Several things are, actually.
The first being a comment from my coon ass friend Rueben (remember him, hehe) who I was once discussing being FAT with, and he made the following comment in a sage manner like only HE could . . .
You know you’re too fat when you look down and your belly is so big you can’t see your dyck!
LOL. But true, if you think about it . . .
Then of course, that old Chinese saying I’ve spoken about before.
“Ren Pang Qiu Dian”
(fat man have small penis)
And I’ve explained this one before too, hehe.
And last, but not least, an ex girlfriend of mine way back in the day
“You want . . . again??” she said, a horrified look on her face. “Third time!”
Well, not horrified - - but, you get the drift! Hehe. ‘Twas but a few hours between . . . and while I ain’t gonna go there, you know what I mean!
Anyway, where am I working up to with all this garbage you might ask?
I don’t know, my friend. Well actually I do and I’ll tell ya once I stop cackling . . .
You on this list will recall that a subscriber wrote to me asking about certifications etc, and got an answer detailing my thoughts on the matter.
And after all was said and done and the dust settled, I got a response that made my jaw literally drop with amazement (and a chuckle or two ensued).
I didn’t think it would lead to this after his comments on my “style being unique”, and me saying “as it should be, hehe”.
i need to be more man. my wife thinks im too little and i dont think she wants to sex with me anymore. i need to save my family
This response floored me. LOL. For a while I didn’t reply, and then I sent this back –
Get on a manly exercise routine then. You'll FEEL more manly straightaway, not to mention LOOK more manly . . .
Now, I can’t say if it’ll make the size of his you know what increase, and we better not go there, but the point stands!
My exercises DO increase libido my friend – and DO make you look – and FEEL a lot better.
Its all in the mind and at the end of the day, I’ve always felt vastly energized after a quick workout burst - -even if it’s just five or ten minutes during a workday, and so will YOU, my friend.
And yes, certain exercises do contribute more to blood flow to the nether regions than others . . .
Here they are, in no real order . . .
Hindu squats.
The exercises in Advanced Hill Training
The BEST darn exercise ever.
Pretty much MOST if not all of the pushups I teach you in Pushup Central
Pull-ups, and more . . .
Get good, real good at any one of a combo therein of these exercises, and it’s pretty much a given that your libido will shoot through the roof – not to mention your FAT LEVELS which will go down so drastically that youll wonder what you’ve been waiting for all this “here” while. Hehe.
And that’s that for now. I’m out!
Rahul Mookerjee
P.S. – I can’t promise that the size of your “wang doodle” will increase on my exercise, but you WILL understand the truism of “Ren Pang Qiu dian” . . . as you see the fat melting away, you’ll naturally see more of what matters, and so will your S.O (insert gender of choice, hehe). ‘Tis but a fact. And to get on them fat blasting routines go HERE to get Advanced Hill Training – and get started – NOW!
P.S #2 – Don’t forget too, to pick up a copy of the best selling 0 Excuses Fitness System (I haven’t mentioned increased libido specifically as a side benefit of these exercises, or even a main one, but it’s very much a real benefit!).
P.P.S – Too funny, hehe.