Sunday, 18 July 2021 03:19

Why I'm indeed UNIQUELY QUALIFIED to bring you what I do about Nazi feminism!

And why I am indeed uniquely qualified to talk to you about freedom, and my almost fanatical quest to promote the concept of personal freedom and liberty above ALL - and support those that promote it - and truth be told, given the way the loony radical liberal left is spreading their control tactics globally, there are precious few of us left!

We're indeed torchbearers. And so we shall continue to be. 

People as a whole are tired - and people are SICK of the madness. People want NORMLACY. A calm life. Peace! 


Anyway, one reason is - growing up - some of what you would consider to be basic freedoms were severely curtailed for yours truly growing up - on the whims of, of course, my nazi feminist mother. 

I mean, who in their right minds wakes their kids up at 7 am on Sunday mornings of all things "to go play tennis in the blazing heat - around 930 AM -1130 AM, almost the hottest part of the day in India summers for that matter!"  when those same kids would like to relax and enjoy their Sunday - do what THEY please - I still remember complaining about not being able to watch my favorite war shows due to that madness, and my "white knight" father hollering at me in the car "how dare I". 

True, Dad, you were right in that I had a talenf for tennis and swimming. 

But did it ever occur to you that maybe what I wanted was what I'd really excel in

I could be - and am talented in probably way more sports than just tennis. 

But just beause Mom wants to put on the "upper society" face "we play tennis, look at US, the educated middle class!" (back then in India tennis was the preserve of the elite. It still is, to be frank!) ... doesn't mean I need to play along, no? 

What I wanted was to be one of the boys playing soccer. 

Of course, that never happened. 

"He thinks he's so strong!" 

Of course, how dare I be the alpha male, eh. 

But let's take swimming - something which is one of my favorite things to do. 

If I truly had talent, and you wanted me to "excel", then you sure didnt show it much via your actions, Dad. 

Dumping me in a crowded, packed pool on Sunday evening "because Mom wanted to go then" doesn't exactly inspire confidence. That pool was so packed you could barely swim an inch in it, let alone laps... 

Think about this though Dad. 

In the Kolkata summers, I'd wake up - on MY OWN - with NO CAJOLING - at 430 AM in the mornings. 

Think about it. 

Rahul Mookerjee, the caveman, early int he morning!

But I did it. 


Because my grandfather never forced me to do it. He never shoute dup a storm at me. 

Most importantly, I enjoyed the swim!

I enjoyed swimming in the pool - the wild lake - all of it!

Hell, even my cousins wouldn't wake up at that ungodly hour. I still remember my Aunt saying "not today" sleepily from the balcony because it was too early. 

At least she cared for what her son thought. Hehe. 

Paradoxically, of course, my younger cousin would show up. 

Not surprisingly, my Mom hated that younger cousin. 

"He sits at home!" I can still hear it. Hehe. 

He never goes anywhere! He's always SITTING A THOME!

Poor guy was just going to college, Mom. What else would he do BUT sit at home after college? 

(and not like his sitting at home impacted YOU - he was in a room - my room - thats all!)

Of course, if he'd go out drinking etc that would be an issue too 

How dare he enjoy life. How dare any man. How dare anyone!

Anyway, this lunacy persisted ... till adulthood. 

Till now, of course. 

t's truly the SCOURGE that needs to be PURGED, my friend. 

Part of it of course is the idiotic and inane "power competion": and "we have more money than YOU!" drama (while furiously trying to find out how much money you have, hehe - and checking your parcels - trying to figure out whether it's bank cards or credit cards you're getting in the mail) that is common to control freak Nazi feminist morons. 

When I bought my wife a dishwasher, my mom pestered me up and down for days because apparently "it was a big investment". 

I was 30 years old. 

Like Mommy, I can figure out my own damn finances without your meddling - without so called input from a person thats never earned a dime in her life. 

Apparently the logic on that one was "This is India! We hire maids - annoying ones at that that show up at 6 in the morning to clang utensils loudly and never piss off when they're done" etc etc. 

Then of course, when I installed satellite TV instead of the silly ass "cable tV" that was all the rage back then in India. 

(That was again for the wife - yours truly doesn't watch the boob tube, as you know - and that was during "happier days with the wife". Do I miss it? Sometimes, but given how it's turned out, nah - I dont miss it at all! I'd rather be the single dog!) 

Mom wept up a storm about "how her son doesnt listen to her". 


WTF ? 

Then of course, the crowning glory of all this -w hen a phat phock of a Doctor once told me not to swim and drink beer so "my liver could recover". 

It never did. 

Years later, it did - and how! (at the age of 36 plus, when most had given up on it - and indeed, me, hehe). 

And it happened by methods of my own choosing, not what some phat phock Doctor that didnt follow his own damned advice told me to do. 

And of course, Mommy went behind my back and cajoled him to write "no beer" on the prescription he handed me. 

He was almost embarassed writing that. 

I asked him politely just why he'd do such a stupid thing. 

"Your mother....: " 

His voice trailed off.

Given the area he works in (Nazi feminist Central hub) - he probably deals with a ton of these maniacs daily. 

But really, my friend. 

You can laugh, or you can curse when all this is happening to you - and I bet it has, or is, or will at some point. 

Unless you're lucky enough not to be dealing with Nazi feminists in some way, shape or form. If you are, great - I salute you!

But believe me, the best thing to do? 

Is to combat it - and WIN against it - take your freedom BACK - and of course PROFIT in ways these Bozos never thought possible. 

And no, with Nazi feminists, going out all guns blazing will backfire. 

Remember "they're women so they can get away with bloody murder", but if a man says something, he's automatically abusive. Hehe. 

Thats how it works, friend. 

But thats NOT how it was supposed to work - or SHOULD work. 

Goose and gander!

But since they wanna play it this way?

We'll play it OUR Way too , my friend. 

And the book on combating Nazi feminist behavior, and PROFITING IMMENSELY from that - well, it's 85% done, and I'm planning on having it out this coming week. Lets see how that goes, but I truly think thats the next one out!

For now, place your pre-orders HERE

(And for all those that have already placed a pre-order for Lumberjack "Lodestone" Fitness" - another book in the works - a huge, huge THANK YOU for your support! Thank you - we couldn't be doing all this without you! 

And for those that haven't, please place a pre-order now for the book - linked above). 

Remember - your support doesn't just count. It helps - and matters - a whole hell of a lot!

So thats something to digest. 

And I'll be back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee