Displaying items by tag: recollections

Monday, 01 March 2021 09:01

Sun drenched workouts . . .

What a pain Win-Blows is! 

I had this post nicely typed out (email) and then the computer chooses just this time to crash. Hehe. 

Lets try another time (I'm still on a hunt for that Toshiba I want!). 

Anyway, sun drenched workouts - and spoiler alert - this ain't what you might be thinking. 

No sun drenched beach, warm sand you can feel, sparkly water right next to yo uthat you want to DIVE into (even if you just saw the Meg, hehe) ... and certainly no girls lying on their tummies with their posteriors pried tightly SHUT so that leering Bozo Schofields can't even try and pry 'em open. 

Now, admittedly the Bozo looks harmless from a distance, but he ain't. 

Appearances can be deceptive, and believe me, not even the most desperate of old women would want the Bozo anywhere near her posterior. 

Unless he flashed "wads" of cash but beign those are usually given to him by women, gullible ones in China he dupes, and being he's "stuck" in Mom's basement for now in the UK, that ain't happening either! 


The lovely Bozo. 


But he's great fun in some regards as you can tell! 

Anyway, sun drenched. 

I just got done with a sun drenched routime myself out there - a 100 pull-ups in the park and the sun literally "bathed" my back and "kneaded it from the inside out" as I worked out!

Great, warm feeling, and my calves are still BUZZING with that buzz you get from great workouts. 

But it brings to mind some recollections - and this one - I have NOT posted in the workout memoires - workouts, if you're the nut job reading this - for "salacious memoirs" you'll be redirected to the right site, LOL - truly one of the best fitness memoirs EVER - and a book very dear to my heart (and trolled roundly, since it's just so damn inspirational, just like Pushup Central) - 16 Inspirational Fitness Recollections

Golly, those memories! 

Anyway, back in the day I'd often workout at 1PM or so - outdoors. 

Remember this is Southern China, my friend. The sun would be BLAZING and BASHING down on me as I trained. It's so hot in that part ofthe country that it would rain one minute - tropical style downpour - you'd be SOAKED to the bone. 

Next minute, sun would show up, and you'd dry out, and be soaked again within a minute - with sweat. 



I completed many a tough hill climb in those conditions, tons of 'em! 

Not for nothing they call me Mr. Ironman, hehe. 

But the time I'm talking about, I climbed the hill at the end of my routine. 

First, I would do Hindu squats out there, out by the lovely lake int he park as the cool breeze blew across my face. 

I loved that lake - still do! 

Then I'd do 150 pushups - once done, I'd dust off, and do MORE - with feet plonked on a bench. A style I believe I popularized in Pushup Central ... 

Then, it was on to the park itself - unshaded area, and I'd bang out pull-ups and more pushups. It was so hot that the thick bars felt like molten steel, and my hands used to literally feel like they were BURNING!

You gotta experience it to FEEL it, hehe. 

And I'd do those 100 handstand pushup/pull workouts out there in that heat. 

The park used to be deserted at that time. Save a few "aunties" fanning themselves under the trees wondering what the Da Xing Xing was up to, there was no-one crazy enough to be out there at the time. 

Just me, myself, and the SUN! BLAZING DOWN!

And I'd finish them workouts, then climb the hill, then finish off with a Bourne sprint or two. 

Some of the best toughest workouts of my life - and some of the best times I HAD and continue to! 


And .. good news is this. 

YOU don't have to be NEAR as extreme to get in great shape. 

I'm not asking you to do any of this necessarily. In fact, when you start out, I would NOT recommened this type fo thing!

But YOU, my friend - and this is a promise Rahul Mookerjee makes - -you, my brother, can get into the best shape of your life in less than 15 minutes in the comfort, privacy and AIR CONDITIONED ENVIRONS (if you so choose) of your Home . 

You do NOT need extreme. 

You can work up to it. 

But no, you do NOT need it! 

And you might just SWEAT in the air conditioned environs too - you'll see me doing that in the Rolls Royce of Fitness workout video! 

But thats all you need bro. 

And thats a promise Rahul is making to you - and whe he makes ones - he does it - and DELIVERS - and you can take his word to the BANK, my friend - and my great customers around the GLOBE know it! 

(so do the Bozos, hehe). 

I'm out. Man, that felt good!

Back soon. 


Rahul Mookerjee

PS - The hill I trained on is HERE - Advanced hill Training. Be sure and grab it now - truly the JAGUAR of fitness, and goes great with the Royce here . . . 

Published in Workouts