There isn't anything necessarily wrong with being on the other side of the spectrum either. The vast majority of the people in the world are just that, followers!
Hey, takes all types. And leaders would have no-one to lead without the followers.
Where would 0 Excuses be without the famous Ship for that matter. hehe.
(but it's true - no kidding there!).
Without a bunch of devoted, almost fanatical followers who will buy what you have to sell, who will promote you for free, even without trying to, give you glowing testimonials, hang on to your every word - well, all of that might sound a bit "cultish" and dictatorial or "fealty" to you.
Truth being told?
All successful businesses have droves of these people with them.
And all successfull businesses know how to sell to them.
It's funny, these days I keep reading about how "Trump doesnt own MAGA", or how GOP Primary Elections: Results Show Trump's MAGA Movement Isn't All About Him - Bloomberg - "it isn't all about Trump", and Trump isn't God, or so forth.
Funny part is they're marketing him without even trying to or wanting to. Hilarious!
I had to restrict myself to this on Twitter...
People truly GET it so LATE. Hehe. Thats why leaders remain leaders, and followers remain followers. Obviously he doesnt own the "brand", he said it like it is, exploited feeling like any canny marketer, myself most def. included should - all there is to it!
I can just hear ole Donald cackling away with that canny look ...
Trump never claimed to be God, or even believe in it. (or "him", or "her", or the concept).
Trump, I suspect would agree with me on Universal Energy and not believing in the concept of God.
And I dont know anywhere where he said he "owned" Maga, or trademarked it or what not...
It is simply people looking to profit off his name and popularity- which I always predicted would "vain" (hehe) to a degree given he was removed from Twitter (unfairly) - but more importantly - well, people have short memories.
If you were to ask him, and indeed, someone DID ask him - what if you dont win (in 2020).
Touchy subject I know that with the Trumpinator... but he simply replied "ok, so I'll do something else".
Which is what I'd expect from Trump i.e. an honest straight answer, and he gave it, and he's doing just that now i.e.
something else.
I've predicted for years the base would move on - it was common sense, no-one believed me.
Certain people like a certain Ricky still think "No-one can pull a crowd like Trump does!"
Not true, my friend.
Ron De Santis is one that can.
And if he were to do it, my man for the next Presidency, Mike Pompeo could probably pull the biggest group of them all that truly matter - the rational right.
And I dont mean the rabid sort either...
We attract as we are, my friend. This holds true no matter what.
Anyway .........
Ive predicted so many things years in advance (such as the major war fixing to happen which people still laugh at me when I mention it as if it "can't happen to them" except now it's a laugh which speaks "I wish I could avoid it, but I can't, so might as well pretend it doesnt exist" - nah, newsflash, folks sticking your head in the sand aint how its done - unless your Bozo "Cuck in London" Schofield (he's got pictures of himself trying to touch his fat little toes on Twitter, to show his "you know what". Ugh!) -- - things which people laugh at, say could never happen, yet, down the line they do.
Things that are basic common sense to me - spur of the moment - take people light years to even begin to grasp.
And that, my friend - if you've been paying attention is how you spot a leader in any field who cannot be kept down for long, and Trump remains one of them.
Yours truly does too, of course, I'm sure someday you'll have people complaining "hes not the God of pushups".
Or isometrics.
Or pull-ups.
Or what not/
I never claimed to, and am ultra - pun intended - liberal - in terms of giving credit, I probably give more than it's due, but whatever.
As Marc, the African Silverback Gorilla once said...
It comes back to me!
True dat, friend. We all get on the roundabout (Michael!).
Speaking of which that silly thing they've got going on about how guns should be restricted - glad to see that fail today!
And what goes around comes around, so yeah, I'm sure I'll have people at some point telling me that, and then I'll direct them to THIS post.
Alrighy, enough tom tomming for now.
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In all ways possible!
Rahul Mookerjee