Displaying items by tag: reviews
" I know I know you are sick of me already lol ... I am sure you might perfer a big burly man for this one though" ...
In came a message from our superlative reader, narrator - and reviewer (interesting how that works - they love the masterpiece (not my words, Janet's!) that much that they then either translate it or narrate it - true DOERS!) - Janet Clare about a couple of other books she's about to read.
Those are "Advanced, PROFOUND Isometric and Flexibility Training" - and "Isometric and Flexibility Training - the COMPILATION!".
know I know you are sick of me already lol but <chopped>..
I am sure you might perfer a big burly man for this one though lol any way thanks for listening"
That giggle, Janet!
As she pronounced my name PERFECTLY (which is interesting) - and as she's reading the book out loud, I can hear the giggle. It says it all "here I am again, Rahul!" ...
And I'm glad she's got the book, and reading it - and enjoying it from the sounds of it!
Certainly, as I told Janet, Janet, remain as you are - "as is right now" - certainly no need to be big and burly, hehe - especially given the topic isometrics is for EVERYONE - and given a lot of the exercises I promote, including some of the more effective ones like the pull-up - WOMEN do them far better than a lot of fat men prancing around with their bellies claiming "they're big but not fat" - while the women crank out pull-ups effortlessly and get fitter, leaner, ,meaner and stronger - with every passing day.
Not EVERY woman obviously.
But you'd be surprised at the numbers that do!
And it was interesting, I was reading what another bodyweight exercises Guru who I wont name here was saying about "people call me skinny, so they think I'm not strong, but one doesn't have to be big to be strong!"
So true, especially considering his 20 pull-up per set challenge. He's even more hardcore than I am - I say you're not strong if you cannot do at least ONE pull-up in perfect form chin above bar - preferably 5- he's got the bar set - no pun intended - at 20 perfect reps!
Good man, haha.
I'm not going to name him here either ... but you've likely heard of him if you're into serious bodyweight training.
And he's spot on in saying what I do myself - that it hardly matter if you're 250 lbs - or half that weight - so long as you're not fat - you should be able to do pull-ups just fine. Indeed, my friend! I say the same damned thing - especilly to fat guys who claim "my girlfriend is better than me at hill sprints becaus eI'm big!!!!!!!!!!"
No you ain't big.
F=M x A.
Simple physics.
If that m is FAT - then you wont do good at hill sprints, simple as that. If it's muscle, you'll do just fine no matter how big you are, Ive given you examples of old time strongmen repeatedly who were truly big, and did superlatively well on all types of bodyweight exercises including the super advanced ones!
Anyway - a cetain Schofield in UK on his knees reading this might be lusting after big burly men to "take him".
Not me, Janet. Hehe.
Big, burly - solid - speaking of which - here are three more solid reviews from a former teacher and current basketball COACH - Terrence Miller - Good going COACH!
50 Solid Tips!
“One of more important sections of this book to me is the “Retirement is a crock” section. Being a retired teacher myself, getting into voice acting was a segue into the next phase of my life. I’m not old, b any means, but it gives me another purpose, if you will, that Rahul outlined in his book.” “I can’t tell you how many times a day I’ve hear the phrase “It is what it is,,,”, but Rahul’s chapter allowed me to think about this in a different light. I’m now using the replacement phrase “It is what it is...FOR NOW” every time I hear it!
Rahul - We addressed this before, he's spot on in term of the "for now" - anytime you OMIT that, it leads to tacit "acceptance of the situation as is" which is NOT conducive to IMPROVEMENT - conversely, when you say "for now", you are CHOMPING at the bit to improve NOW! Anyone can tell you which is more desirable - the former, or latter. HA!
Wonderful Book
I particularly enjoyed reading Rahul's advice re: visualization and "writing down goals on paper." I've often said to people that I have "...goals in life", but wondered how to go about achieving them or even sticking to the process itself. His trials and tribulations make for a great inspirational story and one that I can apply to my own life. Well done!
Rahul - Thank you, Sir! Indeed, "learning in the trenches" as it were - the only and best way (well, the most effective and best way I should say)!
(you might remember he reviewed the above two books earlier, but he loved 'em so much so that along with using the advice in his live coaching classes - hes's reviewed them again!)
(Terrence loves training outdoors on hills too).
Solid read for those who are SERIOUS about training
As a current coach, I'm always on the lookout for varying types of workout routines for my athletes. After reading Rahul's book, I'm re-energized as to a new perspective I can share with my team(s). I've tried some of his 'sample workouts', and believe me- they're NOT easy but the results are spectacular. Highly recommended.
Indeed my friend, indeed, and he's even gotten Animal Kingdom Workouts. (after I told him it was basically level Two from the book above)
Oh boy - I can only imagine how much he'll love that one!
So will YOU, my friend - all of these books if you just stop making excuses (those that are) - and get them NOW.
And that is that!
Rahul Mookerjee
Advice for Glyn Bozo, and a Google related request!
I just got a review on another site, for another book that Daniela (my translator for the book) might as well have written to Glyn Bozo.
Here it is - -
As always I am writing this review from a vanilla perspective.
The first interesting thing I notice from this book is the "affirmations". If you believe in something and feel it, it will come to you. Of course, affirmations are only a part of it, don't be lazy by just sitting and waiting for the magic, you have to make it happen!
In this book, you will find all the tricks you need to find the perfect dominant woman for you, in a way vibes are a part of it, the other part, just adore her and understand she is the best that can happen to you and show her that!!
Race, religion, body type, culture, etc, nothing of that matters. You reader, need to know, it is all about THE VIBES! and respect of course. Communication is always the key in every relationship vanilla or not.
Now, the book is NOT fitness related. Completely unrelated niche, so I wont mention the name etc here. It's actually a book on relationships, building relationships of the sort Glyn Bozo so desperately wants, but can't get - because he of course, does all the wrong things!
What she meant by the "vanilla" part was this - that although the book is tailored towards the BDSM community (the sane folks doing it in the privacy of their own homes or fetish clubs or what not - NOT known lunatics like Glyn Bozo) - she read - and revieiwed it from a "normal" i.e. vanilla perspective.
(Vanilla is slang for "normal aka "not fetish"' in that community)
What she meant is, the information in the book and the affirmations really DO work -and they would work just fine even if you're just looking for a decent fulfiling relationship (either man or woman) - and not all the extras the Bozo craves (but never gets).
She's given me other reviews on similar books too. But the Bozo?
Well ,for one, he's the laziest person ever alive.
Simply sitting and trolling (like Chuck said "all he does is eat my food, drink all my beer, mess my place up - and TROLL all day long sitting in a room!" and as Ada said "pathetic!" - and as a host of other people have said - and As Im saying - he's just plain LAZY with a capital L) ain't gonna make your dreams come true, pal. The opposite, if any, and thats what happens with Glyn.
Not only is he too lazy to affirm anything beyond "I want to drink" but he's also too lazy to actually read, and his vibes, well, lets just say Hannibal would take off for the hills as well upon meeting him.
Just a huge ugh is this dude, and thats all he attracts...
Respect? Glyn Bozo? Enough said!
And of course, communication - his is limited to the one or two lines and few words we all know!
But anyway, Bozo Schofield aside, here's the point - and something I didnt mention before.
Y'all know that EVERY review submitted for a product through the review link ya'll get in your email gets an auto 10% OFF discount coupon emailed to YOU - valid for your next purchase. No questions, no minimum order value even!
And you know of course about Amazon, and if you bought off there, leave a review on there.
But we recently got another place to leave reviews - that being our Google page!
Right here is where youc an - and should leave some reviews - and remember, friend.It costs nothing but your time, and though it doesnt happen automatically, email me after youve left a review, and I'll make sure you get the 10% discount code emailed over to you anyway!
Remember, genuine reviews help everyone!
And of course, I gotta draw your attention once again to the special and INCREDIBLE, ONCE IN A LIFETIME "I'll match it" (i.e. you buy, I'll give you an equal amount in your site wallet!) offer we're having now - detailed here.
I repeat, it will end TODAY - in a few hours.
So if you ain't yet got your thang on, do so now.
Truly the offer - offers - of a lifetime!
Rahul Mookerjee
More great reviews coming in – jump in!
So, in response to my call out about taking the time to post reviews publicly (if you buy from Amazon, or some of the other bigwigs) – or privately via email to me for those that have bought off the website, I've been innundated with a FLOOD of responses.
And I'll cover them ALL in future emails!
For now though, I told you what John Walker, a great, great customer of mine had to say about 0 Excuses Fitness in a previous email.
He's also planning on (has already pretty much done it, actually) buying some of my other books – namely Battletank Shoulders, Corrugated Core, and Gorilla Grip (Advanced).
A man that truly GETS it – and he's right when he says that “these workouts styles are indeed unique, and not the run of the mill stuff you find in most other books!”
Indeed, my friend.
And to that I'd add (and did add) – that they get results- and QUICK!
Now, without futther ado, this man also owns a few OTHER books (yes, I have a LOT – and thats just the fitness lot – I haven't even got into some of my other writing on this newsletter, hehe) written by yours truly.
Here are the books (along with what he said) -
Pushups – reverse pushups – the best darn exercise ever!
A Masterpiece of a book!!!
Format : Kindle Edition | Verified Purchase
The exercise in this book is quite difficult to master but once you crack it, it will blow you away at how good it makes your entire body feel, I'm 63 and let me tell you, this one exercise has done more for my overall wellbeing than anything else I've ever done.
A masterpiece, thank you.
My comments – Spot on, J!! There was a reason I mentioned this oldie but GOLDIE in the last email – and it was to wake some of you out of your lethargy and show you how ONE exercise can indeed be a FULL Body exercises – and one of the best ones ever!
And YES – he's right about how GOOD it makes you feel – I've covered this galore in my books before as well as my emails. Do these in high reps, and it's truly the best “juice” you'll need for youe entire day, and the DEEP BREATHING that goes with this is something else altogether!
(And the trick indeed in that regard!)
And of course, the numerous benefits to your overall FLEXIBILITY and spine strength (a vital area often ignored by a lot of people) – and CORE strength. Remember those comments about people's elbows “bouncing” off my core as a ball might off a wall?
Well – THIS exercise did it for the most part!
Get this now, my friend. You'll love it!
Then the next book he wrote about was the book on pull-ups – Pull-ups – from DUD to STUD within a matter of WEEKS!
(and the claim isn't baseless either).
Brilliant Book On The Most Important Upper-Body Exercise.
Format : Kindle Edition | Verified Purchase
Quite simply, if you cannot pull your own bodyweight from a dead-hang till your chin passes over the bar you are not "strong" and no amount of lat pulldowns will correct this weakness.
Buy this book and learn how to do the most important upper-body exercise correctly and you'll never look back.
Brilliant book, thank you.
My comments – Well, he's said it all! Not only are pull-ups a MUST to do for upper body strength – real strength – but if you can't pull your own bodyweight up repetitively in PROPER form – then you just ain't strong my friend. (and you're probably FAT as well, especially around the midsection).
Sorry if that last bit sounds harsh, but it's TRUE.
And last, but not least, his comments on Gorilla Grip, that old (and still) bestseller I've got out there.
Excellent Book On A Very Important Subject.
Format : Kindle Edition | Verified Purchase
Hand/Grip training is vital just for survival let alone sports.
If you take the time to develop a strong grip you'll automatically get stronger all through your entire body, the reason for this is simple, you have more brain signals to your hands than any other part of your body.
Buy this book, train your grip and everything else will become easier, excellent book, thank you.
My comments – Spot on, my brother. Spot on! Grip strength is truly the MOST important to develop in ANY endavor – and thats just the “bottom line” as ole Stone Cold himself would say, hehe.
Well, my friend, thats all for now. Grab some of these courses right HERE. I'll see you soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – And yes, all available INSTANTLY upon reciept of payment for you “e book” fans out there (and there seem to be a lot!).