Displaying items by tag: sprints
Could YOU literally run - to SAVE YOUR LIFE - if you really, really HAD TO?
Sage question indeed, my friend.
I posed one earlier too I believe about "the most vulnerable spots on your body".
But anything, when I ask you this, I dont mean insanity i.e. I don't mean running away from wild animals or trying to outrun an actual Ferrari or Jaguar, or even Henry Ford's 1940 model.
I dont mean cheetah or gazelle.
That, my friend, despite the pictures on the Animal Kingdom Workouts page simply wont happen regardless of which traning programs you're on or will be on, because until we get genetically modified if that happens, humans can never outrun a grizzly for one.
But, there is a very good reason it's shown on that page...
This is not about Animal Kingdom Workouts, so back on topic we go for a change.
I'm talking run as fast as in ....
Well, perhaps my little girl running for her dumbphone the minute it's allowed hehe (not the slow waddle back once times up).
(I wrote about kiddie dumbphone addiction yesterday, and it seems my "prayers" have been heard. Whether or not my comments helped, I do not know, but hey, the end result counts eh!)
(And I'd never get credit even if it did help, but I'd get the blame if it didnt. LOL. Sound familiar guys??)
Or, me running for the bathroom fresh back from a trip to HK - literally off the bus, tearing up the stairs.
I had to GO if you get my drift, and while I had am empty botlte handy, I couldn't take a leak in front of all in the bus. Glyn might but I wouldn't!
Though the Chinese, some of them have no problem doing it, but then again, in a culture where women putting their dirty feet up on Starbucks tables is accepted ... and takin gcraps in subway stations is accepted (all true stories - reserch if you not believe me) .. what can I say.
Or, changing diapers on airplane and other trays. UGH.
But anyway, thats another example.
Or, perhaps the one and only Bozo "on public welfare in Birmingham" infesting poor ole Blighty Glyn Schofield when he (she?) seems rear ends "open" in front of her.
aka the Oxford Bozo (he claims he now goes to Oxford).
I truly, truly feel sorry for Socks-ford.
Even dirty socks have their limits ...
And no, that ain't me indirectly commenting upon Oxford, which is, has been, and continues to be one of the most prestigous educational institutions in the world. For a reason.
It's me commenting on Bozo's "School of Hard Knocks and Dirty Socks".
Hard knocks being ...well, you get the drift.
But anyway, all this jovial stuff aside, you understand what I mean now, no?
And if you had to do it - could you?
For most people, the answer would be if you answer honestly - NO.
And these same people would give me an angry retort.
"Why would I ever need to do that"?
Well, my friend, you might well need to down the line given how the world is going, but even if you didnt the fact begets that -
One, most people, even advanced trainees would be well advised not to do this right off th ebat.
And two, if I had to choose ONE method amongst all my superior fat smelting methods and techniques and exercises and what not - it would be this.
Three, it ain't too simple.
Four, it's only for super advanced, and even those people cannot just "work up to it" - you do it a certain way.
Don't believe me?
Think anyone can do it?
Well, yours truly when he was a phat phocker (I dont know why, but many Chinese use the "phock" experession and replace "u" with "o" - could it be Bozo Glyn "round posterior" influence?) once tried, and remember this was when I was "thick" and could still do pull-ups and pushups like no-one's biz, and DID do 'em - - - and ended up with a nasty calf strain that lasted for not days, but weeks.
I could barely hobble home, and I Was driving home!
Anyway, my friend, we all know and are intereste in smelting fat off our bodies at record speeds, about eating more and weighing less, and NEVER worrynig about what we eat (in terms of weight loss).
And that is why I put out Advanced HIll Training in 2018. Right smack dab middle of Chinese New Year, no less. Year of the OX that time? Not sure!
some memories are the best!
And I renamed it from Eat More - Weigh less to what it is now to keep the Bozos away.
And that, my friend truly is a SUPERB course that you MUST invest in.
Do so now, and let me know how it goes!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - There is a reason I wrote about "most vulnerable part of the body" shaking workouts a while ago!
The Mecca and Medina of Leg Training!
// Start Quote
No discussion of plyometrics would be complete without mentioning what I Consider to be the most explosive, and results producing training combination ever i.e. Hill Sprints with Plyometrics.
Or, land sprints if you don’t “got” hills around!
In Fast and Furious Fitness, I say that sprints are literally the “Mecca and Medina” of leg training, and they are.
And while sprints are incredibly hard for most to do, and sustain – they’re also the key, as mentioned in Advanced Hill Training – to burn fat off your body at record speeds, and improve health and overall strength and conditioning even quicker.
Your body was meant to be a Ferrari, not a Ford, and if you take a look at the impressively muscled physiques of most Olympic sprinters, VS the “skinny yet not too strong” look most marathoners have – you’ll get the photo.
The latter category “pounds the pavement” with “slow” long distance cardio supposedly good for you.
Ive cited cases of WORLD class athletes brought up on this nonsense; the minute they stop playing, their health goes down the toilet.
Look at the great Saurav Ganguly for one, champ Indian cricketer, yet never very good at sprinting between the wickets – and after he retired, a few years later he’s in the hospital to get angio plasty done.
I believe he did a whole lot of “slow” cardio, and he ain’t the only one either.
Other hand, sprinters, wrestlers, boxers, martial artists, some of the most superbly conditioned athletes out there – they do EXPLOSIVE movements.
Plyometrics, in other words.
Their workouts don’t take all day and forever – whatever they do, they do it quickly, and work up a massive sweat while at it.
And when you do hill sprints, remember you’re doing one of the best forms of plyometrics there is.
Now, I’ve covered sprints galore in Advanced Hill Training, so y’all that don’t have a copy of that book will want to get it NOW.
But, for now – remember two things.
One, the importance of BREATHING right when doing these, or any exercise.
Dont breathe in a shallow manner, and don’t – on the other hand, as I state in 0 Excuses Fitness, pant like a runaway train any more than you have to (in the 0 Excuses Fitness System videos, I tell you how to recover from that type of feeling as well).
Second, hill sprints work best when with quick plyometric movements.
Of which you saw some in Advanced Hill Training.
And here, we’ll take plyometrics to the next level – with exercises you might never have heard of before.
Enjoy, and last, but not least – exercise CAUTION when you begin. Some of these exercises will make you very sore and unable to move for days when you first start!
/// End Quote
Well, my friend, I dont know what takeaways you'll get from this, but if you're reading between the lines, plenty.
That is an excerpt from the soon to be released book on EXPLOSIVE, advanced plyometric conditioning that will blowtorch fat off your body at stellar, warp speeds - and condition you like never before.
Combine this with Advanced Hill Training and my other books if you want the lean, mean, FEROCIOUS body of an ANIMAL, a wild BEAST.
Still to come - but coming soon!
Just wanted to share this - thoughts, comments, all welcome!
Back soon
Rahul Mookerjee
Can YOU RUN FAST enough – to save your life?
Ok, here I go again with sprints, and Bourne sprints at that!
I’ve made NO secret of my liking for the Bourne series. Although the books were ten times better than the movie (aint that always the case my friend), Matt Damon does the role justice in a way only he can.
Truly a legend, and I’ve mentioned before that the “Supremacy” is my favorite installment in the series.
And mostly because of the workout montages, and no, unlike the first, there’s no pull-ups involved.
But there is something arguably even more intense and BRUTAL and a super muscle and strength (and health) builder than that in the movie – something I talk about in Advanced Hill Training.
Done right.
In the movie, you see Bourne sprinting all out at the start as a workout, and in the middle of it, he’s literally doing that and more – to save his life.
And the reason I bring it up is the world we live in today, as well as “no reason in particular”
But the question begets.
Can you run ALL OUT – I mean ALL OUT for more than 30 seconds at a stretch, or even half?
Can part of that be in crazy traffic and uphill/up stairs?
CAN you do what Bourne did which looks spectacular and that which I’ve mentioned before – i.e. jump onto a Metro platform with a train headed his way full tilt, jump UP AND OUT of the way in JUST The nick of time, and repeat, and then fly off the platform, quite literally!
Or jump off it, but youget the point.
And then do a version of a pulling movment on the underside of a bridge with a fractured knee?
You get my point, my friend!
I’m happy to report most of this is doable for me. Perhaps not 30 seconds all out for me, but 15 – YES.
And perhaps more than that as well.
No problem.
Not sure about the Metro stuff, but I CAN do the jumps themselves (box jumps I believe they’re called) and so should YOU (try to work on it) if you can’t do ‘em – one of the best plyometrics ever (Charles, the book is on it’s way – iteration #2 as it were due to the computer crash, but it’s on it’s way!!).
But anyway, point of me bringing it up is not to brag, but rather add this skill on to that rather long list of things I wrote about once about “every man should be able to do things to save his own life if need be”
Or something to that effect.
And I’m sad to say it, but the vast majority of modern men cannot even BEGIN to do said things.
And as the world goes to bits around us, my friend, the one thing we CAN CONTROL is ourselves, and our fitness.
And if there is one takeaway from this email, ONE MESSAGE that I can and damn well WILL give ya, I t’s this.
Take care of your health and fitness my friend.
The right way.
Not only is it the best damned investment you’ll ever make, but it might just save your life ONE day!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – and here is the System that will put the fundamentals in place for the best damn fitness gains of your entire LIFE. You wouldn’t build a skyscraper without putting in the building blocks, right? Well, the same holds true for fitness!
PS – Serious fitness fanatics only please, or the average Joe that WANTS to get in shape and FAST – and faster than anything else in the world. No lookie lous or time wasters please – waste someone else’s time (or as my daughter likes to say “haunt someone else’s dreams”) if that’s you!
PPS -So says Mr. Fast. ?
A Jason Bourne inspired workout!
I’ve made no secret of the fact that I love the “Bourne series” – the book more than the movie(s) - - a lot, lot more!
I’m a huge Robert Ludlum fan, but while most movie adaptations of books fall woefully short of (my) standards (Jurassic Park being one prime example), the Bourne series didn’t.
At least, not in my own opinion . . .
Especially not the first three installments.
The Bourne Identity.
The Bourne Supremacy.
The Bourne Ultimatum.
They messed up a bit with the Legacy (#4) in my opinion, but despite it’s somewhat lukewarm box office response, Jason Bourne (2016) was a great, great movie, and Damon kicked ass.
And HE is the reason (the main reason) I love those movies.
I don’t know why, but Matt Damon makes the perfect “spy”, especially considering the functionally fit physique he has in the movie.
You see him hanging off ledges and doing fingertip crawl downs (spiderman!) down walls of embassies in the first movie.
You see him ALL out sprinting in the second (and doing pull-ups in the first).
And more . . .
And my personal favorite movie in the series is #2.
I watched it again last night, and much as I wrote about in 2018, I cannot get enough of the sprint sequence right at the start, which most people “miss”.
Bourne is showing running in Goa India. A fast run to begin with which (along with the right visuals and music) quickly builds up to a semi-sprint, then a sprint, and then the CRESECNDO – an all out sprint, arms pumping furiously, legs flying . . . with the music to boot.
And it brought back memories
Of me in 2018! When I did exactly those workouts in the park after my climb . . .
. . . ‘twas afternoon (or early evening) workouts then.
And you’d see me climbing the hill ONCE (after I did my pushups and pull-ups I believe) and AFTER the animal like movements.
I’d start off with a run, and finish off with several sprints, and I still remember the FEELING, the sheer feeling of exhilaration I got while doing ‘em, a feeling even HILL sprints (these were land sprints) cannot and will not give you (NOTHING compares to an all out land sprint in terms of duration, for one!).
Don’t get me wrong.
Hill sprints are fabulous, and that’s why I’ve got Advanced Hill Training out there, but flat land sprints allow you to really amp things up and really build up them hamstrings as well (so do hill sprints though).
Anyway . . .
This afternoon, I went out for a pull-up workout.
50 pull-ups, 50 pushups, and 50 dips.
And it was Damon inspired.
That physique he’s got in the movie came from THREE Things (and remember, this dude LOVES to eat, so he sure did make sacrficies for the movie!).
Pullups. At one point “Bourne” was doing them in sets of 30!
Heavy bag work (a lot of it. And it shows in the shoulders!).
And probably other stuff too, but most of all, that CHISELED, ripped physique you see?
LOTS and LOTS Of . . . running . . .
. . . on mountains! For hours a day.
Bourne hated it (by his own admission). But he did it, with his trainer, and the results are there for all to see.
And while I never hated my squats or sprints, or anything, I never did them for “hours!”. I DID climb hills for hours, but I DID want to quit on occasion, but I never did – and the results are there for all to see!
And I’m feeling great, and on top of the world, and wanted to tell you about it!
Now that I have, it’s adios. See y’all around!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Here is where you can pick up a book on pull-ups that will get you cranking them out effortlessly - - https://0excusesfitness.com/pull-ups-from-dud-to-stud-within-a-matter-of-weeks/
PS #2 – I wrote about “moonlight sprints” before too, and those are great too! Anyway, to get to Bourne level at pull-ups, here are the exercises that will get ya there - https://0excusesfitness.com/pull-ups-stud-to-super-stud-within-weeks/