Tuesday, 19 January 2021 13:28

Isometric and Flexibility Training - Truly the MISSING link in YOUR training thus far (most likely!)

I wrote the book on isometric training a few months ago. 

And while I did that, I noticed something strange - that a lot of the exercises that you do when doing isometrics are also great in terms of flexibility training. 

They aren't just great - they are NEEDED - and they perform both functions (especially some of the isometrics I show up w.r.t the LEGS and hamstrings). 

Trust me, this is one HUGE missing link in most people's training, even those that train "exclusively bodyweight". 

You've got guys out there for instance, that can bang out 50 pull-ups in perfect form easy peasy. 

They can hike hills all day. 

Perhaps wrestle for hours a day. 

But amidst all this hardcore stuff, they forgot the "yang". 

And not necessarily willingly so. Hey, I know. I've been there too. 

The yin and yang basically, and the gentle and FLEXIBLE soothes the effects from the HARD and brutal, while the latter complements the fomer too. 

Truly a symbiotic relationship, my friend. 

And I'm amazed I had not written a book on isometrics before my great customer (one of them - the numbers are LEGION!) prompted me to do the book on isometrics (I believe it was him). 

He made other requests too which are all in various stages of completion as we speak. 

Lots to do and I'm loving it! 

But really - isometrics were used by EVERY great strongman of yore, and there is a reason behind this (as I say on the sales page). 

And ANOTHER GREAT customer of mine from the UK, John, just got this very book (in paperback format) - and said the following (bear the above in mind while reading what THIS man had to say) - 



Of all the excellent training information that you've written about in your superb training books I truly believe that the information in this latest book is the missing link that ties all the other books together.

It is no exaggeration that this book is a must read for anyone who wishes for their body to function as an integrated unit and not just a collection of uncoordinated body parts.

People, in this book you will find the secret to how calisthenics athletes perform such impossible looking feats of strength. Brilliant work Rahul.

Warmest Regards

John Walker

And he said it better than ever before! 

YES, bodyweight exercises do connect the entire body - even if you dont do isometrics. 

BUT, and this is a huge BUT. 

Your TRUE strength comes from the inside out, and so does your vitality. 

And if you're thinking that strong muscles are the secret ALONE, you're sadly mistaken my friend. 

They're PART of the secret yes, but by NO MEANS the MAIN reason. 

The main reason behind your strength and improvement in your strength training levels etc is - get this - your TENDON and LIGAMENT strength!

The strongest muscles in the world will do nary a bit of good if the "back up" system is weak my friend. 

And many a wrestler will testify to this. 

So will the "reformed bench pressers" and boobybuilders who KNOW how easy and painful it is to tear ligament upon ligament while piling more and more weight onto the bar in an insane manner... 

To truly learn the secret behind REAL strength - - to do it the way the old timers did - grab the course on isometrics NOW

Write back - and let me know your thoughts!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS - John - thanks again for the great and kind words (and HONEST WORDS!). And folks - all of you - DO leave more honest reviews!