Displaying items by tag: training
Two brutally effective styles of pull-ups not (directly, at least) covered in books - along with their (somewhat) pushup equivalents.
I haven't covered either one of these (the pull-ups) in "Pull-ups - from STUD to SUPER STUD within WEEKS!" - and their pushup equivalents - in Pushup Central.
(to the idiot "evangelist" commenting upon my books, much like with Bozo Schofield, at least READ the books you're leaving your half ass price wanker reviews on, fool...)
Maybe I will, but the pull-ups are just too brutal to cover directly.
Maybe in Volume Three!
One being the towel pull-up.
Brutal, this one happens if you throw a towel over your chinning bar (just make sure you dont do it right after the shower, hehe - and if you do, make sure no-one is around to either observe your "full moon" or admire and "worse" (think Glyn, ugh)) ... and do pull-ups that way.
There's many variants to this as well, but the basic movement itself is extremely brutal, and much like the special grip exercises with towels in I believe Gorilla Grip -ADVANCED! - it will truly build a grip from CAIN very quickly indeed even if thats all you do grip wise, and again, trust me, you'll naturally (want to and will) gravitate to MORE.
Second being something I mention indirectly, that being rope pull-ups - doing them on ROPES.
Ring pull-ups are often thought of as tough as well, they are.
But ROPE pull-ups, the way it taxes the grip - and remember, when it comes to ropes unlike steel bars, thin is NOT easier! It's even harder to grip a thin rope while working out than perhaps a thick one in many ways. Try it, and see!
Maybe I'll write more on these later, for now, the pull-ups that are very directly mentioned in the books above and explained in great detail should be more than sufficient for you pull-up monster and afficiandos!
Now, their pushing equivalents.
Well, none for the towel movement, I gotta say, unless you count what I do normally, which is to pop off a set of max or not max fingertip pushups in a towel right after a shower, usually a freezing cold one.
If it ain't freezing cold, which it dont seem to be these days, I take pains to make it that way - right after a workout.
Yes, more conventional wisdom of "if youre body is warm dont jump into the cold shower" flying out the fuckin window... where it BELONGS, to the trash can. Hehe.
Try what the Finns do sometimes, boil in a sauna first, then jump into the freezing cold waters of the Arctic, then talk about "logic", body temperatures and such.
Anyway ...............
A style of pushup I recently saw which made even me go WOW?
Handstand pushups - not on dipping bars, which are WOW enough (Doug Hepburn did these).
But handstand pushups - on get this - ROPES!
My, the grip required just to do these - I'm not an expert on these, but thats something to work up to, me thinks!
In the meantime, you can of course use ropes, rings and other pushup bars to do pushups, but I prefer the good old floor, fingertip and knuckle amongst other variations.
I believe simple, again, works best, and it does.
Now, last comment to cover, an idiotic one that came in - along the lines of - the long lines of "so what if you're Indian" (followed by some choice words involving color if you get my drift).
Like I care about the slang - I'm being polite. Hehe.
I just "junk mailed" the guy again like I'm doing with all spam these days, but his whining was about "so what if you're indian, why does that uniquely qualify you to sell Lumberjack Lodestone Fitness" (this relates to an email I sent out in that regard).
Well first off, you idiot, I never said that was the only thing that does.
That is the icing on the cake, sure.
But the cake itself, if that ain't there, there's no point having icing is there - unless you're into that, of course.
What I mean is this - just like I kept telling Charles the former friend, no, "Indians aren't necessarily better than a qualified white chef, or any color, for cooking Indian food" (I sure ain't) - the same way, my "heritage" doesn't have F all to do with this.
If I wasn't the bodyweight exercise Guru, a term very well deserved even if I say so myself, then none of what I say would matter.
But that dedication and fantacism to training is what qualifies me, my friend, along with everything else I speak about - and my heritage merely means what is "alien" to most is "common knowledge" for me, but again that is only because I'm interested in training, and I do, as opposed to "evangelist arm chair wanking for Bozos" if you get my not so subtle drift.
Nothing matters except that, pally.
It aint bout the BS, it's about cutting right on past it, which is an alien concept for most - especially these days, that I admit.
And thats that.
Rahul Mookerjee
Are one arm pushups mostly a "show boating" movement?
The jury seems to be out on this - including my own.
I wrote about the one arm pull-up this morning here, and as promised, now, my thoughts on the one arm PUSHUP.
Last year I was rapping with an old customer, perhaps the right guy to talk to about pushups - former martial artist and a lot more - and before proceeding, here is the review he left for Pushup Central -
The Bodyweight Guru has done it again, 55 ways to bring on the pain, a magnum opus on how to really use what is possibly the world's oldest and "most diverse" exercise.
If you're like me, you live for that pain, the feeling of your muscles as they stretch and contract and how your body screams at you to stop but your mind will not allow you to quit, you have that target in your mind and you cannot stop until you hit that target, yes my friends this is training "brutally effective" training.
Buy this book and take up the challenge of Push Up Central.
The Bodyweight Guru is waiting for you, let him show you how with this (innocently sounding) book you can become more than you could ever have imagined, this is hard training at it's absolute best.
Now a word about the previous review, Glyn Scofield is a total moron and his reviews suck almost as much as he does, Glyn, if by chance you ever read this, do yourself a favour and just stop, nobody cares what you think.
Now, I won't get into the review here again, I've done that enough times already (and lets not EVEN get into the Bozo - ugh, I said that wrong didnt I?) ...
I was talking to him about doing high rep pushups, how pushups do help your pull-up prowress - or help you get better at pull-ups provided you address the "fat around the midsection" issue (which pushups do a damn good job of addressing if you do 'em right and regularly, not just "sometimes") ...and a lot more.
And I remember him saying that he felt one arm pushups were more a "show" movement, for real workouts, they weren't really that useful.
Now, he's right on one - very main thing.
As with one arm pull-ups, the vast majority of people would do just fine without doing a single one arm pushup in their lives.
If you focus on and do pushups the way I teach you in Pushup Central with "both limbs" (though you'll see me take some away occasionally, hehe) - then my friend you will do just fine and need nothing else from that perspective.
Most of the people we know that really did pushups at a high level, high repes, Iron Mike Tyson, Herschel Walker, the list goes on and on - while I've no doubt they did a lot of one arm pushups in their training, the VAST BULK (no pun!) of their training most likely was done with two limbs.
So it should be as well.
The main thing though for me, which seperates one arm pushups from the same category in pull-ups - it is far harder to mantain proper form when doing one arm pushups.
You'll see folks doing 'em with legs spread, back bent and so forth, such is the nature of the movement.
Getting reps in with proper form can be done ... but maintaining that form over a long workout is neither practical nor really doable - nor is entirely functional.
Thats one main reason I rate it as "part show" - but not fully.
Doing a one arm pushup still takes some incredible strength and conditioning my friend - especially if you do them slow in sets of 10 - on your fingertips, and so forth.
But would I recommend one arm pushups in workouts - the question goes?
Yes, but perhaps AFTER your regular pushup workouts.
For instance, 25 regulars, maybe 5 one arms, then 40 regular's, maybe 5 more one arms ...
They make for a great sizzler and finisher, not entirely the case with one arm pull-ups which you'll see you can work far more into your workouts than one arm pushups (though again, most people would do just fine doing pull-ups properly with both limbs) ...
There's plenty of other movements we could talk about here which lots of people say fall into the showboating movement -my book Advanced Plyometrics has one of them "the clapping pushup".
I'll be talking about that later, so stay tuned.
For now, remember Pushup Central is all you need in terms of pushups - ever.
If you so choose, you can go even more advanced, but these exercises in this here book are enough to keep you busy and very productive indeed your entire life.
The greats did 'em, if it was good enough for 'em, it was for you, no excuses.
Chop chop, as she said. Hehe. (if you ain't got to it already, you should have, do it NOW).
And thats that.
Rahul Mookerjee
The perfect balance between suppleness and strength - and why Fast and Furious Fitness will turn YOU into a human leopard - the paradigm of the above!
I got the following comment on Fast and Furious Fitness, the Collector's Edition from a customer John Walker -
This book is the perfect manual on how to get into serious condition with the absolute minimum of equipment, all that you require is something to hang from to perform Pull-Ups and a couple of bars, boxes or chairs to perform Dips and you're all set. If you're looking for a minimalist approach to getting strong and supple you cannot do better than this book. Get the book, put it to use and it will turn you into a Leopard, why a Leopard? Because a Leopard is the perfect balance between suppleness and strength. The book delivers on many fronts but it is it's no nonsense "spartan attitude" that makes it stand out from the crowd, I believe that this book will transform anyone with the smarts to put the information in it to good use. If you want to be a beast you have to train like an animal, this book is all you really need to transform yourself into the absolute best version of you, you can possibly be. Your new strong and supple body awaits, the only thing you have to do is buy the book, apply the information therein and you'll never look back. I highly recommend this book, outstanding, bravo Rahul bravo. John Walker.
And he's absolutely right. (and covers the "why" part very well). (in short, but thats how a review should be, concise, yet get the point across).
I could end this email right here and tell you to get the book now, but first ...
I could keep it BRIEF and "short and sweet" like a review John once posted on the great little book "Profound 70% Gorilla 30% Human Handstands" (level #3 in the handstand progression and the very all important BRIDGE to free standing handstands, book #4 "yet to be written") ...
"This book is short and sweet, and so will be the review. Massive upper body strength and power. Another excellent book from the bodyweight fitness guru".
I might have got a word or two wrong, or extra, but that is the gist of it. Amazon it for more... I couldn't be bothered to do so right now.
Anyway, I just saw a brief 1:33 second clip from the Animal Kingdom - three cheetahs - and a leopard takes them - all of a sudden, out of the blue!
Here - Male leopard takes on three cheetahs - YouTube
The clip is short, sweet, brutal and gets the job done.
The three cheetahs, all taller at the shoulder - amble along to prey, they prepare to eat it, when OUT OF NOWHERE - a massive leopard, shorter, but far bulkier than any of the cheetahs shows up!
He doesnt just show up.
He bare bones BULLIES the cheetahs off the prey - swaggering machismo is what it reminds me of.
There was a scene in Sly Stallone's Cobra once where Sly literally walks up to a guy, cool in aviators and all, and rips the front of his shirt off
Believe me, if that doesn't scream machisom, nothing does!
Remember the guy I once put a Gorilla Grip on ?
His friend did the same to me (just pocket though) - in eigth grade.
Trust me, I know a thing or two about being bullied, and then giving it back to them x 100!
in true blue MACHO MAN as I'm called style.
So does the leopard, mi amigo.
The ONLY other animal I've seen literally BOUND out like that out of nowhere and use the element of surprise so well is the tiger - that has been known to hunt leopards too.
For it's size though, the leopard - and the JAGUAR, another highly underrrated beast - sure do pack a punch!
It's just bold, swaggering machismo in the Animal Kingdom.
Kill or be killed.
Eat or be eaten.
WIN OR DIE!!!!!!!!!!!! (trying)
I keep asking people which side they're on, they say I'm a fool. Not anymore though ... Hehe.
Anyway, all reminds me of a Mike Tyson statement that Iron Mike recently made about "I'd beat any of the current heavyweights in my prime".
Just heavyweights?
I'd say he'd KO the welter weights with one hand, and the heavy weights with another. Iron Mike was the REAL deal, still is, I STILL wouldn't bet on any current heavy weight going up against him (yeah, I'm an unabashed Tyson fan, but with damn good reason).
Reminds me of how people keep talking about Tyson's height, normal height, but that build - my word.
Certainly what sets him apart, with his peek a boo style he actually made his height an advantage as opposed to a disadvantage.
A real doer (who once kept, and slept with (as in the animals were on his bed, nothing else) massive Bengal Tigers no less!!).
I'd be wary of doing that myself. Heh. Then again, who knows, maybe not!
but all of this, my friend, leads up to the following - If you truly want to turn into a BEAST, the closest thing to a human beast?
Then get Fast and Furious Fitness NOW, you'll see yours truly "human leopard" in the book as well.
And the next level to that, I guess if you want to as a customer once said "join the ranks of the superhumans" - Animal Kingdom Workouts (if you want to truly become the closest thing a a human can to a TIGER!)
And dat BE dat.
Back soon.
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - Bozo Schofield, him of the LGBEQINSYYYTTTTTTTTT crapola once sent me a trolly rubbish message about being "Rahul Tyson".
I can almost feel the Bozo's jaw crack, hehe.
Come to think of it, I think it done cracked in 2020 - felt good eh Glyn? More is coming - BOYO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“Eating too much macaroni will make you look like a MACARONI” she said!
Well, she said “you’ll become a macaroni”.
(should have also said "soft and flabby in the middle, with nothing uip there in the noodle, hehe, much like a certain Bozo Schofield is. I can't get past that, hehe. Just hilarious his vauge and wierd and insane rants!)
To many giggles ...
And it wasn’t Ann Lee either!
Yours truly doesnt like macaroni. Even during my FAT days, I never ever had junk food (other than beer, which admittedly is junk health wise unless it’s Guiness, but hey, we all have to have our “releases”...pun NOT intended again!)
Now, she was telling my daughter that as of late.
My daughter loves junk food. Of course.
No problem there. All kids do, and they have way more leeway than us adults do, but the plague from China means kids everywhere are stuck at home.
And thats not good, bro.
I keep hearing about my daugher’s junk food habits, and how it needs to be controlled.
I agree.
But try telling my mom that.
The “benovolent” grand ma taking to an extreme from what I gather.
But this ain’t about Granny either, bro.
This is about JUNK food.
The truism “garbage garbage out” is TRUE.
It holds VERY true indeed.
If you eat junk all day long, you won’t function at your best either mentally or physically.
In the Simple and Effective Diet, I give you diet tips, sure.
Which most will ignore, along with a liquid diet tip I give you ...
... but at th OUTSET of the book, I give you one of the most “mind blowing” (for most people) tips ever that will have the experts screaming bloody murder. The so called experts at least, but thos ein the know will KNOW what I BE Talking about.
It’s also the secret to my weight loss (well, a lot of it).
It’s also included FREE with a purchase of the 0 Excuses Fitness System, or you could fork out a pittance and learn what it is “on it’s lonesome” (but really, I’d rather you get the System and get it free, but you choose!).
Am I saying you can’t get in shape that way?
You CAN eat junk and still lose oodles of weight – and QUICK.
Hence another PATHBREAKING course on it – Eat more Weigh LESS.
And if you see the proof within, you’ll be convinced (in case you aren’t already, and you should be, if you know what I BE Talking about!).
But still.
Junk in, junk out.
Why not adopt all the above ALONG with a clean diet as far as possible?
Do so – writ back – and let me know!
(Be prepared to be astounded too, hehe).
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – And no, I ain’t telling you to turn into a saint either. We all have our indulgences, and I have more than many. Moderation though, bro is KEY!
(another key that should be obvious, but isnt apparently!).
The secret ingredient to Mike "Monster" Tyson's diet that NOT many people know about!
Mike Tyson, Iron Mike Tyson, the phenom, the champ that "shot to fame and then crashed equally quickly", got back up - and then did it again, crashed, and is now doing it all over again - has seen it all!
And after his retirement a while back, he even went completely vegan to lose weight due to some unhealthy habits after retirement.
“I don’t eat anything that has a mother and father. If you were created through a mother and father, through any kind of intercourse, I won’t eat you. So that means I only eat vegetables and stuff.”
Apparently Tyson was knocking back the steaks and drinks galore for one after retirement which led to weight gain and such ...
And while he said the vegan diet helped him - guess what.
This last year he fought Roy Jones Junior - and fought pretty damned well too!
Looks absolutely RIPPED too.
And guess what - he gave up the vegan diet - in favor of something I've been saying a long, long time - MEAT!
I've often said that MEAT is NOT the reason for weight gain.
Excess of ANYTHING in vs "out" is basically, and if you go all vegan, it might work for a while, but nothing really supplants meat!
Unless you pack yourself full of vegetable protein like lentils etc ...
But even so, meat isn't the secret I'm referring to.
If you look at what Tyson ate in preparation for his comeback? Why he stopped the vegan thingy?
“I stopped because of the training and because of what I wanted my body to look like and the strength that I wanted to possess. I only eat elk and bison — wild stuff — and I’m starting to feel fit. I realised the stuff that’s good for other people — like kale, vegetables and blueberries — for me is really poisonous. I want to give you some of my elk. I’ve got three commercial freezers full. You can have as much as you want.”
Is Mike Tyson vegan? Exploring the diet of the boxing superstar (sportskeeda.com) (but you can find it everywhere online)
Yes, that quote can be found everywhere online. But two things that cannot - one, the type of meat Iron Mike ate.
Move over chicken breasts and salami and what not.
Chicken is by far NOT the healthiest meat you can eat - especially not commercially crammed chicken which eat their own poo for one (they have no choice!) . . . even if it's grille dor what not.
And if we're talking KFC - disaster. Ugh!
Every time I've eaten KFC, my stomach has complained - big time!
Same thing for McDonalds, which is NOT "real" beef for the most part.
Burger King and Wendy's aren't too bad.
But I avoid fast food like the plague for the most part, but I DO eat a lot of beef.
But whats an even healthier option than beef ?
Is its wild version, my friend. Bison for one, which are "overgrown cows" as my daughter says.
"Yes, they are!" , I laughed when she said that. "But they're LEAN too from roaming around all day in the wild as opposed to fat cows like Schofield (nah, I didnt mention him, hehe) so they're a FAR healthier option!)"
Same thing for elk - and moose.
Or, wild poultry - free range.
EVERY time I've eaten these meats, and I love bison in particular - I've felt like a BILLION bucks - without any special preparation except throw it on a grill.
And that, my friend is the Tyson diet secret.
Now, the fitness secret?
Well, it's out there in the open on the Pushup Central page!
Tyson did many things, but jumping rope and pushups, much like with ALL boxers were a mainstay of his routine, and he did the SIMPLE stuff.
Think 50 sets of 50 pushups - elbows in - for your upper body.
Thats all.
But think doing that DAILY every evening.
2500 pushups a day for one, and sprints, and rope jumping!
The only weight lifting iron Mike did as far as I know was shrugs, but even that wasn't a mainstay of his routine. Pushups were though!
So those are the two Tyson secrets - simple - but brutally -and devastatingly effective.
Get the course on pushups now my friend - truly a course that the Bodyweight Guru yours truly has put together for you that you cannot find anywhere else. And remember, if Sissy Schofield troll it as "Rahul Tyson" and other inanity, then there must be something very good indeed to the course, hehe.
I'll see you soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS - I dont know what exact training Tyson did for his comeback, but I'll tell you this much - the man was RIPPED - didnt show his age - much like Herschel Walker doesnt look his! - and I BET you ANYTHING pushups were still the mainstay!
The horrible FORM MANGLING tips you see out there on pushups - just bloody awful. Ugh.
I remember my Taekwondo teacher in eigth grade praising me for my pushups - deep stretch, all the way down, all the way up, even at that young age where I was stiff as an iron dog, inflexible, and so forth - and had no-one to learn from.
I remember him laughing as the splits hurt me - and telling my partner to "hurt me more" (though till an acceptable limit).
OUCH! I can remember my groin almost ripping apart. Hehe.
But that was a good thing, that flexibility is something all martial artists need.
You might think kicking power comes from the quads - you couldn't be more wrong.
It might contribute to it, but hips, core, transfer of power GRACEFULLY through the core - and so forth - and the HAMSTRINGS are far more important.
Ditto for punches, while you might be able to power your way through sometimes it really your back, traps and core at play here - and your legs.
I remember him asking me in ninth grade, when I stopped going to Taekwondo class "some stupid thing at home about concentrate more on studies".
(while now they say the opposite - can't win for losing, eh. Hehe.
"Rahul, why don't you come to training!" I still remember him stopping his motorcyle on the road, asking me, smiling ...
I told him.
Anyway, we'll get to this later. I'm at the risk of running off topic, but, as I get done with 90 pushups, all in strict form, I want to talk about something els e(the above will tie into it later).
I've mentioned in 0 Excuses Fitness, Fast and Furious Fitness, Pushup Central, my blog, my writings, my subconscious, my yet to be engraved "tombstone", hehe - that pushups are the one exercise that along with pull-ups, but more pushups - tend to lend themselves to more lousy form than anything else.
They also attract max number of Bozos and braggarts, ruffians that claim "bouncing up an down " does the trick, and so forth.
And then the idiots at the gym doing the same thing, jiggling their bloated pecs.
As if thats real strength - real strength is a PACKED chest - DENSE, strong, tough muscle, now if you have big on top, thats great, but big ain't what adds strength for the most part.
But anyway - some of the advice I've seen on sites you'd think would know better.
"Your thighs and chest should touch the floor at the same time!"
This must take the cake for the most idiotic piece of advice on a site I saw yesterday - ranked highly by Google at that.
Just when do the thighs touch the floor with pushups?
Maybe wierd Bozo Schofield "on knees" ass pushups, if there is such a thing, but I cannot recall a single real pushup where this happens. (unless you're slopping your way through reps).
"Do half reps!"
Apparently doing a half rep after one rep is a pushup and a half.
What the fuck.
I can understand WORKING up to a regular pushup that way, but half reps - nah. Not for me!
A better alternative, and one I did NOT mention in Pushup Central, because I still feel it mangles form, or lends itself to so, is pausing the top of the rep, bringing one arm up to your chest while you rest on the other, and then bringing it down again and completing the rep.
Yet, that is overkill.
I'd rather the Spiderman pushups or the torquing pushups I mention in the book.
Those make good form and a ball busting, heart thumping workout far more "doable" than taking limbs away which is a great thing to do if you can do it, I plan on having books out on it in the future, but it dont replace the basics, never.
I don't know whether Clint Eastward is still doing one arm push ups at age 90 or not (I've never seen him do any) but either way I don't rate the one arm push up as a serious exercise, it's more of a skill demonstration than an exercise in my humble opinion.
that was the great John Walker, who left a great review on Pushup Central.
And he's right.
One arm pushups reqire far more skill than "strength and conditioning".
Although they still require serious strength, as do one arm chin-ups, I'd rather do them on both limbs for most of my workouts.
The Clint Eastwood comment, of course, was made by me - I've often spoken about Clint before.
Gotta love the cranky ole keeping it real dude, hehe.
But anyway - even fitness "gurus" fall prey to this.
I regard someone like Matt Furey as a legend and inspiration - but even him, some of his videos I've seen, he actually tells you to do pushups "quickly and half reps" - "combat pushups" is what he calls them.
Now if you can do 'em quickly in proper FORM, then I ain't got no issue with it.
But at the risk of sounding overly anal, which I am about form, period - you cannot compromise form for speed or anything else. Period.
I can make 10 pushups harder than a 100. Period.
Its about form over all, period, true, sometimes during long hard workouts form might be a bit compromised, but you work at it so it's not.
You don't think "I'm still getting a workout in anyway".
I mean, trust me, the littlest details matter.
While doing table pushups, if you do it right, you'll feel areas like the BASE of your neck stretch and strengthen beyond belief.
You might laugh at me for saying it.
But, DO them in right form, you'll see.
The arms in that case are just support in a static manner, the body does the work, and the neck "goes along" if you do it right (and you get rid of turkey neck too for those that have it or dumbphone "Hunchback of DumbPhone Dame" syndrone.
Dumbphone dames, ugh - I have LOST TRACK of the number of times dames have almost bumped into me - so busy are they on their dumbphones.
Of course, it's Rahul's fault these Bozos and fools can't look away for their phones for a minute. Some men are equally cuplable here (Bozo Schofield being one prime example- nary a minute passes without him trolling some inanity on the phone). (when he has a phone, of course).
Back to Matt - I highly respect the guy for his accomplishments, and also think when it comes to pushups, he's a stud.
Or, he was at some point.
You can tell!
But you dont have to agree with someone on everything to respect them either.
And there are some areas I disagree with him, most notably all he says about pull-ups, and the fact you've never actually seen Matt, either back in the day or now do a single pull-up himself- its always Ed Baran who does 'em.
Thats fine if that works for Matt and his base - hey, its probably why he's putting out videos on pushups like I spoke about above.
Gotta do what a man's gotta do, gotta eat. Hehe.
But I truly hope Matt, if he ever reads this takes this as CONSTRUCTIVE criticism from someone that has always admired him and wished him the best mentally.
Those things transmute, I'm sure he will.
And hey, he's a legend. I credit him in 0 Excuses Fitness for one for bringing Hindu squats and pushups "to the masses". Credit where it's due. Respect! (amigo)
But writing books like "Primate Power", and chapters like "pullups that make your lats scream with pleasure", then not even doing them himself because he's out of shape, or maybe "too much spread around the midsection" (Furey admitted as much himself in an email, so it ain't me saying that) - not on for me.
If I write a book, I want to be the one doing the exercies, workouts, period.
Not saying you cannot teach without doing yourself, you can, but you only impart a quarter of the benefit if even that to the student in that manner.
My base - and me - demand - and aren't satisfied with anything other and less than me giving it to you straight, brutally frank and honest. I would't tolerate anything less from YOU Either!
As Iron Mike said ...
Ah, but anyway.
Do pushups right, or don't do them, period.
Plus, how much do you ever hear from the so called gurus on BREATHING right during the exercise?
Big mistake, you're robbing yourself of most of the benefit of any exercise if you don't focus on your breath.
Your breath is indeed your power, many an old time strongman has said it.
I'll quote John again on this one: -
With regard to numbers, it is not the numbers that are important it is how hard you are working that really counts, yes high numbers are great for the ego but you have to wonder how many of those ultra high numbers are quality reps.
If you've ever seen some of those Navy Seal training films on t. v. you'll soon realise that it doesn't take long for the form to breakdown and the recruits form just goes from bad to worse until the exercise they're supposed to be performing is totally unrecognisable.
From my own personal perspective I only count the reps I know were completed correctly and with good form, this is not to suggest that other people don't but it does give one pause for thought.
I cannot abide watching someone performing a exercise sloppily it makes me want to slap them and tell them to do the thing properly or don't bother doing it at all.
What is the point of performing exercises in a half-arsed manner, you get nothing from it and you open yourself up to injury, the trouble is these days so few people actually know what good form should look like that people just accept that what is being demonstrated is how it's supposed to be performed.
Yes Sir - my point exactly!
Hey John
Well, you and I are on the same page in terms of doing exercises in proper FORM with the right breathing as well - especially pushups, as that (as you've no doubt read in my books) tends to be the exercise which lends itself most to chest thumpers and braggarts - I hate the way many people do them as well, "bouncing up and down" (I know you know what I mean there). Truth be told, I've been called "anal" by some because I constantly (according to some of my detractors, as you know there are plenty) "carp on form", but Id rather be anal on form and do it right or not at all as opposed to sloppy (but given how lazy the world has become in general "shying away from the tough stuff" it doesn't surprise me, the number of people slopping their way through reps just for the "rep count").
Anyway ...............
I dont know, but here's something else.
How often do you see people calling exercise TRAINING - or practice?
My martial arts teacher back in the day would always use the term "practice", he's right.
That is what makes perfect.
"I fear not the man who practises 10,000 kicks one time, but I do fear the man that practises ONE kick 10,000 times".
Bruce Lee!
You TRAIN the body - and the mind to adapt, improve, and overcome through your physical exercises, martial artists, Marines, Navy Seals etc know this better than most.
You PRACTICE until you get good, damn good at what you do, and you never stop learning ...
I know.
I'm anal about all this.
(And it tiesinto the reason most people call my books "books" - and not "manuals".
I have spoken about this before. They're manuals with illustrations, and examples - and instructions, both in the written word and pictorially.
They turn you into a beast, a machine.
Much as you wouldn't call an instruction manual for opening a car engine up "book", same thing for my books that literally "open you up from the inside out"). (no pun intended))
But I will continue to be till the day I die.
Because I'm RIGHT, and I know it. Hehe. (I got that from my buddy in the Marines once, we were discussing something and he told me something, I said you're right, Vincent, pat came the rejoinder, I KNOW I Am, Rahu!).
Enough said?
Back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
The perfect "T inducing, fever banishing" - workout!
I've been writing about how I've been a bit sick - well, more than a bit - over the past few days.
And how I didnt let it stop my training - even for one day.
Maybe I went light yesterday - I did (50 pushups is super light for "Mr Ironman that routinely kills it").
(still too much for a lot of you reading this, I know!) ... but I did SOMETHING.
That thing about committment, that thing about ... ACCOUNTABILITY, if just to myself.
I long ago made a promise to myself that come rain, hell, high water or shine, I'd train everyday, if even for a second or so.
If all I could do was isometrics, I'd do it.
If all I could do due to health or some other issue was a gentle walk - I'd do it.
And so I did yesterday, 50 pushups. That was IT.
The fever and chills returned at night.
They may or may not again tonight, I dont know.
What I Do know is this I've been working all morning, yet, workouts were at the top, forefront, and back of my mind.
I gotta do some pushups, the thought kept popping into my head!
As I was laying the foundation for other big - nay, HUGE things to happen - I'll keep y'all posted when they do, I did 2 pushups.
Thats all.
But the shoulders are still sore and hurting like someone took a hammer to them.
So I thought.
I walked over to the chinning bar, thought I'd do a dead hang and thats that.
No big deal, eh.
I pumped out 5 pull-ups before I knew it!
And from that point on, it was GO - until now.
Now, 300 Hindu squats and 50 pull-ups might seem undoable to a lot of you.
And for me, it's not a lot actually to be honest.
But it's still a workout, even if you do the squats like I did in sets of 100 insead of 150 as I normally would have, and the pushups in sets of 5 evenly, instead of 3, 7, 8 and so forth.
And it's the perfect T boosting workout.
I figured I need all the T I can get to get rid of this nasty crap virus for one.
And two of the exercises that get the lungs pumping, muscles working, and T ZOOMING through your whole body - well, pull-ups and squats.
There's other great ones, of cours,e including handstand pushups, but nothing quite beats the squat/pull-up combo, and those that have done it will attest to the sheer efficacy and lung buster and feel good nature of these workouts.
Now, the exercise that REALLY gets t pumping - and everything going - and builds muscle like there's no tomorrow, fries fat off your body like nothing else out there?
I wish I could have done it today!
But I'm not qute THAT crazy - as yet. Hehe.
Time's young though!
But sprints, my friend, the way I described in Advanced Hill Training take the above effect - and AMP it up by a factor like 10 or more.
And if I had to choose ONE exercise - but you gotta do it right, and most folks don't - that really burns fat and builds muscle like there's no tomorrow, it's this one.
Get the course above, and get cranking on them NOW.
Rahul Mookerjee