Monday, 02 January 2023 17:15

The plight of the unheard, long suffering, much ignored "daddies" ...

Pun NOT even intended, to be honest - hehe - in fact this might well extend to "daddies" in that regard too if you get my drift. 

But before you wonder what exactly I'm on about now - though those in the know already "know" - let me preface with a bit of history with my daughter's Whatsapp school group. 

This group is one in which the most inane of issues are discussed, usually by women, and of course if you know how kids are these days, it's the polar opposite from when we were growing up, so the group is usually jampacked with mothers discussing which kid forgot which HW, which kid fought with which, and so forth. 

"In our day we simply headed off to the woods to play!" 

I remember Alan Murray saying that in a sage manner at Balboa School ... hehe. 

I agree with him. 

The unsaid part was the extreme mollycoddling these days, NOT good at all for kids - and it shows - both physically and in their mental and physical health as well. My daughter for one seems to have picked up this indigestion problem and a hacking cough from shoving too much junk down the gullet and very little real exercise unfortunately (Kiddie Fitness days seem to have been put on the backburner - more on this below!) ... 

Anyway, this group - any time there is any real issue that requires someone to speak up, of course, no-one wants to be as Uncle Bob once put it "the nail that sticks out the most also gets hammered the most". 

When my daughter was being bullied at school beyond a limit, other than telling her to smack the dude one (and she did with me standing right there and so was dudes Dad) - I also posted a brief paragraph in the whatsapp group - brief by my standards in hindsight. 

The silence in that group, it was like a Russian bomb fell on it or something. ... 

Everyone agreed with what I said. 

No-one had the balls to say it publicly or even agree in public which I thought was pathetic, but liberals these days - well - thats how they are. 

More recently, and I believe I wrote about this to the list - mothers were complaining about their kids having to do "more physical activity" in school (two extra days of dance or something, which to me was an excellent thing, the kids needed it BADLY). 

Of course, the complaints started from the kids, then in the group, and I posted I was personally HAPPY this was going on, with all the other rot in the school and the sorry excuse that passes for "education" these days - at least their health is improving, albeit temporarily. 

That was the gist of it, I was far more polite and verbose (yes, I can be very formal when I need to be!). 

(because if I wasn't some idiot teacher would no doubt find a way to take it out on my daughter). 

Pindrop silence again. 

My wife, who often says "these people's food doesnt digest without a good fight in the group" said that night "you're taking the Mickey out of them" (in Hindi). 



I was stating a fact, and an obvious one at that, and it goes to show how far society has fallen and how damned pathetic people have become in general when such facts are greeted with stoic silence and "oh my God, what did he just SAY!". 

Two ladies agreed. 

I'm sure more did too. 

One added me on whats app and then pretended "I did that by mistake". 

Right, my dear, that New Year's greeting I got was by mistake too? 

And that brings me to the central point of this. 

New Year's greetings were being passed around the group, but for some reason, all I saw repeatedly was "Happy New Year to all the mommies" and kids saying it to each other ... 

This happened thrice before I just had to chime in - I thought twice before doing it, but instinct took over. you know me!

I quoted a lady, and responded thus - 

"And the poor, much ignored daddies too" ... 

I suffixed that with several smiling emoticons, given all the females in that group. They love 'em! 

All females love emoticons. Hehe. 

And sure enough, pin drop silence again as if to say "thats truly the bottom line" has been said, and then ... 

A couple of the ladies giggled and said "good one". 

More likely agreed. 

One reason they dont talk a lot to me is the language barrier, I suppose, but more than that - its the fact I THINK Differently and they can tell. 

Its also the whole "he's from the US, who does he think he is!" nonsense people have in their minds .... 

But either way - point and why I said this - well, it's true. 

When was the last time you saw a Dad get wished on Father's Day - or on his birthday - without strings attached? 

When was the last time women actually spoke to a man without money being involved or "I need this or that". 

I could potentially die tomorrow, and my "family" would probably just shrug and say "we dont know what happened" - thats how dysfunctional it is these days - and it ain't just my family either. 

And whats most aggravating, these damned women spoil the kids's health - their mental state - all for their own petty purposes. Hell, my daughter and I used to to go the park, for Granny "thats not good" - and for Mommy "she shouldn't take videos out there to benefit YOU!"

Its utter BS, like I need someone to take videos anyway - that was done to benefit my daughter, give her some skills other than sitting in front of the blasted dumbphone all day, and as a bonus we'd do Kiddie Fitness together, she NEVER had any health issues like she does now, yet, trying to reason with these blockheaded women is like banging one's head against the vault in Fort Knox. 


Didnt you know, they are women, so they can get away with bloody murder and you can't do squat about it. 

Women, my friend, and the liberal Bozo men that enable them have literally turned men into expendable sticks of meat to be roasted, grilled, BBQ'ed and shat out later. 

Even "sugar daddies" face the same thing - lol - they wouldn't be called that without cash i.e "human ATM".

And men love it apparently - the vast majority of buffoons out there. 

No, not ALL Women are like that - but the vast majority are. 

The only ones I know that are NOT of that bent of mind are usually Republican too - just sayin ... 

It's always been this way with women, my friend. Bottom line tho - the reason society wasn't this dysfunctional before is MEN were real men back in the day, and wouldn't ever put up with a lot of the shit that men take for "reality" these days.

No, not all those women in the group are Nazi feminists, but good part - I'd benefit if they were. Hehe. 

Point is this, there are still a few real men out there like yours truly who dont believe in this crap, who believe in true equality, goose and gander and so forth ... 

And deep down inside, most of the liberal men know what I am saying is true too. 

And if YOU want to break free of the Nazi feminist shackles, and not only benefit from it - but PROFIT from it at the highest levels possible - well - crack open my course on doing so NOW. 

Whining about it wont help (no-one cares about male problems or feelings, women, of course, the slightest little thing turns into a tsunami worth of global media attention apparently), neither will fighting it directly. Society's too far gone for that. Instead if you can't beat 'em - join 'em - to WIN against them in the only manner possible - but its a GRAND manner indeed - and YOU will have the last laugh ... 

I know lots of men feel this way, but wont speak up - change that - but do so i.e. speak up in the right manner, and at the right place/time, but dont ignore how you feel. The more men that jump onto the bandwagon, the better it is not just for men, but society in general. 

Never accept second place or being relegated to little less than a human cash cow or something to that effect - if you're a real man, that is - and there's precious few of us remaining out there. 

GET the course now, implement, win, and laugh all the way to the bank (especially tip #26 in the book! - so sage it's #26...).

And thats that. 

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS - Be sure to check out the related - somewhat - in general - video I did on this at the bottom of this page. Lots more to come in this regard; stay tuned. 
