Displaying items by tag: matt damon
My thoughts on Matt Damon
So I’ve written a LOT about the Bourne series, haven’t I?
The training montage, specifically, the pull-ups and the sprints (after which I actually modeled my own personal workout way back in 2018! ?).
Sprints make you feel like NO-ONE can harm you once you’re done my friend, and I don’t necessarily mean that muscle wise, I just mean the FEEL Good feeling.
And muscle wise, they build a ton of it as well!
Anyway, I believe those emails are how some of my MOST loyal customers (Charles Mitchell and Jason, you two are at the TOP of the list! ?) found me.
And with good reason, of course.
Now, I was watching a bit of the Bourne Supremacy this morning.
And I don’t know why, but the SPRINT – the ALL OUT SPRINT – and the accompanying music throughout the scenes was what was playing in my head since the morning since I woke up with that great, great feeling I wrote about on the other website.
Bourne running . . . for his life, quite literally!
Through crowded streeets, through chaotic roads (try tossing in a full out sprinter on a busy highway! ?) and the PULSATING, RESOUNDING music that accompanies it. No wonder The Bourne Supremacy is my favorite in the series! ?.
And anyway, as he runs, runs, and runs he sprints up a flight of subway stairs, much like I did back in 20016, except I did it with a heavy duty laptop slung on to me and office clothes, hehe.
And then he does what to me has ALWAYS STOOD OUT, if just for the sheer PHYSICALITY of it.
People talk about the Expendables etc when they talk muscle, and rightly so, but try doing what Bourne did in the movie.
NOT LITERALLY! Let me repeat that, not literally!
But try the equivalent of two subway trains rushing towards you FULL TILT post a sprint (right after it), and then you jumping onto the tracks and jumping OUT Of harm’s way in the NICK OF TIME! . . .
. . . and then doing the same on the adjoining platform before jumping off onto a damned barge of all things!
Boy oh boy. You gotta be in shape to do that, and that’s a magnificent plyometric if any. I’ve no idea if they used stunt doubles during the movie, but from what Damon said, they didn’t. Sure, the subway trains were probably put in there cinematically, but still, to even DO that ONCE, as opposed to twice . . . damn!
And that brings me to my central topic. Damon.
Damon is one of my favorite actors, and not just in the Bourne series, but overall – but yes, the Bourne series is how I got to see the guy the first time, and my favorite by far.
Now, here is where I will say something some might not quite agree with. sOme might call me a lunatic. Some might call me “wrong”. And so forth.
But (much like my buddy from the Marines! ? and anyone that truly IS IN THE KNOW does) I make snap judgements on most things my friend, and I’ve written about this before.
Ford, for one had the habit of reaching a final decision very quickly, an dchanging it slowly.
Doesn’t mean he didn’t put thought in before the decision was reached, but when it came time to make a decision, BAM!
And that’s how I get my initial impression of folks, either in person or online.
You either got it, or you don’t! You either HAVE a good vibe, or you don’t, and so forth.
And Damon (and by the way, I have NO idea what the man’s politicial affiliations are) and myself might not see eye to eye on everything, especially (I suspect!) politics.
And no, I could care less about the supposed Ben Affleck thing (I don’t know much about it; that’s another thing about yours truly - - I try to steer far, far away from gossip in all regards, especially celeb gossip).
That don’t mean I don’t study how the celebs became who they are NOW, my friend.
And it doesn’t mean I don’t cut past the BS and see them for a PERSON, and the OVERALL DEAL.
And overall, Damon’s a solid dude, the BEST fit for the Bourne series by far, and a damned good actor.
And a damned fit guy when he has to!
They talked about how they got him in shape for the Bourne series(and especially the last one, where he was almost 40 I believe. Or 45, perhaps).
Running up hills. 11 km runs a day! I can relate, hehe.
Pull-ups galore (Damon couldn’t do a single pull-up when he started, and got up to 31 in a set!).
Heavy bag work, and a lot of it.
And a decent diet without being over cautious about it.
All in all, fitness wise, Bourne aka Damon wouldn’t be a bad person to learn from at all (and neither would his trainer most likely, hehe).
And on that note, I’m out. Those are my thoughts. Write back and let me know what yours are if you so would!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Yours truly makes for a damn good trainer too (I know, I know). But I CAN put you through your paces like NO-ONE else ever has! To find out if you truly do “got it” – apply right HERE.