Was having a whale of a time exercising this morning. Fun, but at the same time, I was dripping sweat like no-one's business, and it was getting increasingly harder to finish the workout as I progressed. Funny how that works, huh? Fun - but tough as tough can get at the same time - contrary to popular modern opinion on workouts, the two do NOT have to be mutually exclusive - and those of you that train hard know exactly what I'm on about.
Anyway, it would have been easy to "go easy" on myself during the workout. I could lower myself that much less on a pushup, or I could use a bit of momentum to "cheat" on the rep, and get it done - and truth be told, I'd probably still have got a hell of a workout even by cheating a little.
But I didn't. I made sure I completed EACH rep in PICTURE PERFECT form, no matter how tough it was. No matter how hot I felt, no matter how my chest screamed and no matter how much I sweated. No, I completed each rep as it should be completed - in letter perfect form - and I can proudly say that I got a far better workout by doing that than if I had cheated my way through some of the tougher reps.
And therein lies a very important lesson that will not only make your workouts more productive, but will also build plenty of internal fortitude and mental strength. That being, to keep going no matter what. To keep going - and to keep going the RIGHT way - with no cheating allowed.
And it doesn't matter what your actual workout looks like. You can be doing 500 pushups or 50 - it all depends on how fit you are, and how hard you've been training; but no matter what it is, make sure you get it done. More importantly, make sure you get it done with proper form, concentration and focus. Stack on a few workouts like this one after the other, and you'll literally see (and feel) your body change before your eyes.
Yes, it wil be HARD. Yes, you'll feel like every ounce of strength and stamina is being drained from your body. Yes, you may feel like quitting halfway through a real tough set. But guess what - THIS type of training is what produces real gains.
So, if your doing pull-ups - you need to make your chin is over the bar on EVERY SINGLE rep, no matter how hard it might feel at the time - or the rep doesn't count. If your climbing a long and steep hill daily in hot, humid and sapping conditions like I did in China, you need to remind yourself that sapping weather doesn't mean you stop training, and doesn't allow you to train half-heartedly.
I could give you many more examples, but I think you get my drift.
Vim, vigor and gusto, my friend - and perfect form on EVERY rep.
Simple enough formula, but you'd be amazed the results this simple formula produces!
Best regards,
PS: I talk more about my daily hill climb in China, mental strength, and other important things in Fast and Furious Fitness - grab a copy NOW!