Displaying items by tag: grip

Thursday, 03 June 2021 06:51

The blue FAT gripz report!

I just got it, and I have THIS to say.

Wow. JUst wow!

Whichever company made this is good!

And while I've got other interesting stuff on the way, this is about the fatgripz. I'll include a picture on Twitter!

But anyway what makes these grips different?

First, they're heavy duty grip stuff!

The last ones I had, as you can tell were barely an inch or so thick I think - plus the chinning bar. Which for a bonafide Gorilla like me wasn't enough by far, therefore the mess I made of 'em!

In Gorilla Grip, I teach you (and int he book on pull-ups, and many others) that the KEY - one of the very man keys (man? it came out right! LOL) keys (should be MAIN) to developing grip strength beyond your wildest imaginations is to train on thick bars.

Even if you're just lifting weights or pumping at the Jim, you'll get far, fat better results with THICK bar training!

Every weightlifter - real weightlifter, and strength trainees down the ages - and the old time strongmen - worth his salt - KNOWS THIS!

Thick bar training is where it's AT, bro!

And while I do my thick bar chinning on swing sets etc outside, this one felt different.

First, it's got give - and it doesn't.

Second, you can grip as hard as you like (another key) - or lesser - and it's different from doing it on a static thick metal pipe with no give.

The latter is great too isometrically, and it's an isometric training secret I mention in the pathbreaking book on it.

But these fat grips I've got are at least FOUR inches thick when done right - plus the bar. Well, I'd say three maybe, plus the bar ...

Whatever it is, I could barely hold on this morning!

And I feel great -And I'm going to be doing some heavy duty workouts with them this afternoon!

In fact, I'm gonna go do Hindu squats NOW - after I tear myself away from my recent Twitter mania on another account.

Another business, where it's really booming!

Anyway, thats the report on those.

I'll be back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS - Guys from Greece, listen up - I've got a cool little introduction planned for you if all works out - watch this space for MORE!

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Come to think of it, thats probably the only grip training a lot of the Bozos do i.e. "wank".

Schofield or not, I've received so many such comments on Gorilla Grip - I used to ignore it "I m ean how can people be such prime lunks of grade A buffoons" - but apparently they are . So be it!

You make it sound like grip strength is just as important as breathing or more!

Yes, I do.

So be it!

(because it IS - any real doer will tell you that).

So, since the "it's too simple" nutters are fixing to wail up a storm - before they do, here are some more simple grip workouts.

They're even simpler, and even more brutal.

They dont even require you to GET into a pushup position (those morons that complain "were too big" so we cant do it - listen up) or hang (again, the fatsoz that claiming they're big but not fat - this is for you).

 Nothing fancy at all ...

The first is an exercise mentioned in Gorilla Grip.

The Newspaper crush.

All it requires you to do is take a newspaper, or sheet of paper, and crumple and uncrumple it repeatedly into the TINIEST ball (Schofield? LOL!) you can imagine.

Thats all.

"Too simple", the nutjobs wail.


That it is!

but have you DONE it?

I repeat - have you DONE it?

Do it for 30 days straight, 2 minutes a day, and then get back to me with a report on your new found finger and grip (and forearm strength).

Then, you've got the "rice bucket" drills mentioned in Gorilla Grip (Advanced).

The more advanced it gets, the more simpler I make it - this one involves proper form yes, but you basically squeeze and unsqueeze RICE for as long as you can in a bucket ful of it.

No, Googling it won't get you the exact deal either (though you can try).

This, along with another oldie but goodie "the towel" (which I dont think I've mentioned in any of my books as yet) wil FRY the forearms beyond belief, and if you want to literally cry for mercy, combine with jumping rope - basic or not - as taught in Jump Rope Mania!

Too simple, the bozos blather.


It is.

Sure, you can build grip strength - to a degree by doing curls on the latest gizmo machine and cables and shables and forearms "shollers" or what not ...

None of that is necessarily bad, but functionally, that sort of grip doesnt even come close to what you need in real life.

Hence, the comments I get about having ...

An unnatural kung fu like grip!

I've never seen anyone with a pull like that to their grip!

You've got the pull! Once you pull him towards you, he's YOURS!

And so forth (so can YOU if you do the thing).

(and why so called 300 lb plus deadlifters have weak grips compared to yours truly and weak overall. Get real, fella. REAL training is REAL training!)

The ONLY one exercise I recommend with weights for the grip is the Farmer's Walk and not necessarily with dumbbells either. That builds solid grip/core strength.

The rest, well ...

Anyway, I'm out.

Remember the best damn fitness system out there is waiting for YOU to grab it NOW - the 0 Excuses Fitness System.

Truly the Rolls Royce of Fitness it is, and how!


Rahul Mookerjee

Published in Grip training
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Tuesday, 25 May 2021 09:20

The glued to the pullup bar workout

I remember something funny my little girl suggested I do a while ago.

"I should glue you to the pull-up bar, Dad! Then you'll hang there forever!"

It was funny.

She was doing some crafts or something, from what I could glean, and it was funny - because, well, I do that sort of "glued" to workout all the time!

People could do and use more of it, to be honest, as opposed to be glued to the Tee Vee, dumb as bricks phones, soap operas and such ...

Try hanging from a chinning bar or a tree branch - NOW, my friend.

How long can you do it?

For most modern day men, it's a struggle to hold on for one second - if they can do it the right way.

Fitness "fanatics" fail after 5-10 seconds.

And even the extreme guys can rarely, if at all, go beyond the patented 20 second or more Gorilla Grip holds!

And add in thick bars, and then ... well, you get the photo.

Which a bank agent couldn't recenty get. Ughhhhhhh. I was on the phone with her for a customer care issue, and she wanted ID, and so forth, and no matter what, "MAdam" couldn't "capture" the phone, claimed it was my dumb phone (it wasn't, because a) it works on other calls b) she can see it - but can't capture; obviously an issue with her software) . . .

But anyway.

Some more glued to workouts - for YOU.

Glue yourself to the floor - literally - in the patented "Rahul Mookerjee" squat I teach you in the book on isometrics, or in the same books, the "downward dog" position - both for at least 30 seconds, if you can get there.

Just do this as a workout.

Really emphasize the isometric, proper form, no flailing about, tell me how you feel then!

Or, another one - the handstand.

Glue yourself to the handstand as long as you can.

Or,the "wall chair" - another great exercise I haven't spoken about before, where you make a chair against the wall with your back against the wall, and thats it - just hold - and if you are advanced, well, you do it without the wall.

OR, so many others!

Every exercise done right can be turned into a glue me to the bar isometric or something.

The bar. Hehe.

Lots of you spent time glued to barstools every night, while that isn't necessarily bad (hey I do it too) - make sure you get a proper WORKOUT IN!

Every day!

And in my case, the bar - both pull-up bar, and the actual bar (given I seem to drink most men triple my size and more under the table with no issues) would fall off first before I do, hehe.

Get on the train - now!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS - Remember, down to ONE copy of Fast and Furious Fitness, or two at most. Get in while you can. I ain't gonna print this special Collector's Edition again. No way, Jose! Those that want it - jump on thsi now.

Published in Grip training
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