row of steps as far as I could see.

Well, not as far as I could see, actually, but the top seemed far, far away at that point. You know how it is - that last bit always seems to be the toughest!

And all of a sudden, I remembered.

"Eat a bear - but ONE bite at a time!"

And in my current situation that meant one thing.

Go for the goal - attain it - but remember that it's the little steps that add up to the big thing.

So, I tackled the steps in sets of 15, as opposed to thinking of it as one long arduous set of steps I had to get through, and get through fast. And before I knew it, I was at the top, and I had bettered my previous time by one second.

Not a lot by any means, but again, it's the small things that add up. That one second will turn into 30 soon, and then 60, and then more, and so forth.

And why do I mention this in an email to you, my friend?

Well, because fitness follows the same principles, my friend.

Take the case of a person that can do only one pushup before collapsing. Show him the ultimate goal of 100 at one go, and he'll likely sigh and throw in the towel before even starting on the long and arduous path ahead of him.

Other than, set a goal of 10 for him, and chances are, he'll get to this goal within a few days with a bit of will power and lots of properly applied effort.

He'll then progress to 20, and then 30 even before he knows it.

And soon, within a couple of months, he'll get so good at doing pushups that he'll crack off 100 plus in a row.

And what did he do to get to this goal? Well, he broke down the goal into gettable "bites" (parts), and ate the "bear" slowly, one bite at a time.

The same thing applies to losing weight, getting stronger, and so forth.

You might say "elementary, my dear Watson (Mookerjee)", but the fact remains that this elementary piece of "wisdom" is ignored by many on a daily basis.

"Oh, I'm too out of shape to do 25 pushups"

"Oh, my knees hurt so bad, how could I possibly go for a run?"

"Oh, I'd rather sit on the couch, and shove potato chips into my mouth - easier than getting down on the floor and cranking out bear crawls, or whatever the heck that Mookerjee guy is on about"

Ok, so maybe the third was a bit of an exaggeration (although many do prefer gobbling up potato chips by the dozen as opposed to exercising and following a decent diet), but the first two sure aren't.

I'm sure you can think of a couple of examples yourself too.

So remember, the next time you think a target is too tough to achieve, you just need to say one line to yourself (or others).

Eat a bear - - one bite at a time!

All for now - - back again later.

Best regards,

Rahul Mookerjee

P.S:- It's easier to simply ignore this email rather than to take action and improve your fitness levels NOW. Remember, words don't rock the boat - - ACTION does. And the first step to take towards reaching your fitness goals is to grab a copy of Fast and Furious Fitness right HERE: - http://rahulmookerjee.com/index.php/articles/83-fast-and-furious-fitness-the-book

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