Displaying items by tag: plyometrics

Saturday, 29 January 2022 10:35

The Mecca and Medina of Leg Training!

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No discussion of plyometrics would be complete without mentioning what I Consider to be the most explosive, and results producing training combination ever i.e. Hill Sprints with Plyometrics.

Or, land sprints if you don’t “got” hills around!

In Fast and Furious Fitness, I say that sprints are literally the “Mecca and Medina” of leg training, and they are.

And while sprints are incredibly hard for most to do, and sustain – they’re also the key, as mentioned in Advanced Hill Training – to burn fat off your body at record speeds, and improve health and overall strength and conditioning even quicker.

Your body was meant to be a Ferrari, not a Ford, and if you take a look at the impressively muscled physiques of most Olympic sprinters, VS the “skinny yet not too strong” look most marathoners have – you’ll get the photo.

The latter category “pounds the pavement” with “slow” long distance cardio supposedly good for you.


Ive cited cases of WORLD class athletes brought up on this nonsense; the minute they stop playing, their health goes down the toilet.

Look at the great Saurav Ganguly for one, champ Indian cricketer, yet never very good at sprinting between the wickets – and after he retired, a few years later he’s in the hospital to get angio plasty done.

I believe he did a whole lot of “slow” cardio, and he ain’t the only one either.

Other hand, sprinters, wrestlers, boxers, martial artists, some of the most superbly conditioned athletes out there – they do EXPLOSIVE movements.

Plyometrics, in other words.

Their workouts don’t take all day and forever – whatever they do, they do it quickly, and work up a massive sweat while at it.

And when you do hill sprints, remember you’re doing one of the best forms of plyometrics there is.

Now, I’ve covered sprints galore in Advanced Hill Training, so y’all that don’t have a copy of that book will want to get it NOW.

But, for now – remember two things.

One, the importance of BREATHING right when doing these, or any exercise.

Dont breathe in a shallow manner, and don’t – on the other hand, as I state in 0 Excuses Fitness, pant like a runaway train any more than you have to (in the 0 Excuses Fitness System videos, I tell you how to recover from that type of feeling as well).

Second, hill sprints work best when with quick plyometric movements.

Of which you saw some in Advanced Hill Training.

And here, we’ll take plyometrics to the next level – with exercises you might never have heard of before.

Enjoy, and last, but not least – exercise CAUTION when you begin. Some of these exercises will make you very sore and unable to move for days when you first start!

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Well, my friend, I dont know what takeaways you'll get from this, but if you're reading between the lines, plenty. 

That is an excerpt from the soon to be released book on EXPLOSIVE, advanced plyometric conditioning that will blowtorch fat off your body at stellar, warp speeds - and condition you like never before. 

Combine this with Advanced Hill Training and my other books if you want the lean, mean, FEROCIOUS body of an ANIMAL, a wild BEAST. 

Still to come - but coming soon!

Just wanted to share this - thoughts, comments, all welcome!

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Rahul Mookerjee

Published in Exercises
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