Saturday, 15 February 2025 03:20

Iron Pants, the Cuck mentality and pissed off taxpayers and more....

Geez, where do we even start. I had 463 words typed out on this one before the goddamn thing crashed and here I am, typing it all out again. 

Might have to do a few saves through the process...

First off, this site hasn't been updated in a while yes. But I've been wanting to do it for a long time but haven't gotten around to it. We got the email lists etc migrated over to the other site - lots going on there! - so this hasn't been updated for a while. But today , as I heard a Bird chirping outside my window after my.companion of the night - the lovely maid I was with - left - turned on the coffee first though - I figured this would be the day. 

Where do we start, even. 

So much to say! 

First off, the pissed off taxpayer thing ...

A lot of you people know about Dongguan Expat - Major General Michael, Rahul and Uncle Bob - and another guy I won't name here. The last two didn't really do much so it was basically us first two. 

Visionaries and pioneers we were even back then before the age of dumbphones. 

Ann Lee showed up. The stories! 

Anyway, site went from him to me to back to him and then finally the last guy who probably did the very least to deserve it. That's how it goes though. Sometimes you just gotta stick things out. He did! 

I remember making a fiery comment on the Israel Gaza situation back then and Uncle Bob responding even more furiously or equally. Hehe. 

Now for what it's worth I don't support Hamas. But then , even considering the fact that YES you must STAMP out the enemy, give them no chance to recover, given that's how to deal with terrorists (but who branded them as such - plus with the 1914 Balfour chaos - one mens terrorist is another man's freedom fighter like with the Indian independence struggle) but whats happening and was even back then is a genocide. Simple. 

Gaza has been leveled. Was even back then.

The scale of Israel's response was way disproportionate and targeted civilians over all practically speaking. My question - with all their advanced intelligence - couldn't they simply root Hamas out "precision"? 

Noone likes to ask that question. 

I do. 

I get attacked for it. 

But it's true if you think about it. 


Major General Michael later explained the Bob response to me (not that I needed explaining haha) by saying "he's just a pissed off taxpayer and so am I". 

Michael like myself never paid any taxes, hehe. Bob did though ?. 

Back to the present ... 

Standing out there last night smoking - chain smoking - yes, and I'm in supremely 100 x better shape than all you fat masked retards, lol - one meal a day, caffienated - nicotine - the ticket! ... This lady with a cucked husband walking BEHIND her shows up. 


Lady was a smoking hot middle aged cougar. I could tell the dynamic between them instantly. I mean, why the hell would a man walk behind a woman?

Its one thing to do the "ladies first ' thing. I'm such a gentleman I do it with my maids too but they still tell me to go first. Hehe. 

Watch Trump and Melania go somewhere.

You'll always see the Trumpinator STRIDING ahead in front of her. 


Lady wanted to talk to me. The excuse being to ask directions. Happens so often. I did too. 

But I kept walking away. . . 

. . . She kept unconsciously following me. 

Women. Hehe. Especially the hot frustrated feminists. 

They ALL want the real men. Vibe! 

Reminds me of Venus a couple of years ago who despite me literally forgetting about her as I was drinking beer made her cucked policeman husband drive her to my apartment.

I didn't even know it, lol. 

She tells me the next day when I wake up...

Anyway. What's all this got to do with Iron pants and cuck? 

Well, they go together. 

So do liberals. 

And birds. Hehe. 

Ben Bird Especially. 

Let's do a very quick logical breakdown of this idiot. I'll put in all the other links later. 

(I have now)

1. He joined us in 2022. His application actually ended up in spam initially before I found it 6 months later. 

2. Seemed ok, was very happy with everything I did and how I did it, writing style, sense of humor , all of it. I didn't really know the guy and his site isn't even a real site but I thought I'd give it a chance. 

3. He wanted free copies of my books. Got the hackles up. No way pal. 

4. Couldn't sell anything. Sent me a long rant "out of the blue" which made me think he was on the rag basically "like wtf???"

5. Got fired. I did a post on him and then forgot about him. 

6. Ah, but noone forgets about ME. I'm the guy, like with Trump etc they all love to publicly hate and privately obsess over. They'll never admit this of course but the facts speak. 

7. He spread lies like a lot of others tried to about my books despite never reading , beyond free previews, one single one of them. I ignored it. Blocked him on all social media etc.

He is basically extremely pissed I make a lot of money. He doesn't. If I simply made all this free he'd never say what he is. 

But then I ain't exactly running no charities here, boy. 

8. But after Elon changed the block rule on X to where people can see what you're posting and even participate in discussions you're a part of - he took full advantage. He knows fully well I am at a level.he can never ascend to. His station in life is truly, as detailed on the site "beneath my feet". But he tries to show he can anyway. 

So like with celebs etc. I don't know why but I attract this disproportionate amount of attention in real life, online anywhere. Ben Bird knows this. Everyone does. All my family does. Despite publicly claiming the opposite I'm the one ALWAYS on everyone's minds. Especially the feminist women. Hehe. My family is extremely matriarchal. All the men bowed down to it. Except yours truly haha. 

So he jumps into every thread I do, not so much to whine about me but to get more Free ATTENTION and "eyeballs" off which he unfortunately cannot do elsewhere. Ultimately meaningless. I said it when noone else would - these large accounts on Twitter etc. They get no engagement. My account gets more engagement, which is the real metric - not follower counts which are mostly meaningless except if those accounts get any actual engagement. 

4 quarters over the 100 pennies. 

Ben is still broke, lives on a woman that controls him to the T and is extremely frustrated at not being man enough to lose weight and do pull-ups. 

Promotes fitness yet is fat = hypocrital stance "I have a different body type" - no, you idiot. Fat is fat. And the mirror confirms it. Fancy camera angles, chin tilted upwards etc don't prove otherwise. Neither does pulling your stomach in. Clearly evident. 

Everyone can ultimately see through his Hypocrisy. Meaningless harmful supplements that have literally put folks in the hospital. 

So he makes zero money and is desperate. 

You know what - i taught him everything he knows.

And this is what, like I said on the other site, pisses me off the most. These ass wipes learn for FREE. All my insights,.my brilliant mind etc - they want to pick it for free, giving me NOTHING in return. 

At least acknowledge where the info came from. 


I wrote about this the other day. 


A cuck needs Iron Pants to "lead". 

But she can't earn. 

She just takes the cucks money. 

And runs around with guys like me on it. 

When there's a logical point to be discussed, Iron Pants will make nasty meaningless comments to the men "because she's a woman". 

Cuck will jump in when she can't debate logically. But they will never cross a line. They know they'll get whacked. 

But like Charles, a friend once said about women "they know you won't smack them"

So they run their mouths even more and the cucks enable it. 

These women would be less than zero without the men enabling their feminist venom. 

And to deal with them, you have to deal in a Hannibal Lecter like manner. 

I call them all Clarisse. Heh. They're all mine anyway ultimately and they know it. 

So essentially you're, like Trump recently said, not debating one person. You're debating a fucking gang. 


And liberals in general are just that. 

And that's exactly what Ben Birds current status is. 

He's literally jumping on every thread I comment , posting his fat picture and claiming "I'm here to take the heat for his bullshit". 

He doesn't need to. 

But he does it anyway. 

Ask him WHY. 

You know what. 

He won't be able to answer beyond lies and being a white knight that makes no money. 

Neither will Iron Pants but they'll do everything to deflect from the facts. 

You know why it's pointless debating with liberals? 

Since Hyena Kamala lost despite a rigged election, their tactics are simple - simply COPY what people like us say. Right down to our words. 

And mix those in with lies. 

So fact - Ben is clearly gay. 

Iron pants can't get none. 

Wants me. 

Can't get me. 

Cuck Bird can't get it up anyway so is frustrated 

So the cope - "you're gay". 

Or, "you're obsessing about him"

When even Ben Bird himself knows the real facts. The polar opposite. 

Cope central. 

But there's no logic behind the cope. None. 

Ask them - they will block you online. 

Only cowards that can't answer what I like to call the most beautiful word "why" in the English language (Trump likes tarriff, hehe) do that. 

I prove everything I say. Its all in plain sight. 

I double dog dare challenge anyone to prove me wrong. 

You cant. 

These idiots simply respond with non sequiturs like "who hurt you"? 

Or when you point facts out they just say the opposite. 

But the suns not blue. The sky is. 

His current Iron Pants mother, some liberal idiot atheist - all her followers, all of the birds - I could DESTROY you - together - in a logical debate. 

Like Marc the African Silverback Gorilla rightly said. 

"You'd tear them apart!"

And like slave Bird said 

"He goes straight for the jugular "

And I do, my friend,I do. 


I'll finish this off here. 

But wait, how could I without selling something haha. 

The two best sells I could offer you at this point? 

The 0 Excuses Fitness System

And my world class course, the only one of its kind out there -  How to not just combat, but benefit, PROFIT from the Nazi feminist PLAGUE afflicting society today - responsible for the current decay of society. 

The combo will turn you into a he man stud that every woman will publicly complain about. 

Every man will want your sexy X shape and women will lust over it. But you'll be roundly hated for your extreme fitness by the current GAY "it's ok to be fat" fitness philosophies out there. 

Hint - it's not. It never was. 

And you'll get them all in bed. ? 

And that's that. Time to put in the links now, geez ..

