Sunday, 01 September 2013 08:03

All that pent up anger

Was working out today in the local park, practicing some one arm hangs, and trying to hold a one arm flexed hang for time. Great, great workout for the entire upper body - especially the forearms, fingers and wrist - and when you can perform this hold for time, you're REALLY getting somewhere.

But, today's note isn't really about exercise alone - it's more about the sort of lifestyle folks lead in today's world, especially those that live in congested, polluted and dirty large cities.

What do I mean by that? Well, let me backtrack a bit. . .

I was moving through my sets pretty smoothly, when I heard an overweight old man "hollering" in the background. Turned around from the monkey bars, and saw that he was endeavoring to get the attention of another guy that lived in the house next to the park. Was raising Cain while at it, as well.

Why, you ask? Well, apparently he had parked his vehicle in the other guy's parking spot, and the other guy took it upon himself to promptly deflate the first guy's tires.

Now, just so you know, I'm currently living in an area where the folks are (by and large) fat, overweight, slovenly - and - yes, you guessed it - stinking rich for the most part, so it's one of those areas where there's more cars than people. Parking space is at a premium, and fights break out often in this so called "upscale" area of the city regularly over parking.

Anyhow, so the first guy was screaming like a banshee at the top of his lungs, and you could see his stomach and chest fat bobbing up and down as he gesticulated wildly.

The other guy came out - and did pretty much the same thing, except he was OBESE - this guy looked like an oversized egg to be honest. A waistline that wouldn't fit into even the most roomy of Victorian sofas, a backside bigger than the moon it seemed, and topped off with flabby arms and chest that resisted even the slightest sort of movement. Reminded me of a beached whale - and NOT in a good way either.

Anyway, these two fine gladiators stood there calling each other names, and the obese guy seemed to be getting the worst of the argument - until he called in his plumper than plump "young" son to support him, at which point the tables were turned - apparently there's strength in numbers, hehe.

And the pent up ANGER these two had - wow. You gotta hear it to believe it, but you'd think that the two had murdered each other families in cold blood by the way they were going on. Geez, simply ask the other guy to move his vehicle, and be done with it. . . apparently they dont think that way though.

They were threatening to beat each other up, but what was really hilarious though that NONE of them were in any sort of shape to do even a single pushup, much less get into a fist fight with each other. Would sort of be like a couple of fat ducks waddling around angrily, each poking their beaks at each other and little else.

Now, think how much better it would be for these two super-sized tubs of lard to actually channel some of that anger into something positive - like maybe some tough exercises? Like, maybe WALK a little instead of depending on the car that much? Maybe use the subway once in a while, and take the stairs while at it? I guarantee you that they'd be better off physically for it - and would actually be in some sort of shape to engage in hand to hand "combat" if there ever was a real need.

And while more activity will whoop your butt into better shape for sure, you'll also FEEL better for it - no better way to release some of that pent up anger and frustration by trying to get yourself into better shape.

So the next time you feel like kicking someone's face in for something relatively harmless, resist the urge - and try a hard set of pushups instead. Go for a brief jog, climb some stairs, heck, do some jumping jacks if you must - just whatever gets you going. And THEN come back and re-evaluate the situation - I bet you'll be a lot calmer and feel a lot better while doing so.

Of course, I realize this advice will slide off most folks like water off a duck's back, hehe, and thats fine by me. But, if you ever feel your emotions getting the better of you - just TRY what I just suggested - and then get back to me on how you feel - I look forward to your feedback!

All for now - back soon!

Best Regards,

P.S: - If your looking for ways to blast that lard right off your mid-section, but don't know how to - well, fear not - you can whack that lard right off with the exercises I teach in Fast and Furious Fitness: -